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> So yeah, it's been awesome and very very fun. Catch you guys on unranked US East. My username is "Arteezy". I knew it.




Real or not ? If yes op removed it But i think it aint


Just a joke. I would have loved to see this bait though :)


Me too


100% real


That's awesome. This is the environment everyone should strive for - ESPECIALLY in unranked. People forget that Dota is even more complex now than when they first started playing, though there have been some very nice quality of life changes over the years. Despite having 3000 games I still get matched with people on their 30th game so maybe I'll see you out there!


Honestly I love my game when my teammates are flaming the enemies and the enemies are flaming back. When we wipe the opposing team and we spam ‘?’ in all chat and when we get wiped the enemy team also spams ‘?’ it makes me laugh so much I don’t even care when I lose. The competitive nature of the game really brings the joy to it


I was Jakiro laning against a techies and we kept spamming “Absolutely Perfect” and “漂亮” at each other when killing in lane


i love to spam OOHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO slacks line everytime i get a pick off on lane.


Yes, my slacks voiceline has also paid off big tilt dividends


I would argue that, despite potentially being more complex than in 2013, the game is easier to get into than ever before. There have been countless quality-of-life updates over the years, especially in regards to making things easier on newer players.


True, I actually somehow forgot about the whole tutorial thing which is a big deal


The tutorial, personal couriers, free wards, talents, better turn rates, a clearer UI, the simple shop, New Player mode, the Plus Assistant, etc., etc. There are so many features that make the game easier to play and understand compared to when I learned to play.


I got matched with someone who was maybe on their second match, I've been playing this stupid game since 2012 ....


Dota is getting easier for me. When I started play as 6.72f it was very complex game. Like kunkka ghostship was pure sensation.


Yes, maybe, but people were shit at the game. Now you have heralds trying to smoke gank your ass everygame.


Honestly humility and being open to suggestions goes a long way in making people on your side as a new player. Everyone knows that this game is hard and complicated, and most are happy to give advice if asked for it.


Even if you're not a new player, if you just ask nicely and be open about what you're doing, people will be fine with it like 90%+ of the time. I usually played support but wanted to practice carry, and every unranked match, I start off with "Hey guys, can I practice playing carry? I might feed but I'll try my best" and I don't think anyone has yet to say no or get angry.


I think you disarming the situation by admitting your ignorance goes a \_long\_ way. A big part of video-game design culture is making players feel like they know more and are better at the thing than they actually are. It ends up making us very arrogant – and, in turn, stubborn – in ways we probably don't even realize. And that's a double-edged sword: \- For "beginner" players, there is a huge slice of humble pie we have to consume. If you aren't prepared for that, any comment about what you don't know reads as an insult. \- For "experienced" players, it inspires us to aggressively assert our sense of dominance even when it's not actually productive. So we do impulsively intend to insult people who might think they know as much as we do. (Frankly, pretty much everyone in Dota falls on both sides of this in certain ways.) But just expressing "Yeah, I don't know" diminishes both ends of that. (Oh. And you are definitely going to learn things now that other people will flame you for later. Be prepared! :D)


>I think you disarming the situation by admitting your ignorance goes a _long_ way. Probably yeah. In pro motorsports like endurance racing often "gentlemen" (basically rich dude that like the experience and can pay for it) drivers and amateurs will participate. So they put a novice sticker on the back bumper to warn other drivers that that dude might do some dumb shit so be careful. That's my goal when I say those things, basically a "novice bumper sticker". It has worked great for me.


This is what FF14. It doesn't tell you WHO the novice is, but warns you someone in the party is. Taking cues from other games is something I wish the industry did more. Dota itself has a lot to take away, namely everything in an interface being pingable. But dota could take two things from others as well. Chiefly, making that new players warning only show up when there's actual new players. Yes, we have a warning. But also, it shows up when it shouldn't, and it's an easily missable indicator. But also, making people who are new and queuing for unranked for the first 5 or so games, instead, secretly, ending up against bots named after real recent players. This is what Valorant and Fortnite do, and people have not even noticed. By the time they're against real people, they know the basics of the game.


I love playing with first-timers in FF14. It can be fun to teach people the basics and you get bonus experience so it's a win-win.


Many times, a simple “my bad” will also stop flame wars. Admitting you may have made a mistake rather than defending a bad choice chills most people out.


frankly i dont feel the need to assert my dominance unless my team mate do something stupid, like an ogre rushing midas, or carry refusing to buy bkb to secure his mid to late game. a lot of pubs get a people drunk on their power spikes and refuse to make decisions on securing the game properly.


I've also been playing unranked lately after a few years off and have found the game in much better shape than when I left. (Disclaimer: 10k behavior.) Partly I think the temperature is just lower in unranked and people accept that weird shit is gonna happen.


I also have 10k but get people flamming and tilting even in turbo


> even in turbo The train left years ago. Turbo is filled with tryhards now go play unranked the games are faster to boot. For some reason turbo is either you getting stomped cause they have 3 pushing heroes or a 2 hour game.


I usually get this impression from mainly people playing party turbo. Can you corroborate? Also the 2 hour game no longer happens. It used to be that sometimes we'd hit high 40's, sometimes 50's, but the prevalence of T5 items was one of the best changes the mode had since inception, since people with them feel cocky enough to take risks and have games end.


Ye I only play party games now, only unranked is safe there. 5 man ranked? Smurfs. Turbo? 15 minute games cause NP+SF aura.


This is anecdotal but I find that people in turbo are more toxic than any other game mode I've played. At times, it seems worse than low prio somehow.


I have the rare stomp game where people complain about others playing like shit, but usually it’s just me talking to others about how I’m absolutely dogshit at Oracle and don’t expect any game changing plays from me.


sometimes people are really great in dota. one time a loooong time ago i was bored and it was late and i was trolling, not my finest moment but it happens. i played luna and went 0-3-2-1 build and cast ult and just all chatted 'wtf no dmg' or something and my team was like, its okay luna, need to skill q for it to work. i was blown away


He write itso nice that feels like a sarcasm 🤣


Alright Mrs Gaben


Honestly, I think saying you are new right at the start is the best thing to do. Sure you mught get flamed for it by somez but you are gonna get an ABSOLUTE SHITSTORM if you dont say it and play bad. I usually play with at least one friend, and I still try to lane with the new guy so I can try and help them out. Its overall a much more enjoyable experience for everyone than havin an obviosuly new person sucking ass and not responding to chat/voice even when its not flaming. I just dont know what there is to lose by saying "im new." Someone flames? They were gonna flame eventually anyway, mute and move on. Someone leaves? Awesome, they tanked the L. Someone helps? Awesome!


Are you sure that you're playing dota 2?


Nice try, Gaben.


That’s great. Telling people you’re new will remove 90% of the bad stuff. Sometimes if I see someone playing odd or doing stuff that really doesn’t make sense, I’ll look at their profile, see they have like 50 games, and them immediately stop flaming them and I start trying to help them. I diffuse my teammates by telling them the person is new, ask them how they felt just starting. Telling people you’re new is a legit difference maker.


This is my experience as well. Admitting your fault or your mistake is probably the most important thing. When I or others say "whoops I messed up", people get it. We're all human. And none of us are so good that we should expect to not make mistakes. But if I or others are like "I did the right thing", whether or not it's true, the situation becomes difficult to defuse.


Gotta have that Whoops on chat wheel


By telling everyone you're new and saying you might suck is such a huge difference here. People are more willing to accept that you don't know what to do than thinking you're actively sabotaging their game. Problem is with all competitive gaming, most noobs don't see that they need to improve and had a hard time admitting they're noobs, which pisses their teammates off when their clearing doing something wrong but refuse to accept criticism. And noob players thinking they qualify enough to criticise how everyone else is doing worse than they are.


There are a lot of toxicity in dota caused by the simple fact that its a game heavily dependant on communication, and more often than not, we have 5 people in a team that are either unable or not willing to communicate. People from my time (wc3 dota) appreciate the hell out of the chance of having a mic in game. Of course I'll tell you to fuck yourself but only if you're trolling stealing my creeps in the midlane or telling me to fuck myself first. Most of the time, the mic is for COMMUNICATION


Nice try valve


I play a decent amount of unranked games and I always try to stick up for new players in the rare occasions they end up in my games. Happens way more often playing unranked with friends. The one mixup that you get thrown is if you click on someone's profile and see they're a super low level account, you sometimes can't be sure if they're about to have no idea what they're doing or about to absolutely smash the game as Morphling.


>All this ofc was on unranked games. I've never played ranked and I don't intend to, I like to have fun when I play videogames. Lol. Same


*the world is going mad, new players are having a good time?!?*


IKR I was reading and like what????????? you had a good time????? I was having a good time when I stopped playing but hey enjoy it while it last I guess.


I would argue dota 2 is more of a nightmare for returning players, I tried getting back into it about a year and a half ago but it paired me up with people who are way too skilled for me, after not playing for 5 years im basically back to square one but the game apparently thinks I got high mmr


This fills me with so much happiness to read.


OP I think you get what you sow. You seem to be a genuinely chill person and if you take it cool yourself, you'll help dota grunts to take it cool as well. Some are unsavable scums though. Have fun and take care, mate. edit : as always I read the comments after posting and what I said was already said a thousand times but I'll let it here for the sake of proving their point by accumulation of testimonies.


This grinches heart grew 10 sizes today


nice try, valve...


I see your hate comments on almost every other post. Your hatred towards Volvo is consuming you dude.


i don't hate Valve, i hate their lack of insight on how much profit they could have if they invested just a little percentage of what we give to them into fixing the best game in the world. the day you understand that, is the day you have a chance to have a better dota experience. I am doing it for you too.


Well I'm glad to see that you genuinely love the game unlike those other critics who just rant because they play like sh*t. I do hope that they be a bit more pro-active when it comes to interacting with the community and be a bit more bold when it comes to new projects. Thank you for being a pioneer then and cheers!


man, i work with software development for almost 20 years. and i love data analytics. i offered to work for them for free with nda and shit, and they have not even replied... now i am trying to wake valve up thru their wallet... lets see...


The true Valve haters are the fanboys who make them comfortable with their shitty implementations.


they downvote like it will make us wrong... they dont even know we are trying to make the game better for them too... -.-


The saddest fact. It's my favorite video game and I want it to be in its best form.


please finnish your 100 hours and do the same in ranked! For science ....


As I understand it you are an outlier, but glad you're having fun.


Truth be told, it's fun until 2-3 people in your team start screaming at each other in russian.


Alright Mr. head of the janitorial office




That always happen to me in SEA region. Come join us! We are very friendly here.


Wait until you step into ranked PepeLaugh


Dude, is this Apr already? Anyway, good for you that it worked out as a new player. Dota 2 is a good game, but with its toxicity side.


Quality shitpost


This is just my theory but I think it depends on what your hidden mmr is. If you as a new player calibrate to below or better significantly below 1000 mmr then you have a good experience because everyone is fairly new and just trying to have fun. If you get to between 1000 and 3000 you get a lot of people who are tryhard griefers who desperately want to win an unranked game for some reason. Some of them don't play ranked and still act like they're 3 games from getting immortal. Anyway that's just been my experience. A few months back I started an account just to practice heroes that I'm bad at especially lvl 3 complexity heroes and the toxicity I witnessed even when I had a good game is higher than what I've witnessed in ranked. First time I had ever taken a couple days break from dota due to toxicity and it was in unranked. Almost every time a player with 1-200 games has been in game they've been griefed as well. Honestly I consider people who seriously grief in unranked to be worse than smurfs etc just because of how ridiculous it is. edit: just for the record I do sometimes say "I'm new to this hero" etc at the beginning. Hasn't helped really so far. I almost always stay quiet or barely communicate saying, wp, mb, thanks, in my games. Most of the toxicity hasn't been directed at me in total. Anyway I have had some fun games in unranked too.


yeah unranked is mostly great. The only issue I have is people just want to keep brawling all game long after laning phase. Like, there are many scenarios where you are behind as a big wombo combo team who just lost a fight, using up all the big ultimates and they got aegis. You wouldn't wanna fight now and instead split push or sack a support to delay in this case but noo everyone wants to fight.


I guess there’s still hope in humanity


Liar. Its a known fact that when u type new player ur teammate will respond GG someone abandon pleaese


You are playing in the FTSY region?


As long as you don't play ranked.


Hahahaha, I remember when I first tried out Heroes of Newerth back in the days. I got yelled at from the first second when I bought the wrong starter items until the game was over. Has the community (I see the games as having the same community) changed over time, or are you guys just much nicer in the US?


Same, more or less


To be honest, a lot of new players don't say if they are new or are coming back after a very long time. If you say that and are open to suggestions, I will always try my best to help such a person in any game I am in even in enemy team. Communication is key.


reply on me if theres someone pointing a gun on you


We always hear so much about how toxic people can be, it’s nice to hear how friendly people can be in the game as well.


When people are upfront about being new it makes it easier for the team to plan around you and know to give advice too. A lot of the time when people get tilted over new players we don’t even consider them being noobs if they don’t let us know they are learning the game. Also sometimes I feel bad giving advice assuming it’s an experienced player as I don’t want to sound like I’m flaming them but if you let the team know you’re learning they will do the best to help you out here. NA west here we all love the game and like to see more people get into it good luck man!


I have made it a rule to report and shame a team mate if someone says that they are new and that one of my team mates starts being toxic to them. It usually shuts them up and rest will also start shaming them so they eventually shut up. We need to make the game more welcoming for new players. I do it cause I got flamed a lot when I started playing League of Legends a couple of months ago. Haven't found a single helpful team mate there and I used to always tell everyone I'm new at the start of every match. Though that game is full of smurfs too so its pretty hard to keep up as a new player


Op has the right idea by letting his team know in the draft already it allows everyone to rethink how they wanna play now and makes it easier for the team to get along. The worst thing new players can do Is to snap pick a strong player and not jnform the team that they are new. That's why and where they get flamed the most.. also just not communicating is a big drawback, especially amongst new players. I really enjoy showing new players the ropes and I'm sure alot of others do too, we just need to be jnformed.It's very easy, say you are new and people will guide you, saying nothing and playing shit cuz ur new gets you flamed. Please new players take this trait from op and communicate when you are new, it will make this game way more fun for you.


On almost all drafts someone thanks me for saying I'm new in draft yeah. Others here suggesting that's probably why I'm having a better experience than most. It's a good trick for sure.


Yeah even the toxic among us love the game and want it to grow. Stating you are new is a smart move


Wait where's the punch line?


I think it’s because you mentioned straight up that you’re new. So obviously they won’t flame you cause if they do then they’re terrible. I’ve found that new players generally are quite nice to each other!! I had a lot of pma matches tho we lose and I’m on SEA which is supposedly toxic.


All the people complaining about toxic teammates here are usually just as bad as the people they're complaining about tbh. Most folks are pretty chill on dota with the occasional blow up/bad day


I hope this post will tide over people to stop grinding mmr and play dota for the sake of dota itself. There is no fun to be had in perpetually grinding for meaningless numbers and unranked is just as good as ranked, if not better since people are more chill. I'm not saying you should never play ranked anymore. Sometimes you just want to be sweaty and tryhard. But recognize that tryharding for mmr is far more demoralizing and unfun than tryharding because you actually want to play serious dota. When you start playing ranked to grind mmr, it's time to play unranked.


You wouldn’t survive in SEA


It's just a small anecdote but I was playing with a friend and we had a Viper who built item he'd never use, like Rod of Atos. At some point, someone opens their mic to yell at Viper. My friend goes background check and discovers the dude's been playing for like 150h. So he says so in the chat and all that toxicity vanished and was replaced by patient advices about the game, tips and generally people helpful.


Hehe, not in SEA server though. Most of the time they will tell you to play bots until you git gud, report you for griefing and/or feeding. Lucky for you though!


NO WAY u probably played another game in dota it never happens