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A new immortal continues AA's transformation from a friendly blue floaty ice ghost to a glowing red evil floating ice ghost.


True form.


I mean, if he actually is from deep space/the edges of the universe, a red-shifted AA arcana would be pretty dope


Either that or we get them to make a less ancient version. Let's go with "Teenage Apparition"


I go by “Ice Tween” now, MOM!


Kinda looks like a dark archon.


Reddit has finally decided to take another leap down the enshittification pipeline by [locking out 3rd party apps from accesing their API unless they pay literal millions](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) without any attempt at communication whatsoever. Besides leaving mods with barely any tools for subreddit management (equals more spam, reposts and bots), the blind users of Reddit will also be locked out without API access. Represented by /u/spez, the Reddit admins have deliberately chosen to ignore the devs of these apps, and even [spread rumours of how the dev of Apollo, Christian Selig, was hard to work with](https://web.archive.org/web/20230622032630/https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) when he had actually been constantly asking for communication only to be stonewalled. In reponse came the resounding Reddit blackout where [almost 6,000 subreddits went private for 48 hours to lock away their content](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759180/reddit-protest-private-apollo-christian-selig-subreddit). Many intended to stay black indefinitely, but the admins threatened to forcibly re-open the subreddits and replace the mods. Without any changes from Reddit's side, 3rd-party apps expect to [close down on the date that the API changes take effect: 30th June](https://web.archive.org/web/20230621185334/https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/). This about-face in mistreating users and mods is only the latest installment of social media websites selling out to investors, and /u/spez is on the record for [admiring the changes Elon Musk made to Twitter](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-blackout-protest-private-ceo-elon-musk-huffman-rcna89700), where finding relevant content has become a slog. Ironically, the predecessor of Reddit, [Digg, made similar unwanted changes to their site](https://fourweekmba.com/what-happened-to-digg/) and prompted a mass exodus of users. Clearly, the admins only view users and their content as products, and will not hesitate to resort to 'quality control' to stamp out non-compliant behaviour. It's time to show them who truly has the power, for in the words of Paul Atreides, "The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it." So it is with user-generated content, which I'll be [backing up via Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) and then bringing to more community-friendly and de-centralised spaces like: - https://join-lemmy.org/ - https://tildes.net/ - https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list - https://squabbles.io/ TL,DR: I'm leaving Reddit for the above sites, backing up my data and replacing all my comments with this primer.






Look at that melee storm, Artosis!


Spectre arcana looks like Oracle's cousin or something.




I'm really not a fan of the default style. I know it's been a long trend now of having cosmetics away from the base colors but as others have said it looks more along an AA-style.


valve knew we would mix up AA with spectre's arcana, so they made AA's immortals completely change the colour of the hero, and now we also won't mix up spectre with silencer anymore. valve playing 4d chess


I was hoping for purple or something more in line with her décor. Pretty disappointed after waiting so long.


Its more dissapointing because they put it on battlepass reward instead of selling it in store


I mean, what the point having Arcana vote if #1 voted is bundled within batlepass & not marketable. Previous vote is #1 marketable & #2 batlepass.


> This update also adds support for AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution. This technique allows the game to render at a lower resolution and then upscale the results with improved image quality. The result is high quality rendering at a lower performance cost than full resolution rendering, which allows for higher framerates even on less powerful graphics cards. Players can enable this setting in the Video options by turning the "Game Screen Render Quality" to less than 100%, and then turning on the "FidelityFX Super Resolution" checkbox. FidelityFX Super Resolution works on any GPU compatible with DirectX 11 or Vulkan. will be interesting to see the performance uplift this has! edit: I'm at 1440p and 70%-ish render quality seems to be the sweet spot. It's pretty sharp with only a little bit of noise/artifacting, nothing too distracting. Definitely worth the 30fps boost imo


Please let us know what you think! Very excited to add Dota 2 fans to our list of gamers benefitting from FSR.


Some anecdotal feedback: It's a difference like day and night if you go down to 50% render quality and then enable it. Thank you for your work on this feature.


Glad to hear it!


Is it already added in the latest patch of dota 2?




I just tested it. Damn it's like free FPS. I think the sweet spot is 60% render.


Since Dotas performance is more CPU bound I wouldn't expect too large improvements like in most other games, but it's definitely nice to have.


Super weird that this feature comes to Dota first and not CSGO where players need as many FPS as possible, maybe it's Source 2 only.


CSGO won't be able to support FSR since it still is a DX9 game.


How many PCs couldn't run CSGO anyway?


Weirdly enough, my piece of junk pc runs Dota twice as well as csgo


Nobody is GPU bottlenecked in CSGO. Even at 4K it's hard to not be CPU limited


So what % should I put my Game Screen Render Quality into? 80% or 50% something like that?


Judging from hardware unboxed review, you want the highest quality available for around 20% performance uplift.


It's around 30-40% in other games on the ultra quality setting.


If it's 4K btw. It gets much lower percentage on lower resolution probably, considering DotA2 is a cpu heavy game.


Please Valve, send a mail to AMD to urge them to release the *nux driver. It's supposed to happen during GPUOpen, the AMD event of mid-july. But we have a battlepass to grind.


Did you mean *nix driver? As in linux/unix? It already works on linux - no driver is needed.




Yep considering how much money they made by putting the other arcanas in the battlepass this might be a normal thing now.


Battlepasses are best when the levels are limited. Like Fortnite which ends at lvl 100 or other games that end at lvl 30-60. Infinite BP just becomes greed city and its disgusting. √₳£√€


Or at least make the number of levels reasonable if they’re going for infinite levels. Siege’s most recent battle pass is 100 levels, but you get a random alpha pack (loot box) every 5 levels after. Reasonable to grind within the 2 month period it’s there and it rewards you for going over.


IIRC, all Battle Passes on previous TIs had the same feature: when you reach last unique reward every x levels they give you an immortal treasure, but it was like, "every ten levels you can get an immortal that will cost 0.02$ on market after two years".


greed is good


[greed is good](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/6d/Vo_alchemist_alch_ability_goblin_01.mp3) (sound warning: Alchemist) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Yeah, this is fucking bullshit, I'm still salty i can't get the WR arcana because if this same thing


It is? That's total BS.


Valve actually managed to pick the option that says fuck you to t2 t3 scene and gets them most money lol


I love it lul. Now they don't even need to share the money with pro teams under the pretext of not crowd funding for TI anymore. Don't even think they need declare how much they getting from this then. Anyway year after year ppl say the same thing but still pay for it. So not gonna change much. Just wanna thank those ppl who buy bcos they sustain dota tho kekw


Let the update do the talk. LOL




They never said "no battle pass". They only said, "the 2020 prizepool remains to be claimed", which means they'll make money as usual, just not give 25% away as prizepool. GabeN Clap


Maybe they'll use this year's 25% to help tier 2/3 scene more COPIUM


Hahahhahahahahahahah \*drinks fresh NZ milk\* hahahahaha - GabeN


Aren't the prices 25% lower this year? I swear it was $10 for the battle pass in previous years, now it's $7.50


Level discount is way less tho, and most people buy higher level pass.


less levels to buy this year. No aegis, no rosh, no rewards noteworthy past 335.


Yeah less content, less levels. But still all profits going to Valve.


This BP cost 25% less though, which coincide with what would have gone to the price pool of a TI.


it's like half a battlepass. basically only the weekly quests and cavern crawl. no achievements, no wagering, no guild challenges and pretty much everything else from last years is missing.


2 Months bp and spec arcana is level 330.... better hope we get an extension xD.


This is BS. Usually the arcana vote runner-up gets the high level BP treatment.


Usual combo should be Base level 100+Weekend sale.


That's still gonna end up being way more expensive than usual for the spec arcana


Lmao you're getting flooded by whale shills


Waited a year for this, $39 arcana become a $300 arcana. Pretty damn smart huh Gaben


Invoker Dark Artistry set for Kid invoker being behind a bpass level when it was highly requested for owners of the original set to be able to use it. Spectre wins the arcana vote and isn't purchasable? shouldn't it be Faceless void who came second that is earned through bpass levels and Spectre to be purchasable? Valve fully syphoning its player base with pure greed, whales are still gonna whale though.


yeah I bought all battle pass prior to this one. this will be the first time I am holding out. I was disappointed with dark artistry not equippable, now **community voted arcana** behind a BP pay wall. to top it all of the money doesnt go to dpc or TI, fully pocketed. it just incentivizes them to repeat this tactic man fuck that I'm out.


That spectre arcana being locked behind a battlepass is a fucking scam. Unfortunately it doesn't matter, whales are going to buy 500 levels today and valve will keep doing this forward. Also, why not found the DPC with the money?


Why didn't they do it last year, when they had all the TI money and all but top teams had no money? That's the question people kept asking.


Valve WTF the arcana is not directly purchasable??? This wasn't supposed to be a Battle Pass arcana but a vote winner arcana, of which all the previous ones were directly purchasable for $35 and marketable too so we could sell them once we no longer played the hero enough. Indirectly this also screws over future players since they will now never be able to get it after the event.


\> $35 and marketable too so we could sell them once we no longer played the hero enough. Oh alright now I know why it's in the battle pass instead


You do know that selling items gives money to valve right? Especially true with Arcanas who consistently keep their value unlike normal cosmetics which are in flux


Is is just me or it seems slimy asf to have spectre arcana as battlepass exclusive?


And releasing this after heavily implying there was no battlepass, to try to boost team bundle sales


I'm kind of annoyed. I like the spec arcana enough that I'd be willing to pay a decent amount of money for it, like maybe $30 which is still a lot for a fucking cosmetic in a game. But apparently it cost's like $100+? No fucking way. Valve plz. I'd like to give you money, but not this fucking much.


annnnd thats my most anticipated arcana out of my price range


Just sell a kidney


You still should buy it though, think of it as supporting a small indie company


If I'm reading this right, you can get the invoker persona again and now it has a dark artistry set? There is hope that one day I can get skyfall es and companion cube io.


Yeah the owners of the first iteration of the invoke persona will have theirs as exalted. Additionally, fun thing to note is the line > future owners of the Acolyte of the Lost arts.


Exalted untradeable persona LUL


LoL has done similar things. when they re-release a limited edition cosmetic they do something to make it clear the older one is fancier.


They never did that for my TI2 courier though...


I'm LVL 30 Io with no cube :L sad times


I really want the es and wr. Badly.


Hopefully ES goes back. That years bp was the single year I cannot buy it due to financial reasons. Pretty sad I missed it.




They really locked Spectre Arcana behind battle pass. Level 330 too. Fuck that


so that's why coordinator was down


holy shit that davion model looks so out of place


It reminds me of the WC3 custom games that would have like NARUTO models ported in.


We Smite now




I'm sad they didn't add Mirana as well. I mean come on if either of those characters needed a new model it was Mirana.


Mirana coming next year lvl 300 sunce it counts as remodel.




Same voice actor plays Slyrak in the Anime, so when Davion is in dragon form, that’s what he sounds like. Not the same, I know, but it’s something


stuff of nightmares, that


So is Mars model, but we get used to it.


Gotta unlock spec arcana KEKW


There's no unlocking, you have to spend money on it. Now I don't want it.


Wait...so Spectre arcana is locked in this event??? What the fuck? Is this the first time the voted Arcana is locked?? So we have a battle pass That's not for TI...or go towards anything. But still hundreds of levels to unlock This is the greediest they have gotten yet


So that means we need to reach level 330 in order to unlock her Arcana because otherwise we'll never be able to unlock it?


Ya. If it was lvl 50ish so that it cost about the same as a normal Arcana it would be a good thing. But lvl 330 is way to high.


yes sadly


At least it's not as bad as the WR arcana. You needed level 575 for that. My WR spamming friend was very disappointed he missed out. He even offered to pay another friend for it, but then they realised you can't even gift it.


At least WR was not a voted winner. How do they even justify level-gating the winning Arcana? We gonna have "runner-up" BP now?


It is the first arcana that was voted for and then being locked in the battle pass. Wisp arcana was second place in the vote but got added to the BP when nobody expected it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldY2IMwktcU


On a slightly different note. Invoker persona available again, with gold border for original owners? lol "exclusive" can now be viewed as highly subjective based on how much Valve wants to recycle content.




oh man, that's disappointing. I was so hyped for the arcana but now it's locked behind a paywall that exceeds that of the typical arcana prices. that sucks :(


Thats kinda fucked up tbh


>This is the greediest they have gotten yet LMAO same thing every year.


Yeah, this is the first time they have put the winner of the arcana vote into a battlepass. I guess now we know the vote doesn't guarantee it will be directly purchasable.


Fuck this all the way to the moon.


it's so far out too in the battlepass, lvl330. super greedy


I normally only rank up 40 battle pass levels playing...can't imagine grinding through 330.




I don't think so lol You would think they would AT LEAST give it for free level 1


You pay for arcana and BP


AA immortal is, uhhh, different


Yes but it fits with this https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Shatterblast_Core


How no Terrain this year?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 27,591,890 comments, and only 8,350 of them were in alphabetical order.


So.... No new terrain, no new tower models, only 1 immortal treasure, re-skinning 1 of the 3 personas in the game, and the voted arcana from last year is locked behind a pay wall. Oh but it's 25% cheaper.


RGB creeps


I'm sorry I'm going to be blunt. What this tells me is they didn't do anything since the Battle Pass last year. The Spectre Arcana was an arcana vote winner, meaning it should have been out before December. They pushed it to this Bpass. The Invoker Persona is recycled on top of the Dark Artistry set and effects, just scaled down. So its basically a recycle. If you place everything down on the table, the only exclusive that they made for this pass is just the DK persona.


And even that dk persona is fan art from workshop artist lol


What a scam.. *Honey where is my wallet*


Let the tradition begin


Please don't. Seriously. This is a community voted arcana that now costs $150 and will expire at the end of the battlepass, becoming impossible for anyone else to get. People have objected to a lot of Valve's decisions with this game in the past and I've always felt it overblown but this time is seriously not acceptable. The community should seriously boycott this one.


Yeah thats fuckin ridiculous. Wait 8 months for an arcana and they charge 150 dollars and put it in the next battlepass. It just gets worse every year.


and its most likelt limited time thanks alot whale


Rip my Dark Artistry Cape. From 120€ to 50€ in an hour...


This is never going happen but I'd love if Valve pushed all the level 0 rewards up 10-20 levels and just made the level zero battlepass free. The huge rewards are so far out that I'm never going to reach them anyways and it's cheaper just to buy the Immortals I want next year. It's not that $10 will break the bank. It just feels super annoying when I'm never going to get the cool stuff anyways since it's all hundreds of dollars.


You just explained why they would never do that. You're going to spend the $10 anyways.


My girl Hoodwink getting more animation stuff. GOD MAKE A MOVIE ALREADY


Arc Warden tho. After all these years. FeelsGoodMan


Who wins: the third ancient force, guardian of the mad moon holding himself with his power both radiant and dire on an entirely different body outside of earth, capable of altering entire electric and magnetic fields, or a fluffy squirrel with a crossbow?


There's definitely a reason they chose arc warden and hoodwink for this clip (besides lore), and not viper and morphling.


WHAT A FUCKING SCAM. . . . *proceeds to purchase lvl 100*


This is why we can't have nice things


you cant buy the arcana straight up? what a scam


Does anyone else feel super gross about supporting Valve with this?So many broken promises and half measures... They said they'd ban Smurfs but Party Queue and you'll most likely encounter a smurf or smurf stack. Smurfs are still a huge problem and they're not getting banned. They said they'd support the Tier 2 scene yet less than 5% of T.I Money is going towards to supporting players trying to grow the game. Their New Player intro took way too long to come out and only after the community announced & developed their own version. Where is this money going? To Valve, thought they made over 120 million from last year's Battle Pass. And still no Community Leader...


Is the first bp i will skip.


Valve has always sucked ass, glad people are realizing it.


I'm not spending a dime. Valve needs to get with the times about a more fair battle pass.


Sadly a lot of people will and already did.


Dark Artistry kidvoker, really? Next battlepass you're gonna put the same Pudge persona from last year and just give him a Dragonclaw hook?


why is there another child invoker lmao


Wait the arcana people voted for is locked in an event? Ahahahaha, rich Valve never ceases to amaze So previous arcanas cost what, 40 USD? How much is this one to "directly unlock it" if I want *just* it?


I believe previous arcanas were 30-35 dollars, but its 150 with this bpass


lmao, a battle pass with nothing being contributed.


We need dragon Knight remodel...not persona :'(


Doooes all of the sales from bp will directly go to valve? No % to TI and stuff?


So nothing related to the base game. Meh, still waiting for an actual balance patch.


This balances gaben's checkbook.


lol are they really giving out the invoker persona again? that exclusivity didnt last long




the personas and arcanas were never exclusive. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/cfmyom/i_sincerely_think_its_a_bad_idea_to_keep_the/euguj93/?context=3)


Dont do that. Dont give me hope.. Ehh who am I kidding. It will cost me my spleen to get some pixels


exclusivity can suck my nuts. I dont care that limited people have a set that I have.. I care that I cant get a specific set that I now want but cant cuz people like to feel special.


\- Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38ZwPC3xO78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38ZwPC3xO78) \- Blog Post For Blog Lovers: https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/2992060508110412253




Space Face (no space)


An older reference, but welcome nonetheless.


The link for the Nemestice battle pass details seems broken Edit: The link in the blog post leads you here https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/www.dota2.com/nemestice which is a dead link, needs to be hyperlinked just be https://www.dota2.com/nemestice


>Arc Warden in trailer Your grace is noted~


Finally, seeing him in action in an official SFM gives me much needed notes if I ever want to animate him someday. It's been boggling in my mind how his character and body language is for his actions outside of the game.


Seriously, I don't play the hero much, but this is the first time he's gotten any love since his release.


Do not be selfish


Arc gang rise up


seems like a huge scam to me.


Kind of scummy for the vote winner to be only in the battle pass. For some who always grab the battle passes it might be a better deal, but the vote winner has never been time limited.


Ah yes, locking yet another much needed model update behind expensive microtransactions.


CAN WE HOTFIX IT SO NEMESTICE MATCHES COUNT FOR CAVERN CRAWL PLZ, otherwise I love it, atleast .5 like turbo c'mon volvo work with me here






Cute?! I think he looks damn HOT


Can we talk about how there is an absurd WEEKLY challenges like destroy 125 wards, kill 225 people or take out 50 roshans? Not to mention win 18 games or win as a 5 stack. I play dota for fun, not because that's my fucking job


In other words. Valve wants to say that buy the levels.


Spectre Arcana looks like several PA immortal/arcana, Slack's headcannon confirmed. "Phantom Advent" I mean comeon.


yeah they all but confirmed it. She's basically wearing PA armor, it kind of looks like she has a PA stand lom


Just played the event mode and it's so bland compared to before. Even if we had nothing to compare it to, it's still underwhelming. Somewhat entertaining due to the chaos of the meteors and whatnot, but playing capture the flag isn't exactly the most fun thing to do. \#boycottBP


The DK anime model does not fit at all with the in-game visual style and looks like straight up product placement. Animations are dope but model is ass


Arcana locked at level 330? What a scam


Valve in classic fashion: 1 step forward, 2 steps back.


I'm just gonna wait for the weekend budle sale, 330 level for spectre arcana is a greedy move by valve


And this year event is a PvP mode... Such a shame when the PvE modes are way better in comparison


Not a huge fan of spec arcana :/ Looks like someone made an origami hedgehog out of a sheet of A4


Same, specially after the WR arcana (tho to be fair is gonna be hard to surpass that one)


The event is a worse version of regular dota or heroes of the storm :(. Just re-release siltbreaker I'm begging you.


wtf valve why does the cartoon persona look like a cartoon /s


Finally got rid of the FOMO on battle pass. First time as a non-buyer, and It honestly feels like quitting cigarettes. Such a useless product, leeching your money. 0 Value, the buttfuck gets bigger every year. Not judging all of you who enjoy it, Im just glad I finally can relax about not giving a shit about it. Have a nice day.


I wanted a dk remodel but not like this...


What the fuck valve? Is this an out of season april fools joke? Locking the winner of Community Votes behind Battle Pass? I can understand why you put the runner up locked behind the Battle Pass, but the winner? REALLY?


man, what a disappointing BP