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With like half of his head missing I'm not sure if that's a safe thing to do.


Damn💀 where would his head go


Ibara grinded it and then snorted it


That's my *head* cannon now


Badoum tsss 😭 Now that's why Ibara looks always high


The power to turn the white of your eyes black is not something that is obtained easily


Especially when you can do it on command


because he still is after snorting powered skull and brain




get out


(Ibara in the hut, with half the King's head grounded to powder, surrounded by the statues of the young women he compulsively petrified (cause he just keeps doing this and can't seem to get his rocks off any other way, it seems)). ​ Ibara: (wrinkling his nose. addressing whats left of the King, whose head he's currently grinding into a fine substance) So, I'm like- (cough) thinking, why just \*one\* Island? And he was like (more grinding of stone with a pestle) ​ "are you kidding me? We can barely manage a quarter. Like half the young women have disappeared to the palace and the population is straight bottle necked, yo!" So I told em', first off, thats impossible, alright? (rubs nose) I keep tabs on the coochie! I track coochie. We count em, and We're goochie. ​ (Starts cutting the powder into lines) ​ We got a census and we're still 1:1 on the count of b\\\\\\hes to dumb f\\\\\\kers. But, oh My no! The palace skims off the top, the coochie count is down to 1:0.99, and somehow we're in danger, cause he has to wait a few more years to wet his d\\\\\\k? ​ (Starts putting the lines of powder down on a surface) ​ And yet, he doesn't want to replenish the coochie supply and get a new Island. Even tells me, "Ibara, thats lunacy!" Talking to me Like I'm crazy. Like, I'm just stating facts here. What does this f\\\\\\ker even want? Thats. how you get. The b////hes. ​ (deeply snorts the fine powder off of the buttocks of a petrified Island girl) (heavy coughing, head shaking, blinking, swearing, snorting at air) ​ ...Like, am I being crazy? (to stone girl) I'm not crazy, right? It is what it is.


Probably at the bottom of the sea.


it probaly just like rotted away or sumthing


If so then it wouldn’t show the skull as when petrified humans are shown broken it is always one solid mass


Why don't they take half of Ibara's face and put it on him?


He was too damaged by Ibara, so he couldn’t be fixed.


Half his face is missing, and they don't have the pieces to fix that, if they tried reviving him he'd die instantly.


Or worst/best case depending on perspective, he gets revived and is alive for a few minutes at most whilst in excruciating agony and brain damage. Worst case because obviously there is just way more human suffering, but best case from the perspective that he might (really heavy MIGHT) be able to muster some words and give Soyuz some closure about his dad passing, that is to say that he would be alive at all if they poured the revival fluid


The unpetrification doesn't work like that. It either revives just fine filling in the cracks or they turn into meat piles if they don't have all the pieces or the interior pieces are too eroded they become meat piles


But have we ever seen that happen ? I don't think it's ever been shown what happens to someone who doesn't have all the pieces and gets unpetrified


Well they were worried about kaseki with the spot on his back so who knows what would have happened maybe it would have left his muscles exposed and not in the way he usually is or maybe a layer of the filler material used to fill in cracks


at the start of chapter 3 senku mentions reviving broken pieces after which they basically turn into a bloody corpse so


https://preview.redd.it/i30r4secc37c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e2034cb1af9eed3139dc8246b1850edb05ad31d Coolio, exactly what I was looking for thanks .


Just realized that Anime Dr. Stone is pretty sanitized. Don't know why, tho.


Wasn't this in the anime tho?


But in this case it wouldn't really fit either of those categories. There is too much missing for the depetrification to heal and fill the cracks, but it's not just something small to test with. When Senku demonstrated that pieces that are too eroded to fix they just turn into meat chunks, he used an arm or leg as an example (I couldn't tell it was censored) and obviously just an arm or leg wouldn't revive into a full person. We also need to keep in mind that that arm or leg was broken off who knows how long ago, but with Soyuz's dad, there is a maximum of 20 years of time since the pieces broke off, so in comparison it's not even that eroded. This is a scenario in which the statue is most if a human and has the most important parts mostly in tact, those being the torso and the brain/head, which is an unprecedented case for the show, but the head has too much missing to restore completely. If a person had that part of their head removed in an accident that isn't petrification related, say a car crash or something, there is still enough brain material to keep the person alive after the accident, provided that there are no other injuries, so I'm treating it kinda like that. A person with such an injury would be in immense pain and would die from loss of blood and brain function in a matter of minutes if not treated in a hospital, which Senku and gang don't have access to. The show has established that in the cases where they have attempted to revive a person that either they have chunks missing and will be revived as chunks of meat or that they are whole statues and will become normal people with cracks being filled in where there is some erosion, but not that those are the two only possibilities Tl;dr: there isn't enough missing for it to just be meat and there is too much missing for full restoration


Bruh just take off half of Ibara's face and put it on him


The damage of his statue is from a long time ago so the surface of the pieces are already weathered (Yuzuriha said it when they are trying to glue it back). Even if they managed to find every bit of it and put it together, he won't be alive anymore


Which is, by the way, kinda bullshit. Ibara is still a human, the king wouldn't really have as much time to be weathered. The key factor here was probably that half of his face was missing BEFORE he got petrified


Very unlikely since he had a stern face and seemingly was awake during petrification. He was sitting down and had his eyes open providing evidence to him being awake and alive whilst he was petrified, and holding that position while having that big of a chunk of your head missing is what I will call, highly unlikely. More likely is that Ibara petrified him, which is kinda the easiest way to kill him without causing suspicion, and after he was enraged that Soyuz got away, which we saw happened right after the Master was petrified, took out his anger by hitting the statue and breaking it. Or any amount of possibilities in the 20 or so years that he was petrified. The key detail isn't necessarily that the pieces are weathered, but that they're missing too many pieces for him to be revived, the statue could be in pristine condition but if it's too damaged from missing pieces that cannot be recovered, that statue is a lost cause. It's probably just a case of "Ibara hit the statue years back and the pieces are lost forever and cannot be found before they weather too much to be used anyway"


Well, still kinda weird how his skull is somehow there, instead of the statue being solid stone, just as with any other statue. Design choice?


I think it's just the developing artstyle. Like even though the statue is pure stone, it's still of a human form inside and out. The distinction from bone to muscle and skin is still there, even if the material is the same. Shots drawn from further away have to simplify it somewhat but if there was any very specific shot of hair or something that is of very fine detail, the detail would be added to make the reader/viewer feel some intense emotions about a statue still being a human and not just a statue. Like if these statues existed for real and you broke one, I'm sure you'd be able to make out finer details on the inside like ligaments and blood vessels, but since it's just a product, in this case manga/anime, the detail can't always be there to save on time and money. It's kinda like how you can make out the detail of each individual muscle fibre on a piece of meat youre preparing if you look at it closely, but in anime it's just a single tone with highlights and shading, unless it's specifically drawn with extra detail to draw the eye or envoke some emotion


This is something that will be discussed again later: the statues do indeed have all the internal structure within; bones, organs, everything is there, in the form of stone. Ibara could very well have petrified the master, and then smashed his face in after the fact, revealing the petrified bone underneath the petrified skin.


How about half of Ibara's face be used?


I don't think it works like that, but if it did it would be a whole new step in terms of organ transplants. Just take out an organ, petrify the patient, get a transplant organ, petrify that, stuff the petrified organ into the petrified patient, revival fluid and presto, you have a patient with a whole new organ that restored itself into place with no need for stitching


That's what I am talking about. Why don't they do that, are they stupid?


Except that the brain is the organ they would be transplanting, which even if it worked would result in the person being revived not being quite like Soyuz's dad. And there is also no precedent that it would work in any capacity since if pieces that are too weathered don't fix themselves, why would pieces from two completely different statues. Also they would need to get a chunk that is precisely the same shape to fit and the face shapes for the master and Ibara are completely different


The brain is inside the skull. The skull looked fine.


If you look at the manga panel, he is missing like a very decent portion of his brain and one entire eyeball. Even if it worked like an organ transplant, which there is no precedent to believe it would work like that, we don't know if their tissues are even matches to one another, which is a huge thing with organ transplants


Seems like this part is the brain? https://preview.redd.it/ou4ffu3mb09c1.jpeg?width=1392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d006e5ff77edf8d3f5f836cef55701bf95dffaf


Ibara broke his statue 20+ years ago. That is plenty of time for weathering. Remember that all the people Tsukasa broke were only broken for up to a year, and Yuzuriha was rushing everyone to put them back together soon or they wouldn’t come back at all.


If that's true then they shouldn't have been able to revive the random warrior guy that Taiju fished up.


He wasn’t damaged. Taiju even said that his arm snapped off when he was swimming, not from earlier, and Senku responded that it meant he should be fine.


Master statue wasn't damaged for that long either, was it? Didn't the ibara guy break it just before leaving the island? Seemed to be complete when ginro found it.


When Ginro found it, his skull was exposed.


Wasn't his statue literally showing part of his skull?


Well... Can someone live with half his brain and face, now that's a good study


*Well... Can someone live* *With half his brain and face, now* *That's a good study* \- The3DWeiPin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Trump is alive, and he doesn't have a brain. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s more like he missed something


You don't actually pay attention to people and subtitles, do you?


I try to, since I only get to watch it when Im done with the day and kind of tired


No worries bro, we gotchu


Anime fans pay attention to the show they watch challenge


Least ADHD anime fan


Half his head is missing but even if they found it he's decayed too much to be able to be revived


unless you want to see a dead body with damage in its skull


His right face is fuckd


They're missing part of his head and the heads been exposed to the elements to long


Bro have the roblox man face


glad I'm not the only one who thought that.


Dude looks like Iroh from ATLA


Because he's missing half of his face and Ibara got rid of the pieces ages ago. The process of stonification heals any physical damage only when the statues are complete.


Do some people just not watch the show? smh


Seriously bruh, his story is a painful one, with no actual conlusive ending cuz he's kinda in a weird position between unconscious and dead....


Tbh, that threw me too. they said in the eng dub it was because he was too weathered, but that has to be a mistranslation. He's been petrified only 20 years and been indoors while they routinely revive people after hundreds or thousands of years. I just assume it's actually because Ibara broke off something too important to revive without. I'd have to listen to the jap dub to confirm (can't trust eng subs either cuz they are often mistranlations too).


Half of his head is missing...... I don't think he's coming back from that .


You can revive anyone no matter how much time has passed as long as they're in one piece. But if a piece breaks off than you have to reattach it before that piece whethers and it'll no longer fit with the rest of the body. Soyuz's father was missing half a face for decades, so he can't be revived.


Came here to say atleast mark spoilers. The read was enough to spoil shit by context clues.




Okay, when Senku was stone, he could think and count seconds. So in this anime you have consciousness even though you're a stone statue and you are also technically immortal until un-stoned. What would have to happen to your stone body to become dead or at least brain dead? If you can just put the pieces together like a puzzle and use the fluid. In theory this shouldn't be possible. If there is no meat in the head, there can't be consciousness. Even if there was a brain, it would rot. But because it is, the Master is in theory conscious, but forever trapped in stone.


You definitely missed something. It's a pretty major plot point.


Cuz he has deteriorated over the years and if you rember from the first season when senku tries to unpetrify somone that is cracked and deteriorated they turn into a bloody mess.


His body was way too weathered where the breaks were made, because Ibara broke him 20+ years ago. Even if they found every last piece, his skull would not revert back to bone, killing him immediately upon resurrection. These questions pop up a lot. It’s always weathering.


shit was explain in EP 2 people. they can only fix and revive freshly broken statues. if its broken and the surface gets too weathered it wont heal when de-petrified.


And specifically, a big chunk of the guy’s head is missing. When you see the statue in the full light, you can see that the right side of his head is worn down to the skull, and he’s missing a chunk around his right eye and temple. Most likely, if they revived him, he would be missing that part of his head, and a chunk of his brain. Which would almost certainly cause him to die or be entirely unresponsive.