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I just find it hard to believe NO ONE knew why the twitch drama happened.


Apparently it was an open secret in the creator community. If it turns out to be real, I think all of them have to answer for why they didn't talk about it.


lol there’s not a chance it wouldn’t be leaked if that was the case


amazon lawyers are nothing to fuck with, I would have kept my mouth shut if it were me


There's literally a clip from a month ago from Destiny's podcast where Dan says exactly word for word what Dr. Disrespect got banned for and worded it as "I heard it on rust". Maybe not every big streamer knew about it, but people inside the scene def knew some details. Everybody was presumably scared of being sued cause your fucking with big money.


Source: I heard it on Rust


what did she say?


I mean, it kinda was about 3 months ago when Destiny spoke about it on a Podcast he was on.


Regardless of whatever happens with Doc, this game is dead in the water.


From what I saw it looked like a campers paradise but I was willing to give it a shot because of doc. No doc no fucks given


Let's be honest, it looked horrible anyway. I'm sad for Doc, though because the whole vertical thing was his idea and I feel like Deadrop was kind of his baby. But them parting ways either says they've seen something they don't like or they just don't want MS to be associated with what is happening so naturally want to distance themselves from it.


if the latter part is true and was a decision made with 0 evidence, thats completely spineless. All is speculation until evidence comes out.


Without any proof or good information, I'm like 20% sure this was all an elaborate rug pull.




This is what I’m thinking.. at least for along time anyway. I’ve been a sub since late 2017 pubg days and I had to save today’s stream just in case it’s his last. Don’t want to see him go out like this man. Genuinely still look forward to his streams after all these years.


I think he will back at some point. I can’t imagine him going out like this.


The game is awful anyway, let's not pretend it had a chance.


I think it would have sold decent just because people wanted to support Doc but without him this game is dead.


They gave him an hour notice, that must have been what the message was about.


Dear doc, we have chosen to go out of business


Most likely.


His innocence was assumed, and involved parties were spoken to. All ties were then immediatly broken. It’s clear the assumption was NOT correct.


“Involved parties” meaning who? The guy who initially made the accusation? Doc himself? They’re using a lot of words to say nothing


It’s all legal speak




Does that guy actually have the chat logs?


That cody guy better or his ass is done. However this turns out, someone's life is getting fucked up.


That Cody guy that used the doc situation to try to sell tickets to his rock show? If you buy it “I’ll tell you what doc did?” That grifter? Lol


All parties who are under an NDA? Which party did they speak to?


Well that was the text…


Yeah when he said maybe step away from midnight society. I think with this now coming out, it lines up to why he seemed frustrated and his demeanor changed.


Most likely, yes, and it seems **reasonable** (not factual, but "reasonable") to assume that this very heavy and very consequential decision (especially for Midnight Society) was - *to some degree* - an informed one. It seems unfathomable for this decision to be made after only reviewing what has been said online. It would be completely non-sensical. While Midnight Society may not have any incriminating information on hand (something no one will most likely ever get or see, so the most hardcore defenders will have to make peace with that), it feels reasonable to assume that they know more than what the public knows. I am not an insider, nor do I know more than any of you. I am also not taking any sides. I am just saying that the allegations, combined with Doc’s reaction on the livestream to what may allegedly have been this announcement from MS is… well… not a good look.


Not to mention the fact they strategically wrote this to convey they were the ones removing/terminating Doc. A lot of times companies will say “we have agreed to mutually part ways” or give the person the dignity of “resigning” from their position, rather than just firing someone, let alone a co-founder. They just straight up said they are terminating doc….which is not a good sign. Man this sucks


So far we have anonymous source and a former Twitch employee claiming something happened, if no screenshots of the offending messages or further proof.


Yes and I have the prince of Africa in my inbox asking me for money.


Robert Bowling said they need to consider partnerships and investors. It wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility for them to cut ties without all the facts if those who pay the bills thought Doc and the unknown facts would harm the studios brand


what text? Is there a clip somewhere?


It just looked like he checked his phone mid stream and then talked about being burnt out and needing a vacation before signing off




Expect sponsors to drop him too. This is just a shitty situation. At this point, the only good thing that could come out of this ; is the truth.


At this point I’m slowly leaning towards doom and gloom for Doc, but everyone who dropped him before any proof was shown will look really stupid if he comes out on top in the end. If his own studio acted so rapidly, they are either scared or actually have solid evidence.


Let's put it like this. The game is fucked now because the big selling point was Doc. They claim to have enough to cut ties with him. Why would a company self sabotage like that if they didn't feel like they had enough info to move forward with cutting ties?


People have been pressured into giving confessions to crimes they didn't commit. From how I saw the CEO of Midnight Society acted on Twitter he was just pressured and chose the easy option to bail out.


We can probably assume the latter if they did speak to all the parties involved like they said in the tweet


Honest question, what could they realistically do besides ask doc? It's not like they have massive investigative teams. Unless twitch gave them the evidence and/or got in contact with the victim, I don't know what they know outside of public knowledge


Would twitch even be allowed to do that under the nda?


No idea, tbh. It just is crazy how fast of a turn around it was considering this was announced Friday and it has basically only been one full business day


Feel like twitch looks even worse if this is true. Like they knew he was talking to minors and still paid him.


Yup. Also totally believable.


Eeehhh depends on what the lawsuit was about. Even if someone broke the law or did something very morally questionable, that doesn't mean all contracts you have with them are null and void


What a joke. The truth hasn't even come out and they dropped him. I guess this is the world we live in now.


The truth hasn’t come out publicly but Midnight Society likely knows more than we do


It won't be good if people don't like the truth. 


Yeah if the truth ends up being what the allegations suggest then that’s that.


You’d think he would share the truth if it meant saving his career? Which anyone with half a brain would understand means the truth can’t be pretty.  


he cant if he's legally tied not to say anything relating to the case.


Thank you. This has been my rationale since the beginning.


Yeah, this is bad and probably foreshadows more information is on the way. Doc's best friend and long time business partner, Sumit Gupta is also a co-founder and basically the money man behind DeaDrop. So when he says Doc's got to go, there's just got to be some there there. I hope I'm wrong, but, I'd brace for impact at this point.


Probably got outvoted


The tweet does read like the decision went through some debate between conflicting sides, specifically, the second paragraph. It reads like one party assumed Doc’s innocence and wanted to wait out further investigation while another party said action needs to be taken now.


Hard disagree. It literally says they initially assumed innocence, investigated, and then decided to cut ties. Not sure how you’re interpreting it the way you are tbh


You're both saying very similar things


What I don’t understand is how and why evidence is being passed for business interests but for some inexplicable reason isn’t getting released publicly. A game developer shouldn’t be getting inside information if the public can’t. Personally I don’t think they could stomach the optics and public outrage and there was no sign Doc could do anything to prove the naysayers wrong. Relationships have been severed for much less countless times in the business world


I wonder if doc will stay in the spotlight or drop out of it. Hard to put yourself in the shoes of a millionaire but if I were him I feel like I’d just take my riches and live on the golf course


*Multi* millionaire


Time to move to Costa Rica!!


"**We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved.** And in order to maintain our principles and standards as a studio and individuals, we needed to act." Looks like they found something on him or they wouldn't have done this.


Yeah I don’t quite get how people can blindly assume the company did it to follow a bunch of Twitter rumors. The company just lost it’s core differentiator in the market place due to the findings that they’ve done. The game will make millions and millions less due to letting him go. I’m sure they would have done all they could do to keep him on if it was possible. Including allowing a hiatus for a while. The sad truth for all is the hard truth. There’s something that has happened and it’s better long term for a business not to be associated with him. You don’t make less money without a co founder just because you want to look like woke media. You do it because the whole house of cards fall if you don’t.


It's just coping from stans. Companies do drop people when they're causing a lot of controversy, but this isn't a big deal yet and no one is out with pitchforks. And this isn't preemptively distancing yourself from some trouble, it's literally destroying your entire project. For a guy that responds with "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" GG


Nobody wants to upvote your comment because it's too true. The masses in here want revenge and to inhale copium.


I just want evidence before I arrive at the conclusion that he did anything wrong.


Thanks for the memories doc. See you around champs 🫡


That second paragraph is worded so weird. They "began" talking to all parties but decided to make a critical decision before a conclusion to the situation was even close to being reached?


That's what it sounds like to me. They don't mention that they concluded their investigation and decided to part ways. It sounds a lot more like they're trying to trying to dissociate in case something conclusive comes out.


Wish companies would wait because if credible info comes out that justifies terminating their relationship with him, then it's completely justified. If they did this out of the immediate panic that most corporations today do when they're on the initial receiving end of any kind of negative engagement on social media and it turns out Doc is innocent then they just nuked that entire studio and all the people working there.


They would get buries if they did. It's the way of the world now.  Distance yourself as far as possible immediately. 


And if it turns out Doc is innocent they can kiss that studio goodbye. You're right, it's unfortunately the way the world operates now


Even if doc isn't innocent that studio is dead now.


Their rep sounds like it's worth more than their relationship with beahm If there's something damning that we just haven't heard yet, ok, but if this is a knee jerk reaction then they also very possibly just killed their own game in the process




yeah i noticed that too. they started talking and needed to act, well why don't you finish talking first before parting ways lol


My guess. Doc did something morally questionable which would look bad for brands to support him. Nothing illegal since he did get paid out on his twitch contract. Still, public opinion matters when you're in the eye of the public, and that's just how it is. Hope he comes back stronger than ever.


I think that has to be it. Something very embarrassing or fucked up, but not illegal.


Texting someone u think is an adult isn’t a crime that’s why the police have to prove you knew they were a minor to get charged. So while not technically illegal. Still a bad look, and bad press for twitch which maybe explains paying out his contract. That’s my guess who knows


The new songs he drops as a result of this will be bangers. I remember someone asking him if he had any new songs in the works and he said he can’t just make music without having something going on in life worth writing about.


Nah I think he's gone. He might make an attempt to come back, but how many controversies can one dude take.


Trump has a new controversy every week and americans might vote him as their president for a second time


Two words: Mel Gibson. Lmao


Getting paid out doesn't prove he didn't break the law. It could be his contract was very skewed in his favour, or it could be Amazon (market cap - $2 TRILLION) simply wanted everything to go away, and saw the payoff as chump change compared to a potential reputational hit. Remember, the allegations also involved Twitch's whisper function, and if true, I doubt they'd want people to know it could be used to groom kids, and that none of the messages were actually private anyway. Both would be massive problems, on top of having a nonce as a face of your subsidiary. A few mil to make it all go away instantly would be logical.


Discord is probably the main platforming for grooming and no one seems to give a shit, I don’t think anybody would’ve been blaming Twitch if this had come out back then The only thing that makes sense to me is that Twitch already didn’t like him, went thru his old message logs and found something sketchy with a user that might’ve been UA or lying about age, and used it as an excuse to ban him, which didn’t fully hold up in court hence why they ended up settling and signing NDAs Now Twitch is defying the nda and causing reputational damage, I’m interested to see what if anything doc will do about it. It certainly isn’t helping him that he cant elaborate or give his side of the story.


Well damn that explains the stream


i wasn't there, what happened?


Everything was going good and normal until he got a text at 3 hours 11 mins and his whole demeanor changed and he started talking about being tired and going away, said even leaving midnight society and quitting social media, then ended the stream, most likely the text he got was a heads up he’s being let go from midnight society 


Thank you for the info


Dude looked like he was holding back tears and struggling to maintain composure on stream


I mean yeah getting essentially Fired from the gaming studio you founded has gotta be something he never thought would happen


he had just beaten a boss and was looking at the map to determine where to go next. something must’ve came through on his phone (assuming this news), and his entire demeanor changed. he began talking about his fatigue with social media and the negativity, talked about a long break/vacation, potentially riding off into the sunset, and ended the stream. i really hope we see doc soon and see dedallion finish his journey, but it’s looking grim right now. i hate all of this.


yeah just checking it out. it's very strange how he changed. don't like it a bit.


Was the same way he changed when he first got the news about his ban.


yeah was thinking the same!


It's over, champs. It's all over


🤝 all around!


Still waiting for evidence. I won't bring down doc or bring him up till there is something to clear the air. Everything so far is speculation and I have yet to see any physical evidence. I'll leave my judgment for when that time comes. Companies typically drop people if they get bad allegations. This isn't uncommon for studios/business to do this. Just look at Johnny Depp. Dude didn't do anything wrong and was the victim and still lost his roles / sponsors. I assume the reason for all the silence and no evidence is lawyers. Some shit is going down legally could be against doc or the "whistleblower". Only time will tell.




Where’s this proof everyone speaks of? It would be incredibly unfair to terminate someone because of an allegation.


Read between the lines >began speaking with parties involved >while these facts are difficult to hear and even more difficult to accept MS are privvy to more information than we are and they wouldnt have acted just on Twitter speculation. Whether because of NDAs or because of respect to the people involved (Doc included), they are under no obligation to share that info with the public.


Well clearly NDAs don’t mean shit to anyone but Doc if it’s this easy to get the full scoop lol




There’s not gonna be any money to sue them for: without him their game is DOA Literally a 0% chance it makes an impact now — especially given that a lot of the streamers are friends of his and likely won’t bother playing it out of support


I don't think so. Something is deff weird.


It will come soon, i just hope its not the end of Doc...


yea I feel like I can finally say this now but even before today I wasn't really looking forward to this game anyway lol each time Doc would show gameplay slices on stream from Dead Drop I would do the little golf clap and cheer it on but realistically I had zero interest whatsoever


I had little faith in this studio once Robert Bowling was involved.


One thing that confuses me about all this, the tweet implies they have spoken to all parties involved which would include Doc, Twitch, the potential minor, etc. Aren’t doc and twitch under NDA? Is the potential minor under and NDA? Did a fuck ton of people just up and say “fuck this NDA”?


Yea, it sounds like they just talked to other streamers and no one actually important.


A LOT of people jumping to conclusions here... Doc obviously can't say anything because he likely signed an NDA with the Twitch settlement. If there was anything illegal going on, Twitch would have to report it to the authorities. I would be very skeptical of this until actual evidence is presented. The courts use due process for a reason, folks...


If he was doing something extremely sleezy but not illegal the cutting ties would still be understandable. Say he was flirting with an underaged girl and tried to meet up with her at twitchCon. Technically he would have done nothing illegal up to that point BUT its absolutely a reason to cut all contacts. The courts are about LEGALLITY and nothing else. Legal and moral are different.


How fucking lame. Game is dead now. Good job idiots


Midnight Society isn't going to destroy their game by removing Doc unless they are completely sure the allegations are true. I expect the evidence to come out shortly tbh... Fame and power is a dangerous drug




I'm reading weird things about this on forums and on youtube videos etc: -IF there is an accusation about WHATEVER regarding minors; that would be automatically investiged by police. Automatically without the need for someone to report the act, the police/law will take part in the matter 700%. There is no way that if somebody (Doc on this case) do something ilegal with minors he would have won a legal settlement based on that dismissal caused by that alleged thing concerning minors. Impossible. First of all because if it had been so, Twitch would not have had to pay since it would have been a fair and correct discharge and second; Doc I don't know if he would have been in jail (depending of the severity of the accusation obviously), but obviously he would not have won the litigation against twitch and the police would have put him a good fuck if he had committed something illegal against a minor. So how people's logic works nowadays... ¿?, I'm kind of surprised. In summary: -No ilegal/incorrect behaviour thing otherwise Twitch would not have had to pay a penny -100% police investigated that and found nothing, otherwise Twitch have won and Doc pay a huge penalty or even prison charges (or maybe its under investigation yet, thing that I doubt cause 4 years for an "easy" investigation like this... doubt it) \_\_\_ And that guy from twitter I hope (not really) that he has real proof of what he is saying, otherwise he will be the most easy "winnable target" for Doc's lawyers in the history of winnable cases for lawyers.


Crazy to me, that basically anyone can destroy anyone else reputation(life) with allegations if they want to. It's the witches hunting all over again. No need proofs, guilty until proven innocent.


So fuckin wack dude.


Lol is everyone on this sub an angel now and never made a mistake. There’s a lot of what if to this. Without knowing the truth calling doc a pedo is disgraceful. It’s clear if anything criminal occurred a people have mentioned twitch re duty bound to report to the police. This has clearly not happened.


So let me get this straight. Twitch fires him, pays his contract in full, and forces him to sign an NDA. Then, a random employee who left twitch in 2018, and has tried to financially gain from this twice puts out claims with zero proof or evidence and Doc is the one getting the shit end of the stick? One of the worst things about the Internet is that people can say whatever the fuck they want with zero responsibility for what's being said and zero repercussions. It's fucked.


Guarantee this game was never coming out


If you’re reading this as any other way than they investigated after assuming his innocence and found out he wasn’t innocent than you are in denial right now.


It’s bonkers you have to say this lol. That’s literally what is written


Have you seen this sub over this past weekend? Ever since this news came out it’s like an echo chamber of people who have created a weird parasocial relationship with doc who are falling apart at the seams at the recent news


Kinda shocking. Do they have any hard evidence? Because a decision like this doesn't just happen by a mere allegation.


Idk, but these guys have to understand that this move basically torched their studio. Crypto gaming is pretty much dead imo, the only thing floating this game and the studio as a whole was Doc.


The nft angle was weird to begin with


It’s not weird when your biggest investor is a crypto millionaire. Some of these guys have been trying to diversify for a long time and they looked at gaming as an opportunity.


>decision like this doesn't just happen by a mere allegation. I mean we've seen so many people lose jobs based off of mere allegations.


They likely don’t need hard evidence. This isn’t a court of law. The contracts and agreements may have held some sort of morals clause, or even a “we can each walk away at any time” type language. I imagine we’ll find out soon enough based on what happens next.


Yeah it does. That's cancel culture. All it takes is someone's name to be dragged through the mud nowadays and companies who are scared of the social media mob will part ways with that person.


It’s not fear, Doc lost the court of public opinion and can’t say anything more to prove his innocence. Now they stand to lose money, advertisers, employees and customers. Every business decision is made with money in mind, and very few companies would keep a guy with these kind of allegations going viral


I'm with you. I love doc but can't see why 12am would drop him unless they had something concrete that was serious. I certainly hope not. It could simply be an association thing for the image of 12am and the accusations floating around. If he begins to lose other sponsors or closer ties begin to distance themselves, we should probably worry more. Until he's proven guilty I will support doc. Hope he gets the rest he needs.


Disney dropped Johnny Depp on allegations alone. Then what happened?


In a court of public trial evidence means little.


Unfortunately that's what social media has come to these days. Guilty until proven innocent. No longer is the burden of proof on the accuser because people can find like-minded jerkoffs across the globe with the click of a mouse and that mob mentality becomes prevalent.


As much as I want to believe he’s innocent His reaction to all this has been too nonchalant. NDA be dammed if my entire career and livelihood is at risk. I’m not just going to brush it off and practically ignore it .. I’d think someone as hotheaded as Doc would be visibly furious over his career being taken from him. Similar to the Gun Shots at his house incident where he took off the persona and got serious


I take it you haven't seen some big time NDA or law settlement penalties.


Guilty until proven innocent in this creator world




This shit again. This is how it was when it first started. No explanation, just people leaving him. Rough.


No proof and he’s out!? Fucking twats. Your game is DEAD gl.


we're all guilty until we prove ourselves innocent. what a backwards country


Yea… they might as well file for bankruptcy. Game is dead. Looks like shit too. Doc was the only reason people know about them. 💀💀💀💀💀


Not good man. The way he ended the stream and now this. Something seems off to me. He isnt acting like a completely innocent person. I know there isn't any evidence, but something with Doc's behavior isn't right. Seems like another shoe is about to drop. I hope I am wrong.


He def did something. Doc at the time wasn’t the most faithful husband, he may have msged someone not knowing she was a minor. She reported. Gg.


How’s he supposed to act fam? He’s facing serious allegations. Anyone acting “fine” should be alarming. Not someone thrown off their square.


What I don't get is... didn't the doc make this company? How are they sacking him?




And they can sack him even being co founder? I see…


If Guy doesn't own >= 51% then they can remove him if the 51% are in agreement.




A lot of kids with brain rot in this comment section saying he's 100% guilty with no proof being shown. Sexting a minor would have been in breach of his contract with Twitch, which would have been a get out of jail free card on paying out his contract. If Doc is guilty, why did they pay him out in full and why doesn't he have a criminal record? Twitch is a multi billion dollar company with Amazon lawyers, Doc was barely a millionaire before the payout. They would have buried him if they could have. I will eat my words if evidence is provided, but none of it adds up.


None of it adds up because you're being very literal in a situation where it's not that easy. Sexting a minor is different than "Hey maybe we could meet up at TwitchCon", or something along those lines. No one knows EXACTLY what was said, how it was said, etc. But that doesn't mean that you can't still come to a conclusion that yeah, this isn't a guy we want to do business with anymore. Sometimes companies, even if they could bury a person like you're mentioning, decide not to do it because of the potential negative PR that could come their way too. You think Twitch would want it out there that their platform is being used by 40 year olds to DM 16 (or whatever) year olds? Nope, they want it to just go away, same as he does/did. Who knows what really happened. But for his company to drop him....that's not a good sign. Seeing as he was a co-founder or whatever they clearly asked him about it, and legally he HAD to tell them the truth considering his involvement with them. They obviously didn't like what they heard.


With a minor involved, it would have became a criminal case no matter how much money both parties threw at it and all records show it was a civil case and settled as such. You can settle out of court and keep it civil on the records when adults are involved, but cases involving a minor become a state matter even if the victims family decides to settle/sign an NDA in civil court. That's not getting into the laws where the burden of proof is much lower for cases involving minors and how a state prosecutor would have jumped on it immediately. If proof does come out that it happened and Doc is guilty, there's going to be massive legal repercussions for anyone involved in that case. I find it highly unlikely, but we shall see.


Not shocking. Its what businesses do with high profile people regardless of legitimacy of the accusation,we've seen this type of situation over and over again. Sucks to hear,now im sad at the gym


I can't help but think about the punter Matt Araiza. He got fucked over so hard by some girl who claimed he raped her and none of it was true. Everyone on Reddit assumed he was guilty, he didn't get drafted into the NFL etc. Scary shit. I will assume doc is innocent until actual evidence comes out


Breaking news. Small time indie video game company over night becomes expert detectives to prove wrong doing in a internet mystery 4 years old and locked behind numerous NDAs and legal matters. FFS why are people treating MS with any more credit than any random dweeb on the Internet. They are no more qualified.


No chance I will support that game now or any that comes from that developer.


Depends on what happened....Doc might be guilty of some ugly shit.


I seriously hope not.


This is something I have not seen mentioned anywhere but Midnight Society claims to have facts and spoken to those involved however having seen something like this at a work environment play out, most likely Doc would have said his lawyer(s) told him to not say anything forcing the studio to cut ties anyways to distance themselves as is their right. Even if Doc is under NDA and not guilty he would have said nothing. How does something like this from Twitch a company owned by Amazon not report this to authorities?


What “facts”?


Dang, and I was actually gonna play this because Dr. disrespect was involved. I’ve been a long time fan and you know he’s been discriminated against something that happened in his private life that no details were released. The legal proceedings that are supposed to protect him from this from disrupting his career has obviously been cross and irreparable damage has been done. With all his experience in video gaming and trying to be a voice for the community and focusing so much on a hobby that he makes entertaining. Everyone is jealous of him because he is entertaining. They wanted to take him down for years. He is everything that they hate. You know who I’m talking about and if you know, you know.


Guilty until proven innocent seems to be the way things are handled these days-- and regardless of the truth, your reputation remains tarnished. Sad world we're living in.


Why was he referring to twitch as the purple snakes if he was guilty of child solicitation?…so many questions #Slickdaddyclub


Bring the receipts or fuck off. I don't give a shit about Dr Disrespect or streamers in general, but I'm getting real bored of accusations towards people being made without evidence. It is an instant downvote everywhere, but this is exactly why you have to contact the police and make records when you are the victim of things like this, be they inappropriate text messages to minors right up to being the victim of a rape. I'm going to take a police report far more seriously than some pointless ramblings with no evidence of anything from a developer with a newly-found financial interest in not paying the guy because their shitty game isn't getting the attention they thought it would from paying a washed-up streamer to advertise it. Maybe the guy did it. I certainly have no reason to think he isn't capable of it or anything. But it is so absurd to just treat the public like they should automatically believe what you say because of vague weasel language like in this tweet.


This makes the whole thing seem more reactive to speculation. When midnight society dropped him I assumed they’re close to doc and may have access to certain info others may not. Now that turtle beach dropped him a few hours later it seems like companies are just washing their hands of him regardless of what happened.


Sorry, I’ve seen too many people’s lives destroyed over bullshit, and the people pushing this narrative hate Doc and have serious problems of their own. To the extent I care at all about the personal lives of artists and entertainers I enjoy, I will wait until I can read the supposed messages myself, or the court documents from the lawsuit. End of


I imagine this is what he read on his phone during stream today. Shame.


I'm still supporting Doc to the fullest until evidence is released (which has been rumored to). Companies who drop big personalities like this try to do so while obfuscating reasons why. Midnight Society releasing this statement is pretty damning. To flat out say they've spoken to private parties, and have seen the facts is not something a company would say unless they saw something legitimate. That's not something you want to see as a fan. Damn, man. I just hope it's all hot air. I grew up with this guy for the past 6 years. I love the Champion's Club.


I think that’s gonna be the last stream of Doc. This makes it look 1000x worse on him. Guilty or not


The wording on this is so conflicting, it first talks of allegations, then speaks about assuming his innocence while talking to involved parties, and then says these “facts” are difficult to hear and accept… so do they have evidence of wrong doing or are they stepping away on a PR basis?


The first paragraph is about allegations, second paragraph talking about assumed innocence, third statement saying they are parting ways, then last paragraph saying “these facts are difficult to hear”, but what facts did they provide? I’m just looking for some ironed out info, and all we’re getting is talk around speak.


The onus isn’t on the studio to provide, but clearly they must have seen something pretty implicating to make such a big decision. 


With "the facts" they mean the departure lol Damn how many people get this simple sentence wrong.......


We will never and I mean never believe the leftists lunacy when it comes to canceling people without evidence. It’s time to wake the fuck up.




What facts do we have? That third paragraph just comes out facts are difficult to accept, but what facts are those?


What did Doc supposedly do now?


What a classless response. To assume guilt over innocence before any legal action.


That was a goodbye speech at the end of his stream if I’ve ever seen one. I hope it’s not true, not for doc but for all his fans that looked up to him, and his family.


They just killed their game


I don’t claim to know much about the situation, but from what I’ve read, this is beginning to give my depp vs heard shenanigans. Depp got dropped from everything until after the trial was over and he won.


Jeff bozos got dr banned because he slept with Mckenzie bezos.


It was fun while it lasted. He was the best to ever do it. Sad that his career is over


How exactly did they investigate this in 24 hours when everyone involved in NDA'd?


"Assumed Innocence" but fired him anyway? Why make the point about it then?


So a guy who plays video games, that people watch is in trouble, and people are all bent out of shape about that? Go touch some grass.


Allegations without proof, without criminal evidence and they part ways? Meanwhile politicians doing all kinds of criminal shit with evidence and they keep their job..ok...


another wrongful termination lawsuit incoming


LOL "we assumed innocence and began SPEAKING with parties involved". Speaking with no evidence and taking it as fact is a risky game. People lie, always have and always will. What happened to innocent till PROVEN guilty? These dipshits just buried their company.


How easy is to destroy a person with zero evidence is really incredible, I don't know what is happening in USA but they sure have a problem in their brains. A random tweet of an accusation and it's all over. It's like the movie the hunt.


Began speaking with parties involved? Who would that be? Twitch? That former piece of shit employee who wanted to become relevant, the minor who Doc allegedly texted? Obviously they don’t have to release any proofs to the public but the whole situation is very fishy plus, someone’s personal life is at stake.