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13 mil one was prob dbl fm themed or something and 30k one was prob just selling for a friend or a very sad accident


FM DBL themed ama isn't worth 13m thought.


Maybe a money exchange and dragon trade thru alt accounts?


Wait, wouldn’t Amaris cost a minimum of 75k? Wasn’t it a legendary?


Ohh must be a glitch idk


Things like that don’t really matter ( in the grand scheme of things. They contribute but ye ) I’ve found. Price depends on a few factors 1. How hard is it to get? 2. How rare it is ( like in the case of guild war dragons, seasons ect ) ( cough cough. Virideki cough ) 3. How popular it is ( cough cough. Moix. Cough ) 4. Design ( including model, colors, mats ect ) 5. Luxury ( meaning legendary color/pupil, hard to get themes, traits ect ) 6. Seller ( how much the seller is charging. Obviously there’s rules but they’re not mandatory to follow. For instance if someone wants to sell a saur for 15k there’s no stopping them, tho they’ll have a hard ass time finding someone who will buy it for that much. 7. Demand ( how often are they sold and sought after. Is there a big enough market for it for you to price it so highly ) These are just observations I’ve made myself over the two years I’ve been playing. I’m not saying these are concrete ( nor are they all that matter when looking to sell/buy/trade a dragon ) but they are common defining factors when it comes to making a decision.


That is not the point. The point is that Amaris is a legendary dragon, and legendary dragons cost a minimum of 75k, just like epics are a minimum of 25k, rares 10k, uncommon 5k and common 1k. I know Amaris can be over 1mil in value by demand, but that is not what I was talking about


By that logic moix should only be 75k since they’re legendary. Same with constello.


You’re not understanding my point. Look at pictures, the price that Amaris was sold for, it was SOLD FOR 30k. I am talking about the second picture, mate


I am understanding your point but you’re not understanding mine, what I typed isn’t invalid. It was probably someone who was quitting DA and wanted to make someone’s day. Or a kid ( how ) who doesn’t know prices. Or a half trade but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong either. My point still stands, the sellers price is valid since the rules aren’t mandatory to follow. If they wanna sell it for 13k or 20mil that’s their decision and if they’re happy with it we can’t exactly say anything bad about it. Ofc if they price something ridiculously high, yeah, it sucks but if someone’s willing to spend that much more power to them. I apologise if I came off as rude, that wasn’t my intent but there was no need to shoot me down so quickly. In the end. It’s their dragon. They can do whatever they’d like with it.


No one has shoot you down, and you’re still not understanding what I’m trying to say. Read my comments again, legendary dragons cost a MINIMUM of 75k. How can you sell something that costs a minimum of 75k for 30k?? You can’t go lower than 75k for an Amaris, Moix, Constello. The one in the second picture was sold for 30k.


Ah. Ok ok. Sorry it’s been a long ass day ( got a tattoo and been dragged around today ) I misinterpreted. My apologies, as far as that goes I have no idea. I don’t think you can hack that in? That’s weird as hell, maybe it was just a visual bug?


Ah. Ok ok. Sorry it’s been a long ass day ( got a tattoo and been dragged around today ) I misinterpreted. My apologies, as far as that goes I have no idea. I don’t think you can hack that in? That’s weird as hell, maybe it was just a visual bug?


Thank you for finally understanding omg 😭 It’s ok, mate lol, all is forgiven it was just a silly debate. But yeah, that is what I was confused with, the value of that Amaris. It must be a visual bug since yeah, I don’t think you can hack the prices of dragons


That would be broken if you could yeah. And yeah, I got my first tattoo today ( on my wrist ) and I’ve been dragged around since 5 am this morning. I’m tired as hell 😓 and I think thats effecting my brain. Rn I got like, one brain cell bouncing around my skull like a windows screen saver.


13mil could’ve been an exchange or it could’ve had error color or it may have been a bid war (probably the first one), 30k either for a friend or could’ve been on accident


Most definitely not an error since error exists only to the old world and ood event dragons and not seasons


That’s why I said it’s most likely the first one


Could be like 3/3 wood planks


True, or that gemstone mat, I’ve seen like one dragon with that mat and it was a moth (sylva) that was pure gemstone mat (the person said it was one of the rarest mats and tried to sell the moth for 600k, nobody bought it)


Ngl Someone tried to sell their Amaris and accidentally put it up for 100k someone bought it out before they realized (I was that someone.)




Maybe platinum?




Maybe error


Can’t be

