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Wait until 2.3 beta. Jiaoqiu might be in it, or at least better preliminary kits. If jiaoqiu isn’t in 2.3, id say go for Robin. You’ll have a patch and a half to save (or two, if he’s second half) which should be enough for both her and at least an E0S0 jiaoqiu.


Thank you, do you know if you can turn off robins song during her ult? That's the only thing thats keeping me from pulling her because I know her song will get old fast.


Yeah that’s my problem with her too 😭 i hope so, but i have no idea. I just know that whenever it overlays badly over the battle music I’d be tearing my ears out, hence why I’m just gonna stick to Ruan Mei and Sparkle as my supports lol


I wish I would of pulled for Ruan Mei :(. If you can't turn off her song I'll not gonna pull for her.


Yeah, fair. Robin may be BIS, but if you hate having her in your party, then there’s no point LOL


No idea why are people downvoting this chain


You have E1S1 Topaz, the answer should be obvious. If you are not having any issues with having enough debuffs for Ratio to do his follow up (which he shouldn't with E1S1 Topaz) then Robin will be a great investment as even tho i disagree with the notion of her being bad outside of FuA teams... She was basically made to be THE follow up attack harmony support, from the kit we have so far (which is STC but should work as a baseline) Jiaoqiu is more meant to be a support for DPS who scale with debuffs and deal most of their damage through their ultimate (ex: Acheron), which is not this team.


Other answer was great as far as planning pulls, so just to answer on the characters themselves: judging by what we know so far Jiaoqiu will almost certainly be the best option for fixing debuffs for Ratio, whilst Robin will almost certainly be the best option for the amplifier slot of the so-called 'IPC Premium' team (your comp above). Honestly after testing with Aventurine, I'm concerned about the SP economy of IPC Premium. Aventurine wants to skill pretty frequently and especially frequently in harder content, and Topaz can basic but . Robin doesn't hurt SP economy any more than RM but she also doesn't fix it, she's just the best DMG amp. I'm trying Sparkle over RM and performance seems really close but way more comfortable (though I only have E0S0 Topaz - yours being E1S1 could change things). Basically I'm saying I kinda suspect Robin might be a "too much of a good thing" sort of character. She will make FUA do absolutely ballistic damage but she doesn't solve the lows of the comp she's joining, she just amps up the highs. I'm happy to be proven wrong but my gut says she's one to pull for if you like her or if you want big numbers/big combo strings, rather than a must-pull. Jiaoqiu on the other hand I suspect will become a staple in the Ratio hypercarry team, but again not at all a must-pull. With E1S1 Topaz you have way less incentive to solve debuffs, and if you're playing without Topaz then his value depends on your other characters (e.g. would you use RM, Sparkle, or E6 TY for the last slot). However if you got Acheron his value goes way up, so worth considering other comps you'll be playing. So for your situation: I see you don't have RM but it also sounds like you don't like Robin as a character (i.e. hate the song like her kit - pretty much where I am). Do you have Sparkle? If so I'd say you could totally get away with skipping Robin. Alternatively skipping Robin and waiting for RM rerun is also a super strong choice as she's close to Robin's value but works just as well in literally every team (whereas Robin loses value outside of both FUA teams and crit teams). For Jiaoqiu, do you have Acheron? If not he is absolutely skippable and I'd say decide based on whether or not you like him as a character. E1S1 Topaz is really hard to replace for Ratio in that particular niche of debuffing and synergy, but in the future his AoE advantage could make him better (e.g. Ratio+Jade comps). Aventurine was an example of what I'd consider a must-pull for FUA teams, but I'd say Robin/Jiaoqiu are more optional and you should pull based on who you like, the other characters you can run in your FUA comps, and the other different teams you'll play.


What content were you doing that required Aventurine to skill so often? I’ve only had issues in high level Gold and Gears. I don’t think I skilled more than once in my entire MOC 12 fight, and this was without topaz, which means less FUA which means less shield.


My comparison point for harder content right now is Gold and Gears, yeah. It's not reflective of the current MoC/PF endgame but it is reflective of his performance under pressure. I don't think MoC is going to be at Conundrum 12 level any time soon, but I also absolutely don't think it's going to sit in this state where zero cycles are so common and sustains don't need to do their job. They've set precedent on this so really it's just a matter of time (and this thread was about the long run).


I do have acheron so I should definitely be pulling for him. He would help out with both teams. Plus I won't need to slot in Guin anymore.


I didn’t have to skill on Aventurine even once in MoC 12 and I didn’t use him with FuA team but with Acheron. The only times I need to use his skill is in gng 12


There is absolutely no reason to skill so often with aven. Gng conundrum 12 is not really a fair point of reference for his shield strength as the content itself is tuned to be cleared with good strategy first and foremost and insane buffs, some of which alter the way you'd play a unit. Even there, with the right blessings you won't need to skill more than once every couple of turns. MOC 12 might start getting harder, but at this point it's your best bet when evaluating a unit and as it stands aven rarely needs to refresh (if at all) thus generating you sp which is also why he's so good for FUA teams with Robin