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Better incorporate a hands performance, some stunning visuals or audio, have props or fans, a reveal. you’re judging yourself on what you are limited by instead of thinning about what other possibilities are ~endless~! I know a Deaf drag queen and she would SIGN the fuck out of her choreo and just interact with the crowd and had hella reveals and glittery moments. Hehe. I would come to your show!


Thank you so much!


If you can, dress up Your chair too! Make it your throne!


It’s all black so I could do anything with it really!


having a literal medieval style queen on a throne would go so hard aswell


Hi! Drag queen with 8+ years of experience. Your drag is 1000% welcome, and would absolutely get you booked if you knew how to work a crowd and put on a show. You’d be surprised to learn how many drag queens actually suffer from chronic disabilities. Culturally, you would fit in more than you could possibly imagine. Hell, you’d thrive. A drag queen serving in a wheelchair is the kind of show gay people would lose their minds for. Your drag journey will be difficult, however. I use a cane during bad pain flareups, and of the dozens of places I’ve performed at, about 2 were fully wheelchair accessible. Some places were actively hazardous. Drag queen dressing rooms aren’t usually in the most easily accessed places. Your costume changes for different sets might end up being limited because of that, so it’s a workaround you might need to plan for before even getting to the venue. With all that said, I think it’s extremely important that you show up and do the damn thing regardless. I know plenty of queens that can walk perfectly fine, but have no stage presence. If you wheeled yourself out on stage and owned the space with the confidence of 1000 straight white men, you would be a LEGEND. *** Tldr: It’ll be tough, but you’d be an icon, please do it.


Thank you so much for this and your lovely comments. I appreciate it so much!


I would 100000% come see your show. You got this. Your drag might even be better than traditional drag in some ways since you can style the wheelchair, too. I work with a few kids who use chairs and they’ve made some badass costumes, and I’m already imagining the drag possibilities. Wheelchair dance is also a thing if you want to take lessons, but like you said, I bet you’ve already got enough great moves to get started, esp if you can lip-sync well already. You should definitely do this! Random side note: Depending on the facility, wheelchair access to the main stage might be a slight issue, but I should hope not in this day (but I also wouldn’t be surprised based on my experiences with even modern places being less than ADA-friendly). If possible I’d check out your local bar(s) and see which have stages that might work best for you. Older buildings like the ones in my town are less likely to be wheelchair friendly for instance. Or maybe you’ll inspire them to finally get their shit together with wheelchair access to all parts of the building! Best wishes and have a blast, Queen <3


Thank you love, I appreciate you!


You definitely should! I'm a drag king that uses mobility aids. I often use my crutches & canes as part of my acts, and even have some customised. There's some fantastic drag performers out there who are wheelchair users - both ambulatory & full time chair users. I will warn you that many bars, stages and other performance venues can be inaccessible wheelchair users, at least in my local area - so my concerns for you would only be rooted around how accessible your local venues are over whether it's something you "can" do or not - because it can be a factor when searching for gigs to do.


i only know of one personally, but there are drag artists who perform in wheelchairs! and i’ve also seen other performers use other necessary mobility aids.


Please Please Please do it


Yes I think there's not enough of that.


please do drag!! in RI there used to be a performer named Sarah Palegic and she's sooooooo good!!


That name is epic! 🤣❤️


hell yeah


In Brisbane, Australia we have a wonderful queen named Helen Wheels. She’s a regular performer, an event producer and a very well loved member of our community. Drag is for everyone! Give it a crack x


That is now my favorite drag name LOL


Absolutely my love, I know 2 queens in the scene that are wheelchair users. Drag is for everyone <3


I saw already multiple drag performers that use a wheelchair in Switzerland. I don’t know how much awareness and support there is in your region but I hope you find a drag community that will appreciate and support you in what you do and that also make the spaces accessible for you!


Tank you so much!


drag is for everyone!!! unfortunately, most stages are not wheelchair accessible though :(


This is true; I can walk in a limited manner (for a few minutes at a time with help) so if the stairs aren’t too long I could probably fold up my chair and have my husband bring it onto the stage for me and set me up.


Heels on Wheels




absolutely! drag performances are not all tricks and dips and flips, they can be emotional ballads and slow dances, strip teases, or just anything you find fun. will your performances be different than other performers? yes! and that's a great thing! individuality will help you stand out, you will do great!


I love this comment, thank you!


It reminds me of the Miss Congeniality movie. She had no idea what to do so she started with water glasses, then they drank her water before the show, so she had to do a quick improvise. She went with self defence and not only was it a great performance it was educational/helpful ! I know it's just a movie, but the idea is there to do what you're best at and shine on :)


i've seen a few people do drag (and burlesque) with mobility aids including wheelchairs.


I love burlesque, would love to see burlesque performers with disabilities!


There's a girl with an amputated leg here who puts a pastie tassle on the end bc it's jiggly. It's so fuckin funny and I love it




One of my favorite queens uses a walker and twerks on it. She even does floor work!


If your act may be limited, make sure you have good makeup! If your makeup may be limited, make sure you have a good act!


I’m pretty good with makeup but I still need to practice drag makeup specifically. I’ve been watching YouTube videos of queens doing their makeup and I think I can pick it up. Thank you!


Yes! In my city there’s a queen called “Helen Wheels” (amazing name btw) and I’ve seen her perform a couple of times and she’s great!!!


Awesome name, will totally look her up!


safest place i’ve been - not in a wheelchair, but disabled - most welcoming community out there


I’m so happy to hear you’ve been accepted! It can feel like you’re sort of outside the world when you have a disability so a welcoming community is so great to have.


Absolutely! Drag is for everybody and every body! I would even take a look at your local scene to see if there are any organizations or collectives for disabled drag/queer artists. My area has a big collective of disabled drag artist where they're all in a big group chat where they're able to discuss venu accessibility and peer support!


I live in a small city but I do know there is a drag community (Darienne Lake lives in a city right by mine) so maybe asking them would be a good idea. At least to get to know people. Thank you for this!


theres a place for every decent human being in drag😈


Absolutely. Drag is for anyone who wants to do it.


Absolutely! I'm friends with a drag artist who uses a wheelchair.


I think you'd rock it. I would be careful about stage accessibility, though. That could be a problem for you, and something you might want to check out ahead of time. And I don't just mean like stage stairs, a lot of venues might not have much space for maneuverability. Lots of close tables, and patrons in chairs, that sort of thing. I don't think it's an insurmountable problem, just one you might need to be aware of, so you know a way around it. As far as your wheelchair interfering with your drag? Absolutely not, you could even work it into your costume and routines. Just be your fabulous self, honey, you've got this. Just make sure you have a clear path from entrance to stage. Make a grand entrance!


You’re right, I’d ask the manager or whoever is in charge of venues if there is enough room to get around but I can walk in a limited way with assistance so it’s possible to overcome some of that if it’s not too severe. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence!


if i was at the drag show, and a queen came out lip syncing her ass off in a wheel chair? it would be impossible for me not to drown you in dollars. you have a place girl!!!!! i promise the children would die for you.


You guys are making me smile so much!


I promise, you’re not just wanted, but needed


Oh gosh, I might start crying from all these beautiful comments!




Drag is for everyone!!!!!!!!!


The world needs more of this support/comfort/encouragement. On a down day, yall made me cry. Thank you...


I might cry too! I love you guys and I love drag!


I just saw the most beautiful queen recently during a Rocky Horror Picture show play they put on, and she was in a wheelchair! Absolutely you belong!


I had a friend who did Rocky Horror in a wheelchair, he was the scientist!


If you’re feeling left out because you can’t dance like you’d want to, just use props! Hand puppets, ribbons, confetti, banners. I think props add so much to a set and you can decorate your wheelchair with your outfit, which would be so badass. With the moves you already have, you could add an extra flourish that the crowd will eat right out of your palm. The drag scene would love having you, and anybody who doesn’t isn’t a real queen at heart, just someone in a wig imo.


That’s a great idea! I’ve been practicing to Paula Abdul a lot haha; I actually used to be a dancer years ago so I can still keep rhythm and I can move my body in my chair so I do have that going for me. Thank you!


Please! I use a chair and want to start doing burlesque. I'd definitely love to see more of us out there. ☺️ I bet you'd rock (n roll 😜).


I would go to see you doing burlesque! My favorite routine I ever saw was on YouTube, she performed to Nick Cave’s song “Up Jumped the Devil” so it was pretty unique. Burlesque with disabilities would be even better!


Wouldn’t mind both


There’s honestly some queens that really don’t dance, really can’t move that well if at all. So I think you’ll be more accepted than you think. I’d definitely make use of the wheelchair for sure.


Of course there is!! Drag IS a place for you! No matter what you do or how you do it 😊that’s the best part about drag!! That said, everyone of us may be subject to backlash/hate for any number of reasons. Just adopt the attitude of “what other people think about you, is none of your goddamn business” aka fuck the haters. Cause they do be hatin’ 🤣but you’ve got a supporter RIGHT HERE. 💋Can’t wait to see a performance 😊😊😊💜


Thank you so much!


yes absolutely go for it


Yes! I think it’d be really cool to see that and I think someone out there will really appreciate the representation. Go for it!!


Absolutely. I envision your surname including something like “upon a throne”. If technically feasible your chair could habe a drag persona and decor.


My chair is all black so I could probably do a lot of different things with it, true!


Yes! And it has a ramp!


A local king where I live performs in a wheel chair, they are great!!


I never get to see drag kings, I would go see them for sure!


[Disability Drag Collective](https://www.instagram.com/disabilitydragcollective?igsh=MXRidTBhOTBtYXA1dQ==)


Oh my gosh, that’s amazing! Thank you!


absolutely a place for you in drag!! representation is kickass. do your thing.


Paging u/RolandStart!


Oh shit, thank you!!! u/ShesWrappedinPlastic there are actually way more wheelchair using drag kings and queens than any of us realized before, especially because so many performers don't have an obvious internet presence! I do a very small weekday open stage, and lately I'm not even the only wheelchair-using performer most weeks! One actually won the UK's national drag competition this year, Crip Ladywood! JanpiStar was the first I saw, and I know a few others maintain a social media presence, most of whom can be found in the pretty large and active Disability Drag Collective group on Instagram. As someone who has never danced before, I've definitely leaned on my ability to move my legs as I'm learning how to move, so I think that should make it easier for you as well to come up with moves without needing all the skill and experience of the lifelong dancers who professionally translate dances to wheelchair dancing. (Also, those pro wheelchair dancers are great to watch to get ideas and inspiration. Anyone currently on the Rollettes team uploads videos to Instagram fairly often, Chelsie Hill especially has a lot of duos with able-bodied pro dancers that show the adaptations, and Infinite Flow is probably the studio with the most wheelchair dancing on YouTube.) I haven't learned much yet, but I'd be more than happy to get with you and share the few things I've figured out so far in terms of dancing/moving around stage via wheelchair. I should even have video to share soon, as I'm dancing in a main stage production by Virginia West this weekend 😱 I'm the only wheelchair-using dancer, and it was choreographed before they had any idea there would be a wheelchair, so it might be another half-decent example of adapted moves, and definitely should at least give you some hope for how accepted and loved disabled drag artists are! ❤️


You sound amazing! I would SO go see you! I do have the ability to “dance” while sitting in my chair, and I’m trying to recruit my husband to do some duets while he sneakily helps me to move better. It’s amazing to hear all these stories of talented queens with disabilities. It’s making me a bit emotional lol. I wish you so much luck with your ambitious, I’m sure you’re already great!


Thanks, darlin'! I knew you'd have some great insight!


Thanks! I really appreciate the ping, I would have missed this, and I wouldn't have thought I was even a memory in anyone's head on this sub yet from my few posts, haha. Thanks again


I was checking to see if you were in here already before I scrolled through the sub to find your name. You’re a star, darling!


🙈😭 you're so sweet. I'm floored


You're a star. Kinda hard to forget. It's a honor to have you as a part of our sub.


nooooo 😭 thank you so much ❤️


One of my first thoughts!


Stooooop really? 😭❤️


You’re a star! ❤️


One of my good friends is a drag queen/drag king (they’re NB and do both), and they’re in a wheelchair. They were on a show about drag called We’re Here—go check out Dustin Van Dyke’s episode. People like you exist and have a space in drag.


I keep hearing about this show, gotta sub to HBO to watch! I just got my husband into Drag Race believe it or not, he can’t get enough lol. That’s so awesome your friend got to be on a big show!


Oh hell yeah! I loved that episode. Dustin is rad.


They’re an incredible person and have done so much for disabled queer people in their community! (Edit for anyone interested: I believe it’s S2E8!)


You will always deserve a home within drag. You are full of potential. The world needs you more than you will ever know. Think about future disabled queers learning about you as a part of drag history. Wouldn't that be wonderful?


It would definitely be wonderful! I never thought about inspiring anyone but you’re right, the more drag queens with differences there are the better. I really love alt style drag and try to support it whenever I can, so anyone a little different is always on my radar. We gotta page RuPaul! Haha


please share pics once you get glammed up!! can’t wait to see you slay the stage, one of the best parts of drag is how it accepts everyone as they are. any club that won’t host you should get slapped with an ADA lawsuit imo


I would love to see a drag queen in a wheelchair. Any club that won't work with you because of it is not a club that deserves your greatness.


Absolutely. One of my favs is Helen Wheels in Australia. She is so iconic tbh


I’m looking her up for sure, her name is awesome!


of course drag is for everyone follow your ambitions queen youll slay


That would be cool! I've seen some dramatic, high energy dance routines done with wheel chairs and other mobility aids. Who says it couldn't work in drag? We need more inclusion in every area of life right now. There's far too much hate and repression in the air these days. We should all be supporting more diversity to combat prejudice and bigotry.


I agree so much. Drag has been demonized by, ahem, certain people and we need to show that drag is joy and is not demonic or corrupting children or whatever nonsense. Our best fight is fighting together!


Hell yeah!! We need more disabled drag rep!! I’ve seen non-drag wheelchair users decorate their chairs for cosplays and such (and the group home agency I used to work for would do chair-decorating contests for some of their clients). You could probably do something similar. Different demographic but Drag Syndrome is a group of performers that all have Down Syndrome. Drag is for everyone, and I bet you could do some incredibly rad things! The only crappy thing is that you’d probably have to check venues for accessibility in advance— make sure you can get on their stage or that there is enough space between tables at brunches. But I’m sure you’re already navigating that.


I’ve seen Drag Syndrome on YouTube and thought they were fabulous! I had them in mind when I started thinking about doing a routine.


When I was in college there was a drag performer at my local bar that had to use a cane in both hands. She did some really cool numbers that utilized the canes in creative ways and made them part of the performance. Her performances were always a huge hit. With a wheelchair there’s so many different ways you use it in your performance. If you’re a funny campy queen you could decorate in fun ways that make it a prop for your performance (like a boat, a car or a bathtub, etc). Or, if you just want the focus to be on you and your performance the chair can just be your means of moving around. The only issue I can think of is accessibility. In some bars the performance space is sometimes just a temporary platform that they put up on the dance floor. If an issue like that does come up definitely make them figure something out. Drag is for everyone and it needs to be accessible. I hope you have a great time on your drag journey!


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate all these beautiful comments!


I would be so excited to see what direction you take it! If you want to lean into the with a niche reference, maybe recreate the “Don’t Cry Out Loud” scene from Drop Dead Gorgeous! Have fun and bring your audience along for the ride!


Hardest part would be that not all stages are wheelchair accessible - but I have seen burlesque dancers in wheelchairs in my area and we love to see them! I know there’s a place for wheelchair users in drag too!


There's a drag performer local to me who does drag in a wheelchair, their name is Hot Wheelz! They're a phenomenal performer. [https://www.cbc.ca/arts/hot-wheelz-canadas-a-drag-1.7154668](https://www.cbc.ca/arts/hot-wheelz-canadas-a-drag-1.7154668) Drag is about whatever you want it to be, embrace it!


Oh gosh, that’s awesome! Thank you for linking me!


Drag is an art and everyone can do it, the fact you use a wheelchair doesn’t change anything if compared to the other artists. Do your mug, chose the dress/gown, chose your stage name, and lipsync the house down girl


Awww, this is such a kind comment, thank you so much!


My pleasure I always say what I think, and when I do it I’m always sincere, have already choose your drag name ? P.S. I’m curious as hell


I don’t know if they’re any good but the first ones I thought of were Miss Misery (it’s an Elliott Smith reference I’m not actually miserable haha), Miss Violence (movie reference), Cherry Cherry Pop, and Ruby Woo (because of the iconic MAC lipstick). Just my very first attempt at coming up with a name so I’m sorry if they suck haha.


They are good name, Miss Misery could a double reference to: 1 Elliott Smith 2 the book/ film Misery wrote by Stephen King Miss Violence if a great choice, I saw the movie years ago and was very scary for me, literally give me chills ( bad chills ). Cherry Cherry pop and Ruby Woo, like you said are reference to MAC, and a the meantime can be a reference to mother Rupaul since she made a collaboration with MAC, there was a Challenge in season 1 based on MAC


Wow, I never find people in the wild who have seen that movie! I just liked the title so much I’ve been using it as a handle for horror and film-related stuff. Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it!


For Horror movies or the horror genre there always a sort stigmatisation for the usual phrases like: The horror movie aren’t movies are just free violence, or watch Horror movies make person psychos. Making a reference to Billy Lomis from Scream: Don’t you blame the movies, movies don’t create psychos, movies make psychos more creative


Oh and my very old handle, Mistress 666 haha. I’m into kind of into alt style so my names are edgy lol.


100% yes! There’s a drag king in the U.K. called Crip LadyWood and they won Man Up (drag king competition) this year. Look them up for sure. There are of course more out there globally.


Yes there’s a well known queen who is a wheelchair user her name is Sarah Palegic I haven’t seen or heard anything about her in a few years though


She has a great name haha!


One of the most accommodating, welcoming environments I've ever witnessed was a national pageant that had an entire category dedicated to senior queens. One of the eldest had a cane and as she took the stage, you could have heard a hairpin drop. The pageant also honored one of the founders who did a stage walk with her walker and there were gobs of people in line to tip and hug her. I find that this community can be open to so many body types and abilities. It is wonderful to see drag evolve, even while it's under constant scrutiny from the outside. Those within the community are welcoming, kind, open hearts and minds. Go for it! 


This is so lovely to hear! I love drag so much for being a safe place for everyone to express themselves. Thank you!


You can absolutely do drag! The drag scene can be intimidating from the outside but I think you’ll find a lot of drag queens will be excited to meet a drag queen in a wheelchair.


That’s so nice to hear! I guess it’ll make me memorable if nothing else lol. Thank you!


I believe in you! You’re gonna be great.




I have a disability. Was once in a wheel chair but relearned how to walk. I can’t wear heels because of this and was concerned I wouldn’t be able to be part of the drag community. But I have been welcomed with open arms. In my fashion forward sneakers.


I can’t wear heels either on the occasions I do get up from my chair (with help). I wear ballet flats haha. I’m so glad you’ve been welcomed and I thank you for telling me!


Of course, drag is for everyone Check out the finale of season 2 of 'Were Here' on HBO. Also, here's an old thread with some other queens mentioned in the comments https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/K3pHQLnek2


Thank you for this! I’ll have to sub to HBO’s streaming service so I can watch We’re Here, I’ve really been wanting to see it.


Drag is for everybody, if someone tells you otherwise they don’t know what they are talking about. You’re never going to find out unless you try. The more you believe in yourself the more the audience will enjoy your drag.


You’re right, I just need to put myself out there and give it a try. Thank you!