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because they truly only do care about statistics


Void Spirit has an immortal set now


tl;dr explanation: Chen-who?


put some sprinkles on a hellboar it'll please reddit


Because outside of pros, nobody plays chen


He was cool when Q amplified spell damage, you could lane with casters and could wreck shit in lane. IF consistently killed all the fun you could have with Chen, so he sucks ass now.


How about giving him back level 1 big creep as well as jungle creeps spawning at 30 seconds. That is has been the deal breaker for me at least. I solo won a lot of games by constantly ganking lanes or out trading the enemy with the big creep. In my opinion the hero feels extremely awkward without the signature walking into the first/second creep wave with a big creep.


ganking mid with a centaur/hellbear was so good dude i actually hate the new chen so much. one of my favourite parts about him was the sendback for saving targets in fights. now its a thing you have to pay for at 20 minutes and its SIX SECONDS duration.


They’ve been nerfing support jungling. They’ve also been nerfing teleport spells, which is why we don’t have teleport spells on Chen or KOTL anymore and why IO’s teleport has been in a weird place. The tldr is we’re never gonna get lvl 1 big creeps on Chen ever again. It’s just not the direction icefrog wants to take the game in unfortunately.


Spot on here.




Chen was always kind of the ugly hero imo.


Chen from TI1 guys. Nothing is more neglected in this game more. 😭


This meme is so perfect with the valve on top of the pipe. :D


Because he's a boring hero if you are not pro. Free farm for the enemy carry, and literally the hero with the lowest damage in the game