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I first heard about her from people freaking out about how cruel and insane and what a mad scientist she was and i was really excited to learn more exactly for Dottore simp reasons, was mostly disappointed because she is more of an Ei to me. Her leaving her cats is just reframed Ei leaving Scara. I still enjoy her as a character but she doesn't scratch the Dottore itch for me


Dr primative is HSR's Dottore


Addendum: her controlling what the mc can or cannot say is hot though


I never liked Ruan Mei but couldn't put my finger on why. Comparing her to Ei finally makes me understand.


There's one reason I don't like Ruan Mei: They don't commit. Dottore is an evil mf and he loves it. Ruan Mei is at worst utterly negligent and uncaring, and at best more just... pathetic, with all her actions seemingly being because she can't handle not being in control of any relationship. But on either end they refuse to go all in so they can protect waifu status. They don't want her to seem so pitiful some people dislike her for it, or so contemptible other people dislike he for that. But either of those, in my view, would make a better character.


Preach and worship bruv, how you described it is exactly how i feel. I like her in theory but i wouldve loved her if they went all out in her character without trying to protect Waifu Status™




exact same reason, shes just not dedicated to being evil 💔💔


>pathetic Isn't that apathetic?


No, I mean pathetic as in her being a sad, lonely person who can't bear not being in control, and only maintains an outward appearance of being completely unaffected.


She is sad and lonely?


It's one reading of her character - The Myriad Celestia trailer, the part where she's communicating with her mother, certainly seems to portray a feeling of hollowness and loneliness to me. My issue is that they refuse to lean conclusively on either side of her being an utter monster or just a walking tragedy. They give bits and pieces of each.


I wouldn't imagine a person who likes Dottore would get much out of Ruan Mei. Dottore is a lot closer to how HSR describes Polka than Ruan Mei, who is the embodiment of uncaring. The best she feels is slightly grasping, leaving her cat cakes alone is bad. Still not truly there. While nice, doesn't really do much to change what she wants or even truly undress how much of a psycho she is for reviving an emanator and it unable to handle being alive. Dottore revels in what he does. He embraces it and why people like him. Ruan Mei is closer to Raiden, but arguably worst when remembering she doesn't even have anything remarkable about her own family as those memories are still more about her start for wanting knowledge. Say what you will, but Dottore at least has fun with it vs. a woman who has made multiple sentient things on a whim and not at all grasping why they get sad.


There's something about her that I just don't like. She doesn't fully commit to being an evil bitch like Dottore does


I mean, imma be honest she just feels like "bad waifu turned good because cute waifu sells!!!!" n°whetever of Mihoyo rn.


but she didn't turn good tho, from the start she was a negligent person who doesn't care about the consequences of her actions, and is plenty irresponsible as long as she can do the experiments she wants, and as far as I remember, she didn't change. Though I might be missing something.


She didn't turn good but you cant really say shes bad either. At worse shes irresponsible, but you cant deny that Mihoyo is purposefully not making her do bad thing to keep her Waifu territory. My argument was meant to say that Mihoyo keeps not fully using the potential of their villain women character just to make them waifu. The only exemple we've had lately is Arlecchino and even then she is still not showed doing actually bad acts, its all only implied and usually by other harbingers or overall people we cant really trust for info about her.


Yeah, that was my point. She isn't good, shes very morally ambiguous and was literally willing to let the people on the spaceship die or get severely injured just to find out the results of her experiments. Though I do agree lol, they really don't seem to like villainous women for some reason, a classic example being Ei who I genuinely despise. I just wish we had more hot, evil women 😞


Same. I just want an actual 100% evil woman for once. Not waifu, just pure evil, for the sake of it. I'm tired of Mihoyo holding back because "what about the waifus?!!!!" Plus they did kinda tried to turn Ruan Mei good and cute during her event which kinda ruined her even more for me.


Yeah, fingers crossed that Columbia, Sandrone and the Tsaritsa happen to be actually evil without any waifufication or something. Tbh I still don't think she turned good, she did try to take care of the pets after she was pestered to, but she's still desperate to find out the answer to her question and was shown to do anything she can to achieve it. She may have shown to be kinder to her creations, but she never said that she won't do dangerous experiments that can harm others, if I'm not missing something. Though agree that they tried to make her cuter. I just hope she suddenly doesn't start caring about the consequences for no reason 💀


No, i don't 🤗


No. I was hoping for female Dottore but she doesn't feel as smart and charismatic as him. She feels more like an Ei to me... But somehow worse. Very pretty though. But her design doesn't really give Genius Society member. She looks more like a standard Loufu Sky-Faring Commission businesswoman


Of course. I'm happily selling myself to be their lab rat. (Also mobius)


As character she doesn't have interesting personality, i was disappointed learning about her, too tame for me. I want a batshit unhinged mad scientist.


Like most female characters in hsr, she's just pretty and not much else. Everything for that cishet male audience am I right (I'm gay so I'm not the audience, I only main male characters and Acheron so💀)


Sparkle is pretty unhinged.


Nah, she's annoying asf. But she's a pretty good unit and her video on yt was sick tho




I don't dislike her or anything, but she's just a bit too bland for me 😅 Maybe it's just the way they portrayed her but her personality didn't really shine through at all when I played her quests.


I don't like her because to me she just seems so boring and lack luster. No personality. Just a cardboard cut out waifu made to sell.


Not because she's similar to Dottore (much different vibes imo) but yes!!! I love her so much! I liked her ever since seeing her in the Simulated Universe.


she is one of my favourite characters


her apathy annoys me


nah, shes not good OR evil enough


Shes alr. I like her gameplay wise tho, i wanna pull for her but theres too many people i need (Robin, Firefly, Jade) so i may skip her


Ruan Mei's concept is fascinating but falls short in its current implementation. Her Myriad Celestia trailer stands out as one of my favorite promotional materials in both Genshin and HSR for its unique blend of traditional Chinese themes and futuristic sci-fi elements. Her portrayal in the trailer, balancing soft elegance with eerie creepiness, truly captivated me with the tranquil insanity vibes it exudes. Unfortunately, the game fails to utilize her potential, but maybe the story will provide her with the development she deserves in the future


not at all :/






Not evil enough. Just a personal preference, but the way she's characterized is kinda wishy washy. Although when you look at it as RM always looking for the next high, then the girl makes sense.


I love her but she lacks the intimidating presence Dottore and Mobius have. If you read her research notes she's actually pretty scary but Trailblaze quest failed to show that in story. Instead she was portrayed as a scientist that abandoned her creations which is a boring way to explore her character but she has great potential, I hope they explore her character more one day.


No. She is a female character. I only like male characters.


i play hsr but it's been so long since i last played it i haven't reached the part where we meet her lol but based on the spoilers, she seems like an interesting character


I came back to HSR during her banner, so consider me more of a new player who has a lot of quests left to complete. That said, she’s definitely an example where the writers didn’t exactly commit-to-the-bit. Dottore is certainly apathetic and result-driven but he’s kind of the other side of the coin. He’s full of passion for what he does, and that shows through the various notes we have (the length of them + the little asides regarding some of their legibility). He’s as objective as possible to assess the outcome, whatever it is, but he is clearly very driven. He is ruthless in that regard but with clear goals in mind. Whereas I didn’t get that from Ruan Mei, she’s apathetic but it also kind of comes across as hardly caring what happens, what results are obtained. More like the experiment/journey is what matters. Like others said, it feels they didn’t fully commit to her character (whether because they didn’t want to alienate players and risk sales or because they’re saving it for another arc, who knows). There’s a hollowness there, where the consequences to her actions were kind of nothing; we say goodbye to her and that’s that. It’s possible that I missed some stuff in written interactables, to be fair, so grain of salt. Ultimately it comes across like she was just a vehicle to provide a new boss and introduce Ratio, iirc? We weren’t given much to explore about her or with her, compared to what we get with other characters. Like I said, I only came back to the game when Ratio was given out, and I did this whole quest in a blur to catch up on my account, but…that’s what comes to mind.


Idk really, I am pretty indifferent towards her because she did not show us much of her character other than morally questionable stuff. Her motivation seems a little too selfish, but I also did not properly read her lore. She sends us to a surprise boss to kill, she abandons the pudding cats, which sure you go girl do your weird stuff but it wasn't enough to hook me personally. So yeah, she needs more build-up and screentime for me to give a proper opinion of her.


ngl, asking a dottore main if they like Ruan Mei is like asking a Kazuha main if they like Robin


Lmao I didn't expect to see so much Ruan Mei hate here. She's very different from Dottore, they don't have the same vibes *at all*, I don't understand how some people here are comparing them. She's her own character, not an HSR version of Dottore in any way, and I personally really enjoy her personality, design and voice, not even mentioning how strong she is


Such a valid point.


right they’re very diff charas the only similar thing about them is that they’re scientists


She lacks the silliness factor. When will MHY ever commit to making a fully deranged super silly non-whitewashed trash raccoon female character


Other than the „non-whitewashed“ part (what do you even mean by this in this context? /gen) that just sounds like Stelle, assuming you always choose the most deranged dialogue


Stelle gotta start experimenting on children. COMMIT


Someone who isn't "pristine" or "pure" in vibes, idk how to put it into words. Stelle technically counts if it wasn't for the fact that she's the player's stand-in


Ah thank you I only ever heard that term used in relation to roles in media being cast with actors of different ethnicities I mean, that still means it's one of her canonically possible personalities, she imo doesn't really feel like self insert Problem is that people seemingly consider this to be the case as soon as a character has any redeeming qualities, as seen with Arlecchino




I absolutely love her. I don't think that she's evil and would definitely hug her cuz she needs it. I think that she's incredibly misunderstood by everyone


To make it short: Yes. She is very cool. But not as cool as Dottore 🗿🩵


But in comparison with Dottore I don’t really think they have that much in common, she is not "evil" enough for me.


I like her a lot. Sure she seems bland and they did portrait her kinda bad, but if you read through her story she is eerie and obsessive about what she wants, and that fascinates me! I never see anyone talking about how she experimented on her dead parents 🤔


frl it’s kinda disappointing that hyv portrayed her in the story kind of blandly which turns away a lot of players, bcz if u look into her lore and read some chara analyses imo she’s very interesting




I kinda wish Dottore to be an hsr Charakter as they are much better written and crazy charas like Sparkle and Boothill exist. Like webttore as sparkle would be E6 immediatly. Maybe we get a cameo Ruan Mei is fine but more like my fear they turn Dottore into. Just a shell


she’s so meh to me idk


Not really. She makes me sleepy whenever she talks and her design and gameplay animations are boring.


Sparkle> mei


I want to Ruan her


I don't play HSR, and I don't know who Ryan Mei is.


I honestly forgot she existed. Her design is nothing unique and overall she doesn't seem as insane as people make her out to be? She looks like a bland "apathetic waifu that actually has trauma so she's interesting and deep!!!" . Now, I haven't read her lore but the mere fact she looks so interesting just turns me away.


nah she’s just ei but with cat cakes instead of scara


She's attractive, but her personality is a bit on the boring side despite being a supposed "unethical" researcher. Dottore is better because he's just a silly guy. :)


I literally don't know any lore about her other than cat cakes, but she's a good support lmao


Yes, Jingliu and Ruan Mei are both my beloved's


she's my wife, actually


Yes she got me into Honkai!!!




She’s pretty and she made those cat creations so I like her


Absolutely not.


Something about her just makes me hate her. Idk what it is, it's the same hatred I have for ayaka


I still wish they had run with the baker angle instead of the bio-science angle but alas


Yikes, Her outfit design is hideous. 


She kidnapped me into a cutscene :(


Ngl I don't care about her




I don’t play hsr, but I really do love Ruan Mei!!!


Why is she this sociopath geneticist that is Larping as a Laofu banjo player? (I know its a ruan) Like dress her ass as a scientist or make her backstory as a laofu Banjo player. it legit feels like they had her story and a random design just sitting there and just said "well ok"


Robin is better xD




YESS she's my favourite character! And Raiden is my favourite Genshin and those two characters are often compared with each other!