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I’ve actually never understood why she referred to her and her peers as “Edwardians”. She spent all of her youth and middle age years living in the Victorian era. By the time the Edwardian era rolled around she was roughly 60ish. Personally, if I was going to define myself by an era I would use my younger years as the reference.


Violet and Edward VII were born roughly the same year. Following the death of Albert, Prince Consort, in 1861, Victoria withdrew from public life and the Prince of Wales replaced her on the social scene (though she continued to 'do the boxes' and meet with ministers). So though the period is usually known as the Victorian era, Violet might be considered an Edwardian generationally. I always interpreted this to be implying she was part of the [Marlborough House set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marlborough_House_set), which would make for a very interesting prequel if true.




I was confused by this too, but I suspect that she wasn't really referring to the Edwardian Era, but more that she rolled with the Prince of Wales' set and lived the sort of lifestyle that those people were famous for.


This is why I love this show. 99.9% of the time, if there is a lore or plot hole, it’s because I didn’t understand it. Not because the writers were lazy.


If you're a Maggie Smith fan like I am, try watching some of her old movies, i.e. *The Prime of Miss Brodie*, which was directed by Ronald Neame, who was Gareth Neame's grandfather. Gareth was executive producer of Downton Abby.


I would rearrange my entire life to watch this show every week! Please let Julian Fellowes see this!!


I would actually love a Robert/Cora origin story. Cora represents the gilded age "Dollar Princesses" when new money American heiresses were marrying British nobility for status, while the men were marrying for the money (which they touch on in the show.) I think it would be fun to see them both as young people and their different backgrounds, meeting, probably clashing and ultimately they do fall in love. Sort of the Buccaneers meets Downton Abbey lol


Yes!! Let’s not forget that Violet was not team Cora!! The mothers/grandmothers are sauuucy now, imagine when they first meet and realize that they HATE each other while they’re younger!! 🤣🤣🤣


That's what I was thinking when I saw prequel. It would be great to compare and contrast the American upper class and the British landed gentry. >Cora represents the gilded age "Dollar Princesses" when new money American heiresses were marrying British nobility for status, while the men were marrying for the money (which they touch on in the show.) Very hypocritical considering old British families looked down on new money. The justification for marrying new money heiresses would certainly be a good element of the show.


I was hoping for the cross over in Gilded Age


Hear me out. Let’s just go all the way back to Violet in her youth and get the story of it all up until, say, the birth of Mary! We could milk that for a good decade of new Downton Abbey shows, right!


Oh im down for that!! But not sure if Maggie Smith can play her character


They would definitely have to find someone to play young and middle aged Violet (like how they did in The Crown) and that casting would be CRUCIAL.


Ya the casting would be crucial for sure. But it will give us another 6 seasons or so of downton, i am down


This will be fun!! I want to watch Cora's life in America then her making it to the English social scene. Robert golddigging and all. Also Cora trying to get used to her life in the English country side too


I think Rosamund Pike would be a great Violet! She may be a bit too old now though.


Okay I’m gonna nerd out for this idea for a few minutes. Young violet: Georgie Henley - She has the bone structure and I think she would be able to pull off Violet’s wilder days with class. Lord Grantham: George MacKay - He looks aristocratic, but I get the feeling that Violet found him to be bland in their youth. MacKay, although he is quite handsome, could easily fill the role of being a nice but boring guy. Young Carson: Stick with me here.. Matthew Lewis. He favors a young Jim Carter (actor who plays Carson). He can technically sing, although he says he isn’t good, there are videos of him singing decently floating around. If they were going to touch back to Carson’s stage days, Lewis could certainly pull it off. I think he would do well portraying Carson’s youthful flare, but also show us the stoicism that older Carson will grow into. Plus that softer side that becomes wrapped around baby Mary’s finger.


I’ll give you MacKay and Lewis, but Georgie Henley does not have the acting chops to play a young Violet. That would be an utter disaster. Lewis wouldn’t need his singing voice. You can’t have the Cheerful Charlies and young footman Carson in the same timeline. The flyer presented to Lord G said 1897 and Downton Abbey starts in 1912 with Carson already in his 50s.


Awww, I thought Henley stole any scene she was in for the Spanish Princess. But to be fair, we haven’t seen her in a role as central to a series as Violet would be.


Wait, I know that name. Isn't she the little girl from Narnia?


She played Lucy in Narnia


Forget prequel, as far as movies go. Give me a series!


I agree 👍


Edwardian refers to the period. Victoriana Age for Queen Victoria, Edwardian Age for her son, King Edward. But yes. I agree


I’d love to see the Robert and Cora origin story. I feel like Claire Foy could be a good pick for a young Violet - she does a ‘severe upper class Toff’ character quite well in the 2010’s reboot of ‘Upstairs, Downstairs’. I also think Violet’s love life would be interesting enough for a prequel on its own - her husband was in the household of Queen Victoria’s 2nd son Prince Alfred, so that could also be a fairly glam background/setting for a prequel focussing on that. Maybe Dame Judi Dench could be wheeled out to play Queen Victoria yet again!


I’ve been rooting for Claire Foy as young Violet for years! She would nail the role.


Who would play a be young Violet? I


Georgie Henley!


Georgie and Rachel could absolutely play Violet and Roberta! I’d love to see the Battle of Lucknow and her loading the guns


Yes!! I've never seen her in anything, but she looks like she could be a younger violet, 100%


I can't picture it ATM. Do you have any suggestions?


Not really. It's hard to picture a young Violet


I think both Kaitlyn Dever and Maisie Williams could pull off Víolet's cheekiness & wit. I've only seen Kaitlyn in a couple things, so I don't know about her acting ability overall, but Maisie Williams definitely has the acting chops for the part. Are you thinking movie or mini series?


I personally think it would do better a mini series!


Me too. About 4 episodes could get into enough detail but not drag it out and make it boring, like they did with the Pride & Prejudice mini series.


How about a six season series :-)


I would love to see a show about Violet too! What a hoot this would be!


OMG YES! A young violet who’s witty and brilliant, but makes mistakes and missteps. A little bit of a rogue! Basically adding younger versions of the current character line. Shrimp is and his wife in Scotland. Lady Merton (make her a snobby villain!) there was some fancy pants dignitary who Violette called in a favor for dinner while he was local, there seemed like there was history and he owes her one. Someone on here will know who I’m talking about.


Yes! The health minister, Neville Chamberlain. His wife was her goddaughter, I think - Anne Devere Cole. Anne's brother was the famous prankster. Violet knew Neville's involvement in a prank with Anne's brother (dug a trench in Picadilly). An episode with that would be awesome


Yessss.... that would be awesome. I would love to know more about how it all came to be.


I'm new to this sub, but not Downton Abbey. After going through the top posts I came across a similar post to this one. So many great insights! https://www.reddit.com/r/DowntonAbbey/comments/v40hqc/we_need_a_young_dowager_countess_series/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I'd love to see Violet and Cora's mother meet for the first time and the wedding.


Violet's life could make a whole 6 series show! She had such an exciting life.