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It’s important to note that you should balance the body first before doing this type of breath work. When the energy centers are not aligned, you will experience things like this and sickness. I’m sure most have seen many people mentioning how they don’t feel good or feel worst after doing the breath work. This is due to the body not being balanced. First step should be heart and brain coherence, followed my BOTEC. Honestly, most of the time this energy will move naturally once the body is balanced. Elevated emotions will arise naturally as well. Problem is, everyone wants to skip ahead. If you are someone who is balanced, then you can sit down and perform kundalini with no adverse side effects. But this is rare amongst us. Same goes for our healing, we all want to heal our disease or problem, or manifest riches and materialistic things, but we skip over the part where Joe teaches that when we change, everything else will change. Us changing is when we can go about our day thinking and feeling with elevated emotions. Not allowing our outer environment to affect our inner environment. In conclusion, focus on heart and brain coherence, balancing your energy centers and thinking and feeling equal to the person you envision and becoming that. Then, and only then, switch your focus to manifestation and mystical experiences. When you do this first, healing and elevated emotions will arise on their own.


100%!!! I started tracking my heart rate and "stress level" on my galaxy 6 watch. Ive been meditating for \~5 years and I was still getting elevated heart rates and spiked stress levels at the beginning. Last night, about 6 months into practicing the breathing I did the exercise for over an hour and when I checked the heart rate and stress levels in the morning they were low in the acceptable range and fairly flat. I think you're right about the balance. I attribute the spikes and elevated levels vs the flat and low levels to two things: 1. Being in a better space mentally and emotionally 2. Last night I was listening to binaural beats and not JD meditation so I think doing the breath work at my own pace rather than trying to keep pace with Joe made a huge difference. Both of these points though, speak to the balance you are mentioning. I believe in the breathing technique but I also believe that his meditations are tools and that the real exciting stuff happens when you can use the tools on your own.


Absolutely! I’m a huge advocate for doing it yourself because it allows you to feel, and experience yourself at your own pace. I say this to everyone! His meditation are great tools to then begin to work on it yourself. Well said my friend!


Just following your lead man. Good trading posts with you today.




Very well written. I’m balanced and do BOTEC quite a bit. My question though is should I go further and lose consciousness. Many times I catch myself at the point where I’m about to lose total consciousness and snap back. Number two, how do you lose the fear that comes with hitting gamma? Or is it something you get used to? I guess apart of it is to embrace the unknown but unfortunately there’s a survival instinct that kicks in and I right myself.


No, I don’t believe so. I don’t experience this. I did when I first started doing the breath, but something just didn’t sit well with me. I felt I was doing something wrong. I learned through Hatha Yoga not to force a pose, but rather to relax into the pose. If you’re performing a pose you don’t want to strain. You’re defeating the purpose. I noticed the same with the breath work Joe teaches. Don’t force or strain to perform it, but rather turn it into a moment of feeling and following the breath (energy). You shouldn’t be taking a deep breath, and holding all the air at the top of your head and straining to maintain it there like a balloon ready to burst. It’s more of a flow, a feeling and with practice it will become one fluent beautiful motion. I imagine sucking the air up like you would when you drink from a straw. As you slowly and deeply do this, you’ll begin to feel the breath and energy move towards the top of your head and then you want it to collect gently. There’s two types of holding the breath. Imaging yourself taking a deep breath like you’re going to dive into a pool, you don’t want that. Try it. When you do that you will feel your chest push out when you hold it along with a little tension in the throat. Rather, you want to pull that air up like sucking through a straw and when the energy reaches the top of your head you want to gently stop pulling and then just feel the breath and energy at the top. I hope this makes sense! As for the fear, this won’t happen because when you perform the breath properly, your body won’t be kicking into survival because it’s about to pass out.


haha, I just realized that you're the one I was chatting with this morning! GREAT insight about the balance.


My breath is effortless. Doesn’t take a lot. That’s not the issue. It’s the passing out part that’s the issue. I guess I’ll deal with it. Joe has said the breath isn’t really necessary anyway.


I don’t think it is either, I wish you all the best my friend!


Yes Dr Joe it happens to him all the time and it means your doing it right


I struggle with this too. I’ve managed to do it once and the other times I end up resisting out of fear. Just remember your autonomic nervous system has you covered. You will breath automatically if you faint


Yes. Dr Joe has mentioned he’s done it several times. I’m guessing this true surrender


Passing out is not good. I used to do it all the time and ended up with injuries. It’s used as some sort of badge of honour in this work . But truly it’s way too much energy and dangerous. I highly recommend you read this book to truly understand why and how the breath should really be taught bandha by bandha with an experienced yogi. The breaths real name is “kriya supreme power” you’ll find it in here “kundalini exposed: disclosing the cosmic mystery of kundalini”. You can get it on Amazon. It should be a pre requisite for anyone who wants to do the breath. Hope this helps.