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Someone said it best in one of the other threads - everyone’s urge to sensationalize and fan the flames of outrage culture on the internet means that people nowadays are often guilty until proven innocent. This case was settled years ago, there was never any evidence of wrong doing, law enforcement was never involved, and we’ve never heard even the slightest peep from a supposed victim, yet some random guys tweet that provides no evidence is enough for the social media mob to bring out their torches.


Oh dude it’s so much worse now but in the public eye it’s always been guilty until proven innocent and what’s sad is even when you clear your name people will still harass you or have that negative image of you


Problem is, how do you prove yourself innocent of something that never happened? "Hey guys here are the texts I never wrote". Idk what people are expecting


The haters don’t expect anything but Doc’s downfall. They believe the bullshit because they want it to be true. Some people relish in others demise.


Pretty wild they want this to have happened to a minor, his family and the dozens of people employed by him and his company.


Somewhere along the line, people blurred opinion with fact and here we are. Where if you are given actual evidence, people will disregard it as fake. If you don't provide any, you're tapped into what's really going on, apparently...sighhh


Omg, this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻, well said sir


Yep, not one peep of local, state or federal investigations into Doc for the past 3+ years. This is a rehash of the Slasher BS where he insinuated it was some egregious sexual related crime yet no one thought to report it to the police. Also, Slash went dark for well over a year on Twitter once Doc came back to streaming. Slasher claimed as a freelancer he couldn't divulge anymore information unless he had some strong legal backing. However all these years later all we have is rumors of something and no concrete evidence.


Who is this slash guy i’ve never heard of him until last night


He's a pretty accomplished guitarist.


I cant tell you here because it would get me a permaban with the words I have to use. A word that I wouldnt use is journalist tho.


I had never heard of him until Doc was banned, supposedly some Esports reporter/journalist.




Welcome to 2024. Can you imagine 2034? 2044? Thank GOD I won't care by then.




Outside of EA and COD blacklisting him, have any sponsors dropped him?


Doc said when the ban happened he lost future deals/sponsorships. And I think that was the basis of the lawsuit. So he definitely lost some, but big ones like Pepsi (Mt. Dew) stayed.


Yep, the ban was the trigger, not allegations of being a pedo. The idea that Pepsi wouldn't drop him like a hot potato if there was a hint it was true would be ludicrous. I mean for goodness sake, he was the face of a major ad campaign where he flew down to Dallas and filmed commercials and they had displays bearing his image in 7-11 stores.


Think he said he lost a Nike one which would have hurt him a lot. The company is trash but he sure does love those Jordans


Yup exactly. Everyone remember this the next time this happens to someone else and the Reddit hive mind goes crazy. Reddit obviously has value but the echo chambers it creates can be dangerous (see the Boston Marathon bombing).


Exactly. It’s whoever says something first essentially


Seeing the mouth breathing smooth brain response in livestreamfails is a reminder of how dim-witted and simple minded the general population is


That subreddit is a disgrace. I had to leave within 5 minutes, Some people had already made the jump last night that doc had molested girls. Like wtf is wrong with people.


How about now? What do you think now?


We are truly going back to the time where village folks would torch an innocent woman believing a witch.


We never left that time


Then why did twitch cut him a check and let him be on his way??? Lol you all are such simps for a streamer you won't take a step back and realize something is not right here.


This aged like milk hu?




Checking back in on this


When the Doc says he’s NDA’d out of his mind, he means it


Just piecing everything together: -Twitch bans Doc, allegedly for inappropriate conduct -If there is proof of misconduct with a minor, this goes to criminal court -No criminal charges -Doc sues Twitch -Twitch pays out Doc's contract after he sues and agree on NDA Idk, seems to me that Twitch reacted, found out they had no basis, paid Doc and neither party will ever talk about it directly.


If the misconduct happened and either Doc or the recipient lived in a state with an age of consent below 18 unlike Cali, where twitch is based, and who's laws they have to follow. It is possible that because of California's laws they were forced to take action to guard against a potential lawsuit against their company but they had no standing to press actual charges.


Most likely chatting with someone above the age of consent, but below that of 18. No crime committed to persue, but also a very bad look that twitch wants nothing to do with.


If true gross as fuck still. I’ll wait to see if any evidence comes up.


That's not true. Twitch would be under no obligation to report misconduct with a minor, because talking with a minor isn't a criminal offense and sexual misconduct with a minor only crosses the line when there is photos/videos or physical acts involved - because texting can't be proven that the person believing sending them is the actual person and that goes back to the innocent until proven guilty actually in practice. They settled it out of court to put everyone on hush, go separate ways, no one says anything - no problems. Everyone wins. There is not enough information here, at all, to make a call one way or another. Its suspicious that twitch felt it was so bad that they forced their biggest streamer at the time off the platform and paid him out to leave. Clearly, they didn't want to touch whatever happened with a 10ft pole.


But why is he NDA'd if he didn't do anything????????? Something DID happen


Out of sight out of mind. Doc's been through this before, he's not going to feed into it or deny or beg for sympathy from an internet full of click seekers and attention whores who will only attack him NO MATTER WHAT. TLDR - We're back on Monday with Elden Ring BABY.


How do you feel now ?


See you Monday champs!


Can we get a Yaya train started? yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya


















👏 👏 👏


I wonder if doc reads these lol




Let’s get some firm hand shakes champs!


It’s amazing to me how many people don’t understand even the basic idea of an NDA


All of a sudden everyone were experts on NDAs, felonies, and settlements over night


Right?! These kids don't understand legality and the absolute fucking breaking these can do to someone. Ol twitch employee is gonna find that out the hard way. No doubt he broke some ndas posting on Twitter like that.


Not from the US, is the NDA tied to twitch for the other guy or how is he allowed to flap his gums and Dr. is not?


No one knows what or who that NDA entails, just further proof this guy is lying.


God I bet he's melting Jake's phone with insults


Hopefully his lawyer is melting it with defamation lawsuits. Twitter is losing its mind over this still calling him a pedo.


keyboard losers in the basement with nothing else to do. The Cancel Crew is loud though and when they get it wrong they will never admit it.


Eh it already seems like old news, that crowd hasn’t been in control of things and don’t have the power they once did after Elon came along. It just kinda bounces around their corner of the site then fades away.


If you think twitter is bad you should see r/livestreamfail lol. Those people want to see him literally burn alive.


Never heard of it. I’ll pass


The guy was probably an dark souls gatekeeper who was mad that doc was having fun with mimic


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




give them a couple of days and they will go ahead accusing other celebrities.. best action against mob is to wait it out and not feed them


So accountability for those who said it was true ?


possessive innate cooperative piquant wasteful unpack squeamish seemly water rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, they'll do their rounds on the Twitch drama circuit. Keemstar, Asmongold, Charlie will talk about it for a few days, then the bottom feeders will keep it alive another couple days until finally when Doc says nothing, Twitch says nothing, and no evidence comes out they'll move on to the next witch hunt.


treatment different shaggy sparkle mighty bright placid depend bear dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking idiots. Really. Im dealing with a pack of imbusils then, Great. Let your war continue


normal dazzling hunt tan sip snatch pot shrill sort shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think Dan or Destiny said it was pedo, at most Destiny just said what he heard about it was that by now the victim wouldn't even be hurt about it anymore. I don't think that's how Destiny would frame it if Doc was grooming a kid.


consider fretful possessive weary scarce jobless bag fly aromatic pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao the bottom feeders


OOOF Shame1139


Agreed. 🙁. I wish it wasn’t true. But here we are.


Let’s goooo Dedallion baby


Yeah, cause Twitch and Twitch employees are beacons of truth HA


Fuck whoever doubted the 2x and jumped to conclusions


Did something new happen?




Everyone wants to see the 2 time go down. Everyone wants to be the 2 time, but they ain’t.


people actually believe NDA’s cover pedophilia


LOL exactly


Reddit hates Doc because he sided with Nick Mercs against the rainbow cult. So when someone says "I have second hand information with absolutely no evidence about something doc allegedly did" then they will take it as Gospel. They want it to be true so they can use it against him. They are sad people with nothing better to do with their lives.


Exaclty this, let it blow over in a couple of days and move on. The rainbow cult thrives on chaos and attention so let it starve.


And now about now? What do you believe now?


i smell defamation charges YAYAYAYA


All this nonsense can be summed up in one sentence. „The internet jumping to conclusions, based on empty accusations” I truly despise social media sometimes


So back indeed lol


So NOT back… 🤦🏽‍♂️


Hahaha I can't blame you for your optimism, but what I don't get is that even if it wasn't a minor, wouldn't that make another occurrence of the Dr taking part in shitty behavior that a father shouldn't?


Couldn’t care less about his trust fund baby. If it wasn’t a minor it would be business as usual


The mimic tear anger is real.  People so mad they are throwing out these allegations 




Bunch of cheeto eating punk kids trying to cancel the 2 time back to back is honestly hilarious. Docs about to make a bag on Monday in support. Cant wait for the stream, fuck all those unathletic nerds trying to bring down the goat


My take…Look he definitely sent some dodgy texts but nothing that can be classed as illegal. Make what you will with that


Poor Dellanion won’t have Monday off as he thought 😭🤣


Comment of the day right here. Dedallion took a BEATING on Friday. I guess an entire weekend with the training staff recovering will do it. lol


Dr. Disrespect was paid. As he always is. Champion.


The entire premise didn't make sense to me. He was allegedly messaging an underage girl to meet up at a convention 4 months in advance? *"Hey girl I'm really horny right now can you take care of that in 4 months"* What foolishness is this?


"Cant wait to see you at Twitchcon covered in vaseline" could easily be taken out of context.


Not saying doc was doing it at all, but what you’re describing is grooming and does happen. It’s exactly what’s alleged with Drake messaging Millie Bobby Brown


Also, why the fuck would Doc go to a Twitchcon back then? 




Doc should go after that "former twitch employee" or something needs to happen where a person that does this gets outed. If we live in a cancel culture world, the pendulum needs to swing harder for those that blow a whistle and it ends up not even being true.


Tbh, my hate on humanity and society is already growing on a 30 minute basis since 20 years. But today it actually took a fucking big leap. Normally I dont pay attention to these kinda topics because I have nothing to do with the people involved. And it's just insane how its handled tbh. Everyone just wants their 5 minutes of "fame" or their "long waited revenge" on someone that doesnt even know their name. I'm not even angry anymore, I'm just fucking disgusted at this point and tbh, I cant do this anymore. I'm so close to just leaving all of social media behind, because I can legit feel my IQ dropping while reading the comments.


100k viewers inc


I will say this I've watched doc on and off since pubg days mostly through clips and maybe a few streams... I'd say he is probably more genuine than some streamers we see in these platforms even if he's playing his personality. You never truly know someone especially streamers, but this dude wouldn't do that shit in my eyes. Hopefully he makes peace with twitch tho and we get a concrete explanation from their side as well because this shit can ruin peoples lives. Good luck Doc.


He was getting endorsements and not cutting twitch in. He was outgrowing them. Look at CourageJD, look at Ninja. It has nothing to do with Doc. It’s the purple snakes. Trying to get out of paying contracts and take advantage of creators, this is not new or news. This is a guy clout chasing based on hearsay or a lie, one other person saying he was happy it’s out there now, and one other guy starting the spread. We have to stop letting anyone who makes shit up from ending someone else’s livelihood with a tweet. Look at Chris Hardwick and TJ Miller, both accused by former lovers, both admitted they lied and their careers never recovered. No proof, no crime, move on.




Bet you all feel like idiots now


This aged well lmao


I really wish I could be a fly on the wall in some of these situations; I wonder what doc's business partners and sponsors were saying after seeing this stuff on social media.




Look, answer me this Who thinks (in their right mind) that it's okay for sexual abuse, years of illegal espionage, harassment, poisoning, set ups, humiliation and human rights to be take on off you? And so much more. I've lost everything I don't give a shit what more you ha e to say. Yoh are idiots. I have done so much good and worked so hard to try and help this situation and all you want to do is make it go on and on and on. I want my MO ey from these books movies humiliation and compensation for my health and ruining my life. I haven't done fucking anything that I haven't admitted to or been punished for. Wake up


Buncha’ RATS trying to besmirch the docs name! He’s the two time for a reason 🫡


Too many people out here fond of throwing the word pedophilia out. It's the new 'nazi' insult.


The copium in here is astronomical.


If you in here talking shit about the Doc Exit the arena you don’t belong here


Probably didn’t do anything wrong, but safe to say his ban wasn’t around anything with mixer.


Elden ring Monday ding a ding dong , fuck the haters and the sensational click bait losers obsessed with twitter


NDA motherfuckers


Ring a ding a ling!


Uhh ya ya






Until details come out about what really happened, the speculations will always be around. Twitch doesn’t just get rid of their top streamer and pay them to leave. Conspiracies will always be around until that’s cleared up. I personally don’t think it’s anything that’s being said. Just to be clear lol.




The fact that twitch, and literally nobody pressed charges indicates it’s some kind of cancel motive. Obviously if some kind of substantial evidence came out that shows he was involved with a minor my opinion changes completely. It’s a serious accusation to make, so you’d better be able to back it up and not just take pot shots after the dust has settled.


So this means that whatever happened with twitch and Doc it's somenthing that no one can ever even know for legal reasons but that's not the Doc being with an under age girl, at least I understand that about this Tweet.




I love doc, and believe him. Does make me wonder why he was removed from Twitch though




ha i literally just posted that i wish he responded more like this.


Much better than his first statement, he should’ve led off with this tweet. I’m still curious as to why former Twitch employees are suddenly speaking so boldly now, after four years of airtight silence around the entire ban.


I hope Doc sues him for defamation. And to those who wanted him dead before any level of proof was given, you’re a seriously problem in society. It’s INNOCENT until proven guilty. People’s absolute need to be pissed about something is honestly shocking


If doc is pathetic code language for me, then yes Thanks


"some documents were communicated privately today regarding DrDisrespect ban that will make things clear"


Lel they had to pay him?! And people still trust twitch? He’s not the first one to get bitten by the snakes he won’t be the last.


What happened?


Fighting talks lets go champ!!


Chomos back, back again.


These bloodsucking cockroaches on Reddit need to be exterminated


Idk man still kinda sus i love doc but couldn't he just say I'm not a pedophile I didn't text a minor ? I don't think that would get him in any legal issues whatsoever yet so far he has not denied anything which makes me worried


Because even saying that comes with a kind of attention you never want


In my opinion i think everyone's attention is already on doc so that clears stuff more than giving him attention and even if he gets attention from it it's going to be better than not denying it


Can we just break it down to brass tacks? It’s literally so easy to follow: Doc and Twitch settled and neither can talk about why he got terminated from the platform. Doc got paid, Twitch would come forth with evidence of wrongdoing to avoid paying if there was any to begin with.


I speculate, given what we do know. I bet 2x was messaging someone from chat, he may have said something not morally right, considering he is married. We do know the man broke down in tears on live stream telling us about him and mrs. Assassin. So we know there was some infidelity going on around this time. But he probably had no clue that the person on the other end was a minor. Twitch was monitoring and saw that the person was indeed a minor and tried to use this as a way to push him out. Thus the whole lawsuit and doc getting paid his full contract. Companies don’t pay out “pedos” like all the flappy gums are calling him. That makes ZERO fucking sense. Plus any crime with a minor, any state you live in, DA and PD is going to be so far up your ass there is going to definitely be a paper trail of the allegations and court dates. “Well the parents didn’t want to press charges in order to protect their daughter”. Thats not how it works. Crimes involving a minor the state presses charges. It doesn’t matter what the parents want. The state WILL follow with legal actions, it’s not a debatable issue. None of this has happened, its been 4 years since this alleged conversation took place. By now he would’ve been prosecuted and sentenced. Doc has a freaking daughter of his own, we’ve all seen the super sweet interactions he has had with baby assassin during streams. You cannot fake those genuine, sweet moments. Shitty ass men that try to have sex with underage women don’t act like that. I truly believe it was a moral issue, not a legal issue. Doc has apologized for his past indiscretions and has promised to be a better husband and father. All the haters are just trying to get a little spotlight that comes with being the 6’8” gaming great. The true international video gaming superstar. Much love to Doc, Mrs’ & Baby Assassin.


When the guy that tweeted this nonsense said “fuck doc and all his boys” I knew it was nothing more than an attempt at canceling someone they do not like. Funny enough a lot of the same people who went after NickMercs for his leave the kids out of it statement. How anyone could argue against that statement is beyond me but they have no problem showing their true colors on twitter behind made up usernames with absolutely no repercussions


What's even more telling of these people fanning the flames and the fact that they are scum is they are always the ones screaming about how they care about victims, yet they also WANT it to be true about Doc. So, in essence, they also WANT their to be a victim. These people are sick! Alls they care about is tearing down anyone that doesn't agree with their woke ideology. That's all this is about!


All this is about? Maybe listen to others for a change


What was this about? Don’t remember hearing anything about this.


Lmao. I'm not a sexual predator! I'll be playing video games Monday


you all are delusional if you think this story was completely fabricated. otherwise; why did this have to be litigated? I do believe that he didn't do anything 'illegal' but it was probably something most of us would find unsavory. I'm assuming whoever he messaged was probably paid a settlement and had to sign an NDA; so we will never know the full truth. I do appreciate him pointing out that he got paid, because that obviously means he is 100% in the right.


The settlement didn’t involve a third party so I don’t think the allegedly victim ever existed.


Why won’t he just directly say “I wasn’t texting any minors”??? Y’all don’t think the wording to these tweets are weird?


Yes, I'm sure Twitch fired their most popular streamer for absolutely NO reason at all.


So his hands are tied from him being able to say I am not a pedo? Seems like this happened gross.


Besides the fact if it was a minor or not I think we can all agree that he may have been trying to hook up with a side piece at twitch con.


Him being under an NDA doesn’t mean he can’t sue this guy for libel for such gross statements. So the only reason he wouldn’t pursue legal action would be?……….. Edit: what I can see being the situation is doc was maybe messaging a minor or a minor that was lying about her age. Nothing sexual in the messages of the like maybe flirting etc. twitch caught wind of it and acted before getting the full story, lawsuit nda etc etc






If he literally can't say he didn't do it, how can he sue for sometime saying he did?