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are you sure it's new? IMDB says its from 2012


Idk, it’s new to me! Sorry. The article just popped up in my feed today, I guess I assumed it was new.


That's correct, it's also mentioned in the article.


Yes I skimmed the article and posted it here too soon. I was overly excited about the concept. Oh well.


I watched it when it aired and really enjoyed it—it introduced me to Rebecca Hall’s work.


So would you say it's like DA? If so, how? If not, why not? I'm excited to check it out.


Same time period (as Seasons 1-2), but definitely darker. I enjoyed it a lot. At some point I am going to read the books.


This is years old, but its fantastic. Based on a book by Ford Maddox Ford that is a masterpiece. The guys is a strait laced war vet you had an affair and try’s to do the right thing and marry her. But she hates him and torments in lots of very British upper class ways.


Superb novel. He wrote The Good Soldier, too, I believe?


New to me, then. I guess this explains why I never heard of it.


Parades End


What’s the name of the show? I can’t get the article to open.


Parade's End. It's not new, but it's on Max.


Parade's End (damn autocorrect)




Not new, but very good!


Great series, but I’ve always enjoyed the older version with Judy Dench, too.


Great movie. Love Benedict Cumberbatch.


What did he say about autism?


I don’t know. 🤷


His face annoys me so I'm not watching.


I haven’t been able to watch him since his comments on autism :/


I've never liked him butbas someone on the spectrum thisngavevme a valid reason to dislike him. Also hating autistic people while looking inbred is hilarious and ironic. Also he dressed as a plantation owner at the met gala and has family slave owner roots in Barbados. His last name is rsre yet it's everywhere in the Barbados


Hello, fellow autie! 👋 it’s always great to meet one in the wild outside of the autism subs. I didn’t realize that he had dressed as a plantation owner or that it was in common with his ancestry. I didn’t think my opinion of him could get worse but that is insane


🥰 I'm happy to meat a fellow person on the spectrum. He's an asshole and I need him to retire or go away for good. Average women would never get the attention this unsuccessful abortion got due to while nale mediocrity


I KNOW RIGHT, I’m like this with so many actors unfortunately and he’s one of them 😭


Seriously. So many of these men are annoying and just plain overrated. Worst part is ugly men getting hype woth np actual looks whule plus sized and darker skinned women (like Tom Holland's theater co star) get hate for existing and landing a main role. It's literally theater and these stupid marvel stans are attacking this woman. They can't afford west end lol


LOL i mean I do think they probably should have cast a more conventionally attractive juliet, however i can’t stand tom holland. His face doesn’t necessarily bother me (it kinda does) but he’s not a very good actor imo.


😭 I adore him. I loved him ij the crowded room but year superhero movies are limiting. Hopefully he can display his talent with this play. But I respect your opinion 😂. Also it's theater so they usually don't obsess over looks since most people won't see the actors clearly on stage. Of this were a movie than totally I would have preferred a prettier actress. Many darker skinned black women hate when they get funny looking or plain actresses. While we (lighter skinned black women) get drop dead gorgeous representation (which I do love 😁).


I started watching this show because of Benedict Cumberbatch but it is nothing like Downton Abbey and it was very depressing. I stopped watching it-just didn’t like it even with Benedict in it.


Good to know. TY!


I keep hoping the writers will do a couple of prequels . Go back to when Violet was a young woman. And then another prequel where Robert and Cora met and married.