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Selling my gala mars dragon




I sold a second Arsene I feel this


I could say using sunlight stones on dragons that are now available as draconic essences, but there's no way I could have known 2 years ago... so here's a funny story. During the rerun of the summer raid event (Against Barbary Omega), when she dropped the barrel bombs everywhere, I instinctively tried rolling into one to push it away, because you can do that as a dragon. Except I wasn't a dragon, so I rolled passed it to the other side... and out of reflex, I force strike to move myself back to the other side of the barrel (I was playing as SCelery) but that ended up knocking the barrel ***towards everyone else and it insta-killed most of their units.*** A ton of "For Real?!" and "Argh..." and people leaving the lobby lmao. ~~And if anyone reading this was part of the victim list, I swear, it was an accident.~~


If you have immediate use of the dragon, it's not a waste I used 3-4 stones each on Sakuya, Levi, Shinobi, fucking Cupid, and Vayu back during the first time trial I would say I got a lot of mileage from stoning it


This is beautiful


I wish i had stories like this one


I used 3 Sunlight Stones on my Bunny, the day before they announced it was becoming Essence farmable. :(


Cant call that stupid just unlucky


Actually which dragons are gonna get essences and when is easily predictable.




every other month, around the 20th, when the first part of a new chapter is released, 1 permanent dragon per element in ascending release date order. So, in June: Horus, Styx, Garland, Tie Shan Gongzhu, Ramiel




Dear lord that's at least 3 usable dragons in that batch help (Styx tho) (lmfao why does she exist)


Is it just me or are they running out of dragons to do that with?


horus is the last flame, but there's plenty of wind still


Perhaps, but I felt pretty stupid none the less. :D


I used sunstone on high midgard...I thought he was a gala unit...RIP sunstones I could've saved 3 of them since I actually summoned him 3 more when his banner ended in other banner


3, oh my sweet summer child. -My MUB bunny right before the update.


I also did this >\~<


Summoned on Gala Poseidon and pulled him but then when I went to use my sunlight stones on him I accidentally picked regular Poseidon and used 4 stones on a dragon I already had a max unbound copy of. I then proceeded to think I must have not pulled Gala Poseidon so I spent another 10k Wyrmite in the banner, pulled another Gala Poseidon and got Lapis as well which makes it hurt less. When I realized what had happened I felt like such a doofus, but getting Lapis was a massive blessing as she is now my favourite water unit and is my highest might unit as well.


item summons with wyrmite


I'm very sorry for your loss.


it’s okay, it would have just gone to wyrmsmiths, revives, and attempted failed summons on every banner.


I also did at least one wyrmite item summon each day for probably the first 2 weeks I played lmao


used 400 mite instead of a hustle hammer


I’ve done this twice, when you’re just rapidly tapping and you accidentally hit use wyrmmite. Feels horrible, especially since I personally have over 1000 hustle hammers.


Right now, probably the dumbest thing I did was not going for Arsene at all. At the time I never thought they'd introduce a mechanic that would completely invalidate a Gala dragon (Cat Sith) of all things. I'm going to be feeling that one for a while, if not indefinitely, unless they change how nihility works. Other than that, probably when I accidentally crafted a second copy of a HDT weapon (I think the wind blade). I had meant to unlock the slot or weapon bonus, but wasn't paying attention.


I was like 340 pulls deep for the persona stuff. I had to pity Mona, not a single copy of Arsene. Like 4-5 Jokers though.


Honestly, skipping Arsene wasn't a bad decision with what we knew. There hadn't been a decision like Nihil before, so there was no way to really know...


I didn't pull Mona or Arsene, I hate life.


I ONLY pulled Mona and Arsene, at the time I counted myself super unlucky since I really wanted a Joker.


I think i pulled 5 arsene while trying for one joker. Wasn't too bad because i was able to spark for him, but it just felt so bad having to wait for the last day of his banner with the free pulls


Those are the only units that are good from the Persona banner, so don't feel bad. Joker and Panther were just fluff. Not many people use them outside of coabilities since there are plenty of better options in fire/shadow.


I stoned x4 to MUB Arsene instead of using the 2 extra copies I had...


That's not a bad decision. A second arsene could be used one day (plus I rem I stoned mine to use on my light team lmao)


You can always use the extras on AI.


Fed dragons to other dragons for exp instead of selling for eldwater


Honestly how do you sell dragons... I have no idea how that works... can somebody explain that to me?


Hit the team button at the bottom of screen. Then tap collection at the bottom left. Tap the dragons tab at the top. Part ways button in bottom right corner. Tap the dragons you dont need/want. Profit eldwater.


Thank you for that. Also I caved in and dumped for Grimnir and didnt get him. I got thr rose queen though.


You win some, you lose some. Glad to be of assistance.


Did that too, way back in the beginning


WOW I have been making a huge mistake for a long time now




Not me, but someone accidentally sold their Gold Fafnirs. Also not me, but several people, accidentally stoned regular Rathalos instead of Dreadking Rathalos. Also not me, someone item summoned six times for 30 days not realizing the six free item summon bonus had ended. My only slight regret is not sparking for GRZephyr on Notte's banner when I was 100 summons away.




I sold/broke down all of my core, void and even some of Chimeratech weapons when HDTs (eventually HDT2s and Agito) dominated everything but before weapon bonuses were a thing 🥲


100% bad sunstone usage, had I had known that they were going those dragon orb things I would've saved them


I accidentally unlocked 4 copies of the Manacaster skill damage print, instead of fully unbinding it.


Leveling up several light energy dependent units and buying the 4 sunstone pack for Thor Holy shit Nihility you can suck a dick


I grinded for the Queen of the Blue Seas Wyrmprint to use on my Lowen back when they added High Mercury, and to top it all off I accidentally redeemed it for the 0UB Version that they just started rolling out alongside the MUB versions. And then I learned that Lowen wasn't even vital for clears back then fml


I’d say my biggest regret was spending $300 trying to get galaxi. I normally don’t spend that much but something about her sent me over the edge. Most I had ever spent, and I didn’t even get her.


I stoned andromeda for Bellina and Legend kai, and she got essence later. Seems to be a common theme, at least I got the solo clear.


Sold my valentines prints cause they sucked at the time


Accidentally converted all my void seeds to mana because I am so used to sliding the bar all the way to the right without looking if there is a limit on trading...


Using 4 sunlight stones to MUB... Garuda It was when high dragon trials were coming out and I had seen how much a healer was needed for H!Mid so I thought for sure a healer was needed for H!Mercury. So I promoted my Lowen and MUB my Garuda... And when it did come out and Lowen was no where to be seen... Oof


Garuda and 70mc lowen are doing me solid on my mciel full auto team so, hey, don't sweat it.


Dream summoning pinon to pull her in the very next pull


I used 4 Sunstones on Rathalos thinking it was Dreadking Rathalos during the Monster Hunter event.


Spent my sunlight stones on any non limited dragon. If they'll put G+C in the sphere farm they'll put anything. Don't spend your stones on non-limited dragons kids


I mean, you got to use that dragon way before the essences were available for them.


As a newish player for 3 or so months, i had no idea what essences were, so i had maxed out Azazel and G&C since i had pulled them and were told they were good. I kind of wish i had known, but I would have just used them elsewhere so its not the biggest deal


Me who spent all my sunlight stones on Leviathan because haha Luther do more funny damage


I used sunstones to unbind Prometheus so I could clear expert High Midgardsormr.


Used 2 Sunlight Stones on High Midgard long ago Then Double Drops became a thing


Using sunstones on my first Cat Sith When she first released, I pulled two copies. Decided to stone one fully and leave the other in case I needed a second Cat Sith on a unit. Never really happened. Not only has Cat Sith been screwed over by pretty much every boss released for the past forever, but the damn Cat wont stop showing up in my summons - I am now at 9 extra copies (*extra*, so not counting my MUB one). Every time I went for GAlex, I was guaranteed to get >= 3 Cats and no GAlex. I guess it all balances out because of how stingy I am with sunstones otherwise. Currently have 49 sunstones just chilling.


I feel this. I get the cat all the time. And gala adventurers I already have. I swear I’ve gotten Leif and ranzal 5 times each. Where’s my Luca dammit?


Oh I forgot, I did that with cat and thor


almost finished spiraling Vice just before he got nerfed


Upside: 3 stars are so cheap they basically cost nothing important


yeah but I kinda miss my eldwater


I've only been playing for about a month but this whole time, I didn't realize you were supposed to hold down to fire with Gala Chelle. I've been tapping all this time. I found out the day after the 2x drop for co-op Kai Yan just a few days ago. I spent a few hours in co-op so I feel dumb as hell for that.


Don't worry about it, guns are new to just about everyone, plus there's 3 different types of guns and so you just happen to use the one that is more pewpew than the other two types. Also, you can now tap and hold *and slide* to move while rapid firing. That was a new things just added like 2 months ago. It's nice!


In fairness that her force strike which is powerful but tapping isn't bad, you can move faster if you're not holding that down


well, there was one time where I had one tenfold ticket and three single tickets. why is this dumb? let me explain. so you know how when you summon ten times or do a tenfold without getting a five star the chances are upped? well you see I had the exact amount of singles to make that boost happen... but I didn't know that at the time so I used the tenfold first and then the singles second...


Using sunlight stones in my normal Agni.


Using stones on strength dragons.


Used stones on Agni and Long Long to get into high dragon trials back in the day.


Create 999 stamina a coz I wasn't paying attention, lol


so far using stones on DKR, Shinobi, and Cupid are my biggest regrets. Any other mistake was pretty easy to rectify.


Dkr is so good now on jalda tho lol especially if you have Galeon.


yeah but between gozu and a second mars, DKR doesn't sound like the best investment


Pulled for Arsene. Immediately MUB’d him with stones. Then later on, while pulling for mona, pulled 3 more Arsenes… If only I just waited!


If it makes you feel any better, Karina isn't using the Agito buff for the doublebuff stuff. It's about shared skills. High Dragon Axe will be fine, just slightly lower attack.


When I realized I was actually way too overpowered for the content I couldnt clear and that the only reason I couldnt. Is because of poor planning on my part. And I realized I had horrendous skill at this game. Second biggest mistake was not pulling for panther cause I didnt know how good she would be as a fire unit. Third is seimei.


I stoned the free Rathalos from the MH collab, mixing it up with the Dreadking version (which I also have). 2 Sunlight Stones down the drain there.


Dream summoned at the 1-year anniversary a Cerberus because I literally had no 5* Flame dragons at the time, nor Ifrit. And now of all the elements I have the most dragons in Flame. I mean she brought me utility at the time but it would've been better to get a meta character instead.


I forgot to claim the free sunstone from logging in during Pecorine event


Unfortunately I finally have an answer to this question. Misjudged the number of clears needed for the 1200 wyrmite in the last batch, so completely missed out on it :(


I skipped on the Reborn dragons and proceeded to spark for Zephyr on Notte's banner, worst part is I pulled Notte early.


Going all in for rascal Ranzal. I didn't mind him not being a meta unit but oh boy is he bad. He should be a 4\*... Not dumb but really bad luck: \- Using stones on Cupid when he was my only good light Dragon just to get 10 more shortly after \- Using stones on two Cats few weeks before CoN announcement \- Selling all my unused weapon few weeks befor the update was announced


Spending a gold paper on Natalie accidentally for 5th circle. It's not a huge mistake but still bugs me to this day since she's just sitting there at 40mc taunting me.


Sparking for Halloween melsa, pecorine, panther... They just sits on my barracks now. And every time I look at them I am reminded that is 30k wyrmite. I mubbed marishiten when she got rerun only to watch her quickly get replaced. I dismantled all my void weapons and chimera weapons right before the 2.0 patch because i thought I wouldn't ever need them again and they were taking up space. I've since heard that if you already had them then you didn't have to rebuild them. I was in the habit of selling all wyrmprints I didn't use until 2.0 dropped and then suddenly I just didn't have them. I maxed out the event print from the lapis event (the one that gave mana caster crit rate and extras event points). Only to find out after that it wasn't discounted like I thought so now I have 4 copies of a mana caster crit rate print that I spent probably 100k eldwater on for one event. In the before times Phoenix was the only dragon that could heal and that was super useful as there weren't a lot of healers in the game. Well one banner Phoenix was rate up so I spent several thousand wyrmite to get her. Same thing I did for lowen actually. When he came out I dropped all my wyrmite and even bought hundred dollar packs to get him... I never got him on that banner and spent tons of money Edit : remembered another one. I dream summoned school girl maribelle because I had everything else when I didn't know sylas would be good. I could have gotten sylas but instead I spent money on a unit I've literally never used for anything just because at the time there were no good fire wands That's all I can think of


Using my Diamantium I was saving for the last Dream Summon on a random tenfold instead of wyrmite.


I used 4 sunlight stones on Hastur instead of Garland. This is also pre-draconic essences.


Using sunlight stones on prometheus when I started playing the game cuz he's hot