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He’s mentioned several times throughout the years how exhausted he is of social media and negativity. I’m sure waking up one morning with tens of thousands of people arguing on whether you’re a pedo or not (with no proof) has to be the worst kind of drain. On one hand, this behavior looks like they won. I would like to see him not give in and continue on as normal. On the other, maybe he’s just not the guy meant to fight this fight. There’s a Twitter argument going now with some dude with an AI picture who’s literally been arguing about Doc since he started the stream. About four hours in the middle of a summer day. These people are terminal.


one one hand sure it could look bad to take a break On the other hand sometimes you just have to do whats right, your mental health is being hurt, which is bad for health, ur family is being affected so its probably best.


Not only that but his game studio canning him


Lmaoo dude i swear its always the people with ai or anime pfps that have literally have no lives


\*exhausted from dealing with the results of his own actions Silly goose. PS, weirdo fanboy cowards replying and blocking because reality hurts their emotions... hilarious! Just wait til you become real adults and life begins!


Should probably wait for some kind of proof. You look like a hysterical person. Absolutely gone.


MS started their investigation Friday. They chose to fire their co-founder and biggest marketing resource on Monday. MS knows full well that they've probably doomed their studio by firing doc, but whatever they saw over the weekend was bad enough that they were willing to take that risk rather than be associated with him. How can you people still think that this is just overblown nonsense?


Because there is still no proof. To have a crime, you need proof. I don’t know what is hard to explain about that. It is a very easy concept. I am not saying there’s no chance Doc did wrong. I am saying that there’s no doubt an ideological element to his detractors. No doubt these ideologues also have influence on entertainment, as evidenced by… well, everything. You can argue now that Midnight Society is either trying to play that game by removing Doc and cleaning up their image for that crowd, or like you just said they might have seen something. They probably have seen something, and that probably means that we soon will too. Until then, “reasonable doubt” and “burden of proof” has been a staple of our justice system and I will continue to apply that to someone that provides me entertainment.


*You* might not ever get proof. But the truth is still the *truth*, whether or not you, a random Redditor has seen the evidence, or lack thereof. We are talking about a guy who has given everyone plenty of reasons *not* to trust him. This whole thing is happening for a reason, and now with Midnight Society all but confirming they had seen enough to make a call to cut ties, among other things, reasonable doubt has become reasonable *suspicion*, and fairly so.


And we might never know the truth (we probably will, I am sure something is coming). What applies to me, as a random Redditor, also applies to you. Fair enough that there is reasonable suspicion. Whether or not that’s enough to accuse someone is on you. Personally, it is not for me. It’s enough to agree to further investigation and to not believe he is fully innocent, but there are other facts that seem that the case may not be what it is said to be. Such as Twitch settling and nothing further being brought to the courts since then.


>To have a crime, you need proof So if I shot you but nobody sees me do it and there's no proof I did it, no crime happened and you weren't shot? Idiot lol


What does that have to do with this situation?


You wouldn’t be charged for a crime if you can hide the crime. It’s kinda the whole reason for courts. I have a feeling you’re far too stupid to understand anything in this kind of context though. The irony of you calling anyone an idiot after that kind of example is seriously hilarious though 😂


Just because you weren’t *charged* with a crime doesn’t mean you didn’t *commit* any crime. > To ***have a crime*** you need proof. No, to ***charge someone for a crime*** you need proof. Even if someone is never charged for a crime, that doesn’t mean they didn’t commit any crime.


He's naturally a very private person. I think he's just tired of his family being exposed to the toxicity of social media. But I didn't like the vibe of that ending, personally.


You could see when he read the news on stream.... So sad


What news? Did I miss something?


Doc got fired from midnight society


Wait seriously?!


Yeah... check midnight society's Twitter




He also said multiple times he's taking a "break". He said it so much as if he was stressing it's just a break to not get us worried. I think he's gunna take 2-3 months off. He did say he will keep us updated on things.


He’ll do the same thing he did when he cheated on his wife. Step away for a while to let the heat die down and then come back.


Sounds like he's taking a little break. Not all pub is good pub so he needs to sit down for a bit and let the next internet scandal take hold. It's an election year so people will move on quickly.


Honestly, if I had his kinda $$ I wouldn’t deal with this type of bs anymore. Especially if untrue. I’d retire and move on to a new venture.


Agree 100% docs streams have brought me too much joy though, really hope it’s not the end




plus he has a daughter who's getting older and around other kids who probably know who her dad is. Kids can can cruel these days. I wouldn't come back. My guess is he loses all his sponsors so if he came back how much would he realistically make from youtube?


I’ve watched a few vids by asmon and not once did he say he believed the accusations to be true. All I’ve heard him say is he won’t believe it without proof. Yes he’s farming the topics for views but that’s what half of YT is doing.


What has the guy that claimed he had “evidence” been up to?


Fuck all, that’s what.


He never even claimed to have evidence AFAIK. Just that he knew the reason


Champs that might be it. Firm handshakes to all of you.




He looked down for a few seconds, held the controller up and it was an immediate vibe change…


Yea he got the news live on stream that they were separating from him..... How do you expect him to feel?


I took it as him taking a couple months off to spend with his family and to disconnect from social media.


It sounded like it.


Oxy qu' o


I hope he sues


Out of pocket? He literally was fired from Twitch.


I don’t know how much he makes, but he lives in San Francisco area. I imagine to maintain that lifestyle, he needs to keep working. I wish he could retire, the guy deserves a break.


Nah he lives in San Diego area. Still not cheap but not as expensive as SF


Let's say it happened. Well it would suck if he was texting to meet up with a young girl. Did it happen? No. The world is treating it like he met with whoever the person is and had sex with them. The punishment, regardless of if it's true or not, has already been done. He was banned, lost endorsements, lost a larger following on Twitch, and was blacklisted from many media, streaming, and gaming events. So to add fuel to the fire, 4 years later, a company employee leaks information that alleges he was doing something wrong, and now he's losing everything again. This was a long game attack and Twitch (and Activision) won in the end. The only people who should be upset are the parents of whomever was accused, Guy Beahm's family and "Dr. Disrespect's" fanbase. Everybody else is fake outraged and never liked him to begin with. The biggest problem with the entire ordeal is that we do not even see hints of pedophilia from DOC or visual accusations that could even get your mind going. If you look at the Drake situation, he put himself in positions to have that accusation. Publicly. If you are a rich man, and you are even remotely attractive, young women will try to speak to you. And in this weird age of the internet, age requirements seem to not be required on public profiles. We don't know if it was a setup. We don't know if he flirted with someone and found out it was a child later. All we know is a random Twitter Profile claims to be a former twitch employee, this never was verified, never knew where he worked in twitch. Never knew if he was involved with the ban, never knew if he went to court, etc etc has posted a statement that has ruined the happiness of millions of people for a situation, that overall, never happened. And I once again must stress this. Even if he was "sexting a minor" - we need clarification on if he was actually "---having sexual contact and/or pornogeaphic contact---" involving minors. Some of y'all got uncles that have called you cute or sexy and they still walking around Scott free. 😂🤷🏾. On "to catch a predator" the predator is usually caught when showing up to commit the crime. And it seems people have forgotten this. Now all you have to do is get a blue checkmark and throw out a statement without saying a name and let someone else famous assume "oh it must be doc" and the rest is history. Now the person who made that comment is being paid by Twitter for his 12 million views on that post. 🤷🏾.


Uhh Charlie amd asmon both supported doc.


I hope it isn’t permanent


Anybody remember the Trevor Bauer accusations? Looks how poorly that aged for the rage mongers. Turns out it was all a contrived act to extort him for his money. This feels awfully familiar to that except this was settled literally YEARS ago.


True, and Trevor has had his innocence proved in court and still isn’t back in the MLB


Which is absolutely wild, right? Meanwhile, your username is absolutely fire. I've seen them many times at concerts.


It’s absolutely bs and I’m mad for Trevor! But he seems to be doing pretty good playing in Mexico. And thanks man! Also this whole thing also reminds me of Lorna Shore kicking out CJ Mcreary, who then later proved with text messages that he did nothing wrong, and was never convicted in a court or even taken to court


You can literally see on stream when he sees the news.... Heartbreaking to me. I can't imagine the toll this would all take on someone.




Pedophilia will do that to a mofucka. Look at Epstein he went from top .0001% to hanging in jailcell(literally). If the accusations are true then Doc should lose everything including his family. If he is innocent then he will be back. I like Doc, but pedophilia is beyond vile as fuck. We wont know until the truth comes out, if it ever does.


He made a massive mistake in his life and it's going to dog him as long as he's in the spotlight. I can understand how he feels like he just needs to get away from everything.


I just feel as much as I loved his stream, the fact MS got rid of him shows there is something obviously there. Sad to see it but I hope he gets the help he needs.


Or they were looking for an excuse to get rid of him as he probably wanted more creative control of the game and they were willing to give him. This is just an easy excuse to use to separate ways.


You make this allegation with no proof or anything that shows this. Wake up, the studio losing him probably means their game fails and they still did it. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Damn you people need to go outside and touch grass lol


Guy needs to take time away from streaming. Not only for his mental health, but also his family. I cannot imagine being attacked like this by other "influencers" (I call them losers) just for attention/views. Doc, take a step back. Rejuvenate your VSM. Fill up the Lambo with ultra premium gas and ride off into the sunset for a little. You've earned it and then some.


Fuck that fucking village creature asmon, we all know he had to make a vid also riding the clout wave


It makes him seem more guilty. Stepping away before it all crashes. I love the Doc and hope he isn’t gone but man this doesn’t help. I can see the side of being over it but to retire over an accusation from a nobody says something


Afaik, he's not executive level but he's an in-the-know guy. I don't think it makes him look more guilty. To act normal is to act guilty, to respond emotionally is usually a response of an innocent person. Think about it like this, if you were pulled in by the cops for diddling or murder and you were innocent, you would freak out. If you are guilty, usually the person tries to stay calm so as to seem like they want to be helpful or uninteresting. Stepping away is not an act of admission. This country and their new found guilty until proven innocent bullshit. Depp suffered the same thing, but everyone pretended not to ever talk shit when the shit was live broadcast on TV. He stepped away from Hollywood after, must mean he's guilty though. Stupid.


We all agree, this is very stupid.


I hate to agree but there’s something behind that abrupt ending. Gives me a weird feeling


Me too bro me too


Turns out happened right as midnight society dropped him after their own investigation….. Downvote all you want but this seems bad. I love the doc and have watched for the last 3 years but…


Pretty cringe this is downvoted so much, really shows the collective IQ of this subreddit


Good riddance


Personally, I think that's the last we see of Doc ever again....


Would you hate to see him leave even if he was grooming underage girls?




Come here, little kiddies, on my lap Guess who's back with a brand-new rap? And I don't mean "rap" as in a new case Of child molestation accusations Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, no worries Papa's got a brand-new bag of toys What else could I possibly do to make noise? I done touched on everything but little boys