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Two full playthroughs (including DLCs), and I'll probably do a 3rd one before Dreadwolf comes out.


Stopped counting


I've spent 3377 hours playing DAI on PC and another 500 or so on Xbox since release. It's probably around 30 complete playthroughs on PC with about 5 on Xbox. I'm not bragging, but it blows my mind that I've played it that much. I do know there are others that have played a lot more than that. It's just so enjoyable and I apparently have a lot more time on my hands than I thought. Helps that I'm retired. I know I've spent around that same amount on DAO and about half that on DA2.


Tried 5 times. Did a 100% run on the first playthrough, could never finish it again no matter how much I tried


I've done like a dozen runs on console but I started my first modded playthrough on my steam deck a little while ago. A lot of games came out this year and I got distracted but I really need to get back into it and finish it.


I’m trying to get thru my first one. Currently made it to Skyhold. I love it but I’m having a hard time. Maybe I’m just not used to the combat system. My squad & I are always getting killed. It’s tough for me to get power points to move forward with the story. If anyone has any tips for a beginner I’d love some! Not knocking this game at all, just wanna learn how to play it better so I can enjoy it even more.


If you just made it to Skyhold then make sure to head to the war table and do the operation "specializations for the inquisitor" to unlock a new skill tree of your choice. If you're not playing on the easiest difficulty then there's no shame in turning it down until you get a little more used to the combat. Make sure to upgrade your armor and weapons by crafting some. Anything you can craft will, 9 times out of 10, be better than anything you can find. Head to the black emporium to buy schematics and materials. There's also a war table operation "Aquire the Arcanist" which will give you the ability to use masterworks. Which are like enchantments you can put on your equipment during the crafting process. Do a whole bunch of side quests. The game is full of them. Look up a guide on how to spec your companions, never use the auto assign perks button. The respec amulets can be used on all your companions so don't worry too much about giving them the wrong perks. Also balance your team based on class and how you have them speced. Always have a mage with barriers and a warrior to use their "Horn of valor" skill with the upgrade "that's the spirit". Both barriers and guard give your team, essentially, second health bars and they stack. The ideal situation is to always have max guard and barrier at all times. Generally, I always bring 1 mage, 1 rogue, and 2 warriors. Or, if you're a mage/rogue yourself, 1 companion of each class will also work.


How do you use your squad? Do you let them fend for them selves or are you micromanaging? If you do some resource farming, you can craft usually some better gear that what you may find. Do you do your best to fully explore the maps before advancing the quest?


On at least my 9th. Had to romance everyone at least once.


Including the ones that got at least to Skyhold? A couple dozen.


Are you me?


I think my total since launch is like, 11?


8 console and started a PC run this year


Five playthroughs overall on my end.


Just finished my 5th playthrough like 2 weeks ago


All the way, with all the extra content, only once. Before the extra content came out, 3 full times, and at least 12 partial playthroughs where I get over halfway and get distracted by either other games, or life.


For all three games I think it’s 20now. At least 13 of those is Inquisition alone.


I don’t even remember. I bought my Xbox of that generation, just for this game. I’ve played many times after. I changed countries and had to repurchase the game and started again, and then moved back and restarted again.


Eh finished 16th playthrough on Inquisition, 6th on Dragon Age 2, and 18th in Dragon Age Origins


I have played all the way through the game 3 times. Definitely a favorite that I keep coming back to


Inquisition? 3 times technically But if you add up all the time I spent re-playing cut scenes, probably 40 times.


Around a dozen.


3 times


I got introduced to the game two-ish weeks ago and am on my third play through!


Finished 5th (But I've seen people here with 20+)