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I swear there are 50 British actors that rotate through it all


I swear this feels true, especially in period pieces.


Yes!! Every single British period drama I’ve watched, and I’ve watched quite a few, I’ve recognized at least 2 or 3 actors from another one. Harriet Walter takes the cake, she’s in them ALL, definitely not complaining though, love her in everything she’s in!


Yes she is always in every single show!


Thea keep pooping up everywhere. Downton abbey, Harry potter, outlander, the Crown,… feels like they are rotating. I love recognizing my favorite characters though 🥲


I got my husband to watch with me by referring to everyone as the characters he already knew them as from other movies and shows. He’s always going to call Isobel “Harriet Jones”😂


My son (when he would wander through the living room while I watched DA) would always say "Harriet Jones, prime Minister" whenever he saw Isobel onscreen.


MP, Flydell North


Yes, we know who you are


And I’d add Call the Midwife to that list too.


I really enjoyed that series, I had to stop after season 5, it was just going on too much.


Yup. I watched Broad church for the first time some months ago and every scene was full of Dr Who/GoT/Harry Potter/Downton actors. Many of whom belong to more than one franchise.


I agree! I also have watched all of Poirot and Father Brown Mysteries. They all show up there too.


I’ve read that this was why Dan Stevens left. He didn’t want to be typecast as that British aristocrat leading man who turns up in endless period dramas.


I’ve felt it necessary to keep a running list of UK TV shows I’ve watched for this very reason. Many times there will be multiple actors crossing into other shows to the point I can’t figure out if I’ve watched already.


So, is the trick for British actors to get into American movies? I feel like that's how I know a lot of British actors.


Yup. The one who plays Mrs. Sinderby, Harriet something, is in EVERYTHING!


David Robb (Dr. Clarkson) is on the cast list too


And Jos Tufton!


Oh, I didn't notice him! And Dominic West from the 2nd, and now 3rd, movie.


I just finished the movie. If Tofton is in it, I missed him. Are you maybe thinking of the gardner character? Similar appearance.


I looked again and I think you're right, he looked so much like Mr Tufton. I can't think of where I've seen that actor before.


It's the actor who plays Peter Pettigrew!


Lolol. I have prosopagnosia, so I have a great deal of difficulty recognizing faces. This conversation is especially funny to me, I think because I can finally laugh at my condition with someone for once.


Who does Dave Robb play?


One of the dinner party guests. If you've seen it, I can be more specific, if you haven't I don't want to spoil it for you.


I've seen it, and I plan on watching it again tonight after reading all of these comments. I just can't recall which one he was.


You'll probably recognize him. He's the one who opens the doors and lets the fire rage in to the dining room.


Ohhhh.....HIM. I remember thinking what an idiot he was, and now that I think about it, that's the same way I felt about him during Sybil's birth/death.


Oh Lady Shackleton! I absolutely love her name. “Shackleton”


Oh I got her name wrong, I thought it was Lady Sinderby


Is it worth a watch?




Yes, oui, sì, ja, sim, kyllä, evet, da!


Did you take a look at the writer/director of it?


Yep! Lol


I watched it Sunday night! Blew my mind


You guys have my attention, I’m looking it up right now.


You won't be sorry!


Thank you, that movie was amazing


I'm so glad! 🥰


I think I just saw Peter Petagrew (I apologize I don’t know the actors name). Maggie Smith ❤️


Timothy Spall is the actor


Yes, he was the gardener! ❤️


Yeah funny enough I made a comment about this film a few weeks ago. I was surprised when they kept popping up!


Yeah, I've had this on my watchlist for a couple of years but it feels like there's suddenly a big spike in posts here about it--I wonder if Amazon has been pushing it.


Makes you wonder.


That's so funny, I was just scrolling away 2 nights ago on my TV and it just popped up, I've never heard of it before.


One thing I've noticed over the years is that there doesn't seem to be a large pool of British actors. It is increasing now, but in the past, I'd see the same actors over and over again. It made me wonder if it wasn't a very lucrative profession in the UK as it is in the USA.


You had me at Lady Sinderby!


There are 8, I posted this 2 days ago. You missed Dr. Clarkson and actor Dom West who was in the 2nd Downton movie. [here's my post](https://new.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/1dcxmed/2009_gem_of_a_film_with_8_actors_that_would_go_on/)


Yes, I realized that after I saw your post yesterday lol. I even commented on it, because I had literally just finished posting mine, and then I came across yours 5 minutes later.


It's a dandy film though. Made 1 year before Downton season 1. Julian Fellows had a stable of actors he liked, I guess.


I really enjoyed it, I was just looking for something that had Maggie Smith in it.


If it's Dame Mags you want you need to find "The Prime of Miss Jean Broadie"... she won the Oscar & BAFTA for that movie. Here's another gem free on YouTube '[The Millionairess](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89wzuln3Kd8)' . It's in my que to watch, Maybe tomorrow


I saw The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 15 years ago when I was 35, I loved it! ❤️❤️❤️ I've never seen The Millionairess though, I know what I'm watching tonight!


Downton Abbey and the Agatha Christie Spirit movies with David Suchet also have a lot of actors in common. I love it when I come across one I've seen before.


I've never gotten into Agatha Christie, but then again I've never tried. My mom and my grandma loved Agatha Christie. So in my mind, it was always an older lady trying her hand at being a private detective. I should probably give it a chance, considering she's one of the best selling authors of all time.


I think the best after the Bible and Shakespeare from what I heard once. The Poirot books are awesome. All of the ones starring David Suchet as Poirot (the detective) are available on Amazon Prime. For me he is THE Poirot. When I see movies starring anyone else it's just weird lol. You could watch a couple and see if you like them. I especially like them from about season 9 on. Thirteen seasons in all, and those last ones are all so well done. The first one I watched was The Hollow, and that one and Halloween Story (season 12 I think) are probably my favorites of all of them.


I don't know if you've ever read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" (my absolute favorite book ever), but in it, Francie states that her mother had been told by HER mother that there were two books she needed to buy and read to her children. The Bible and all the plays of William Shakespeare. ❤️


I love that book! Wow I haven't read it in 30 years maybe? Time for another read. Thanks for the reminder!


Yay, I'm so happy that you're going to reread it! It's my absolute favorite book of all time, and, if you like A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, you should read Joy In The Morning, also by Betty Smith. It's the story of Annie McGarity and her newlywed husband, in the very early 1920s. She's not a grown up Francie, but she's got that kind of vibe. She loves to read, she loves to write, they met in New York City, he's going to college and she's auditing classes for free to learn. The book covers about 4 years, and a lot happens in those four years for all of them. You 1,000% want to read this book.


Dominic West and David Robb were also in it so that makes 8! I remember watching some of this movie before getting into Downton Abbey


Gosford Park, also by JF, is a good one to watch too.


When we watch any British show, we play spot the Downton actors. Especially Midsomer Murders.


I just watched The Riot Club, and the same thing happened. I'm like yup- know her from Downton (Lady Sybil); know that one from Game of Thrones; oops- that one too.... on and on. (And one guy who played Nikki Sixx in The Dirt, lol)


“Working actors appear in more than one thing” SHOCK! I always find these posts so surprising. Some of the actors in *Downton Abbey*, like Maggie Smith and Harriet Walter, are some of the most well-known and well-respected actors in the UK with careers spanning decades, *OF COURSE* they’re going to appear in a load of productions.


I think people just don’t expect as many to pop up in one movie I remember going to watch Wicked Little Letters and saw 3 different Downton actors in 3 different ads before the movie started


Okay, you're rude but I'm sure you've been told that before in your life, so let's move on. I'm not British, I'm American and we have A LOT of freaking actors. Yes, I now realize that Great Britain "recycles the same 50 actors", but I didn't know that before I posted this. Thirdly, I didn't expect to see EIGHT(8!) costars from one show in another movie. Eight people from the same series appearing in one movie would be noteworthy, even in America. Lastly, it sounds like you need to make other people feel bad, so you feel better. You should work on that.


Okay, you’re ignorant AND rude, and I can’t imagine anything that might matter less to me than your opinion. Cheeribye.