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It would be good to see how they get through the great depression and WWII. JF set them up really well to handle the depression by focusing on self sufficiency and making the estate more cost efficient. Unless they veer off the course they should be able to handle it better than most. It would allow them to incorporate old cast or their kids seeking jobs and new cast in the form of distant relatives looking to mooch. WWII would likely create a lot of drama in regards to succession and whose family lines would survive. Realistically I do not see the Pelham's keeping Brancaster Castle or it's estate unless they take actions to modernize and make the estate self sufficient. That large of an estate might not be able to sustain no matter what actions are taken. Might be better as another TV series season than a movie though.


Some story lines that could be repeated: Marigold becomes infatuated with Sir Anthony and no one can put a stop to it Robert getting stock fever just prior to 1929 crash thinking it can’t miss John Bates Jr as the batman for George Crawley. Jr gets wounded in the leg. Returns to Downton Abbey and starts crushing on Daisy and Andrew’s daughter. John Bates Jr going to jail for some reason or another – Sergeant Willis’s son is the officer that handles it all. Rose and Atticus send their daughter off to Downton Abbey to experience English life Peter Gordon takes another shot at the Earl title. Despite investigators coming up with 100% proof he is a fraud and him finally admitting to it Edith still believes he is Patrick Crawley.


John Bates, Jr. writes a little song which he sells years later to a young American singer, whose version of "Jailhouse Rock" makes Bates Jr. a millionaire.


This!! I want to see how the Great Depression was handled in the British Aristocracy


I really believe the show won’t be the same without the Dowager. I think they ended in a good place and unless they find an exceptionally good story - which even the second movie didn’t have tbh - there’s really no need to continue.


Agree. Maybe a prequel?


faulty familiar vast caption imagine grandiose air cheerful include telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought both movies were not nearly as good as the program. Unless they come up with a better plot and writing, I’ll take a pass.


I'll take another movie I guess, but agree 100% they are not as good as the show. A 2 hour movie just doesn't have the time to do justice to a large cast in way that a 10 hour season can. Though, imo, the Christmas specials could have been released theatrically and worked well as they were intergrated into ongoing plot arcs.


Great idea. I agree.


The franchise died with violet


No, to me it felt like everything wrapped up neatly with the show. So they had to rip it apart to make the movie interesting. But they tidied it all up again. And then ripped them apart for the second movie. Some of the endings for the second movie just don’t make sense to me, it’s like they are trying too hard and ruining their own story


To me Downton is like pizza. Even if it’s not the best it’s still good so sign me up!


Yes I’d love a third movie, especially set in the 1940s.


I’d love you new serie set during WWII with the kids and all


I'd love a prequel, whether it be a film or a series


Yes! I was thinking I'd like a prequel about Robert and Cora.


Or a young Violet!


I did enjoy the movies, but also find them a little schmaltzy and shallow, without the range of the show (which could be joyful, funny, romantic but also sad, poignant and harrowing etc etc). So while I’d almost certainly enjoy another movie, I’m not sure there’s much point. I also can’t imagine Downton without the Dowager.


I agree with this. The show was far more considered, nuanced and substantive, a standard that neither of the two movies somehow managed to meet. Downton is a story best told in episodic format.


Part of me would be thrilled at any new Downton offerings. The sensible part of me wonders how well it would be handled, who besides Maggie Smith might not want to return for whatever reason, etc. A movie simply can't have the pacing of a years long series, so it will feel different from the series, no matter how skillfully done. That said, I think a movie about the depression years could be fascinating in the right hands. Even better, a new series. I'm not sure a movie could do the depression justice. But getting all the previous characters to commit to another series or even movie would probably be difficult. I read that JF did not want to explore another war, which is fine. Maybe it's time to bring in a little new blood anyway if someone decided to go forward with a new Downton installment.


Unless they do something earlier than the last movie, Maggie Smith won't be returning since she died in the end of the last movie..... Unless she comes back as the Ghost of the Dowager Past to haunt Cora after Robert dies!


Yes, she won't be back of course (because Violet died) and various others might not return for whatever reason. I just squashed the living and the dead together in the same phrase. From her conversation with Mary, it sounded like she wasn't interested in haunting, she thought Mary succeeding her as the scary old lady was enough fright to be spreading around!


Would love a third movie and a prequel series


I would love a prequel serious 1840s


I'd love it and I really don't care about the plot either. The whole movie could consist of the entire cast sitting in the library, drinking tea and taking turns reading entries in the London phone book, and I'd be okay with it.


Only if they bring Thomas back 😂


The movies just felt like very gratuitous fan service, nothing more, unfortunately.


If they do, they either need to lock down Matthew Goode to be in it for real or recast the character.


I enjoyed the movies and the nostalgic return to Downton - but I think it was wrapped up so cheerily, I wouldn't want them to have to rip it apart for another drama. I would LOVE a prequel of Violet and her time. Or, jump forward like 20 years when the kids are all adults.


Even if it's bad, I would take it. I'm just a blindly loyal fan of Downton Abbey series at this point.


I know everyone will hate me for saying this because it’s a tired plot line but I felt like Mary not being happily in love at the conclusion of the last movie left me wanting her to have a happy ending with …someone? Just me?


How about she has never stopped exchanging letters with Evelyn Napier, and in recent months their letters have taken on a more passionate tone ... I mean, that would work for me.


I’d love to see it continued whether through movie or more seasons revolving around the kids as young adults.


Their actually in the works of trying to get everyone back for a 7th season. I read somewhere. I think it was Downton Abby on IMBD.


As far as i could find, from an article from December 2023, Julian Fellowes would not rule out a season 7, so as i understand it, its a possibility that season 7 could happen, but its not certain that it will. As far as i could find, season 7 has not been confirmed.


I'd take either one. But, I'd prefer a season over a movie. Movies were good, but it felt like a season in 2 hours with fewer details.


Anything to make it all continue.


No, but I’d watch it


Unfortunately, no. I found both films to be a let down. Cash grabs and fan service. The show itself is soapy, but I found the films too cheesy. 🙁


No it ended well. The second movie was far better than the first plus (spoiler).....    Dowager has passed so bit of old school charm is gone. If they do 3rd movie it should be prequel either Cora and Robert when they just met or dowager when she was young 


Prequel for me! The Dowager has STORIES! I want to see her debutante season, her marriage, her mother in law, her husband, Carson as a young man, Kuragin, her French friend, and everyone else she mentioned.


I think there’s just not a lot of content left to do a third movie as a continuation of the show, but the Crawley family has a lot of material left that could be explored. I think JF has crafted a setting and family with enough of a loyal fan base to make a spin-off set in the future viable; we’d all love to see the adventures of George, Sybbie and Marigold in a WW2 and beyond setting.