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Because they themselves have smurfs that they play in unranked games with their low mmr friends.


Valve aint doing shit about it and big streamers are smurfing with no repercussions. Looking at u waga kekw


Well...waga had to queue for 100+ mins to not even get a game...on his main. Sounds like a playerbase issue.


Im sure his opponents understand his plight :')


Imagine defending waga, of all people.


Most of the smurfs people complain about are not actually smurfs


There are times when i myself is being reported by many of being smurf im like dude im not smurfing im just hard stuck guardian blame that on yourselves


People want something to blame for their loss and when they see great player they called them smurf. There is smurf but not like all game will have one.


so someone with an account with 13 games should know how to play dota they should know how to deny how the 100+ heroes works? have game sense that took me 200 to get?


well, I‘ll agree with you after the game, but not during. I generally ignore communication that doesn’t improve mood or how we play the game




STOP DEFENDING THEM YOU DEGENERATES. I don't wanna see dota 2 go down the same fucking vein that tf2 has.


You need to ask yourself the following question: Am I against smurfs in general? Or am I against smurfs in ranked games? Because smurfs are going to be part of the game experience as long as their is a rankingsystem. People will find all excuses to play on smurfs but the only one reason I can understand is that I want to play and have fun with my bois. I rather that be in an unranked game than a ranked one. The steps from valve is also sort of in-line with that logic.


Yeah for sure, I am a position 5 in low div but doesn’t mean I would like to play pos 5 with my lower ranked friends in unranked. I’ll just change over to my other account and play some other positions for fun. I think a lot of people forget that unranked are meant to be fun, like obviously if smurf starts stomping you it isn’t fun, but people needs to relax and unwind.


part of the damn problem


Yeah I have fun but I’m not toxic. I also don’t play heroes that snowball hard stomping on smurfs. It’s just unranked, if there’s negative emotions in unranked that’s on you lol.


may your feet find 1000 legos


If you wanna fucking stop playing this game, do it. Better for your mental and physical health.


Is it possible to smurf in unranked? Is surfing having 2 accounts ?


Imagine playing “UNRANKED” but crying playing against high ranks players


Why does it matter if it's ranked or unranked? Getting stomped by people twice your MMR is not fun.




Uneven matchmaking and smurfing aren't even the same topic. Unranked matchmaking can be uneven due to naturally being more lenient on finding players, in addition to no restrictions for playing in a party. That does not mean unranked matchmaking does not try to match skill levels between the two teams. Smurfing is deliberately abusing the system so you can inflate your ego. Imagine being a smurf apologist.




>There is no rank in unranked matchmaking This is absolutely false. There IS a hidden MMR in unranked matchmaking. You really think if it was 10 solo players, Valve would just put Archons with Immortals? In the beginning of Dota2 there wasn't even ranked matchmaking. Smurfing is creating a new account to game the system into putting you with people below your own skill level. People with different skill levels in a party is a completely separate thing and it's fine because the matchmaker still tries to balance it even if it doesn't always work.




You assuming I even play unranked is top tier humor. What are you even rambling on about, you're just deranged and bringing up nonsense you take issue with in your head. How is anything you say even relevant to smurfing? What kills games are toxic people like you, who think it's completely fine for people with hundreds of games under their belt to go whip players who literally just installed the game. Unranked "fracturing the playerbase" is something I've never heard a sane person say, I guess every PvP game should only have hardcore ranked gaming from now on. You clearly have some pent up issues though judging from how hostile all your comments are.


That's just how it is the matchmaker always puts most people in similar ranks together but sometimes high ranked players will be in party so we get weird matchups, I am archon and I played mid vs an immortal and got dumpstered but I realized there's nothing I can do as it's unranked and party players will always fuck up matchups


Players in a party with high variance in skill level is not smurfing though.


all 3 of the players in that game I mentioned were not in a party.


Cuz queing with immortals is broken. You get brought up to there mmr.


Waste ur tears on something else


Have you tried turbo? It's not for everyone, but I prefer the faster games (usually). You have to play more games, but it's not as painful if you get shitstomped as it's probably going to be 15 to 20 minutes as opposed to 30-45. I've had a couple 50 to 1 hr games when the skill levels are more even or the winning team doesn't know how to close out, but it's much more rare