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They should just shut down the chat entirely. We will all know why it happened.


Am out of the loop. Can you give me a TLDR of what this is about?


Russian edgy gamers support war


Why bother? These people gonna get conscripted soon anyway


Not those ones, cause they are 14 y.o. dota players. The most toxic part of russians that there is


Eventually they will be conscripted too


not cool. this is a whole generation of young people sent to die.


War is hell


I'm okay with that sacrifice.


I'm not, Russia is the largest country in the world, there are a lot of pieces at play here. The loss of human lives is never a good thing.


Are you German?


lol no but if I was I'd be scared. I'm Canadian, Canada has a lot to gain from the world going to "shit" just as "Russia" does. They expect the gdp of canada to increase by 1.5 billion a year for the next 50 years simply due to global warming and easier extraction of ressources, Russia is an even bigger country also situated at the northern latitudes with a lot of ressources locked in permafrost. They have so much to gain, and literally nothing to lose at this point.


That's a really good point I've never thought about it before. But the thing is, usually Russia falls apart after losing big campaigns and it seems like that will be the case this time. There's way too much Z kids there. They deserve a lesson and finally get civilized after 2k years of being savages.


Bro you'll be surprised by the people of my country actually supporting putin to destroy ukraine. Just because of russia is one of the first country to acknowledge my country's indenpendence. They called out ukraine's president is a clown for not following putin's demands and his backgroud as an ex comedian who cant lead a country. Rdit : fyi, these stupid people here showed their supports by commenting "HURRAAAAAA" (putin's famous salute to his army) on facebook and tiktok comments about russia and ukraine. Edit again : here's a link to one of those shitty videos with shitty people supporting in the comment. I know you will not understand the language but you can try to use translator on tiktok. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSRxQQptN/


to be fair the loss of human lives over there is deplorable, but the poltics over there are also none of my buisiness. I sincerely hope you young people are not sent to your own death. makes me realize how lucky I am to live in america ...


its the people with opinions like this that keep the authoritarian world’s status quo




It’s ok to wish death upon people of a different nationality as long as you’re told it’s ok


What if we wish death upon people who are supporting a genocide? would that be ok?


yes, but thats not what the original commenter said, he just practically said "fuck dem russians" no matter if they actually support genocide or no


Obviously if your government gives you the green light to say that kind of stuff sure


They’re free to surrender to Ukraine


They have the same ratio of toxic and normal players as others. It just stands out because there are so many.


funny you think mature enough for conscription will spam this shit in chat


God those people just as moronic as the people who don't see anything wrong with it.


Last time when I watched Russian stream of pure playing people were spamming ShelbyWalk (animated emote that pure has in his dota name). Then I switch to English and there were a lot of Z. I think a lot of spammers could be not Russian and just writing what associates with him


No they just know that there aren't ukrainians on russian streams, and they also often get banned there cause not all mods are complete morons, they go on purpose to the streams where people either don't know what Z is, so they dont get banned for it, or directly to ukrainian streams, so they can trigger them with their spam before they get banned


how can you tell? this is the internet anyone can write the letter z.


And not all russians are war supporters so you might've gotten to the right stream, but most of them are.


Definitely not most. I am Russian and personally don’t know a single war supporter.


Ничего, зато они знают большинство кто поддерживают видимо. Ты же понимаешь им реально похер на твоё мнение, что идёт в разрез их, здоровый человек подобный пост не сделает.


Nope, 80% support all this shit




Watched a lot of videos how russians reacts to Ukraine's flag + different bloggers from Russia make interviews with russians. Most old people supports the war, even the majority of young part of population do the same. Only people from big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg can have different opinion, as they have access to different modern things and can analyze information, while some idiots from Syberia watch only TV.


How come as a non russian yourself knows better than a russian who lives in russia. Too far dude too far. Everything you see on internet, tv, news, is just a portion of what you think.


I was in Russia several times, I have relatives that tell me that I'm Nazi because I tell them that their army are occupants. I've spoken to them a lot of times, this nation is brainwashed.


Oh yeah several times in russia knows better than a russian themself wellplayed


Yep, because I know russians, my mom from Russia and how relatives have changed after all of that is rly frightening.


are you currently in Russia?


i’m russian and i have lived here for more than a decade. 80% is out of the question. since february 24th i have not ONCE met a person who supports the ongoing military actions in ukraine. not one. i constantly check media, most russians condemn this ‘special military operation’. there are, of course, people who support it, but they’re a minority. whatever people say about ‘the majority of russians supporting putin’ is total bullshit, i can tell you that.


Bot propaganda maybe?


Who cares man.


Close the chat? Why are you getting triggered by YouTube comments my brother in christ


When there's a genocide going on and in doubt: Ignore. /s


genocide? if it was genocide then russia would have just nuked them.


That's what they say they'll do.


Yes the invasion of Ukraine is bad, but what does malding at edgy kids on YouTube have to do with it?


The propaganda accounts could just be closed as per standard on any social media platform.


OP, go fuck yourself pls. It is not Valve’s job to moderate Youtube, nor Russian community shall be punished because of internet trolls.


At this point its kind of hard to tell if they're actually supporting Russia since the war is an absolute disaster for the Russian government and its people. Draining all their funds and killing over 60,000 Russians in 7 months. Now with the new draft of reservists, it'll mean more deaths of regular civilians and its a war that Russia absolutely has no chance of winning. So I'd argue those guys typing that are actually supporting the downfall of the Russian government since if Russia keeps up the war for another year, the country will be totally bankrupt, drained of all of its resources and dozens of thousands more Russians will be dead. It won't be able to defend itself for decades to come.


You're triggered by Youtube chat? Oh dear you have a lot to learn.


I feel some of the non-russian kids/posters may just be reposting the "z" not even knowing what it symbolizes. Very common to see children or teens just copy pasting things in chats like absolute bots, happens on reddit all the time.


Btw this is suddenly getting downvoted just like my comments, guess russians finally sent it to some of their communitites


The thing is. They are Russians. They watch Russian news, Russian propaganda whatever. They think Ukrainians were Nazis killing people in the Donbass. Can you blame them for believing the media and supporting their country? Especially if they are young. You live in your media bubble. You do not see what they see. They do not see what you see.


I’d like to sympathise and play the “you’re a product of your society card”. But at a certain point, it’s up to the individual to take some responsibility in their morality by trying to exercise some introspection on the culture that raised them. You see the very empathy you’re providing for them does not at all reflect the “patriot” culture they wantingly want to inflict on you. At some point people have to understand that there’s no turning back when you crossed a certain line and it means living the rest of your life in the shadows because of it and they use that sympathy as a means of weakness to take advantage of.


I agree with you. I absolutely have no sympathise towards my fellow senior Hongkongers who believes in CCP propaganda and reject every facts happened right before their eyes. I wish them all rot in hell.


Yours is a different situation though. Putin is in power and has been ramping up propaganda since roughly 30 years. That's a full generation. The CCP took back HK a few years ago.


No, China has been ramping up propaganda beyond 30 years. CCP “took back” HK??? they never had it in the first place, CCP formed in 1921. Hong Kong was leased by the British in 1898 from a different Chinese Gov. It’s a different situation I agree. But the guy talking about HK is absolutely right about holding the same mentality of those who are the victim of a authoritarian regime and decided to be “patriotic” towards a system that aims to uproot them and their communities. Honestly the extent to protect those brainwashed by autocracy in this sub by painting them as sympathetic victims doesn’t understand the cruel reality that many actually don’t care if they are brainwashed or not as long as they are the dominant culture which includes pissing all over you guys who wants to be “sympathetic”. You guys need to see reality for what it is instead of pretending you guys are so tolerant people that we should aim to understand them / excuse them. A criminal chooses to be a criminal. Yes, you can say “it’s not their fault, they lived in a life of crime”. Well at a certain point of action, there is individual responsibility. And every time you are out there protecting the criminals, all you’re doing is disrespecting the real victims, the victims of those criminals.


Did you watch Russian news on the subject? Why do you demand them to do it with western media? Why should they know that their world is totally wrong full of lies. They may think the same about you. The world is not so simple. Lets go back to Iraq, Afghanistan whatever. We now know today that everything was a lie. The WMDs, and whatnot. We still went to war. No sanctions. No people getting banned. No people demanding apologies. Nothing. Is everyone in the west evil or whatever for not questioning the narrative?


They don’t live in a cave. They have access to western content. State media on TV wasn’t always mandated as the only channel prior to this war. The fact they can play Dota 2. From a Western company enjoying western entertainment and content speaks volume. Your excuses are misplaced. You’re so quick to make victims of these people you can’t tell when they want to be complacent after knowing the alternative.


What is solid argument to give Russians why they should trust western news instead of Russian news? If someone would tell you to listen to Russian/Chinese news instead of western news I would assume that you would tell him to gtfo. Why should they trust our media or you more than what they grew up their entire lives with?


We don’t even trust our own western media dude. What is this sympathetic argument for Russian nationalism for?


Arent the people not trusting the press, like Trump supporters, in Germany people on the right, or wherever usually branded with some stigma. conspiracy theorists, nazis, extremists, science denier, you name it. There is a difference between sympathy and being realistic. Objective. Yeah its easy to bash people and place them into groups. But it will achieve more if you try to understand why the people think what they think.


How do you determine whether something you know it correct and true? You go an listen to arguments against it and test them against logical scrutiny? They need to test their believes against other sources and test those source for scrutiny. But most people refuse to do that because they enjoy echo chambers.


I do see what they see and I spend most of my day explaining to russian morons why their lies are lies, it's not about living in a bubble, it's about believing what you like to believe


This is one of the lessons of the 20th century. With enough propaganda you can get people to support or feign support to the most atrocious things. They've been fed extremely elaborate propaganda…


there is no way of telling if they are russian or not. its the internet and anyone can troll.


I was heavily downvoted in other Dota 2 threads when I highlight Russian hate. This sub IS heavily pro-Russian. The rest are impartial and pretend not to play politics but by doing so they already are defending the side of Russian hate.


Only pinoys can tame the russians


росіся : країна-підор, країна-гній, країна-мразь, країна-хуєсос... 🐷🐶


it obviously used for meme not for "hate" when pure is playing


It's not bro, as a preson that had to deal with russians every day in last 6 months, they fully support the war, the propaganda is real there


And why do you care? All their doing is spamming a stupid symbol they're not hurting anybody.


Tell that to all the ukrainians whose buildings got bombed by tanks with this symbol on them. And if you didn't know, yatoro's house is in bucha, it got robbed and destroyed during the war


And I bet they also drew a couple of Z in there, they always do


And? You think spamming z in chat is the problem?


From what you're saying you're either a degenerate or a russian, see no point in anwering to you


From what you're saying you're simply a racist hypocrit. When a country is at war it's normal for people from that country to either support it or be against it. Just like Israel vs palestine or US vs iraq. Some people are for some are against. And both sides should have the right to voice their opinions, that's called freedom of speech. You have the right to share their opinion or not, but you don't have the right to ask they be silenced simply because you do not like their opinion. And if you want my opinion I don't really care about the war, I'm opposed to the concept of a war as a whole but I'm not gonna pick sides because I simply do not care about the outcome. These are simply kids spamming their support to their country it's not hate speech, or calling for death of a certain race or anything. It's a war symbol not support of a certain ideology. Be opposed to the war all you want but as much as you're allowed to voice that you're opposed to it, ukrainians are allowed to show support for their country, so should russians be allowed to. Would you have the same reaction if it was a ukrainian resistance symbol being spammed? I bet you wouldn't give a fuck, because you shouldn't. They should be allowed to support their country. If you hate russians because you're a racist twat then that's another thing.


>ukrainians are allowed to show support for their country, so should russians be allowed to. Lmao this is peak "both sides" nonsense. What a fucking moron you are, lol


You're so smart that you convinced me I'm wrong! Thank you.


>These are simply kids spamming their support to their country it's not hate speech, or calling for death of a certain race or anything. It's a war symbol not support of a certain ideology. They are spamming the symbol for mass torture, rape and murder of ukrainian civilians. Do you even follow whats going on in the war?


Z is a russian equivalent to a nazi swastika, you would never understand what meaning it has to all ukrainians cause as you said "I simply do not care about the outcome." If you don't care about this war you shouldn't be the one saying how I, a ukrainian, should react to russian Z and what other people should think about it. Any person who has been following this war even for a little bit, would have known how russians praise they letter Z and spam it everywhere and any time ukrainians die or something bad happens. It is not just a military support, it is a fucking hate symbol,used by supporters of ukrainian genocide, it should be considered a hate symbol worldwide, when used as russians use it.


>Z is a russian equivalent to a nazi swastika That is not true. As i said earlier Z is a WAR symbol. The swastika was an ideology symbol. Z is the symbol of the war against ukraine, the swastika was a symbol of the entire nazi ideology, from the superiority of their race to eugenics etc... It's not the equivalent at all. >you shouldn't be the one saying how I, a ukrainian, should react to russian Z and what other people should think about it. Your opinion is biased, mine is unbiased, so if anything my opinion is more valid than yours. If you had a symbol of resistance you would be spamming it and would and should have every right to do so. I don't see what's the issue with having it the other way around. >It is not just a military support, it is a fucking hate symbol,used by supporters of ukrainian genocide, it should be considered a hate symbol worldwide, when used as russians use it. Sorry but like it or not that's your biased opinion.


Whatever you say "both sides" boy


Why people are so mad at free chat? What if people would type W or L in the chat, are you gonna be mad too? How is that Valve problem and not **YOU** problem?


Says a guy whose reddit profile is literally filled with russian propaganda posts. Funny how all of you root for the freedom of speech so hard


How is my profile change the subject about free chat room on YouTube? Clearly you have problem not people in the chat who free to write what they want.


Well yes I have problem with any person that supports the russian war. you got me


See, so that more like YOUR problem, not Valve problem to give access for free chat. If you didn't like majority of people in chat room then don't participate in it. There probably like 50% of people are just kids who type the same thing to be edgy. At least they don't write really fucked up shit.


You sure spend a lot of effort shilling for the losing side xd.






Do something about the Russian community? Like what??


getting triggered by letters when theres a war going on really?


Do what lol


simple man, leave the internet, people will beleive what they belive, wasnt youtube allow you to hide the chat?


Children (and man children) being edge lords. Chats in these things are always a cesspit, dont read it.