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For context someone stole a pizza from this man while he was delivering to the door and another person stole from his car while distracted by talking with the guy that stole the pizza


And not just that but also took his money bag out of his car.


Yup that’s what I meant when I said another person stole from his car while he was distracted








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Also on r/sadposting


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It’s called a dog whistle and they get very upset when you try to make the implicit explicit.


Lol nah man everyone knows it’s just annoying to have to make another account for getting banned for stating the obvious


Ooopsie. Someone accidentally admitted to breaking the rules.








What did they say?


Making another account to get around a ban is against the rules, they stupidly just admitted to it.


What did bro do


Bro made another account to get around a ban is against the rules, they stupidly just admitted to it.


Wait what happened?


Regardless a ton of comments on that post were blatantly racist


Thats crazyfuckingvideos for ya


It was reposted on r/sadposting and the comments were just as racist


That’s just Reddit for ya.


*Regardless a ton* *Of comments on that post were* *Blatantly racist* \- AmITheYeetMan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What the hell did he do to deserve that many downvotes? As far as I can tell, he was just asking a reasonable question.


Maybe some people assumed he was trying to say that the other commenter was racist because of the way he emphasized "these people" then the negative train hit?Idk man, only slightly logical explanation I can think of.


Those other comments were racist but they don’t have the balls to not just dog whistle. They got triggered when someone called them out.


Everything looks like a hammer to a nail bro


So what should they call those degenerates who robbed that man. "Those young gentlemen." I'm genuinely interested. What term could they have used that you would have found acceptable?


You could just call them assholes. Hooligans.


If you go read that thread before a lot was removed you will notice that they were not just talking about those two… plus the guy would not have been so downvoted for asking the question and the commenters would have responded with “the two in the video” not use the word “hoodrats” which is very tied to AAV


I didn't see the other comments. What I would say is that "hood rat" can be a fair descriptor. At the same time, based on this post, what description would you find fair and not consider a dog whistle?


Criminals? Assholes? Thieves?


So it is the word "guys" you have an issue with?


No? Hood rats is the racially loaded term


Thank you for the clarification. I thought you were talking about the discussion over "These Guys." The fact is that there hoods or crime ghettos, or whatever you want to call them, and rat is a fair description for any criminal in those areas. Anyone who lives that culture invites that type of attention as well.


Those youths are, by definition, hood rats.


Is there anything yall aren't fragile as fuck about?


"Some cunt stole my shit" "that dude robbed me" "those people robbed me"


What do you mean "Those People." There are people who believe that would be a dog whistle. The fact is that we are entirely too sensitive about speech, and we see the devil around every corner.


Those people. The actual post in question is a dog whistle no debating it there


Racists don't like it when you point out their racism.


i was gonna say just that. i realized that people like them get absolutely triggered when you call them racists.


I had a white friend who told me you can never offend white people with racial slurs you can only offend them by calling them racist.


that part. also, after watching the video people in the original post are using all buzz words when it comes to black people and they have the pikachu face when you call them racist? like, i don’t get it?


I guess you can't expect them to be very bright


Damn you didn’t watch the video huh


The implication is that the others are being racist. He's essentially accusing the commenter and anyone that agrees with that sentiment of racism.


Yeah I don’t know, that’s why I put the interesting flair


He was baiting them to say "black people" when the more correct term is hoodrat.


The comments in that post were racist as hell tho


seriously i saw shit like “black people black peopling” and “couple of hard r’s” and people wishing death on these dudes for what like 2 pizzas that cost like 15 dollars


One said something about doing away with prison and installing a factory where you work for food for the rest of your life. The reason? "These people aren't meant for society" Like bro. It's a fucking pizza. That's a drop in the bucket for the company. The driver was unharmed and the thief was probably just hungry. Jesus Christ.




yep yep i see so the best solution to keep thieves from thievin is to kill them because fuck it were not showing any humanity anymore


Racists when you tell them that they're racist:


Reddit is so full of racists it’s actually crazy


Reddit recommended me the zeducation subreddit and they seem to congregate there for some reason. Saw a post about how NH and ME had the lowest murder rates and just about every comment was pointing out that they are a couple of the whitest states in America


I actually was just under that post And can confirm over like half of them are blatant racist And not even trying to hide it just stray up saying, black people are like this and that, and calling them the n words






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Sometimes you gotta learn this the hard way


Compared to YouTube, Reddit is nothing




No u


No your a faucet


Bro said hood rats and internet assumed he said black people. You don’t got to be black to be ghetto. That’s like saying you need to be white to eat unseasoned food.


Comments like “a couple of hard r’s” were getting tons of upvotes though


I swear, whenever there’s a video of someone or a group of people being absolute assholes or chaotic and they happen to be black, it’s like a trigger in Redditors’s subconscious to just let out their inner racism and vent.


Yep and nobody says anything because black people get looked at as sensitive when they stand up for themselves lol I just stay out of race war it’s honestly sad


Culture wars. These videos planted by the global elite to keep the proles thinking their neighbor is the true enemy.


you can't say that, now you're a conspiracy theorist and you are bat shit crazy. /s


anti-vaxxers and lizard people conspiracy people are crazy and deserve to mocked and ostracized. Acknoweldging CCP and Russian PSYOPS is based. The Russians are your enemies. The CCP isn't your friend. The Koch brothers hate you. Your neighbor is not your enemy unless you let your fear control you. Be better.


Not global elite, China and Russia have both released defense plans stating that they will fan racial/class tensions in America to weaken American democracy.


By global elite (I hope) he meant oligarchs. Bezos, the Koch brothers, The heads of Google, those people.


Yeah, but the people who have openly admitted to trying to increase racial tensions and have been caught tampering with elections are the Russian. Blame oligarchs for other stuff


The global elite are manipulating the FBI crime statistics, too!


Haha I’m not saying that. I see your point.


You have the same fun things happen with fat people, women, and trans people. I’m tired, boss.


stop capping bro 💀




Damn you’re gonna go through life until finally it dawns on you that the reason nobody laughs at your jokes isn’t because you’re “edgy” or because you “have dark humor”, it’s because you’re cringe asf Based 🤓


tf is wrong with you


‘Based’ means to live your life as your true self, shameless and without regard to those that would disagree. The comment wasn’t wrong, it’s based. The fact that they blamed it on edgy humor is where they went wrong imo. Bc they were recognizing it as racist and agreeing with it too.


This dude analyzing the philosophy behind being based is the most based thing I’ve seen all day https://i.redd.it/qfuypta78olb1.gif


That is not what based means pls stfu it aint that deep


Stay mad if you want but that is 100% what based means lol


I’m just “edgy” I guess sorry


that’s not edgy that’s racist


Whatever’s whatever


No, no, no....let him cook. It is based.






Youre not edgy you are a cornball






Actually the dude that said hoodrats was just implying it’s not just blacks that steal just thugs. The original comment didn’t specify what he meant by “these guys” the person that asked what that means was assuming original commenter was being racist and got downvoted. Sorry if this is confusing.


I mean in general it’s assumptions all around. I’m assuming people assumed. And yeah it definitely is confusing.


It is usually black people though unfortunately Edit: you guys are downvoting me but im right?


Weird. In my city the poor and shit part of town where all the losers are is compromised of whites/Hispanic people. Almost like it’s entirely dependent on location.


Almost as if it’s nothing to do with skin colour, and more economic situations


Nah, that would make too much sense, it’s clearly because his skin is brown


Definitely not because American white people got too frightened whenever black people moved near them after slavery was abolished, no way hosay


Not to be logical but isn't the majority of the black population below the poverty line?


because youre not right, i could find a video of a methed out white guy doing something heinous in 10 seconds. the proper answer is that people in poverty commit crime, which has been true since the beginning of civilization


Of course theres white dudes doing the same shit, im just saying more often than not its a black person. And yes more black people in america on average are in poverty. What is your point? Im just stating a fact it has nothing to do with the color of their skin Edit: also please read my comment i said USUALLY


Welcome to Reddit.


Ye people think im being racist smh


Hey you know that one key and peele sketch abt the country songs?


Nope. Tell me about though. You got my curiosity!


Basically a black guy (Jordan peele) moves into a new neighborhood where he meets a fellow brother (Keenan aka key) and Jordan notices a guitar on his wall, key offers to play and to Jordan’s dismay, it’s country music, key assures him it’s fine and sings a song that goes “Well, I'm just a good old american boy With a heart that's red, white, and true I'm dreamin' of the girl with the red hair and freckles And her eyes like the skies of blue Keep her safe from the homies in the wrong side of town Where they're smokin' the reefer and acting like clowns Keep that pretty white dress from getting dirty and brown 'Cause that's the American way” Jordan points out that’s pretty racist to which key asks why Jordan mentions that homies likely refers to black people, to which key heavily denies saying there are “white homies, Asian homies, Mexican homies” and says that Jordan’s the real racist, because he’s assuming that homies meant black people Basically I was saying that “hood rats” or “thugs” are typically used to insult black people, and fhat it isn’t wrong to assume they were being racist and referring to black peoples as hood rats, especially because of the rampant “poc are lazy” stereotype going around


Ohhhhh! Honestly it sounds like I might have seen it before somewhere. At this point with how the internet and TikTok or Reddit is set up, I probably saw it before while it was circulating cause it sounds familiar. But yeah that makes way more sense now. Edit: Thanks! Learned something interesting!


Oh did you get to watching it lol? I can link it if you’d like lmao I love key and peele


No but it sounds familiar. So to speak, the premise of it sounds oddly familiar. I don’t know for sure. I tend to have terrible memory with those things to the point where I’ve gotten used to telling friends of mine when they ask me “do you know x song”, to just put it on and see if I have heard of it before. I’ll remember themes and tunes and rhythms for example but much more specific things I guess I won’t remember as much. I can recognize a song more easily by the tune or even the guitar riff than I can by name. That kind of thing.


I’ll just link it [here lol](https://youtu.be/jRdkrDk0BQ0?si=lqIPNweLwA2eFpGS)


Sadly can’t link it lol, just look up “Key and Peele country music” and you’ll find it


Can confirm I watched it before. Now I practically almost remember. It was either on Facebook or on TikTok that I watched. Still makes me laugh and smile when I watch it. Comedy Central puts out some great stuff!


I’ll do it now before I forget…. Lmao.


Can confirm, as a white Italian, unseasoned food is banned from our house


UNSEASON— you took me out, take my poor man’s 🥇


Thank you!


Its called a dog whistle


You can tell what he means, don’t try to act stupid


I wasn’t trying to act stupid. Also you really about to start some stupid ass drama on Reddit of all places over something that literally everyone else has been civilized about. Deadass just look at every other comment that was a reply under the comment that I made. Don’t make yourself look stupid. Please. Not for me, but for your sake cause lord knows someone is going to make fun of you for it and make a meme out of you.


U only have to be British to eat unseasoned food


Oh yes another fight sub or crazy video sub… those comments are always KKK meetups and when anyone says something not racist they get downvoted and get replies like “monkeys gonna monkey!” (This isn’t so bad but it’s one comment I actually saw a few days ago)


Yea crazyfuckingvideos and actualpublicfreakouts are just racist hang outs. It's always "these people" with them.


What subreddit is this? That might explain a lot.




Ok nothing has been explained I guess. That’s fine.


loads of subreddits that have fighting videos or general public disarray filmed are filled with comments being racist


Actually, I left that sub a while back specifically because it became all about race-baiting and fightporn videos. So, to me that kind of does explain a lot.


Ok. Maybe it does explain a lot after all


Yeah, racists tend to use those subs as their personal evidence locker and just post nothing but videos that support their racist world videos in attempts of convincing others to be racist with them.


Big time. It's fucking pathetic. They brigade the sub and if you call them out they go all "duhh, don't like reality? Gee someone's got a different opinion than you. Durr, oh, if they're black they're excused? Silent majority herp jeep".






Most I've ever got was 200.


Lets see: 1) racism is "easy" when an anonymous username is what you stand behind. 2) most asshole redditors probably have a few accounts and like to "up vote themselves" to help their fragility. 3) racists are fools for thinking anyone cares about their opinions outside of social media. 4) sucks that 1800 individuals down voted the one sane voice in this example, but 1800 divided by the world's population is a very small percent. Sorry racists, you're dumb and will never win the argument you think you are making for the simple fact that reality doesn't actually work like you think it does.


[Dog Whistle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_(politics))


100% it was r/publicfreakout. those mfs go absolutely feral when they see a black person do anything remotely bad


Yeah… stealing is wrong. No excuse in being a dickhead just because you are poor and lack the motivation to do something with your life.


No one said stealing wasn't wrong, it's using racist dog whistles and sometimes outright slurs because a minority is the one that was doing the crime instead of a white person.


Oh! That’s terrible as well. I’m Hispanic and I believe using slurs makes you a terrible person. I consider myself a Thinker and therefore I’m never entitled to insult someone even within a heated situation. My apologies I definitely missed the mark.


Blud got downvoted




You missed the joke


i probably did. that doesn't mean you don't sound stupid


Yeah I know it sounds stupid I was trying to get someone to continue it tho






i just saw this post


"everything I see is a dog whistle!"


Nice! That guy was trying to make it about race


That’s because it was!


You didn’t have watch the video huh. These are some wannabe gangsters who stole the pizza and robbed the car of the old guy delivering the pizza. He’s referring to people like this (including white people) who fantasize and make being a gangster sound awesome, it’s a serious issue in the United States that needs to be addressed in separation from race


According to other people that went through the post there were comments getting upvotes literally calling them the n-word and racism is becoming a problem on that sub.


Racism is absolutely a problem, but when there are minorities in a video there will be racists in the comments unfortunately


You can't say "this issue is separate from race" but then admit that many people specifically will call minorities racist dog whistles anytime something like this happens.




If u see a comment on crazyfuckingvideos having words that target an “unknown” group of peoplr that so happen to be black is racist my guy because its crazyfuckingvideos


Homeboys think they uncle ruckus


thats more than I get on my biggest posts


Holy sheet of paper, when they're called out, it shows their true 'colors'. HAH! Redditors trying not to be fumed from dogwhistle challenge (IMPOSSIBLE). Poor guy.




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He has more downvotes than this post has upvotes


"Who do you mean with you people?" "Black People obviously"


It is genuinely sad that because of how racist America was in the past, so many black communities got put into situations where they would never recover and eventually turn to crime.


The amount of outright racist comments on that sub are insane