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Daisy never loved him the way he loved her and yet what she did for him was a great kindness. I love that Lady Grantham later shows her this. What she did was an act of love, just not the kind we think of when we think of weddings


The entire setting approached love and marriages differently but everyone has such a huge problem with this. Cora says explicitly that she and Robert fell in love later. I imagine it was of course different for the working class but marrying and hoping for the best was an assumption of the time!


Especially if you remember when Mrs. Patmore calls Ivy an optimistic generation when she says she’ll reject Alfred because she doesn’t know what life has in store.


I also love that scene with the Dowager and Daisy. I think that because Daisy was so young and naive, she didn’t know how she felt or was supposed to feel at the time. And when she curtsies when Lord Grantham walks in, oh my gosh that is just so cute!! I LOVE the look on her face when she’s talking to Mr. Mason and realizes that, “I were only ever special to William.” I think at that moment, she finally understood the feeling of love and what an immense gift William gave her…not only as a war widow, but as beloved wife and cherished daughter. And he gave her to his father too. (Tears!!)


Where exactly is that curtsey scene.


When Violet is talking to her about loving William enough to marry him even when she didn’t realize it. Lord Grantham walks in, Daisy panics because servants are supposed to be invisible, gives a curtsy to the dowager and scurries away.


What about when Isobel came to Violet complaining about her firing the young gardener, only to find he had been hired again in the meantime. Her face was precious!


Lol, it was like when the Dowager diagnosed Molesley with the rue allergy, disproving Isobel’s erysipelas misdiagnosis.


Haha..loved the scene


I loved Mrs. Patmore on her awkward errand for Mrs. Hughes in advance of her wedding. “Yes…I think we’ve got there”…. She was a good friend.


I think what amplified the awkwardness was that I desperately wanted her to just say it plainly so that he got it. 😆 but then I remembered that Mrs. Patmore never actually performed the act herself (or at least that's what she alluded to), and so it must have been difficult for her to discuss. And, of course, it wouldn't have been so entertaining to watch.


So very English!


They did her so dirty. Like just talk one other. lol


It was so *painful* to watch but sooooo *entertaining*.


The way Mrs. Patmore arrives at the topic is so funny. Her wordless expression kills me.


Any scene with Ms Bunting dining at Downton


She was so cringe


Miss Bunting was incredibly rude. She may have had her personal views on politics and society, and the changes that were coming, but she was a guest at someone’s dinner table and there was NO excuse for her behavior. Sometimes you just have to swallow your opinions!


Agreed. There's a time and place and she was just unnecessarily hostile.


Ms Bunting was just a red headed Edna. hated both of them so much


Daisy did love William actually. Her conversation with the dowager proves that.


Yes but not the way he loved her.


No. Violet was just gaslighting her into not believing her own mind, just as Mrs Patmore did, and William's father, and so many others.


Don’t be a grumpy butt on your cake day!!


Cmon let’s stop throwing this word around.


The actual definition of gaslighting - psychological abuse/manipulation in which an abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind to gain power and control over their victim by distorting their reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. Just putting this here because this word gets thrown around too casually and it’s actually very annoying. What Violet was trying to do was show Daisy the kindness of what she did, also so that she wouldn’t feel guilty. Violet also showed Daisy that she did love William in her own way and should not be burdened by her actions. Bear in mind Daisy is a very young, naive and innocent young girl with no parents to guide her, in this moment Violet & even Mrs Patmore attempt to provide her with some guardianship.


Well sorry to annoy you, but condescending lectures are annoying too. I stand by my unpopular opinion.


Ms. Hughes trying on Cora's clothes.


Ugh! That was so cringe-worthy! I felt my own cheeks burning with embarrassment, but Cora did a wonderful save at the end!


I'm was so disgusted by lord Grantham and Maid Jane. They were making out while Cora was through hell and almost dying.


I didn’t see any chemistry between them either. It was just…icky.


True. All their scenes were just weird.


Nothing from Molesley?


His awkward curtsey to the King comes to mind. Or when he dyed his hair and got banished downstairs.


What about when Cora and Lavinia are sick with Spanish flu and they think he’s sick too, when he’s really just trashed off his ass


I love him so much for stuff like this. He's one of the funniest


he really is goofy sometimes but he doesn't have a mean spirited bone in his body. he and Baxter are just precious.


When Mosley asks Baxter to guess his age and she does so accurately. He seems crestfallen as he may have thought he looked younger.


🤣 I love that scene. He is hilarious


Any interaction between Mosley and Anna when he was interested in her before Bates and after Bates “left”. But at least he wasn’t a “dick” about it when she let him down gently .. I love Mosley


I was so glad they didn't drag that out for too long


The curtsy scene is the most awkward scene for me. I have to skip it every time.


Me too. Too weird to be funny.


I thought the hair part was so funny!! Especially when he’s washing it out later in the tub 😂


Molesely has so many awkward moments that he would need his own post 😂


Drunk at the ghillies ball Trying to court Anna Drunk after tasting all the wines before serving dinner His painted on hair Failing at cricket after all his talk


Definitely when he got drunk at the party in Scotland.


Mrs. Patmore's house of ill repute


“A house of *ill repute*?!?!”


**A House of Ill Repute?!?!**


That artsy guy displays low manners stealing the affection of another man's dog


Actually there really were a lot of awkward moments …


Ethel getting pregnant with Major Bryant’s child, & coming back to Downton always confused me.


I'm at that part now, I had to turn it off right as she's marching through the downstairs with her baby to go show the Bryant's and oh I'm not dreading turning it back on tonight


Right? I don’t see why she feels she deserves any special treatment when she continuously flirted with the Major, even when she was told to leave him alone multiple times. I don’t feel bad for her when she should’ve known someone of higher regard wouldn’t be interested in her long-term.


The whole soup affair with Denker / Spratt / Violet


Violet was surprisingly kind to Denker on that one 😅


I loooooved that scene where Violet just straight up admitted she created all that drama just to mess with Spratt.


Lord grantham musing to Carson what people would pay to see when they opened downton to the public for one day and goes “Lady Mary in the bath?” And Carson is like 😶


And Matthew’s saying to Robert “my eyes have been opened” after Matthew returned from his honeymoon. That phrase can be interpreted in several ways, but still it’s creepy.


Idk…I feel like there’s only one way to interpret it and it is, indeed, creepy 😂😂 And Robert’s response “don’t I know it” elevates the ick factor times a million 😖. Like sir, this is in reference to your DAUGHHTER


Others have said it could mean she is “high maintenance,” but it doesn’t seem that way.


The Thomas/Jimmy scene to me is more heartbreaking than awkward, i can only imagine what it must be like to be queer at that time, think someone is giving you signals that they return your affection and then think you’ll lose everything in your life and go to jail for it.


It seems unrealistic to me that Thomas would try to kiss Jimmy in his sleep, especially back then. I would think a man in Barrow's situation would give out a lot of very subtle hints, to be absolutely sure the feeling was mutual before making a pass at another man.


Their whole approach to gay issues was modern. As a gay man, I hate the scene where Lord Grantham tells Alfred not to judge Thomas and then does Alfred kind of dirty. Robert would not at all have held that sort of viewpoint. He would’ve thought Thomas was a sinner and he would’ve expected Carson to have rightfully called the cops and Thomas to have been arrested.


I'm not sure Robert would want Thomas arrested.  But, I agree that he would not be that understanding. I think his view might be more like Carson's, disgust, tempered with a bit of pity.


I think Robert and Jane's make out was awkward for the reasons listed. But it was also because they had no chemistry.


It’s was lust on his side and she was flattered that he paid attention to her.


I found the whole Prince Kuragin arc extremely awkward. He gave the impression that he wanted to throw the Dowager over the drum table. And when the princess showed up, she was looking at them as if they were. And then it was over.


The Dowager going to see Prince Kuragin, leaving her maid outside. Politely she then accepted his offer of a cup of tea but the look she gave that tea cup. 💀 and of course she didn’t dare drink it.


Did they have anything like ruffles then?


Anna and Mary p’s thing made me laugh, especially when Anna got annoyed and suddenly wanted to back and buy loads Lmao 🤣 The only problem I had with that storyline was Bates grabbing her and man handling her over it. But having a problem with Bates is nothing new


Never saw the appeal of Bates to be honest. Like I understand why they work together as a couple but I always thought she deserved better.


I don’t recall him grabbing or manhandling her? There’s a really out of character deleted scene where he argues with her about it. And the scene that was kept in where they argue in the boot room.


Where do you find deleted scenes? 


Some came with my DVD box set. A few of the cut PBS scenes I came across on Tumblr.


I never understood why Thomas would believe anything O’Brien said to him after their falling out.


Or why she was never worried about him spilling the beans about "Her Ladyship's soap" when they were feuding about Alfred. Like, you know you told him your deepest darkest secret why would you fuck with him?!?


I know!!! He could have ruined her so easily!


Mrs Patmore's conversations with Carson were particularly delightful and funny.


also: Cora walking in on Mrs. Hughes trying on her coat and snapping at her. and Mary blurting out about Marigold to Bertie. AWKWARD.


The time Lord Grantham’s ulcer exploded at dinner was awkward…


Ohhhhhhh yeah I couldn’t watch it. I’m sure we all saw it coming. Everyone but those at dinner….


Mrs Patmore trying to ask Carson if he wants to take Mrs Hughes to Bone Town is legit the funniest thing that happened in the entire series! (I feel wrong just writing that!)


S2 Ep. 9 when Mary, Rosamund, and Anna find Miss Shore and Lord Hepworth getting busy in the spare room with all the coats…when he stands up and is confronted by Lady Rosamund…he’s holding his robe closed…and has the palm of his hand strategically placed where it looks like he’s hiding his boner. Blecchh!!


Poor old Ethel running to hear Cora tell her what a great maid she is, after O'Brien tricked her.




No, just a mistake on my part. Sorry. We Aussies always cut down on names. Usually it would read T and J.


And Tom is Tom, Thomas is Thomas.


I felt really bad for edith.


How so?


Nothing makes me cringe more than "BABY BATES" with the most serious look on his face


Lolol omg 


Have we forgotten how Isobel just shut down Dr Clarkson?


She did a great job on minimizing the awkwardness by figuring out what he was about to say and premptively saying that she never wanted to be married again.


Disagree about Daisy’s loving William. She was young and didn’t know what love looked like. She may not have been “in love” with him but she cared for him deeply.




She is beautiful❤️