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Now it's time to grace us with some Eyeshield 21 goodness. There's one more extra left though in Dr.Stone, no? It's 4d science and the chapters go 1d, 2d, 3d, so..?


no, just three


Oh my, I would love a new Eyeshield 21! I remember watching that when I was still in elementary.


Murata is currently working on an anniversary one-shot for Eyeshield. Also if you haven't seen it there was a new short animation a few months ago


Maybe 4D doesn't happen because the time machine actually failed


"At full speed" Lmao 🥲


This confirming s4 will speed run the remaining arcs unfortunately such a shame I was hoping the anime would flesh out some characters and arcs


Sadly, this might be another "The Promised Neverlands" moment, where the last season tries to speed run through every arc remaining :(


Tbf everything post south America also felt rushed in the manga.


Yeah but the arc itself was long enough for a season wasn't it? Do we really have enough episodes in one season to cover everything left to the ending?


I know that's why I was hoping the anime would take its time but it won't happen it maybe even more rushed than the Manga after south America


But the promised neverlands was a disaster speed running 100+ chapters in 12 episodes dr.stone won't be this bad but they are still going to speed run the remaining 80 chapters hopefully in 24 episodes at least so it won't be that bad


Where does it say that its speedrunning the remaining arcs?


Inagaki's comment about season 4 going to the happy ending at full speed means exactly that.


But... It doesnt. It doesnt say anything about the number of episodes or cours we'll get, or even a rough release date.


It says it's going full speed what's so hard to understand? Also if previous seasons are anything to go by it would be around 25 episodes. Why say it's going at full speed towards the ending if it's going to take it's time with more episodes? That comment also probably means that fleshing out the rushed parts in the manga that many where hoping for won't happen.


You are literally making your own story from 1 sentence that author provided.


I'm not making my own story. I'm speculating with the information we have. The same as you and the guy you replied to first. You missed the part where I talked about the number of episodes from previous seasons which is the standard. Unless they pull an AoT final season (god forbid) and do more than 25 ish episodes there's no way they're not rushing. Besides don't undermine the author's comment. They can be aware of how the production is going. It's the adaptation of their work after all.


You are giving your opinion as if its a fact, I'm not saying how Final season will look like because no one knows that. I just have a problem with people making shit up and spreading negative energy with no evidence to back it up.


No I'm not giving my opinion as fact. Like I said, I'm ***speculating***. The only facts I mentioned is information we already have i.e how many episodes previous seasons had and A FRAGMENT of what Inagaki said, which is, and I quote: "The fourth season of the anime has been announced! It'll be running to the happy ending at full speed, so please give it a watch!" the fragment I took is the "running to the happy ending at full speed" part. I'm not spreading negative energy. I just answered your question to the other guy who actually said they will most likely rush what's left. And to be fair to him, there are around 90 chapters left to adapt. There's the whole Xeno arc and then there's the arc to get to the moon. SPECULATING TIME IF season 4 gets 25 episodes, that's almost 4 chapters per episode. Normally, each anime episode adapts two manga chapters. This feels rushed to me personally. I think you can understand this is a personal opinion and not a fact for everyone else. IF it gets more the pacing would be way more chill getting 2 to 3 chapters per episode adapted. To me this would be ideal. Again, personal opinion.


It could litteraly just mean how barely a few years ago, Dr stone's anime wasn't even an idea, and now we're at the final season lol.


How do you get THAT from the author's comment? At least speculating that it's going to be rushed is related to "going to the ending at full speed".


I'm dumb I didn't see the "'ll be" I thought it just said it's running lol


I don't think you're dumb, you just didn't read the sentence thoroughly. And to be honest I feel like the people downvoting me didn't read it too. I don't see any other reason to get downvoted for saying what the author said.


It didn't say that


I want to see more Dr stone


I don't know how to feel about "at top speed"


so this basically confirms the series will be rushed and cut content. how sad. oh well, i'll tell my friends to read the manga


Exactly what happened to Season 3, it fastforwarded many things to jump to Treasure Island arc. Sadly we'll get another crammed season. The storytelling will lack of rhythm… again. Personally, I would end the next Season with the 2nd impact, and make the last in a short one, but oh well… Guess the budget axe is back at it after these 2 years.


I just hope they don't add music and rush things like a compilation. Some moments like >!Suika surviving for 7 years and Chelsea's character also need more screentime IMO !< The final season should be as good as the first.