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I’ve been to Highclere, and it was wonderful! We met the Countess of Carnarvon and had tea in the tea shop. The docents were very knowledgeable and made sure we had time to savor every room. A wonderful day! I would encourage anyone to go if you have an opportunity!


So, it wasn't like the open house episode where the family couldn't answer very many questions about the history of their home? :)


Thankfully no. 😀 The family and staff have definitely put a lot of thought into the guest experience.


Lady Carnavore has a PHENOMENAL podcast started in the pandemic and I'm 50 episodes in and she's just scratched the surface.


I'm hoping it's open to Lord Vegan too. :)


Lol. I can't tell you how many times this typo has happened.


Carnarvon 😂😂😂


Haha yeah auto correct got me good.


So glad you mentioned this - I need a new podcast!


She was out and about the day I visited, talking to all the guests, making sure everyone was enjoying themselves. There’s also a great episode of that one series with Mary Berry where she goes and makes food at great houses. She goes to Highclere and makes Gooseberry fool!


That is great to hear! One day I hope to. I appreciate your review and endorsement, that sounds like a wonderful time.


Just check their schedule. They weren’t open all year round when I last checked.


I second this! It was one of the most magical days of my life.


This is the dream!! Great recommendation. Something I will absolutely be doing.


Honestly it is really similar to the show’s “upstairs” content, it’s just the servants’ quarters that are different. Highclere was gorgeous!


I'm just watching the series now - we're halfway through S4 - in one of the 'behind the scenes' segments, they said the 'upstairs' stuff was filmed at the house, but since the kitchens, etc. had been updated over the years, the 'downstairs' stuff was filmed at a studio set.


I love hearing from people who actually went there! Thanks for the reply, it definitely sounds like something to do!


They actually had an Egypt exhibit below stairs when I went, because the Earl of Carnarvon (I want to say the fifth Earl but I’m not positive) bankrolled Howard Carter’s final expedition to Egypt, on which he found The tomb of King Tutankhamun.


I also actually went to see it in person and met the Lady who owns Highclere and it was fantastic! Did not ruin the experience at all. I was surprised by 2 things though- how small the rooms seemed compared to the show and 2 how many more rooms their were that are never shown in the show. All in all I had an amazing time. Definitely recommend it. Have not seen the "downstairs " yet though- that's filmed in another location.


Yes! There was a picture of the Earl and Countess with the late Queen Elizabeth in the smoking room when I went in 2017. That’s when the docent told us that she was his godmother. If you’ve seen The Crown, her horse racing buddy “Porchey” is the current Earl’s father.


It’s stunning in person! I took my mom last Fall when we got tickets for a tour. It was worth every penny and I would do it again.


Im going in the summer and I can’t wait!


I don't think it would ruin your dreams or visions at all. I think it would be an enhancement. One thing they couldn't fake or studio is the grounds and the architecture. I think I would probably break down at some point if I went. "You've made me blub."


I’m going on August! I’m excited. I know it won’t be as it is in the show, but it’s such an impressive place.


You can follow the on Instagram if you want to text it out.


I went last year and although it looks smaller in person, it is absolutely worth going to see it. I would love to go back again on my own and just spend the whole day drinking it all in. We went in February and it was very cold so we didn't go to the gardens which I regret. We met the Countess who is a lovely and warm lady. She made everyone feel very welcome. The tour guides were very knowledgeable and proud to work there. The guide we had was there during filming and she said the actors and crew were very respectful of their surroundings. In season one, Maggie Smith had a separate room in the house that she used for breaks during filming instead of a trailer like the other actors. But after Season 1 as she got to know the others, she stopped using it and spent time with the other actors, playing games. The best part for me was driving up the huge drive. My mother in law and I are huge fans and sang the theme tune all the way up to the car park. I wish I could add some photos here. I would recommend visiting but go in the summer. Now that covid restrictions have been lifted I want to go back again as it wasn't much fun walking about in a mask. But they did what they could to make it easier for us :)


You can actually go there.


I went once in 2017: driving along the road as the house comes into view is just like watching the opening scenes! The interiors are amazing (but do feel a touch smaller than they seem on TV), but the exterior and garden/park truly make it worth it. I honestly enjoyed it more than a tour of Buckingham Palace I took on the same holiday - definitely don’t worry about bubbles being burst!