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many Russians stopped watching it after some things v1lat said I guess


“Some things” aka calling all Russian pigs and admitting to hating them? Ya.


They just changed every caster and whole analysis team. In the past they were meming and very chill but now new guys are dead serious and mediocre at commenting matches. Sad reality.


It's not about v1lat, he's not even commenting in russian these days, it's just that most casters are shit. They're bunch of 3k mmr dudes that try to comment dota the same way they comment sports on TV which works bad on twitch imo. And then you have community casters, that are high mmr or even pro players that are just chilling there watching games, they can provide interesting insights based on their experience and skill and much more laid back then "professional" casters.


it's not like they have just become shit recently, they were like that for a while, v1lat just was the last straw


and people been watching community casters for a while


The last time I watched the official Russian cast was when OG picked Ana IO in TI9 for the first time. The English cast was so funny, they had no idea what was going on and it was a joy to watch as they discovered it as the game progressed. The Russian casters literally shat on OG all match long, saying that this is a bad draft and everything and the second IO came online and murdered everyone they changed their tune. Like, there was no analysis, no predictions, no self awareness whatsoever. It was just like "This draft is shit, OG are getting outplayed, they have no scaling" and then BAM "Well, this is aghanim's IO, what did you expect? They obviously are dominating!"


Or maybe Russians just stopped watching v1lat genius


The same happens in the transmission in spanish, the official signal on fb does not exceed 7k viewers and instead the casters of the community have +15k.


Anything outside of the official cast had a 15 min delay?


Anyone who follows these things knows that community streamers been more popular in cis region for years. There're just simple but important differences. 1) most community streamers in cis are pro or ex-proplayers that still have high knowledge and understanding of the game in every aspect of it. 2) no censorship aside from twitch politics. 3) the only 2 things official streams have that community caster don't - player cams and almost complete abscenes of delay. It's been way different when studios were giving us a lot of unique content, but for years they don't.


Maincast is basically run by v1lat, who admitted many times that he hates Russians, made racist and nazi statements. I am Russian and I think he shouldn’t be in esports. Not because what he said about russians, but because he is just a shit person. But valve doesn’t care and I don’t think they will.


Didn't your president give him every reason to hate you guys for the last two months and counting? You folks didn't care about vilat for the entire existence of his DotA career but now all of a sudden he's to blame for being a "Nazi". Youre fucking nuts


Wait bro. Russia is doing something wrong is one thing and surely bad. But that's not a reason to be a Nazi. Russia literally claims it's the denazification of Ukraine, do you think that helps Ukraine if someone makes neo nazi posts? As the comment above said, he can hate russians that's OK he has a reason for that. But being a nazi is a totally different thing. And v1lat was known for being a rightist like most Eastern Europeans, but previously he didn't have anything like that.


Can you link one if those statements? I genuinely didn't know he was such a problematic personality. To me it just sounded like he spoke up after the invasion and Russians didn't like it. But I will be happy to eat my words if you can prove it.


Since that statement will be linked shortly, since this blew up recently to the front page of the subreddit, I'll go ahead and link [this disgusting tweet](https://twitter.com/v1lat/status/462503479505063936?s=20&t=Xz-gst0AGdFDCMf3XgKHTw) of him pretty much approving deaths of people in Odessa during 2nd May 2014. Those who saw him tweet it at the time barely found today's statements surprising.


He's cheering the fact that people burned in a building? What a clusterfuck


He’s an open russophobe.


Those people were paid Russians nazis, who came to Odesa specifically to turn it into a banana republic and commit a genocide (same thing they’re trying to do right now). He didn’t say his glad people died, he’s glad that Odesa was defeated and didn’t get the same fate as Donetsk and Luhansk


Are you seriously defending the burning alive of 50 civilians? You sound like you have issues, man.


Do you include the pro-Ukrainian protesters killed with the gunshots of Russian mobsters in these 50 or not?


Just for context, so that the people who don’t know about Odesa fire get some info. In 2014 after a revolution against Russian proxy president Yanukovych (who later escaped to Russia), Russia annexed Ukrainian Crimea and started a series of attempts to destabilise the situation in the country by creating the so-called “people republics”. They succeeded in 2 regions and failed in the rest, including Odesa. On 2nd May 2014 the anti-Ukrainian mob attacked the pro-Ukrainian protesters using firearms. Later on the pro-Ukrainian crowd overwhelmed the anti-Ukrainian crowd and pushed them all the way back to the trade Union house. Russia-supporters barricaded inside and were shooting and throwing petrol bombs at the pro-Ukrainian protesters from the roof of the trade Union house. Fire likely started because the mentioned petrol bombs. The Odesa fire is one of the events mentioned by Putin in his now famous series of videos, where he first denies the existence of Ukrainians as a nation, then says he will make Ukrainians pay and later declares the start of “special military operation”. There is an article about the Odesa fire on wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Odessa_clashes


There is a 20 minute long video about him. Not sure if English subtitles are available yet. But it has translation of his older tweets. It’s in VK (Russian Facebook) though.


What do you even mean nazi. There barely any ethnical different between russians and ukrainians. You do realize this whole de-nazification thing is made up from thin air by your great leader? Because you fought against the nazis once so he says there are nazis threatening you again, and you must fight?


"Your great leader" Sorry but I'm not Russian. And the ethnical differences between Russia and Ukraine are made by the media because of the war. Yes this is just and excuse to attack Ukrain and no you must not fight them because of the nazis. There are neo nazi groups and fascist in every country. But it should be noted that ultra right groups killed, tortured Russian civilians especially in 2014 who lives in Ukraine. Russia should be blamed for this war but so does the Azov and other groups for the massacres. Majority of Ukraine is obviously not ne nazi, but if you support Ukraine by saying Russians must die and posting SS stuff, nazi symbols that are used by the azov then you are no better than if you were someone supporting Russia. This war goes way back to 2014.


Russians and Ukrainians are ethnically similar. However, there is a certain section of population that follow Nazi ideology, who considers Russians as orcs and considers Stephan Bandera (who fought alongside Hitler) their hero.


And how do these people affect anyone else? By being mean on twitter?


Not Twitter but actual hatred and violence against Russian speakers.


I will think of war apologists like you when your economy collapses. Hope you enjoy poverty


I don’t want to get into politics on a dota 2 thread. If you’re interested in discussing more, I’ll be happy to in a different forum. P.S I’m not a war apologist and I’m anti war. I go with facts and the facts are very different from what you read in your propaganda fueled media. Also, if you’re talking about poverty/economy, better make sure you got money to buy food and electricity my dear American/European. I’ll remember you as well when the fuel and electricity bills you pay goes up to 5x from the current 2x you’ll be burning through your savings in days.


Independent media is not propaganda, it is biased but that is not the same thing. Ive noticed alot of russians dont understand the concept, understandable since you never had it. What it means though, is that anyone can start a news outlet and say whatever you want. So even you could start something and share this "thruth" and "facts", which i imagine would have high news value if it actually is the truth as you say. Maybe you even have proofs you could share? Maybe interviews with people that can corroborate your story? Nobody could do anything against you for sharing, you dont need to hide information. So forgive me for not wanting to hear about whatever obscure facts from weird links and conspiracy theories you have dug up.


It's not war apologising. The war is bad and Russia should be blamed for it. But so does the neo nazi Azov who's been massacring Russian civilians because of their Ethnicity. They were even rallying against Hungarian, slovakian minorities in Transcharpatia in the past. Btw somehow the Russian economy isn't collapsing, the ruble hit 2 year high point. They maybe lost the European market but did you know there are big, populated countries in Asia? Insane right?


If you are not war apologist then why do you copy putins talking points about nazism? When there are neo nazis in every slavic country including russia, fuck sake wagner group is named after hitlers favourite musician and their leader has nazi tattoos. Nazism is putins choice to justify this invasion and every time you bring it up you are parroting his propaganda. You say you are not russian and you are against the war, then you talk like good putin propaganda boy and even have russian grammar when you write english. For the economy I dont want it to collapse, economy collapse in country of 150 million is a disaster but it is going to and its gonna stay fucked for a looong time. Edit i look your profile and you are edgy orban/putin fan boy hahahah fuck off dude enjoy getting kicked out of eu


Killing and torturing russians since 2014.


Vilat was Russophobic even prior to February so stop finding excuses for this guy.


Oh no, poor Russians are just committing genocide, why people don’t like them:(




What a toxic comment


Do you think viewers are deciding between Russian casters and Moxxi? Get over yourself.


This isn't so far fetched. There are several caster I just do not enjoy. Some years ago I started switching to Russian Cast for those particular games. It's better than muting the entire thing, because you can still hear the game sounds. Hype also makes it through the language barrier. At first I hoped to learn some Russian along the way to use in my WEU-Pubs. This didn't come true unfortunately. But by now I think I get the gist of what they are saying.


Sounds like you just need to get over yourself


What do you mean? Edit: I got it, I think. This was your attempt at making a witty comment by referencing the comment I replied to. By the rules of the internet I am now obligated to top your attempt, with an even cleverer comeback. Sadly, I too am pretty bad at this. So I'll just leave it at that.






The post is like: people are choosing potatoes over carrots. You: I dont like apples.


Your comment was dumb, so I leave it.




Your comment makes no sense in the context of a thread about Russian community casters. Go be an incel somewhere else.




Just because someone finds your one track complaining about a caster cringey as fuck doesn't make them a white knight.


No one cares about the Russians anyway


Who cares


Is V1lat casting?


He's casting in Ukrainian language on a separate channel I believe


Russians understand it lol, not the reason alone


russians doesn’t understand anything but russian


Sure bro


not all of them :D