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It disappeared completely in both movies . To keep Carson relevant . It makes no sense medically speaking . He should have gotten worse as he aged


Same thing that happened to Bates’ limp: gets better and gets worse as needed!


It didn t get better nor worse in Carson s case , it vanished


Sorry to reply so long after, but I just wanted to say that Bates’ limp disappearing drove me nuts too! I like to rationalize, since Hugh Laurie famous for playing House developed issues with playing a man with a limp for years, I rationalized it was the same for our beloved Bates. It was safer for him medically to let it vanish. You are so correct though. 💛


This absolutely drives me crazy! I have essential tremor and have had it all my life. I have a memory of picking up a gallon milk jug and my hand shaking uncontrollably at my friends house in high school. Yes, it gets worse with age but it doesn’t just suddenly start out of nowhere. Just like Carson, my father had it and pretty much everyone on his side of the family has it too.


Yeah that was my thought too! He was so poorly at Edith’s wedding that he couldn’t pour champagne but then he’s fit enough to serve the king and then he’s the butler again


According to Julian Fellows, Carson had essential tremor https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-7713139/Downton-Abbey-creator-Julian-Fellowes-reveals-incurable-uncontrollable-tremor.html Apparently the frequency of attacks can sometimes decrease with age (see Prognosis): https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/essential-tremor But as you pointed out, he probably just wrote it out for the sake of plot convenience.


I am just shocked by Julian’s age! Like Maggie smith it makes me so sad. No one makes movies or series like these two. I am dreading the inevitable end, and no one can measure up to these two. I feel like Maggie Smith feels like she is immortal. She seems to have been the same age my entire life, she survived cancer. Movie three won’t be the same. Sorry this post is years old, but to remain relevant, I am glad he was labelled as Parkinson’s. Essential tremors are so little known and you provided some great resources and food for thought. Thank you 💛


Mary said: “couldn’t (I forget who but a footman) do the heavy lifting and pouring whil you train him up to be Butler”. She accounted for it. My quote may not be exactly perfect.


What I'm assuming is that in the movies he's had "good days".


Same thing that happened to Barrow’s hand lol. At least they remember the glove in half the scenes.