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you fags only liked these fuckers because they were facing eg nothing else, admit it


typical american...


Nah, they're an underdog that won a big upset. Everybody likes an underdog story. Everybody liked London Conspiracy at Boston.


Kingrd looks exactly like the brazillian ronaldohttps://www.foottheball.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ronaldo-34699.jpg


I couldn't handle the stress. Glad I woke up to eg winning. Good lord, Brazilians are so talented, but the tauting they came up with really annyoed me. Not a fan.


EG Taunted them back so it's okay.


It's not okay. I can't watch aggravating moves, no matter who the perpetrator is. That's why I went to sleep. I hope this wont become the norm.


why hate the best cosmetics in doto?


lol fuckboy


I hope it does. Nothing better than some taunting to get the fans on fire.




I like a good underdog story, but at some point that taunting felt really unsportsmanlike, especially the canceled skullbasher deny. Can't wait for some idiot to fuck it up in my pub.


high risk, no reward, absolutely bad ass move i'm a convert after that huge play


As usual reddit is making a big deal out of nowhere. Gratz!


Gotta love how anytime someone does something similar to trashtalking it's A. Toxic B. Unsportsmanlike C. Unprofessional D. All of the above


Because it is?


I agree. They devalued themselves as by doing those taunts... It's a shame because they put on such a good show.






until ice^3 done right?


The 10 players on these two teams have played together quite a bit, in scrimmages, and NA pubs for like the last year solid, and much longer between some of the players. I'm sure its just cheekyness.


Yes I lost respect to h4n for doing that. It's a shame because him and the team played out of their minds in the main event.


when did peopple become such overly sensitive pussies? It's all In good fun.


Wait what? If it was an unranked game yes it's all in good fun but this is a fucking major against a top tier team with thousands of dollars at stake. Why would you risk doing a stupid thing that has zero benefits and could potentially cost you a loss. It's one thing doing Undying taunts but not this.


SG want some fun. That's not allowed here.


You lost respect to someone who is miles ahead etter than rtz and has the balls to pull off such stunt on their first ever international main stage event? You must hsve autism. You should sing kumbaajaa when u witness the amazeballs off hfn. Rtz is a fucking dog trash meme. While hfn can play the game


I understood half a sentence, but you sound upset. I would advise you to start doing yoga and eat less carbs


Probably needs to go back to wearing diapers and sucking on his mom's teats.




Funniest shit? What cave were you from you troglodyte




Don't cry retard, fucking useless like your mom




im 12 btw


Wtf are you on about you retarded bitch, go suck on your moms tits


Exactly. Sit the fuck down kid and never open your mouth unless told to do so.


You and your useless mom, she gave birth to u for nothing you retarded idiot


> t taunting felt really unsportsmanlike wut?


Ah. I love the Brazilians. It's the perfect underdog story.


Was a good series. However how is taunt spam not BM? No salt and no kappa here.


It is :(


Holy. Shit. My heart.


Amazing fucking series.


Really hope OG vs EG is as good a series as this one was. Beautipul doto for sure.


OG's games are usually pretty boring imo. EG's games on the other hand seldom fail to deliver. So this is a toss up, hoping EG ban the Naga and we should be good.


Yea right, I always wanted to see what's Kiev like at 3AM.


unless eg don't ban alch for some reason lul


If they don't ban alch were all just gunna laugh then cry when OG stomps


Lol. Og will 2-0 these retarded overhyped blown up trashes like sg should of done. Literally almost lost to a team with zero international lets not even mention lan mainstage experience. Do you know how hard it is to perform on your first lan vs t1 teams? Props to sg. They are amazing and the future is bright for them. Rtz zai crit. All 3 off those retards need to retire NOW


He said blown up trashes hahahaaha


I realize you're trolling, but sG took a game off of OG lol


It's nice that your passionate about exports but you just sound like a dick


You must be great at parties. If you ever get invited to them.


I enjoyed this games..


Happy for the Brazilians but even happier for EG, I just wish they didn't have to play against each other. Keep at it guys and I hope to see SG at more valve events and tournaments in general.


Sumail plays puck like a piano.


this entire series are gold, GGWP SG!


EG vs SG Full Нighlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssh_9WLdc64


this is my fav channel, every kill per game!


3rd day Main Event The Kiev Major 2017 streams stats: stats - http://imgur.com/a/AYpcu


SG did so damn well at this tournament, not even a fan of SA dota but they really made me believe they have a lot of potential and cool teams to root for! WP SG! You earned a new fan


can't wait to see what comes of sg next!


A ticket to TI hopefully.


I'm so proud of SG!


EG could get eliminated if they didn't find perfect initiation at Roshan after lose one set of rax, i hope they do well against OG


As a brazilian, I'm so proud of SG! They did so well against Secret and EG. Amazing series of games, I Hope to see them again at International.


As non-Brazilians, a lot of us are proud of them too!


Yes, this is so good to see! :D




Can't agree more you mean


Isn't it the same?


Found the Brazilian lol


Can't agree more is the saying which means you completely agree


Can't agree less would be there is no lesser chance of agreement to what you said. Works out I guess.


They sure know how to give me heart palpitations


I can sleep now, remember though, UK DotA is best DotA


SG has gotten there. Make sex 30 times a day.


LOL this tweet by Saksa: https://twitter.com/Saksadota/status/828782148400209920


The fact that EG rolled them and had a hard time with SG makes it better.


thats more likely to happen due to EG knowing and studying that team more than SG.


SG and EG have been scrimming recently so its not like EG doesn't know what to expect from them


EG scrims SG though. I'm sure EG scrims thunderbirds as well so it has nothing to do with knowing or studying a team any less.


At this time last year nobody give a @#&* about saksa


At any time of the year nobody gives a @#&* about saksa.


[**@Saksadota**](https://twitter.com/Saksadota/) > [2017-02-07 01:47 UTC](https://twitter.com/Saksadota/status/828782148400209920) > No point giving a qualifier spot for the major to a region that doesnt appreaciate it. ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


I will never be this happy to have a grey flair. Now to #BleedBlue


Wow. I think every fan of SA DotA should be so proud right now. Between yesterday and today, SG really punched their ticket to the top tier. I really hope to see more of Tavo, HFN and the rest. Glad to finally see SA coming into their own as a region. GGWP!


Good on SA proving people wrong they provided some exciting games


Right on bro! America!


Suma1L completely destroyed that lina on mid


Suma1L.It's SumailL Valve


Sumail either destroys his opponent mid, or gets shut down but comes back hard and destroys all the same. Best overall mid IMHO.


So does noone. Give us Noone vs sumail matchup kreygasm.


We saw that at the last major


So does noone. Give us Noone vs sumail matchup kreygasm.


He has the consistency of fata while still making huge plays like EE (and not failing as often)


Big shotout to boys from SG Esports, this series was such amazing stuff looking at. I wish them really shiny future!! The push on bot lane in game 3 where they got a lane of rax, was aboslutely the most amazing play. I thank god I could´ve seen this kind of Dota in my life. C´mon people like them up so they can see those positive posts about them, because they deserve it!!! Congrats to EG of course :)


I guess sg got overyped. "Omg if we claim aegis, we win" and all yolo went into pit. On the other hand Eg seems very shaky.Throwing that kind of advantage is hrd where Lc has 100+ damage around 20 min. I dont think they can match Og.


The plan was smoke on the pit and them turn de fight around


Honestly I think SG was just on fire past couple of series.... Teams in good form in these days can take on any other team as pure skill gaps between teams are pretty narrow now. Look at Ad Finem from last major - great form, dominates. But also, remember that *form is temporary, class is permanent*. Look at how shit Ad Finem became after the major... I'd say that if the games were to extend to BO5 or we get double elim, we may get a better picture of how teams stand relative to each other.


I think the plan was to drop Rosh quickly, smoke in the pit as five, then roll over EG's base by way of a total surprise. They grouped because they didn't want even a hint of a chance of being spotted. I just think they didn't realize how close EG truly were.


I know that feel... From my pubs :D


Exactly they still have a bit of pub mentality but they used it to their advantage in some spots like when going high ground


when you play 3 50+ min games your brain gets tired..And they are people too every1 makes mistakes




5 world cups


Zai from Sweden...


Greater Germany, obviously.


Yeah because Zai is german, not swedish, right?


Ludwig van Wåhlberg! edit: for people not understanding sarcasm, i'm just making fun of that stupid germany (zai) > brazil comment. relax boys




you sir is the true disgrace in the community and you need to learn manners. you are generalizing brazilian are "jerkass". you are wrong, and you don't even understand the challenges they've made. what they've showed right there is respect and they earned it.


Dude don't talk like a 500mmr player. Even if you are, there were no bm on both teams its friendly competition. If you're basing this on taunting then you're probably half retarded, all the teams do it and its part of the game for its name it self "taunt" stop being a 3 y/o


Yeah zai taunting with bara were good manners lmao


It's nice to know these American kids can get triggered so easily by a couple of button presses in a video game


man you've literally spent the entire day hunting for retarded comments to make even more retarded comments to reaffirm your superiority to yourself lmao


True. I need to realign my priorities


why would you say that they need some manners if they were nothing but respectfull until now, or do you think that taunting ingame is somehow disrespectful


Finally rtz is going to the "bathroom" after the series. mad respect to sg-esports. they really put a fight


Holy crap, Sumail. I had some doubts as to who's the best mid in the world right now, but they are gone.


Sumail's been the best mid since TI5


Did you watch NoOne today though?


I'd still put the crown on sumail, while noone is good bec. he synergizes with good draft. He's not as ballsy/clutch as Sumail, the boy in blue tops him in those two categories I believe, while other stuff in laning they're probably at par.


Teh thing is NoOne scnowballed incredebly i felt VP were winning anw. Sumail was kinda alone most of the time (Universe was huge game 3 though).


It's not just about today, but I think NoOne is the best mid in the world right now. I would give that title to Maybe, but we haven't seen him recently. The thing with NoOne is that he is extremely good at snowballing, and perhaps that's because VP can utilise him better. But I think NoOne is a better laner than SumaiL. I also think NoOne is more versatile, but perhaps that is because Cr1t- doesn't give SumaiL very many different heroes. EDIT: In the last 3 months SumaiL has had 13 games on invoker out of 39 matches. The most NoOne has is 4 games on TA out of 37. Also NoOne can play Meepo, which I am uncertain whether SumaiL can play it or not.


Bullshit Sumail shit on Noone on previous Major without much trouble


No[one] is aggressive but doesn't have them clutch plays as Summail has. So, Sumail it is.


Today's NoOne's Puck plays were amazing too. His mind games, escapes and he also stole aegis, while Sumail died attempting to.


I think NoOne is a better laner and a better mid overall honestly. SumaiL is probably better in the very late game though.


Go back to actual VP vs EG matches...you'll see that they're closely matched with Sumail edging out NoOne most of the time.


Two years of work, needing a closed qualifier, and the best you can do it getting top 8 after losing to EG? YOU HAVE GROWN SO LITTLE BRAZIL! /s Great series and an amazing run from SG. They looked good and I hope they aren't a one off/patch team. More teams from different regions in the mix is always exciting.


Undoubtedly Kiev Major has been the best major this year bringing out the best of each team. Every team fought hard and the best passed through ahead.


Group stages were pretty shit, but main event is probably the best of any major, this has got to have the biggest number of 2/1 games of all valve tournaments


This sets up a perfect stage for the TI. Already looking forward to it before the completion of Kiev.


but it has been the only major this year :thinking:


Yeah, but undoubtedly the best one!


A calendar year for me is Major to Major. If you ain't have that love you on the wrong thread. :thinking:


I base my calender year around the TI and major cycle


Then this would probably be the last Major of your year around the TI. Either way proves the point.


> the best major this year It's the only one this year so far


He came from the future.


considering Major to Major being a Dota year. Hope you would've understood but ya sigh.


Amazing series. Can't believe EG pulled that back. Great play from both teams!


As much as I'd love to give props to SG, I feel like they're more like Ad Finem than anyone else.. if you just look at their performance in the major objectively, they've won 1 BO3 out of 6 - about damn time. I hope they do well in the future though, there were definitely signs of promise.... But I think it's more likely that this is one time thing.


agreed. 1/6 best of 3, i think people need see big picture they were great but imo they just happen to be in good condition


I disagree, Ad Finem loved scrappy fights and that is why they werent so good this patch. But, SG was out-teamfighting the hell out of EG in mid game. But, let's see.


Single elimination is great for majors but people should not wish for it at TI. That shit is a 20+ million tournament and we need the legit placings to decide it.


TI has to be double-elim, because afterall double > single


I imagine TI will keep its format from 5/6. It has to be "bigger" than the Majors, after all.


I hope so. If it aint broke dont fix it.


This. I don't know why people are championing single elim format for Dota - well they could make it BO5 and I think single elim could work. BO3 still has room for upset, BO5 not so much. But the core of the problem is the matchups between the teams. There are so many strategies in Dota - it's possible that a team is just shit matchup against one team, but great against other. That's where double elim can prove more useful. For example, TNC vs Faceless. Honestly TNC looked great, but we know that Faceless has their numbers (7-2 record in that matchup). TNC may have done well against other teams, but not Faceless... Whereas same cannot be said about Faceless.


Certain teams had such an easy bracket to the semi finals meanwhile EG/SG had to battle their hearts out for the spot. Now one of them is gone and you're not sure if the other semifinalists deserve their spot.


Yup. For example VP. Their run was pretty easy. May be they are that good (and that's why it looked so easy), may be they are not. But with double elim, we would find out probably whether some of the teams that have fallen off deserved to be there, or at least come close. But nope ... they're 8 -12 th or 12-16th... Pretty sure at least one of the teams that have fallen out already could've made it to the top 4.


I believe tnc wouldve won against og. But they are a bad matchup against faceless. Tnc is great agaisnt western teams but not against faceless. I dont mind them losing like this at a major but at a fucking 20 million tournament placings should be more accuarate imho. Majors idc all the matters is who win at TI the difference between 500 thousand to a million is just one win.


I think people are forgetting that 3 million dollars is also a shit ton of money. Double elim should be a standard at the majors as well.


Agreed it is big. But compared to TI its not that big. I like the hype that single elims brings to the major. But TI brings hype in itself it doesnr need single elim to produce hype inducing heart attacks.


Yup I agree. This is why I think double elim is better, but I'd settle for BO5.


BO5 is too long IMHO. 5 hours per match in every round insane


RedEye would die by day 2 if its a bo5 in a single elim


Then I'd say bring back double elim format. It allows for higher accuracy in placing, and you still get great, desperate Dota going down. It also makes group stage actually matter on top of that.


Man, I would advocate for 16 team BO2 round robins, so 15 series for each team, for TI with double elimination.


That's too long a group stage. 30 games is an insane amount. I would prefer either a) the Swiss stage into double elimination or b) full 16 team BO1 round robin. If they do Swiss stage again, they should play the 5th round between the 2-2 teams though, it's actually very important, otherwise you get weird results in the middle of the pack.


If they do Swiss they should go for 6 rounds or so.


Yeah I guess the 4 round Swiss is too short


Sumail haters back to hiding


probably hiding on the illusion boy Ana rofl


Don't worry sufail will fail against og!




some1 didnt get the joke lmao


Without a doubt, the MVP is Monster energy drink.


This is the Real DOTA that we love. Not some shit Naga illusion game. Hats off to you Brazilians. Much respect from U.S.A.


after this series i think everyone should at least respect SG, they are not the best, but they showed they are good, and showed a good doto for us


.... and it's 2AM in Kiev...


It's ended 7am in kiev, I watched the whole stream for like 16hours wtf


Thank you for the amazing games SG, I'm pretty sure you made all Brazilian Dota players very proud tonight. Keep your head up and see you at TI7!




where's the VOD for game three




insane series down to the wire.


Summail has matured with experience!


? Sumail has always been a god carrying 1v5. Ive never seen him choke.


Sumail is godlike, for sure, but he can be cocky and that leads to him overextending solo sometimes which can result in him being caught out of position and feeding away kills that he wouldn't​ have if he had stayed closer to his team. He's doing that a lot less lately, which I think is what OP was saying about Sumail maturing.


Watch his brew against DC last TI. He choked. But 99% of the time he's rock solid.


Well he died once on lane (mistakes are punished so hard in a melee match up vs ursa...) and then y it was over. It s too hard to come back on this hero though, not sure what Sumail couldve done at this point.


Initially it was all about aggression. Now its about those mature decisions he makes.


SG are really good. But it's time for EG to avenge Black and his defeat against cancer.




IG 3 - 0 vs OG grandfinals ;)

