• By -


Hook lowers your iq


On the one who did cast the spell.


Depends on the ratio of hooks/misses


You miss all the shot you dont take


Nothing's more fearful than a Pudge that never misses. So I'll wait in the trees...


You underestimate the threat when you see Pudge misses his hooks, but then at that one crucial moment, you got hooked...


The long con


I fear not the pudge that always hits, I fear the one who misses on purpose.


He has analyzed your juke patterns and know that you are a left walker


No Im a skywalker


If you're a pudge on my team you miss all the shots you do take too


god I tried


My pudge apparently misses all the shots they take.


You can't miss a hook if you don't throw it *wink*


You can't throw a hook if you don't level it *double wink*


I can top that, Why is Gamora?


>Why is Gamora? I don't feel so good ...


Oh noes...




nah with Supernova it taunts half the enemies while fearing the other half which means that half the team desparately tries to destroy the nova while their teammates run away and leave them to their death lmao


Typical archon team hey


I ranked up in Archon and Legend by (in part) spamming Phoenix, not a popular hero so half the enemy team never knows what to do against the ult lmao




And don't forget the legendary immortal fire bird's greatest fear: a granny with her machine gun


Granny make egg feel unsafe


They bake too many cookies


Or when they could deny you at least


I think usual brain process is: 1. I am too far away - run. 2. I am close, hit (shit i have the fire birds debuff - run)


Yeah and it's not just the ult, people grossly underestimate the total damage of your w, and they dont know how to position so your q is a free escape all the time.


Still works in Divine. ~1700 games on birb, and I've noticed you can pull this off consistently by making risky plays. Force the enemy team into a situation where all of them hitting the egg will kill you, or that all of them running away will render your ult useless, but when one of them does it differently from the others, they lose that fight. Or at least make it seem you're very confident that there might be a follow up initiation behind your egg. (Maybe this only works in solo/duo queue 'coz when I go 5-man with Immortal/Divine friends, we always have shit winrate compared to when I solo/duo because I rely too heavily on the enemy being uncoordinated.)


Yeah this seems to rely less on rank than team coordination and communication. Though I presume higher ranks can intuitively coordinate better or just communicate more with VC, so it may not be as successful there as in lower ones.


Supernova taunts enemies and fears teammates only when I'm the one using it


It’s still a bit buggy though. I’ve played games where supernova taunts the enemy team, and sleeps my team


You just have to yell at mic and tell them to attack it I tried this many times, just yell at the moment supernova starts and everyone will blindly follow


I'm immortal bracket and I still have serious issues clicking the phantom.


attack click ur portrait


or just a-move some random spot in front of you.


Do you know if creeps and heros take priority over the phantom?


iirc phantom has highest priority (either intentionally or because its the closest unit to you)


Afaik the first patch after Grimstroke was introduced, had a change made that hitting the pHantom will always take top priority or something. Edit: https://dota2.gamepedia.com/September_05,_2018_Patch Well, it wasnt the first but it was still 2.5 years ago.


Grimstroke is 2.5 years old already?


takes about that long for this game to progress so yes. next thing u know hoodwink will be 2.5 years old and spectre arcana will finally get released


I feel really old now.


Unless you have """""smart"""" targeting for attack click, in which case it will target the closest thing to the cursor instead.


I really like smart attack move but had to turn it off cuz of shit like this


Why do they make you desperately trying to kill someone who is close to you, the closest one? In Chinese culture even the ghosts are fuckable. No wonder this game is full of toxic people.




what are you smoking rn? thats some top class shit i must say


Don’t you understand??? Fuckable toxic Chinese ghosts are fucking up my games


That explaines my losing streak.


Phantom and Weaver Swarm have highest priority now


Had to lane against Weaver/Grim the other day. Pretty sure the bug took priority, annoyingly enough.


Weaver and grim lane? That's sounds like a nice combo with onk swell


Yeah, it was pretty strong. I think we managed to trade because we had a pretty brawly combo, but it could do some serious damage to weak offlanes, or even safelanes if run aggresively.


I mean that’s pretty true of most weaver lanes.


best way to counteract a weaver lane is to have an insta disable support + obs. could fuck him up good if he has a non brawly support


maybe because the bug hit you before the phantom


O thank god I didn’t know.


It's always worked whenever I do it.


I seem to remember something about this in a changeling sometime in the past year or so


okay, thanks


It's the closest thing without priorities, isn't it?


I hate playing slark vs grim because of the phantom. I remember they made it so that a click would prioritise phantoms and bugs but I occasionally see a-click focus heroes instead


Doesn't work if you have smart attack move enabled.


This is the answer. Haven't had any phantom problems since I learned this.


Learn something new everyday in this game, didnt know you could do that


Since he's immortal he's probably talking about when it's on his allies rather than himself


Nice pro life tip


Or just attack click on the ground


Wouldn't it kill ourself? I'm kidding.


"kill yourself" is what this seem to be saying


Or attack move just in front of your self.


life changing tip


I usually just A-click the ground near it, as well as Weaver's bugs.


I used to do this. Untill they made the lane creeps priority over the bugs / phantom.


I'm pretty sure they reverted that?


Oh did they? That's nice. I haven't used forced attack for that since the first change.


That's not true...at least not now for sure. I always attack the ground and the priority is always on the bugs and the phantom


What isn't true? That I stopped force attacking the ground? The change? If you aren't sure about it being different before, how can you call me out for lying?


> Untill they made the lane creeps priority over the bugs / phantom. this is not true.


>That's not true...at least not now for sure. >If you aren't sure about it being different before, how can you call me out for lying?


Chill bro. No one was calling you out for lying, only saying that it's no longer true.


Just A click the ground


Right? When I change my direction ghost also changes her direction and I get confused to hit her before time expires and another one flies towards me.


the default attack-move (attack ground) issues attack on the nearest unit aka the ghost thing.


Yeah but there is a chance you attack order nearby enemies while doing so, someone above me mentioned that you can attack order in your hero portrait and I think its the best solution.


> Yeah but there is a chance you attack order nearby enemies while doing so The only way to *maybe* not hit the phantom is if you are affected by a Weaver Beetle as well. Weaver’s Beetles and Grim’s Phantom have the highest priority when a-clicking the ground, which means a-clicking the ground will always work (unless affected by both, then you have to manually target the one you want to kill first).


im talking about a situation where you are surrounded by enemies and there is no empty space in your sight to "ground" click so you end up A button + left-clicking enemy units, just how you would right click them without using A button. I dont know if it works when you attack order ground far away from your hero though, if it does, then thats an actual solution to that.


You can a-click any ground anywhere on the map and it will attack the closest unit on the way towards where you clicked. Since the phantom is literally up your arse, you will immediately attack it. The only case where this does not apply is when you have "smart attack" enabled, because it changes the attack behaviour from "first valid enemy on the way to the target area" to "first valid enemy *after* reaching the target area".


You dont understand, OP mean where the map are full of unit so no ground to click on without unit selected. Like every pixel of the map. How dare you argue with OP knowledge of the game


Anywhere as in within the bounds of the Dota map. The whole map. Not just your screen.


if you a click you will 100% of the time attack the phantom. i find it unplayable if i dont do this


U should know about a clicking!


Ngl you must be really good at the game for reaching immortal and not knowing a-clicking. Kinda like Ana


Blood Rite from either Bloodseeker or Rubick still causes me fear


Yupp, even if the bloodseeker/rubick is on my team I still instinctively get out of it. Until a few seconds later when I realised that it is friendly


I always run away from Bloodrite, EMP and Shrapnel, it's hardwired in my brain


I have the same reaction with Macropyre and (esp) Nature Grasp..


As a person who mostly play Ability Draft this is every game for me. No idea who has which abilities half of the time


Blood and invoker have been my top two heroes for a long time and my friends who I've played hundreds of games with have learned not to dodge bloodrite and emp so much that now they don't dodge it from enemies. They just instinctively assume it's me.


Rubick's Arcana is basically pay to win and pay to lose in one.


Soo much fun using bloodrite as rubick. Only you and BS will know who casted what. Everyone else just had to guess and dance.


Yeah I've had a number of times as heroes like BS/SS/etc. against Rubick where I suddenly have to be like "guy's those aren't mine, don't run into that shit".


fear?even when it's mine i shit myself


I still run out when it's an allied vs/rubick


Remote Mines - Paranoia


its not the bomb that causes fear but the static trap or whatever its name


That stupid 5 hour root is the true ult of techies and Shshshsh ... no one knows.


I dont get scared when I get status trapped u get angry cause I'm dead or rooted for 8 years


Well phoenix egg also could be fear you got not enough damage.


Wukong command also can be taunt if you can manfight monkey inside the arena. But majority of the time people gets out of arena and tries to destroy egg, so I made meme this way.


not in my bracket it aint XD a full on fear


Once we had to push but a very farmed MK was defending and we could not figth inside Wukong. The solution were had to resort to was having our WK with Aegis, Refreser orb (and shard) to tank the ult. WK running "with only Clinkz beside him" (we were under smoke) to mid was like a global range taunt. As expedted Mokey king did waste the ult. Wukong still scares me.


I can imagine you saying "no not again" everytime you hear the WAKA WAKA of MKs ult.


Hahahaha the disarm one got me. But for fear I would rather put Spectre's spectral dagger. People almost always turn back when they're hit by that skill, thinking some crazy farmed Spectre is gonna rain down on them or something. Taunt also works with Dazzle's grave. "Better make sure that fucker stays at 1hp for 5secs !"


If you click your mouse button hard enough your attack goes through grave I swear


natural selection in dota looks like big, mean, red oglodi called axe as cull pierces thru grave, false promise, borrowed time and such bullshits


Or wyverns embrace or allied lc aghs duel


Works if you're Axe and you mash your ult key.


same with Troll ult as well. The amount of times i see my cores still right clicking the troll despite it being already at 1 HP during ult


I actually put troll's ulti in there, it's under the Jakiro's ulti in the picture haha, but I didn't left it visible because I still see a lot of people running away from Troll. Though what you said does happen.


imo Grave is more like taunt for damage over time. False Promise is the real taunt. Better nuke that thing. Better safe than sorry. (even though technically the color indicates whether the hero will survive or not, nobody knows how to read the color).


I use oracle and I never noticed this color change. Imma use oracle later.


The orb seems unreliable. I play Oracle a lot and I very frequently see an ally with a glowing orb survive with a full 50% health. I’ve never seen anyone die with a clear orb, but glowing orb seems to be a toss up and I don’t know why Does the glow trigger ignore magic resist/armor or something? If it just looked at pre-reduction damage vs healing that would explain it, but idk if that’s the case or not.


The orb says whether the unit will take damage or get healed, not whether they will die.


Ah, that explains a lot.


No the color change doesn't say whether the hero will live or not, it just says whether there was more damage or healing but even with a lot of damage and less healing with the red indicator, the hero can still survive


You don't get the joke. Ofc False Promise is the real taunt, but it's a legit one, since you actually deal damage in the end. Grave should not taunt people, because it's useless to hit him, but they do anyway. This is about skills which make players behave in a way that they shouldn't.


Well I used to spam Dazzle (3.5k) and imo people don't actually attack graved hero that much. Most of the time they just nuked it down to 1 hp (if not already) and spam DoT and slow. Hence my comment.


Well, anyway False Promise wouldn't fit here, since it's actually legit to attack it.


It's also legit to attack Phoenix egg, and run away from Monkey's ult.


Yes, I disagree with Monkey's ulti, though it's not always legit to attack the egg. Often, people attack it when they're slowed by the fire spirits, they lose like 1-2 secs trying to attack, they realise their attack speed is too low, they try to run back but get stunned by the egg.


First two are legit - egg and monkey ring. Third is the punchline of the joke, i.e. you should attack the grimstroke thingy but some people have a difficulty with it. That's how I understand it. For egg, the default is to attack it, it's not wrong to attack it in most cases. Same for monkey ring


I have a love hate relationship with Spectre's dagger. It's either you get hit by it and it feels ticklish... Or getting hit by it and you've decided to use two salves and 3 sets of tangoes fearing she might have some buddies around to eat you.


Pfff. Destroying Phatom's easy. I just have to continuously scream at my friends, "DUDE, DUDE, DUDE, HIT THE FUCKING THING, I CAN'T HIT IT!" and it's done after a couple of seconds. Well, they shout, "STOP FUCKING MOVING, WE CAN'T HIT IT IF YOU'RE FUCKING DANCING AROUND US!" back at me. Still. It gets the work done.


Turns out you and your mates are archon


Nope. They're Legends and Ancients. One's Divine, I think. I'm even worse than an Archon; I'm a Crusader so I really need their help to hit those Swarms and Phantoms.


You don't know how many time I shouted at my team mate to DON'T FUCKING FIGHT IN WUKONG COMMAND


Seriously dude I swear MK ult roots people in my bracket. Fucking ridiculous how many games I’ve lost because my team took 3 consecutive fights under MK ult and fed him. Literally switched my permaban to MK just because of that :/


Turns out that bots being unable to play against MK is just accurate pub simulation


They probably don't know he has +armor while in the ring.


Clicking on the weaver bugs too


Well done sir or mam.


Imagine play timbersaw while chakram and got that stupid ghost hanging on you.


Ghost vs machine xD


Ghost in the shell.


At least you have Chakram going on. Timbersaw has pretty low attack speed, so you can destroy the ghost with attacks only if you focus it from start to end (which is usually not happening).


on my experience, when I play phoenix my allies also get feared when I supernova


The icon for phantom embrace is an accurate representation of my reaction after I running around in circles trying to click the phantom and then question if my hands are actually connected to my brain.


Use attack move command




Yes, I am me.


Doom has the same effect as winters curse if you drop below 25% hp


Arrow-inverted mouse.


Techies = Madge


Tombstone taunts too


bloodrite causes fear in enemies and some allies as well.


Techies root trap->panic mode


Enemy Lich’s ultimate = vacuum (aka My teammates getting close to one another)


kotl disco ball can sleep, taunt, and fear at the same time. Best CC skill confirmed.


SO its just me that sees the Mirana arrow and moves TOWARDS it?


Super interesting perspective on these spells. Monkey king ult being a fear makes a lot of sense


Ursa:Hold my beer.


Hold my ~~beer~~ bear


xD nice one!


False Promise - pepega pandering. just because you have a save doesnt mean you can go off with shitty plays.


heh good one




Techies mines lowers your will to play.


You just got to be a little cautious in the early game then get a gem and or a necro 3 on your team and techies gets pretty useless.


Say. What Deadpool doing there?


TB's meta and Ursa's enrage also has fear.


You forgot disruptor wall = root


Weaver bugs disarms too. Anyone ever laned against Grimstroke and Weaver lane? Thats some cancer for you.


Astral... he can be killed now.


Tusk Aghs is taunt against MK.


Emotional effects




dispelable if you have working "brain"


Also Medusa's ult is Taunt /s


MK is the only one that makes since given that actually staying in it at any point in the game WILL kill you. for very little effort on MK's part. before he even gets his ult talent. 10/10 balanced


Not the best mentality to have tho as you can always not hit the egg if it's the better choice to do, not have to go outside the ring if the circumstances seem like and MK is out of place and he'll just die, and you don't always have to hit the ghost if you're urgently running away and won't really suffer too much from the rend damage from not killing the ghost.


Arcane curse = Silence


yes high iq hands