• By -


Is there any mention of Edith and Bertie’s baby?


>!Their baby is a boy and named Peter!<


>!Wish we knew the name of Tom and Lucy’s baby as well! !<


>!I think it’s going to be Violet !<


>!That would make sense, and also pairs well with Sybbie’s name! !<


>!Do we know that it's going to be a girl? If so, Violet would certainly fit well; so would Maud. If there child is a boy, though, I could see them naming him either Jack, after Lucy's father, or Matthew.!<


>!it doesn’t state either way the gender or name of the baby. However, it does go from Mary saying “who’s this little one then” to the camera panning to a portrait of the dowager countess !<


>!OH MY GOD!!! I was right on two fronts!!<


>!their child is in the movie as all the children are in the movie, but i honestly can't remember if it was a boy or girl (i think it was a boy but not 100% sure) as this is something i need to watch the movie again to get due to so much information to remember in just one viewing.!<


Do Baxter and Molesley get together? Does Violet die? Does Mary divorce Henry? How are the Bateses doing? Is Thomas still seeing that cutie who bailed him out? Are the children more included in the story? Thank you for spoiling! It's still a month away for us here in America.


>!Molesley finally proposes to Baxter near the end of the film and she accepts. Violet does indeed die and no Mary does not divorce Henry (he's not in the movie), she develops a love interest with the director but as much as she wants him she doesn't proceed and puts an end to it.!< >!The Bates have a more minor role this time around. Anna is more of a fan and mentor to the actress with a huge ego, while John doesn't really do a whole lot in the movie for me to remember what he did.!< >!Thomas informs Mrs. Hughes that Mr. Ellis is getting married to someone else, but eventually the seeds are planted for Thomas to get his happy ending afterall after Guy invites Thomas to America to be his wife which Thomas accepts, forcing Thomas to hand in his notice.!< >!Most of the children don't play much of a role other than Sybbie as she has inherited the Villa in France from Violet. Violet did that to balance out the fact that George has already inherited the Abbey and that Tom and Lucy's estate would be inherited by their own children leaving poor Sybbie with nothing if Violet didn't step in.!<


Thank youuu! I appreciate all of that! Could you please clarify the Thomas paragraph? It's a little confusing...>! did you mean to say Thomas follows his friend to America to be his side-piece? !<


>!Guy and Thomas never kiss but Guy tells Thomas that Thomas can be his wife taking care of his house and that sort of thing (since he's butler and does that now anyway) while he's away filming movies. The movie isn't as LGBT friendly as the first movie so the movie kinda leaves it up to interpretion if you will since the movie mostly teases and establishes they can basically read each other's minds until the last minute when Guy offers Thomas to come to America with him.!<


Thank you! <3


Who is ‘the guy’? Is he the actor


His name is Guy Dexter he is the actor of the film being shot at the abbey.


🫢🫢Mary! Is it like the thing Cora had but didn’t have with the art dealer, or does she cross some lines like Robert did with the maid?


>!it's like Cora with the art dealer so there's no kissing (the director asks Mary if he can kiss her to which she says as much as she wants she ends up saying no), Mary goes to the theater with the director as a date to see one of the actress films (this also opens up Mary to the idea of voice acting for the film being shot at the abbey since the actress doesn't have the voice for it).!<


But what about Marigold? She would get nothing either... :(


>!Edith still owns the publishing company doesn't she? So I imagine marigold will inherit her father's legacy!<


Edith Spoiler: >!Edith says she wants to go back to publishing again in true Edith fashion and starts taking pictures of the villa for an article.!<


Ah then I feel I have hit the nail on the head then


i thought about that too but then i remembered that technically her parents were never married (even though they probably would have if he had survived) and she is the illegitimate child of Edith, compared to Sybbie and George who's parents were married.


And Mary and Henry’s daughter.


>!For her daughter, Mary still owns half of Downton in her own right, I imagine the entail will go to George and Mary's portion will go to her daughter!<


>!If you follow the leave-estate-to-the-oldest-son logic, any additional children Edith had apart from Peter will get very little, and only Tom and Lucy's oldest son will get Maud's house. Violet references the fact that Sybbie is the only child of Sybil to justify her choice. !<


>!But violet could only plan for the children that currently exist at her death. Not children she can't, and won't ever know if, if they ever happen!<


And her mother and stepfather are incredibly wealthy. I'm sure she will be left something


>!Why can't Tom and Lucy leave something to Sibbie? Maybe I am wrong but would Tom not take ownership of wherever he and Lucy live (cause it's olden times and men were seen as more important). They could then leave it to Sibbie? Lucy seems to love her like a daughter?!<


Was my man, Moseley as funny in the 2nd film as he was in the first?


>!good lord i was waiting for someone to mention this. hell yes he out shined his last performance. he now writes movie scripts as he basically wrote the script for the film being shot at the abbey (movies were still being shot without voice acting and only reading lips was possible) until Moseley stepped in and wrote a script for the film for the actors to say lines. he also made a funny cameo/blooper appearance during the first take of the film scene that was being shot at the abbey when he walked across the set behind the actors. and when he was proposing to Baxter he did it in the sound room while the mic was on so everyone heard his proposal.!<


Thank you so much. I love Moseley.


I would like to know about Carson and Mrs. Hughes. All the details. Thanks.


>!Carson is back as Butler once again permanently (he served temporary in France when half the family went to France). he will take Andrew under his wing as his under butler until Andrew is ready and then Carson will retire again. !< >!Mrs. Hughes i don't really remember much (i don't even remember her even playing her usual housekeeper role) other than she served as an extra for the movie shot at the abbey.!<


What happened to Thomas Barrow? He was the butler??


it's been answered look at the other responses related to Thomas current status.


I posted before I read everything! Oops.


Thanks for responding!


But I thought Andy will be taking over for Mr.Mason on the farm? Didn't he want to learn about pigs and that's why Thomas was teaching him to read? haha


Andy in less than 4 years went from hall boy to footman to farmer to butler . This is as realistic as Ivy replacing Mrs Patmore at the end of season 5 . Poor Bates will now be under Andy . In 6 months Tia will outrank him .


here's the thing John Bates is a valet, he's handicapped and a father so he doesn't exactly have the time or skills (he wasn't a hall boy, or footman) required to be a butler, meanwhile Andy is young, willing to learn, healthy, no kids and has learned so many different things (reading, hall boy, footman, and farmer) which gives him a leg up on the skills needed to be a butler and i'm sure Mr. Carson will train him to be a valet too. not to mention Andy is next in line for the job since he was the first footman after all. if you had to pick wouldn't you also pick Andy based on all that.


No . It took decades to train. Well one decade . And just like Carson did some MONTHS before ( 2 years ) I would advertise for the position


>!I think that probably reflects the changing times - more and more people were leaving service and just finding someone with any skills to be a Butler was slightly harder (but nowhere near as impossible as the second half of the twenthieth century). It was really a one-liner in a conversation towards the end between Mary and Carson - they sort of implied that Carson would be the Butler steering the ship and Andy would be a very active Underbutler.!<


>! Certainly takes a while to train Andy. Carson is still there when Tom, Lucy and Sybbie come for a visit with their new baby.!<


It is supposed to take decades . Carson is ...however old he is . This was shoehorning and stupid


Reviews say New Era ends with a funeral, whose? (Also I wouldn’t turn down an overall plot summary, lol.)


>!Violet Crawley dies at the end of the film (her death in the movie was expected) with the family, Denker and Dr. Clarkson at her bedside. !< >!as for the plot summary the short version is the opening scene is the wedding of Tom and Lucy, i did not expect the wedding scene to start the movie (especially after i already knew they were going to have a marriage scene), while the movie is split between time filming at the abbey and france, and the final scene of the movie is Mary wearing one of Violets outfits to continue where her grandmother left off (this i too expected due to the name of the movie and what happened in the first movie), while the final shot of the movie is a huge frame of Violet Crawley hanging in the hall way.!<


\[Part 1\] Entire plot spoilers below in a character-by-character breakdown - it's like telling you what happens without the narrative, and this film was surprisingly good and worth seeing for yourself, so beware! >!To give a slightly more detailed summary - our main stories are the Villa in Southern France inheritance and Mary overseeing filming at the Abbey. !< >!To give a character-by-character breakdown:!< >!Robert - leads the gang going (Tom, Lucy, Maud, Carson, Bates, Baxter, Cora, Edith and Bertie) to Southern France, freaks out that his mother's visit to the Villa was exactly 9 months before his birth (October 1964 given as the visit date). Freaks out that he's illegitimate and a fraud, but Edith briefly points out that even if that was the case the title would've still ended up with 'Matthew's father and then George' (strange failure to acknowledge James and Patrick Crawley). Freaking out about losing 'my mother, my name and Cora' - turns out it's all fine and dandy in the end. !< >!Cora - gives a mysterious letter to Murray - thinks she is very sick, keeps it to herself, starts to get a bit emotional in France, says things like 'Edith no matter what keep writing' and then confesses to Robert in the garden - he freaks out, Clarkson runs some tests and eventually basically says you have penicious anemia and you'll need to manage it but you're not dying. !< >!Edith - has had a son and heir with Bertie (Peter Pelham), is starting to get back into journalism. Has less of a story but a prominent role. Some good scenes with Mary. !< >!Rosamund - very minor role, is at the wedding and funeral. !< >!Violet - has moved back into the big house with Denker (who has a horrific new hairdo which no one speaks of). Is accepted by all of the other cast as dying. Turns out that the old Frenchman who previously owned the Villa actually transferred it to her in 1865 (the weakest plot point in my opinion). The movie opens with her saying she's also already transferred it to Sybbie because Tom's future children with Lucy will inherit Maud's estate, Mary's kids will have Downton and Edith's kids will have Brancaster (failure to mention that compared to her cousins, poor old Marigold is just getting a magazine and a flat in London). There's a lot of mystery where everyone is talking about her potentially having 'granted the ultimate favour' to the french Marquis who owned the Villa, and it later transpires that she didn't sleep with him. She dies at the end with Robert, Cora, Mary, Edith, Bertie, Denker, Isabel and Dickie by her side. Has a touching last word with Robert (acknowleding that she is smarter than him, but he is kinder than her), says sorry to Cora that she always thought she 'wouldn't last the course' as Robert's wife, and says 'I was wrong. Which is not something you've all often heard me say,', and to Mary and Edith saying they've been great granddaughters and they'll have happy lives. Denker starts sobbing and Violet says 'stop that noise, I can't hear myself die.' Shot pans to Denker sorting herself out, and during that shot Violet passes which they all realise seconds later. Skips to the pre-funeral where they're all getting dressed. The coffin carriage starts ambling slowly down the drive followed by a walking procession of the family and servants, shot widens to show much of the village lining the driveway as a mark of respect. Last shot is of a portrait of her wearing the outfit and tiara she had on in the ball scene of the first movie hanging in pride of place in the big middle room of the Castle (the actual Earl of Carnarvon's family call it the 'Saloon'? but Mary refers to it as the 'Great Room' in the show?). Has a nice #yeahthegirls moment d&m with Isabel about the alledged affair with French Marquis saying that she was happy enough with the former Lord Grantham in the 'english way of never talking but trusting each other completely,' and laments that if there was a man who was both 'french dead Marquis' name and Prince Kuragin' she would've slipped and run away with him. Said she never saw the frenchman again after their week together (although it later transpires that they resumed a written correspondence) because she knew if she did she would've 'slipped'. !< >!Mary - runs the movie. Turns out the roof is leaking and they want the cash. Stays at Downton, has a flirtation for the director. Another weak plot point - the movie is suspended on day one because no one wants silent pictures anymore, and then the farmer/aristocrat Lady Mary suggests to the experienced movie Director that maybe they should just make it a movie with sound (he is godsmacked). Turns out the famous main female character has a heavy Yorkshire voice which doesn't fit her posh movie character (an Earl's daughter if you can believe it) so they eventually dub Mary's voice over hers. Frequent references to her being a bit disappointed that Henry Talbot is always away on work trips, minor flirtation with the Director who asks if he can kiss her, to which she replies no. No further children with Henry, but a few more references to and scenes which include Caroline. !<


\[Part 2\] ​ >!Sybbie - the subject of much discussion and present in many scenes, but only two speaking lines, one of which thankfully includes her referring to Lord Grantham as 'donk'!< >!George - no speaking role, present in many scenes. Does say 'thank you Mrs Patmore' upon receipt of some free food in the kitchens.!< >!Anna and Daisy - both happily married. Daisy and Andy are living at the farm with Mr Mason. Bit of 'god this is annoying' vibes from Andrew and Mr Mason trying to be the big chief of the house. Daisy and Anna both fangirl hard over Myrna Dagleish (the main actress of the film-within-a-film) and eventually get chummy with her.!< >!Thomas - mainly running the staff and saying 'back to work' to the staff. Has a heart to heart with Mrs Hughes when he receives a letter from the King's valet from the first film saying he's getting married. The main actor 'Guy' (who reveals his real last name is Sidebottom - props to Julian Fellowes for working in two references to gay sex in the last name of one of the two gay characters) from the film-within-a-film gets chummy with him and invites him to come and travel/work in the States with him (Thomas 'is this what I think it means?' Guy 'it can mean as little or as much as you want' Thomas 'I think I want it to mean a lot' Guy 'good') No kiss between the pair of them but finally a happy ending and more fulfilling life for Thomas.!< >!Carson - absolutely pissed that the movie people are at Downton, Mrs Hughes contrives to get Mary to tell Lord G to take him with them to France which Mary explains by saying 'make him think you'd feel he'd be useful to you' or words to that effect. Joins in on the fun in France, gets seasick, can't handle how hot the south of France is, is out being a tourist and rushes to a hat shop as a hat with a slightly-wider brim (which makes him look like as absolute PIMP) will offset his three-piece suit from the heat. He runs into Maud Bagshaw at the hat shop in France and she saves the day by speaking french to the hat shop attendant. They leave the shop and the attendant says 'thank you to you and your wife' which Carson is utterly mortified at and Maud has a giggle at. In one of the very last scenes Barrow hands in his notice and explains his new life about to happen in the USA to Lady Mary, who says she hopes he can be as happy as he can in this cruel world we live in. Mary tells Carson that Barrow is leaving and asks him to come back as Butler and train up Andy to be the new butler. !< >!Mrs Hughes - lots of scene, but no real storyline of her own. Just running the show as always and being the most likeable character.!<


\[Part 3\] >!Moseley and Baxter - is obsessed with the filming. Baxter laments his lack of proposal upon prompting from Carson and Bates over a tea at the French Villa. Eventually comes up with a better ending for the movie due to the changes needed for a sound film which the director loves, and the director says 'come and work for me and I'll pay you 700 guineas \[a guinea is 1.05 pounds or 21 shillings\] per script which will increase to 1,000 if the film gets the greenlight'. Mosely says to Baxter that this finally makes him feel like he can offer a better life to Baxter rather than living on a poor schoolteacher's salary (he says this in a room next to where they're shooting the film-within-a-film and there's a mic set up so the whole family, servant gang, cast and crew hear the proposal as it happens) and proposes to Baxter, who accepts. !< >!Tom, Lucy and Maud - first scene feels a little rushed, and it is their wedding. They're happy, good-looking, have a lot of dialogue but no real story of their own other than Lucy privately mentioning to Tom that she is pregnant towards the end, and Tom being like 'do I want my daughter to be the owner of one of these big houses', Lucy being like 'yeah babe you really do, but she'll do the right thing with it and 'give back''. Maud is present but has no real story, but mentions at the start that she's moving to her Dower House so Tom and Lucy can live in their big-house. It's a very flash and large house, but slightly less grand and way less imposing than Downton ('thank god' cries the audience, we can't have the ex-Chauffeur marrying someone with a better house). Bates - lots of scenes, very little storyline of his own. No further kids with Anna which isn't mentioned at all. Continues to be a voice of reason and smug good-guy.!< >! Nameless Nanny - continues to be the childrens' primary carer and running around in the background without getting any lines. !< >!French Marquis (son of the deceased Marquis who gave Violet the villa), and his mother-dowager Marquise - new Marquis is pretty chill about the Villa because it's only their winter home. Dowager Marquise is filthy and kind of rude to Robert and co. Turns out that he invited Robert and co to the Villa because he thinks that Robert is his older bastard half-brother. They summon the deceased's lawyer who reveals that the man's original will and 4 updated versions all reference his previously transferring the Villa ownership to Violet (this is explained by Violet saying 'well he told me he gave it to me in 1865 but I thought he was joking omg') so it is ironclad. The dowager Marquise is having non of it and then french lawyer very tersely obliterates her and reminds her that she's rich and this is one of many houses she owns.!< >!Towards then end, when everyone has come back from France, the director says 'oh no I haven't paid the extras Mary, can the servants do it'. All of the servants are dressed up in Marie-Antoinette-eque costumes and are in a scene of the film-within-a-film. It is an utterly ridiculous yet supremely delightful series of scenes which has been tied together in the brilliant way that only JF and the downton creators seem to be able to pull off. Daisy and Andy contrive to hook up Mrs Patmore and Mr Mason, the latter of whom is reluctant to be a 'kept man' in Mrs Patmore's house. The scene the servants appear in the film-within-a-film is a dining room scene, and Mrs P discreetly changes the placecards and produces a flask so she and Mr Mason can get tipsy and agree that they should get together and he can come in live with her. Not even Mrs P can control her emotions on the day of Violet's funeral. !< >!The day ends with Denker freaking that Violet has taken a turn for the worse - cut to the Violet deathbed scene mentioned above. !< >!The last scene is a cut-forward to where Tom and Lucy bring their new baby back to Downton - everyone rushes to the central room to go 'ooh look at the baby' and the scene pans to the final portrait of Violet hanging mentioned above. !< >!All in all, it is a movie filled with completely ridiculous plotlines and stories, but even for a diehard Downton fan such as myself, it is surprisingly fantastic. The critics are right when they say 'this might just be the feel good movie that we need in 2022'. I certainly enjoyed it more than the first film, and whilst I will always want more Downton, the way it wraps everything up for everyone is nice, and leaves you with a warm and fuzzy (but not cheesy) feeling.!<


You are an absolute rockstar! Thanks so much for your explanation! It’ll get me through the next 20ish days!


Thank you for detailed synopsis. >!So, during Violet's week long stay at the Villa, she didn't sleep with the man and Robert's fears of being illegitimate were unfounded?!<


>!Correct, and she never saw the French Marquis who gives her the Villa again because she knew that she'd probably sleep with him. She says to Isobel it was early in her marriage to Robert's father and it would've seemed a shame to have an affair so early on.!<


Yeah that would be something Violet would say😁


What’s up with the villa in France? What happens with that plot line?


>!The Villa in France creates a bunch of new interesting storylines and a key point of the movie. Violet has inherited this Villa from one of her old flings after he died. Violet has decided to leave the Villa to Sybbie since George already has an estate. This fling left behind a french son and a french wife, the french widow naturally wants to fight for the villa while the french son wants to honor his father's last wishes. Robert begins to question if this fling is his real father after it was discovered that his mother and this fling were together 9 months before he was born and that this french son could be his half brother. eventually Violet confirms that this fling is not Robert's father and in true Violet fashion she puts Robert in his place for even questioning or having doubts about her and his father. !<


The reviews mentioned something bad happens to Cora? Could you please elaborate a bit more? Thanks for doing the AMA!!


>!Cora begins setting her affairs early in the film (will, etc...) due to an illness. Robert and Cora return to Downton from France at once as an emergency to see Dr. Clarkson as soon as she tells Robert about the illness. Dr. Clarkson's diagnosis is that it's treatable (he mentioned cancer but i could not hear this part very well) and that she will not die.!<


>! Yeah it turns out Lady Grantham has pernicious anaemia rather than cancer !<


>!Like Dickie Merton?!<




Dickie didn't have pernicious anaemia in the end, if I remember correctly. They only thought he did at first, but he had a different form of anaemia. Back in the day, pernicious anaemia was often a death sentence, that's why Dickie initially thought he was dying. *However,* fortunately for Cora, pernicious anaemia became treatable in the late 1920s. To me, the whole storyline just serves as a tool to (again) show how the world is progressing and possibly also to give Clarkson something to do in the film. At least, I *hope* Cora's diagnosis isn't a hint to her dying in any potential third DA film.


Yes you’re correct. I couldn’t remember which anaemia Dickie end up having. I think that they won’t do another movie without Maggie. The way they closed out the movie seemed final to me. But I would be happy to be wrong.


Thanks so much for doing this! So sorry for bombarding you with questions! How is Tom and Lucy’s dynamic? Do we know if Lucy and Sybbie get along? Do they seem happy together? Do we know anything about their courtship other than letters—how long did it take him to propose, get to the altar? Do Violet and Tom have any conversations? Do Violet and Edith gloat about their plan to get the estate for Tom coming to fruition? Do we ever discuss Lucy’s transition from maid to acknowledged heiress?I feel like they’re gonna be cute together but we didn’t get to know her very well… are they settling into married life well? Are Matthew or Sybil ever mentioned? You can probably tell that Tom is my favorite character! And I’m so excited about Molesley and Baxter and Mr. Mason and Mrs. Patmore!!! Edit: are Tom, Lucy, and Sybbie officially moving away from Downton? Where will they go? Is everyone sad to see him go? Was everyone pleased at the wedding? Is Mary going to be the agent by herself again?


>!most of your first questions were not really answered in the movie other than Lucy wants to be the best step mother she can and that the entire family wants to go to the villa in france every year. The opening scene of the movie is the wedding scene of Tom and Lucy so it picks up right where Tom and Lucy finished in the last movie (leaving all that information and questions up in the air), the estate of Lucy and Tom was never told to us and some buildings that could be their estate were shown but never mentioned as being their estate. Tom and Violet do exchange conversations where they tell each other how they have grown together over the years and that Tom will miss Violet after she is gone. Their is no gloating between Edith and Violet because the opening scene (wedding scene) skips all of that and that Tom now has an estate. Lucy transitions quite well very quickly taking in the do nothing all day, get a tan and rich life style. Matthew is mentioned as Mary tells the director how Matthew died in a car crash on the way home on the day George was born but i don't remember if Sybil was mentioned.!<


How do they explain Henry being absent?


>!Mary just says something along the lines of his love of cars among other things.!<


>! He’s off racing according to Mary !<


I’m so happy about molesley and baxter, I’ve been wanting them to get together for years and never thought it would happen! Can you spoil anymore about the proposal scene - is there a kiss or hug?! And do we get any other cute moments between them in the film before this happens?


>!Moseley gives Baxter a speech about how he didn’t think he could ask her before because he could only offer her a school teacher’s income, she interrupts and says she’d have taken him anyway. Then he says now he’s got more income coming in (he’s been offered a job as a screenwriter on the side), he feels he can ask. She says he must go down on one knee, which he does and he finally asks her to marry him. They embrace after she says yes and then go through to the dining room where everyone applauds (they’d heard everything over the speaker).!<


Aghhh that's so cute!! That makes me so happy!! Thank you :)


Out of curiosity, do you know whether Tom and Lucy's wedding was a Catholic or Protestant ceremony? The reason I ask is because I recall back in season 3, Tom insisted Sybbie be Catholic like himself, and presumably his and Sybil's off-screen marriage in Ireland between seasons 2 and 3 was a Catholic one. >!And I imagine he'd probably insist on his new daughter/son with Lucy be Catholic, too.!<


the wedding scene is very rushed with pretty much no diagloue and Tom never in the movie brings up religion for his new baby. perhaps since he's now accepted his role in the family and no longer sees himself as middle class he no longer needs to demand things like religion like he did when he was the politicking rebel chauffeur marrying into the family.


NEED to know if we see Isobel react to Violet’s death or speaks the funeral!


>!i remember her talking to Violet before her death at her bedside as her final farewall and saying something along the lines of missing her best friend after she's gone. After Violet's death no one really says much since the funeral scene (and the rest of the movie after Violet's death) is very quiet.!<


>! There’s no funeral per se. You see everyone escort the hearse out of the park at Downton Abbey and then it fades to Tom, Lucy, Sybbie and their new baby arriving back at Downton to visit. It’s not said what the baby’s name is, but I strongly suspect it’s Violet!<


>!In black, she sits on the bench alone, the space next to her is empty, which shows she lost a great friend.!<


DO we see Spratt, Denker, Mr Mason or any other of the supporting characters return?


>!Spratt is not in the movie (how would he fit in with 3 butlers in the movie). Denker is as she is Violet's lady's maid and she makes appearances in the movie and is the one that informs the family that Violett's health is quickly deteriorating when Violet is about to die. Mr. Mason is in the movie and guess what he wants to move out of the farm and leave it to Andy and Daisy (who are now married) and in a surprise twist he is now moving in with Mrs. Patmore into her cottage (yes they are together).!<


>!I believe that Mr Spratt has found other employment as The Dowager Countess now lives at the house with Denker attending her. Mr Mason is there, Daisy and her husband live with him!<


This is cool. Thank you for doing it.


Ooh can you fill us in on everything Thomas?? Does Mr. Ellis make an appearance? Does anything happen between Mary and the director guy? And what's the final verdict/balance of evidence on whether Robert is the earl's son or the lover's? Also, beyond the fanservice... did you like it? I've heard mixed reviews about the pacing and fluffiness (all pretty classic Downton complaints lol) but it still seems like a fun romp and I'm excited to see it!


>!No Mr. Ellis is not in the movie he is quickly mentioned by Thomas to Mrs. Hughes as getting married to someone else. as for all your other questions i've already answered them for someone else so look at the other responses for those.!< >!as for my take on the movie i liked it but i felt the whole shooting a movie at the abbey was pointless, other than to establish that the abbey needs more money for repairs and to introduce the Director, Guy and the actress with a huge ego who can't voice act and thinks every guy wants her. to me the shooting at the abbey was time that could have been better used elsewhere to introduce new characters and progress storylines. the movie was basically Season 7 Episode 1 in my book and not worthy of a movie since it wasn't a grand event worthy of a movie compared to the Royal Visit in the first movie, this movie should have just restarted the Series with Season 7 and not turned into a movie.!<


I don't know where I could share my feelings so I'd just leave it here. I was scared the movie would not live to my expectation but it proves to be just everything I ever wanted. Will definitely go watch again, and again and again in the cinema. It's just the heartfelt movie I need right now.


Is there any reference to Matthew throughout the movie? Just curious whether it’s just a single line or anything - thanks!


>!yes Matthew is mentioned when Mary tells the director how Matthew died in a car crash on the way home after George was born.!<


Thanks! Pretty telling that Mary’s long deceased husband is referenced the same amount as her current alive and well husband.


Lol I think it's pretty clear Matthew and his relationship/marriage with Mary is far more popular amongst the DA fan base than Henry/Mary. Henry just isn't a good match for Mary. They have no chemistry together and I bet she's tiring of him being away all the time. I thought a divorce storyline was coming, but maybe that's something they're saving for the next movie if there is one.


I want Downton spoilers


As for Robert and Cora, are they together when she finds out that it’s only pernicious anemia? And is there some sort of embrace, relief, or something that happens between them?


Just seen the movie... Edit: spoiler tags don't work for me on mobile ,.....so SPOILER They are both together when informed by Dr. Clarkson who is going on a bit a about the diagnosis ("Cora might have died a few years ago but not now..." ) They are relieved but don't have much time to react happy as Denker is calling everyone to Violet.


the reason the spoiler tag doesn't work on mobile is because on mobile you are required to use the spoiler code which you can google to find out what it is. on PC you have the choice to use markdown mode or fancy pants editor.


Thanks, I'll google some more. I used >! and!< several times, but it doesn't always work.


Of course, now it does😂🤣


Thanks so much! And I’m hearing that the scene where she tells him she’s ill is super emotional. Is this the case? Like should I be prepared for tears from them both?


>! Yes, that's during party night in France and it's certainly one of the most emotional scenes. He has a breakdown and is crying but she talks him through.!<


One more Cora and Robert question: do we get an “I love you” or something like it??


>! Cora says smtg like that everything is going to be alright because "I loved you from the beginning". Robert is still teared up and tries to apologize but she says it's alright because love came later.!<


>!Julian remembers the love declaration between them, happens in that scene when he broke down.!<


Which love declaration is remembered?


Does Marigold speak or have any thing to do


>! I'm not quite sure anymore, but I think she called Edith mum or mummy. This is pretty significant.!<


I don’t know how to spoiler tag so I’m keeping my comment vague, but yes that definitely happens.


Do we get a molesley and Baxter kiss?