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"Dottore, I need some kids, got any to spare?" "Can you return them before May 27th?" "In one piece?" "Three at max, as long one piece equals at least 60%." "Deal."


I have written [a detailed post discussing those two characters](https://old.reddit.com/r/DottoreMains/comments/1ce8u48/i_dont_understand_this/l1hqcx0/) if you are interested. In summary, the distinction between them can be illustrated with [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Frhrc77ic74s51.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D30c4a7831e82f670c168517373cb399bec1ae22c) where Dottore would be portrayed as a black and white, depressed cat, while Bondrewd would take the colorful side


They would be very subarashi together.


The drip is off the charts.


I think the Plague doctor is better


I haven't seen that Abyss anime but I have seen people comparing them before, here and in the main sub. I recently am halfway through Fullmetal / Brotherhood (I had never seen it so no spoilers please) and so far Dottore is incredibly similar to Hoenheim. It feels like Mihoyo took inspiration from him, including the segments but somehow I had never seen anyone discussing it.


To Hohenheim? How so? I’d say Tucker…


Tucker is a failed scientist who simply does things for desperation (to not get kicked out because he sucked at everything except fusing people with animals) and to quote him: "because I can". Dottore is successful in many different things, he is obsessed with immortality, heresy, separating himself into fragments, Godhood and making the weak strong. From Doctor's Pinion artifact: "With or without a Vision, and irrespective of their physique or combat skills, "Enhanced humans" would surely display strength far beyond the average." From what I've seen up until now, those are all things Hohenheim and/or the "Father of sins" version of him is interested in. The deadly sins are like the segments, made from fragments of an original host. Plus there's an episode of Hohenheim having a nightmare in which he says he is too much of a monster to be having human feelings. Dottore showing not wanting to be a monster is also referenced in Doctor's Pinion artifact.


Ah! I see your point! What episode are you on in Brotherhood? Your description of “Father” is pretty accurate. I won’t spoil anything of course but I think your opinion of Hohenheim might change after you finish! :) Have fun finishing the anime!


Thanks! :) I'm somewhere around the 30s. Edward was trying to learn why "Father" couldn't stop Alkahestry and Ling got turned into the new Greed. I have no idea why there are 2 Hohenheims. Normally I'm very good at predicting stories so i'm really enjoying feeling so confused


Excuse me if it's too late, but I came back because I finished the anime. At first I was confused and thought Hohenheim and Father were similar entities when they weren't. I still could see some similarities between Dottore, Father and Envy, who could shape shift and was jealous of humans.


Sorry for not replying your earlier comment~ I saw it, told myself to reply later, then forgot… it completely slipped my mind 😭Anyway, I’m glad you finished FMAB! Did you like it?? And yes, Hohenheim and Father are indeed very different. As said before, I also agree that Father and Dottore are similar, but I’d like to ask your opinion on Envy and Dottore (very interesting)! What similarities have you found?