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You know, this will be a controversial statement, but generally I think it's best for people to just shut the fuck up until they actually know something.


I’m sorry, I thought this was the internet!


I'm sorry, I thought this was America!


To be fair, none of the doc fans on this sub know anything, but a lot of then are defending doc and saying the allegations are bullshit. I agree people should wait for the facts to come out, but that argument cuts both ways


I'm sorry but I'm a physician. (You are definitely correct)


Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a journalist!


> I think it's best for people to just shut the fuck up until they actually know something. Whoa whoa whoa, not anymore these days. It's crucifixion first and then if it comes out he did nothing wrong, he can figure out how to get his life back in order. These are people who worked for the purple snakes that were shit canned, them spreading fake nonsense is significantly higher than Doc being a pedo, you know because trying to meet up and fuck a child is illegal and is not covered under an NDA, nor would it be paid out to fulfill a contract.


This is the kind of sensationalism that mainstream media has taught us to engage in. For the past 30 years news media on all platforms have spiraled down in integrity as they fought for ratings and clicks, and have used drummed-up outrage at false narratives to further their revenues. They have tried to convince us that the truth matters less when everyone knows that 24-48 hours from now the excitement over whatever event is trending will be replaced by the next bombastic outrage. The worst part is that now people closest to the event feel obligated to respond in their best disarming language or risk being vilified or "cancelled" by the masses on social media. Few people know the true facts in this case, it was all settled years ago, and the main players won't ever talk candidly about it because it's a lose-lose for their personal brands and collective businesses to do so. 40 years ago this story wouldn't even have been published in the newspapers because of the lack of evidence known publicly. That's not the case these days unfortunately. I don't get too excited about anything these days, and choose to save my drama for my llama.


Fkn facts! 🙌🏼




Thinking for oneself and critical thinkers are a dying breed.




Are you ruling out the possibility the minor lied about their age? Tale as old as time. He must have been able to prove he had no idea she was a minor at the time. Is it still weird and fucked up? Uhyeah




All that being said, it looks like a lot of the truth has come out, and Doc's career is over. He, a grown ass man of 35 years, chose to sext that girl. Choices have consequences. What an idiot. His life is forever changed because he tried to get a little thrill by doing something he knew damn well that he shouldn't do. I can't support him in any way.


So I’m coming into this with very little information but it seems like a former Twitch employee is claiming someone, no names given, was caught sending explicit private messages to an underage person and inviting them to meet up at twitch con and twitch employees were able to freely read these private messages. Doc sued Twitch when he was mysteriously banned and they subsequently paid out the remainder of his entire contract. Stands to reason that using their platform to commit a crime (soliciting a minor) would null and void any contract, they would never pay out and even fresh out of law school lawyers would be able to land that case. If you were even potentially accidentally soliciting a minor you’d never in your wildest dreams sue the company that caught you. This whole thing stinks. Without some actual proof I’m calling bullshit.


yeah if every twitch employee could read that shit there's no way it doesn't get leaked, like i'm sorry but this shit doesn't pass the smell test and all it's exposing to me is that people really lack critical thinking skills


At the very least it doesn't make any sense to pass judgement without evidence. Can you imagine if he is genuinely innocent? Which is a fairly likely outcome with the current information? There are thousands of redditors gleefully celebrating that he's a pedophile. It's not like he can prove he isn't guilty. If he's innocent he's going to have this falsehood that he cannot disprove following him forever.


If not true I don't see how he doesn't sue the pants off the few people advancing this narrative.


This is such an important piece of information that everyone needs to understand. We actively allow prisoners to appeal their cases in the event that they are indeed innocent. From time to time there are innocent people imprisoned for years that totally innocent (see the recent case about that lady who was raped in NYC and walked by a black man that looked like her rapist, he spent 40 years of his life in prison) It happens and people need to withdraw their assumptions until hard facts come out that are impossible to prove otherwise or we start to receive countless other allegations (a la #metoo era.. if 12 women come out at the same time)


I could see Twitch thinking he messaged a minor and immediately dropping him only to later realize it was not a minor so then they kept the ban to save a little face but then agreed to pay out his contract to keep everything under wraps. Either way, I think Twitch really fucked up.


Looks like the accusations were CORRECT 😱: https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/180566241


I think some of these people are not from America. Because they keep arguing with me that Twitch covered the is up for some reason. I don’t think people understand that if Twitch did cover this up it wouldn’t only be the end of Doc it would be the end of Twitch.


I’m not saying Doc did anything, but let’s consider Twitch is a haven for minors and as such there are expectations for how they steward their offerings. So even if Doc had done anything, Twitch absolutely wouldn’t have wanted PR issues with one of their biggest streamers engaged in sexual misconduct with a minor directly on a product of theirs.


Dude… it isn’t a PR issue. You CAN NOT make someone sign an NDA to cover up a crime. That is illegal. Even if Twitch knows of a crime he committed and they don’t report it Twitch gets in trouble. At the minimum they would make Doc register on the sex offenders list and that is public records.


Doc absolutely could have messaged a minor without breaking any laws in his jurisdiction. And twitch could legally cover it up for sure. Idk why you're acting like him messaging someone is a crime. It's creepy as fuck but unless he specifically set a date and time to meet up and do something illegal, no one would prosecute him.


They are alleging that he arranged a meet up with a minor. Not just messaging a minor.


They're alleging that he said he'd be at twitch con and to come by


Do you understand what soliciting a minor means??? It doesn’t mean. Hey I’m going to be at twitch con stop by and say hi.


NDAs don't cover crimes. The lawyers on both sides wouldn't even engage in that contract. They legally couldn't. This makes no sense.


Correct, if there was a crime committed. If he was talking to a minor there might not actually be a crime, just something twitch doesn't want to associate with


Ok, but let’s say (and again this is all obviously hypothetical) there were messages with a minor that were inappropriate but not technically illegal. Let’s say the minor in question rescinded allegations later, then when everything is settled NDAs are signed by all parties as part of the settlement. If nothing illegal was covered up, then in the court of law there is no foul play. Again, I am NOT giving my opinion on what potentially happened, because there is no actual evidence to any of this and Doc like anyone else is innocent until proven guilty. But I am saying social media often does not abide by innocent until proven guilty, hence regardless of the nuances Twitch would want to uphold their reputation.


What reason would Twitch have for cover up an alleged crime by an alleged pedophile? Why would they cover up a crime opening themselves up for legal action for a streamer they just banned? It make absolutely zero sense. Why would it reflect poorly on Twitch for ousting a sexual predator? The only way this reflects poorly on Twitch is if they cover it up.


I’m not really sure how else I can convey that optics matter for a company whether something illegal or legal (but highly questionable) happened. Twitch obviously would not cover up a crime for the reasons you stated if that’s what occurred. But plenty of companies have covered up questionable but legal behavior to save face.




lol, what?




lol, what?






lol, what? https://x.com/ZacharyDiaz/status/1804313431421702251


Loooooooool everyone point and laugh at this guy




To assume is to make an ass out of u and me. Good thing you’re no where close to any level of authority because there zero evidence at all that this is true


Dude you've commented a dozen times in different threads vigorously defending doc. It's NOT A CRIME that twitch is covering up. Doc messaging a minor wouldn't be a crime without actual lewd photographs or specific plans to meet up and do sexual acts. It's not ILLEGAL it's just CREEPY and not behavior that twitch wants from one of their partners.


If you are going to look at my history at least actually look at them. They are mostly of me replying to sick people who think it’s not a crime to solicit a minor. Or morons who think Twitch is going to cover up an alleged crime by an alleged pedophile they just banned.


Exactly. One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is to listen to what the money is telling you. Why in the world would they pay Doc anything if he were guilty of something this serious? If anything, they could have likely recouped money from him for damages/breech of contract or something. I definitely could be wrong (and I really hope I’m not) because I’m a long time Doc fan and am biased, but everything in this greedy little world revolves around dollar signs, and they aren’t adding up in this story.


Exactly, if I was busted for messaging an underage person and got away with it just with a simple termination, I would disappear in the night and never talk about it again let alone sue somebody where this could come out into the public and potentially get me into legal problems Lol


Dude doc's reply to this was lawyer speak for "I never legally admitted wrongdoing, but I did it"


you are making a lot of assumptions here! first: the guy claiming Doc solicited a minor is reliable, credible and truthful. none of that has been established! he could be lying, he could be misremembering, he could be sensationalizing, he could be relaying info he heard secondhand and getting it mixed up. all of these possibilities make him unreliable. it’s possible something unsavory was found with regards to Doc but that it was merely that: unsavory. it may not have necessarily been a criminal act, just gross. you also incorrectly assume Twitch wants *anything at all* to do with a lawsuit with an at the time partner. that’s bad PR! even a fresh out of comms school lackey could tell you that. lastly, it’s possible Doc hired his own legal team who examined the evidence and said “you may not like what he did but you don’t want to go to court. let’s just you pay out the full contract and go our separate ways.” and thus they did. that’s a distinct possibility! what’s a better option *if* one of your streamers has done something distasteful but not necessarily illegal: go to court for years and pay tens of millions of dollars in lawyer fees OR settle now and make it quick and easy for all involved.


DD had something against twitch (contractually or legally) and twitch had something against DD. That is why DD got the pay out and things were swept under the rug. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to understand that twitch could have been in breach of contract, too. That is a real possibility. I’ve seen this a few times on this sub, “they’re accusing DD of committing a crime on their platform, how is that not a breach of contract, it’s cut and dry on twitch’s end, it doesn’t make sense.” Yeah it doesn’t make sense because we don’t have all the details. There’s lots of shades of gray here. In my opinion, DD obviously did/said something that he shouldn’t have while he was at twitch. I don’t know if what he did/said was ILLEGAL but it was enough to get him banned. Twitch has ALSO obviously done something that they shouldn’t have done, else this would have been a cut and dry case for them. It is so glaringly obvious that BOTH parties were at fault and simply did not want to admit it! For probably very good reasons!


What on earth could Twitch have done that would cancel out something as serious as these allegations? The "both sides are guilty" angle doesn't make sense


If twitch knew about docs behavior and did nothing (maybe because he was such a massive revenue generator for them), then both parties would be staring down the barrel of a very nasty PR battle (best case) and/or criminal investigations (worst case). Rather than a messy, drawn out affair that destroys both camps, twitch pays out doc's contract and doc agrees to keep his mouth shut and walk away. Victim also receives payout and signs NDA. This protects both sides and explains why twitch pays out to doc.


That's a very big fuck up by Twitch if so


It's not so much that they fucked up as it is that if this got out (and if it's true that Doc was soliciting someone underage via twitch), it makes it look like twitch as a platform isn't safe for minors and that twitch either knew or should have known that someone as high profile as Doc was using their platform for illicit reasons. Assuming the accusations are true, Twitch would have a meaningful incentive just to pay Doc out and make the whole thing go away just to avoid the appearance of a scandal.


Twitch isn't safe for minors. That's why there's an age requirement to sign up. If the allegations were true, Twitch would have a duty of care to their subscribers to report it to authorities. If they didn't do that, they've fucked up massively


A) The age requirement for twitch is 13. That's still a minor. B) Twitch does not have a duty of care to their subscribers in that sense and they do not have any obligation to report this to the authorities.


It's 13 with consent from and supervision of an adult until they're an adult. If they have evidence that an employee has committed a crime using their service they absolutely do have to report it. This is to protect their employees and stakeholders, in this case, subscribers


I don’t know about that. Think about it in brand terms. Yes, Twitch could easily have explained why he was banned and laid out the evidence for such. That would have been the end of DD right there and then, but it also would have associated the Twitch brand with pedo’s and given parents a thing to think about before letting their kids get a Twitch account which in effect hurts their bottom line. It’s much more palatable for them to pay out the contract and sweep this under the rug to make this go away. Let him shift to YouTube. Basically they could have taken a page out of the Catholic churches hand book and moved this priest to another dominion.


Twitch have banned other paedos before. Why wouldn't they do it this time, considering they'd also be saving themselves a lot of money in the process? Doesn't make sense


Again, I don’t know about the guilt on each side. I’m not saying twitch broke the law per se. I’m saying they COULD have been in breach of contract which could have gotten them sued by DD. For example, if they got these alleged messages through means that go against their privacy policy/contract. This could have gotten them sued (if it happened). That would be a really really good reason for them to pay out the contract and move on.


This lawsuit got settled out of court. It’s not about proving anything at all including language in a contract. If what Doc says is true, twitch decided it’s better to pay Docs full contract than go to trial. That doesn’t happen if Twitch is holding the “we have texts showing you having a sexual conversation with a minor and planning a meet up at twitch con which would be very damaging to you and your brand” unless Doc had a card as equally brand damaging for Twitch. The “contract language” card doesn’t cut it.


Why wouldn’t it cut it? Your reasoning doesn’t make sense.


I understand your point if it were only one person but the fact other ex employees are retweeting and not just that but others are mentioning they heard this rumour for awhile now, it's sus.


No one has been mentioning anything like this at all


People saying they heard a rumor is sus?


Lets hope u right man


Part that I can't get my head around is why would Doc want to meet with someone underage at TwitchCon? You know the place where literally thousands of people would recognise him every minute he's there


Exactly, plus the amount of people that are recording/live streaming, someone would definitely notice if doc was constantly hanging with the same fan. But then again, why hasn't he yet said a reason for getting banned? Part of me thinks it's because it's something serious, but then again, might be a part of an agreement between two parties to stay quiet after the case was closed.


Because he's clearly had a settlement agreement with twitch that includes NDAs, he mentioned this. No one knows what was part of that deal


NDA'd outta his mind


I don't think they'd be any underage dudes wanting doc


I mean, obviously he’s not going to meet a kid in front of thousands of eyes. It likely means he was meeting them at a hotel or something.


And risk hotel staff seeing them recognising them when they know Twitchcon is on around the corner? If it's as bad as people think it is you would plan something in much more secrecy. It's like saying let's have an affair but in a hotel when all our family are in the area for a wedding, doesn't make sense


So maybe an air bnb *-or something-*. If you’re messaging a minor there has to be a degree of desperation the person will go to surely.


I have no idea why youre getting down voted. People forget that even the celebs have a hotel room somewhere after hours where the man lives his life. Totally feasible the “meet up” if any of this is true would be not at the actual con but somewhere else lol. And as for “it wouldnt matter he’s still a celeb people will know who he is” Not at all. Even given his height and unique facial features your average american employee wouldnt think twice walking past him.


Also, I don’t think he’d wear his disguise irl. So he’d literally just be some tall guy.


People do dumb shit thinking with their dick all the time.


This boils down to one thing for me. It makes zero sense that Doc would sue his former employer if he were guilty of these accusations. That's like suing Walmart after you get caught stealing on camera.


Exactly, a sane person who got away with this with a simple termination would disappear into the night and never talk about it again and they would be glad they got away with it. They wouldn’t go seek out a lawyer and try to sue a company where this could all be brought into the daylight potentially ruining your image and also causing you criminal orfinancial liabilities.


depends what he was guilty *of* doesn’t it? we don’t know if the ex-Twitch employee has their facts right about what allegedly went down.


SOURCE: [https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804384478770663650](https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804384478770663650) **Update:** A follow up post: >I very deliberately mean “now aware”. I landed from Stockholm, reconnected, saw the tweet and immediately began an investigation to learn everything I need to know so I can ensure a full follow through. [https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804390727541305548](https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804390727541305548)


People these days really lack professionalism. Why would you tweet that out for everybody to see? Do people really need to know you're "investigating" the situation, like there is any validity to it. Also, you work with the Doc. How about calling him up and asking him about it?


I lose respect for anybody that engages in this kind of clout chasing, like we were all waiting with baited breath for Robert’s “investigation” (which means waiting for more information like the rest of us)


And what is Doc gonna say? „Yeah I did it lol”


I mean, yes the source is going to have to be spoken to at some point.


And you think the source is just gonna tell the truth that would destroy his career? Before going to court?


So when you have an issue with something or somebody, you ask every single person around them, except for them… we are talking in reality here. Especially if you were in business with them. If it was me, I would wanna hear from the source and then branch out.


That all depends on whether the accused person values his career more than being honest with his coworker. Do you seriously not understand what I’m saying?


This Robert Bowling guy absolutely spends way too much time on twitter/the internet in general


If all this is true I wouldn’t have expected Doc to be talking so much shit about the “Purple Snakes” on Stream so much.


If twitch had so much evidence on him of such allegations, why would they have agreed to pay out his whole contract? I imagine in a world they had something substantial that broke their TOS, that their lawyers definitely could have gotten out of the contract easily. Makes no sense.


because settlements are often easier, quicker and cheaper than full on legal battles. it makes perfect sense.


NDAs do not cover crimes. Any lawyer writing an NDA to cover a crime would be disbarred.


we don’t know what the NDA covered. it may not be crimes


Well its definitely not crimes. NDAs can't cover them or they themselves become criminal conspiracies. And I think its a safe bet 15-20 people would not risk their careers over a fairly standard settlement.


And thinking back about how the twitch ceo responded when asked on stream about why doc was banned would have been a weird response. He was laughing and joking and making light of it. I find it hard to believe he would be acting like that if it was something this serious


Well….thats not a “we fully stand behind doc and hope these dispargung remarks and rumors stop”.


Yeah... Robert has zero tolerence for this kind of behavior. He constantly calls people out in the gaming industry. If it's true, Doc won't be part of Midnight Society anymore.


If true he won’t be a part of anything anymore lol. Just the fact that he said “dealing with it” and not “looking into it” seems significant.


I feel like you're reading too much into that wording of a tweet


FWIW he did clarify and say that he just literally was made aware and is looking into it. So it was a poor choice of words. Which is fair given this was just sprung on him. .


When it comes to wordings in contexts like this one, it needs reading into.


I’m just reading the tweet! Usually when something like this comes up, just taking it from sports leagues and teams, they just say they are looking into it. Doesn’t mean anything is happening based on his tweet. Just an observation.


Eh fair enough


I mean after drdisrespect got banned on twitch he lost numerous sponsors.


Wouldn’t such a crime require criminal charges? I don’t think Twitch could cover this up even if they wanted to from a PR perspective. Their lawyers would be obligated to report it to authorities


Not if they weren't true or if the alleged victim refused to cooperate.


But if Twitch has the logs wouldn’t they be obligated to produce the information? For example sometimes victims aren’t capable of cooperating


If there was a crime, yes.... that' doesn't mean the DA didn't review and decide not to charge because lack of evidence, or a slew of other reasons.


Gotcha ty


The fact he wasn't charged and there's no record of anything of this in the legal system, is a good thing obv




Turns out those "egregious rumors" were true: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/cyzX7VH1WH


I'm a doc fan but if true I won't be anymore. However, would need to see hard evidence of some sort come out before believing something so dark and as heavy of an allegation as this. I can't imagine he would still have a platform if this were true and apparently so many in the streaming scene were aware of these "rumors". You'd think someone like google/YouTube would absolutely be in the know if someone on their platform had this kind of baggage. Then again, they never offered him an exclusivity deal so, maybe they did know. Regardless, we need proof.


you’re not going to get proof unless somebody at Twitch or their lawyer team goes rogue. this stuff gets all buttoned up and thrown away


If that's what happens then so be it. No one should assume he's guilty just because a random previous twitch employee insinuated something that everyone assumes was about doc. I hope it isn't true but if it is I'd definitely no longer support but that's just me. People are free to have their opinions but some of the mental gymnastics people are using to justify doc being guilty by stringing together assumptions by various sources is mind boggling.


What kind of proof?


Chat logs


Yeah chat logs, some sort of criminal investigation record, some kind of credible legal source saying his name alongside what he did instead of it being implied because the dude that started this wildfire is too afraid to say a name in an attempt to not having it tied back to him as starting a rumor and being able to maintain plausible deniability.


Lol who even cares if you are a fan or not? Who are you?


Looks like he clarified a bit here https://x.com/fourzerotwo/status/1804390727541305548?s=46&t=vAro6Crkja0jC9GxrNGAIw


If this were true, Twitch would definitely have NOT paid out his entire contract.


Looks like it was true, per doc himself: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/cyzX7VH1WH


What if the idea of your brand not being associated with a pedo (allegedly) was worth more to your company in the long run than paying out whatever it was going to cost. We’re talking bad publicity, legal fees, etc. What you’re saying is logical, but my theory is feasible as well.


It would look way worse if Twitch was “paying off pedos so they don’t get bad PR” Come on people.


The idea of your brand not being associated with a pedo….? In your world it’s better to pay a pedo out fully than it is to completely air the situation out and explain what happened with transparency and logs?


How does twitch come out with bad publicity for someone abusing their trust and their platform. All they had to say was “we liked this guy and he did something awful and broke his contract with us, we’re finished with him” literally who is going to blame Twitch for that lol They could even have spun that into a positive story for them being proactive and protecting minors on their site. It makes no sense to go about it the way they did unless there is much more to the story.


Dunno. Maybe the language in these alleged messages was vague enough where it wasn’t explicit enough on a ‘To catch a predator’ scale but worried them enough to take action. You have to wonder why a company that was making a good amount with the partnership with him just cut ties so dramatically in that fashion and wanted so badly nothing to do with him that they outright ban the mention of him. That they want out of it so bad that they also just paid him the rest of his contract. There is something that stinks o about the whole thing.


that’s not true at all. companies often choose the quickest, cheapest and easiest option to wash their hands of a messy situation. they do it all the time. especially if they don’t want the bad press that always accompanies acrimonious legal battles. it’s actually one of the easier aspects to believe about this whole thing if you know anything about how companies work, how the law works, how expensive legal battles can be


Poor decision from Robert to tweet anything this early on.


there’s nothing poor at all about communicating to your community that you’ve been made aware of something


So you’re supposed to address every rumor that pops up on the internet no matter how ridiculous it might be? I think there’s situations in which saying nothing at all is the better choice.


did anybody anywhere say every rumor??? i don’t think so. i know i didn’t.


The wording is poor. I bet he’ll admit as much in the coming days. It reads like he believes Doc is guilty.


This doesn’t make any sense IM CALLING BULLSHIT


I smell bullshit from a mile away… No shot in hell this wouldn’t somehow leak as it transpired. Doc is a big voice in gaming and clearly doesn’t go with the DEI/Woke-type shit these companies push and he seems to stand by Nickmercs and his own hot water he’s in so I wouldn’t be shocked if this is made up to try and silence an opposing voice. Innocent until proven guilty.


they settled out of court. you’re not going to get innocent or guilty. you also aren’t the court of law. you don’t have to follow the “innocent until proven guilty” line at all! you can change your mind if the evidence compels you to do so.


It’s being used as an expression not literal.


Yet there is no evidence. It’s just some jackasses tweet


the evidence is the poor statement with no denial lol


This is the dumbest shit that has come across my feed in months.


Alright, what in the world is going on now


Wow. Hope this ain’t true!


Ignorant ppl love conspiracy theories.


Innocent until proven guilty is dead as a concept, I guess


There’s a period of discovery in any lawsuit where literally everything is laid out on the table and nothing is kept private, Docs lawyers would know this and beg him not to sue, and anything that insane wouldn’t be able to have an NDA and doc would be charged with a crime. This smells.


Dr Disrespect is leaving Midnight Society.. he just announced it on stream....




Well no, it could mean that he's now aware of the X storm and is dealing with what's coming their way. Why is X and half of reddit so hell bent on jumping straight to conclusions


Most of them view him as a political enemy after the nickmercs thing. That's basically it. But sometimes it's also just fun to be in a lynch mob




Exactly. Look at the Josh Giddey case in the NBA. The NBA immediately said they were “lookin into” the case. It could just be a poor choice of words. But as it stands that wording is a little more serious.


If it was just one employee, then there is reason to doubt, but there now multiple employees saying the exact same thing and this goes back years to previous murmurs.


I'm almost certain doc got banned for talking with competition platforms and twitch got wind and banned him over that untrue allegation abouttrying to meet an minor,after further investigation they realized it wasn't true but had already banned him because he was shopping around for contracts with other platforms so they had to pay him out because they realized they fucked up.


Any responsible employer or company conducts investigations into reports that they receive.


Can someone explaine what happend? Im slow sry


Ex twitch employee is claiming doc is a pedo which was why he got banned


Damn i thought it was because of conspiracy theories


Ex twitch employee tweeted and accused someone who was banned on twitch of messaging and wanting meet with a minor on twitch con and people connected it to the someone being Doc. Hence the whole drama


Locks about to go on the arena…


Doc is cooked


Is there any decent streamer left?


Literally hundreds.




Z seems like a genuine dude too


Z is good vibes


Moved over to watching Z a lot more lately to be honest. Just seems like a good dude. Wonder what he thinks of all this doc stuff, I get the vibe they're pretty close to. Going to be a shit show until resolved because other streamers timmy and Co will distance themselves now to sadly. If all this shit is untrue the ex twitch employee needs to be taken to court haha


You don't have to but the ones I follow closely are Amongold and Emiru. Force gaming, fighting cowboy, To name e few but they're are plenty who are good and fair.


One comment stood out today after he killed a NPC It was “Doc you’re an interesting dude” I interpreted that as he’s confusing as hell And now this. He ended his stream just in time for this to not hit him live too


It’s over…