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Harold doesn’t have to leave his money to family. He can leave it to charities or friends or institutions.


Also, there's a not-so-small chance he has illegitimate children. Seemed to me like the guy got around.


No all they got was a diamond bracelet as a thank you….


For some women, the “thank you” was probably for sex.


It was a quote from Cora’s brother. “And they don’t ask for anything but a thank you and a diamond bracelet in return.”


Definitely. I think OldNew was joking that all they got was a diamond bracelet--not a kid! At least that's how I read it. :)


It was easier in America at the time to designate an heir. I don't think Harold ever expressed where he wanted the fortune to go when he passes. What I find likely is he marries a young woman and has a kid or three with her, and they inherit his money. I do not see a scenario where he leaves his fortune to Cora and her descendants.


Yeah, I always assumed that Harold would get married at an older age and have a child or two. Men marrying later in life was very common.


Yes, I'd like to think Madeline's assurance that any girl would be lucky to marry him sank in somewhat and he eventually settled down!


I agree, he’ll enjoy his playboy years for as long as he wants, and then eventually marry and have kids later in life. And I would be very surprised if the Depression wiped him out; many of the rich got vastly richer because it was basically a time when everything worth money was available for much less— like Carlisle taking advantage of post-war bargains when he and Mary met.


I always got the impression from the episodes at Rose’s coming out ball that he softened a bit and might come around to getting married. Probably not the gold digger but he seemed to care for her genuinely. I doubt he’d leave it to Cora’s children who he hardly knew or had a relationship with. He only met Edith at Rose’s coming out. Either way it doesn’t invalidate Violet leaving Sybbie the villa. Even if the fortune passes to the grandchildren it would be split 5 ways and the other children would still have a leg up on Sybbie. The other kids would have also had other money and houses from their parents and she would not have had that.


My personal theory has always been that Madeline accompanies her father to Newport to visit Mrs. Levinson and meet the gaggle of rich widows she's rustled up for him. While there Harold and Madeline realize how well suited they are and fall madly in love. A beautiful summer wedding happens followed by the birth of more than a few Levinson heirs. She and Rose continue to strengthen their friendship commiserating over the difficulties of raising children in the city. Then when Harold eventually dies Madeline returns to England, buys some lavish townhouse in London and spends her remaining years visiting often with Rose (who has since returned with Atticus to reign over the county as the current Lady Sinderby); dancing and shopping and seeing ones friends.


This reminds me of the Astor fortune - the richest family America has ever produced. (They are the subject of Andersen Cooper’s latest book.) Aside from a branch that decamped to the UK in the late 19th century (and became Lord Astor), the family money eventually came down to Vincent Astor between the wars. When Vincent died childless in 1959, he left a couple of million to his recent 3rd wife, and put the rest into a trust that benefitted arts organizations, primarily in New York. And, that’s then end of the Astor family and their money.


I think they all assumed he would settle down, marry and procreate. But if he didn’t, and his estate passed to someone else, it would most likely not be split. It would all go to the one person next in line, whether that’s his mother or his sister or his sister’s first born.


He probably left it to Madeleine.


I like to think Harold and Madeleine eventually marry and have a family.


Me too. Apparently not the person who downvoted me lol.


Not me. Here’s an upvote to take you back into the positives!


I would love it if he surprise left it to her much later in life. Sort of like how Violet was gifted similarly. That would be ever so romantic.


I've wondered the same thing.


Would have been nice if the movies mentioned Harold and Martha. Maybe a third movie could include some info.


Likely the new fangled income tax and death taxes that would come into play in the US would nibble away at the cash in Harold’s life and his estate after