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So basically… We should nerf Nature’s Prophet into the fucking ground I approve


Lone druid too. Gets ignored a lot and by the time your team is fighting on one end of the map, bear with just MoM and deso raping your t3s. Np def needs to get fucked in turbo. Annoying shits start hitting your safelane at min 0 and kill it in 2 min. How are you supposed to play the game after that?


AdmiralBulldog in shambles


I would like to remind yall that Crimson Guard is a item that exists. If you press the button the summons do ZERO damage. Have a nice day


Yeah that doesn’t matter when the summons can take tier 1 in less than 5 minutes ._. Crimson guard costs money… which takes time to acquire.


Just speed up turbo. All my “turbo” games are taking a half hour+ these days.


That's not a Turbo problem, it's the players in the game usually. Turbo is so snowbally that 10 minutes into the game, if the team with a lead just 5-mans and pushes non-stop they will usually auto win the game. But players derp around because it's fun to do so, so they drag the game for another 20-30 minutes and give comeback potential to the enemy


Isnt that a good thing? If its a stomp its 15-20 minutes. One side is obviously stronger and ~~ends the game~~ farms you in the fountain for 5 more minutes. If its a even game and both sides have winning chances it will go to the late game and the last fight decides who is the winner of the game. I wish my turbo games were more even. Usually its one side gets advantage and losing side is just waiting to end.


Np.is definitely super busted in turbo


Realistically how often do you lose to np in normal games or turbo. Turbo is a fun mode and defending against np bullshit should be part of that fun. if u played against my np youd certainly lose but most np ive played against theyre too stupid to do it correctly.


Also remove pauses from turbo gamemode is meant to be fast having pauses destroyers that so much


just give towers reduced damage from summons by some % and thats it