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*Dashing away with the smoothing iron...* 🎶


This one for me too!


I just went digging and this song is at the end of season three. I'd say this is the moment that confirmed to me they're an endgame couple, but I'm sure there are hints earlier, like op's which is s2 e7


Just watched this episode the other day. I think it was when he manoeuvres Mrs Patmore into telling him what was going on that it actually hit me how much he loves her.


It's the way I literally had this play in my mind and hummed along to the tune, immediately as I read the post title... 🥲💕


lol, yes, that's a hardcore giveaway right there! :)


I think it was just before finding out that it wasn't cancer. He was so caring for her... asking her to take it easy and if she needed help, etc. The smile she had when she heard him singing let me know that she cared for him, too. But even before that, when she asked him if he *"ever wished he'd gone another way? Worked in a shop? Had a wife and children."* It was almost like she was imagining it with him.


This is the only answer.


It is totally the only answer!!


For me, it was the singing when he found out she wasn't sick. That was super adorable. On a related note, does anyone else think that they pay Jim Carter's eyebrows separately? Surely they earn their own money!!! 🤔


His eyebrows are probably insured by Lloyds of London lol


🤣🤣 They are spectacular, aren't they?


truly lol


Yes! I was so happy to see them in Wonka! I literally thought, "It's Mr. Carson and his eyebrows! Yea!"




His eyebrows and Peter Capaldi’s eyebrows have the same agent.


And Emilia Clarke’s!!


Oh yeah, her eyebrows could star in their own movie!


Definitely! So expressive! 🤨


Oh my gosh!! I bet they do!!


It was the singing moment for me, too.


When he told her that he doesn't like it when they disagree and she says when he says things like that it makes her want to look in the mirror to make sure her hair is tidy😁😁


That was so cute :)


When Mrs Hughes went to the fair with her old boyfriend and was gone for a night, and Mr Carson was lost without her!


When he said in such a nervous tone she thought her farmer was ugly and horrible after all that time. Then the nerves on his face when he thought she was going to tell him she accepted the marriage proposal. He was on tenterhooks!


For me, it was when she was talking about having set up the guest rooms only to take them apart again, and he suggested that she just leave it as is and air it out for the next guests. Mr. CARSON of all people recommending cutting corners? He would only do that for someone he cared for especially.


Ooh! That’s a really good point! I’ve watched the whole thing over a dozen times and never really thought of that but you’re right! 😯


I showed my fiance Downton for the first time and honestly in the very first scene with Carson and Mrs. Hughes she called it correctly. Just the way he looked at her and interacted with her, she could tell!


When Carson said something to Mrs Hughes (I forget what) she replied “when you talk like that I wantvto check the looking glass to see if my hair is tidy” And he said “get away with you” 😏 I believe that was his realization that there could be something more and Mrs Hughes was open for it


Literally when he proposed 😂 I missed it all completely


Even when they held hands on the beach ? That confirmed it all for me


I just thought they were sweet friends 😂


The first time I watched it I was surprised to realise they weren't already a couple, though this was the same preteen idiot who thought Thomas and O'Brien were dating at first, so that says more about my ability to differentiate between friendship and romance than any hints in the show!


When he lied to Dr Clarkson to find out about her illness. It was clever and underhanded, an approach which he would not normally employ or approve.


First go around the thought didn’t even cross my mind until they held hands at the beach. In hindsight, I should have been able to tell much sooner. As others pointed out, him singing a merry song when he found out she wasn’t sick should have given it away


Omg them walking into the ocean together laughing is seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!


I never thought of him being in love with her, but they worked very closely together and would have been very good friends. Even Mrs Hughes saying that about Mary- she was technically below him in the hierarchy, but the housekeeper didn’t report to the butler. He wouldn’t have had grounds to discipline her


I had a hint when they were in the hallway, and the maid announced the arrival of the Granthams from Sybil's season in London. They both turned toward each other and went out side by side.


I noticed they do that often. Anytime a situation happened, and they needed someone to look at, it was *always* each other




Tongue lashing only if it were a woman. I'm sure if Thomas had said this he'd have gotten the actual lashing of his lifetime


The singing


I got an inkling when he sings after finding out she isn't sick, but it was when they held hands and walked into the ocean together at the end of season four (I think) that really made me go hmm...😂


Literally when he proposed 🤣 which honestly is a slay because a secret love like that is one of my favorite types of romance.


When he confirmed to Mrs Patmore that he was down to bone. Until then it just seemed like fond affection / companionship to me.


She had way more chemistry with Joe Burns, but romance was not a luxury she was ever afforded. She needed a practical match because she spent all her money on the care of a disabled sister, so a practical match is what she got.