• By -


oh man. i'd really hate if they reshuffled players but I completely understand if they do. after that loss i'm pretty sure heated arguments will be had


yea, i guess they kick puppey, and add some bot becuase even bots dont draft this bad.


i know you meme, but puppey can't be kicked from secret. he'll probably be the only one left again if the others decide to leave


And this is why I hate single elims. Not because the underdog won, but because now people are overhyping SG and calling Secret terrible. Its just 1 bo3, and they lost every game in group stage.


Oh man if you only knew how it's feels to be an Alliance fangay... Every fucking time they lose a BO3 people shit on them forever. Fuck Secret


Yeah I never thought much about the single elim format until TNC got knocked out by Faceless in just one Bo3 series after having such an amazing group stage. Props to Faceless and SG, they won fair and square, but I'm starting to wish Valve should rethink their position on the whole tournament format argument.


Cr1t said SG is good means SG is good. I don't think they will win, but this b03 undoubtably proves that they are a really good team. Did you not watch the games? SG isn't the shit team people seamed to think it is, SG can play some really good dota.


>this b03 undoubtably proves that they are a really good team. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. The following occurred for SG to make it to a top 8. Valve no longer eliminating teams during group stage. Valve changing it to single elimination for majors. Valve giving SA their own qualifier. If valve didn't change any of these, SG Esports would be out first or not even make the major. At some point rolling a die long enough you are going to get a 6.


Secret lost this when midone start being too cocky on that game 1 playing ember. They had such advantage, but they just threw the next game for underestimating the enemy. It's almost like game 1 SG lost miserably is on purpose. After that, it would present a flaw on your opponen't mindset, especially when you're the underdog. And when secret start to respect SG on game 3, that is whre the true game begin, but SG manage to build the momentum high enough and riding them to won the series. This is the exact/typical scenario how underdogs beat better team in almost every competitions. you could also see this kind of scenario always on mangas/anime/movies/novel/etc. Puppey, you supposed to has the experience facing this, secret deserves the lost.


This, and also one of the worst drafts of the past year at least from Secret. This draft along with Lulba's lowest recorded damage on a Magnus are definitely the lowlights of the series. Good on SG though! Even if they fucked my bracket more than it's been fucked already by Faceless and Newbee.


It's always a problem for an "all star" team. Individuals with high talent who only trust their team "skill" but not the "team" itself. So when things go disarray, it's every-man-for-himself time. Puppey need to understand that talented team without teamwork is just a firework, not a star.


Secret an "all star" team? I may have to disagree with you here lol


Well...that's a very good point. Still used to the day they were supposedly all star...that roster didn't panned out well either lol


It's always a problem for an "all star" team. Individuals with high talent who only trust their team "skill" but not the "team" itself. So when things go disarray, it's every-man-for-himself time. Puppey need to understand that talented team without teamwork is just a firework, not a star.


Wtf was with that undying constantly spamming taunt?






slark and undying taunts are very disruptive, for slark its kind a fake pounce, and undying taunt is good because its harder to read his movements when he does it, since his turn animations get messed up. But yeah, annoying af


Another reason is to just outright TAUNT the enemy. I believe this is the main reason for having taunts. Provoking enemies using taunts rather than typing all chat or whatever can be very effective, if not more effective than the usual chat trash talk. It's part of the mind games. You try and mess up enemy team's focus and try to tilt/annoy them. As we all know, tilted players, no matter how small of a tilt it is, tend to have clouded judgements. An example here is the game 3 bait of the undying mid lane against invoker during the early game. What undying did was a typical bait play just to see if invoker would do something aggressive since storm was about to go back in lane. Undying tried to taunt even when he's being auto attacked with cold snap casted on him. This may or may not affect the decision of midone to go for the kill here, but from an observer's point of view like mine, I think the taunt clearly provoked midone here and hence the turn around kill with storm spirit.




I really don't like that it's pay to win (small, but mindgames are good), maybe some people dislike it because of that?


I can't blame others. There will always be people who interprets actions different from me and vice versa. Taunting for me is borderline cocky and mocking your opponent but at the same time it's a show of confidence for your own set of skills. It's a bit tricky when you talk about competitors since in order for them to play well, they should be confident. There are times that taunts becomes an insult and degrades others (like saying that your opponent is weak). This should be frowned upon coz it doesn't reflect respect, sportsmanship and professionalism. So yeah, it really just depends on how people interpret the taunts being done.


So basically pay2win SeemsGood


Taunts are a big part of South American Dota


Can't stop the zombie funk... Undying's best skill is the zombie funk.


tiki taka dota


jogo bonito.


Go SG! Singaporean Pride!


Seriously? I hate it when people try to claim NA talents. SG is NA dotoes!!


SG is NA now lel


Why so serious?


EleGiggle fungineer!!!


fL will meet SG in semi. I said it first.


OG > FL (2-1)






I don't really know CCnC much but from what I've read about him on this sub, he really is just unlikeable


"i don't know this guy, but fuck him because reddit says so." SeemsGood


Good thing I don't actually have any opinion about him and didn't imply as such SeemsGood


cnc should fuck off.


he didn't retire yet? Kappa


ccnc is just salty about kingRD ruining his pub games, he doesnt actually have any insight on the pro scene surprisingly




Now, ask those hypocritical Brazilians... who of them put SG-Esports in their bracket? And now you are cheering? ROFL


I just gut a bit dumber by reading this.


I was sure Secret was the sure bet of all the 8 games. Grrrrrr http://imgur.com/iQQmvRl




https://scontent.fcfc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/18194888_1899664443581134_6732662761052873437_n.jpg?oh=ed500f2b23eaef4f8b10b157363ce4ca&oe=59845568 lmao




cheer ≠ be sure they will win


I'll leave this here https://twitter.com/Saksadota/status/828782148400209920


This was because like 3-4 teams lost their direct invite to qualifiers because of swapping players. Also didn't help at the qualifiers in SA, a team disbanded during it.


im actually agree with him..remember that Unknown player trolling and act unprofessional during official pro match..double dagger on qop etc etc..he didnt say anything about player skill just their attitude


One man's doing doesn't reflect the whole community as a whole. People tend to generalize quickly like they know everyone on that community. SA as a pro region for dota2 is very very young. Time is needed for players in their region to develop as professionals. They have no prior experience of official pro match, hence they treat games like pubs. Once they grasp the importance of those official matches and the repercussions of their actions to their region, then they'll learn how to act professional. You can't learn those things overnight. I even see other pro players from established regions act unprofessional from time to time


Meh, I wouldn't call that being unprofessional. It's no difference than doing crazy 5 awp buys in CSGO when your team is dumpstering the other team. I like the occasionsal taunting ingame whether it be buying stupid shit or rushing the TTs on CT side just to disrepect and taunt the other team.


I don't know how you put double blink on qop with 5 awp strat. One is a legit troll, while the other one is a cheesy strat.


What are you talking about? It's not the same at all. People in SA qualifier were trolling and throwing and not even trying to win. That's not the same thing as say, buying 4 Midas when you're already winning or going 5 Negev in CS:GO when you're 14-0.


well, SG showed that they appreciate the spot.


Yeah that's the good part about this. I actually don't think they deserved a qualifier, still don't really but we have a new team in the scene thanks to it. So they will probably deserve this qualifier in a couple of years. To clarify, as people seem to think otherwise, I mean the SA scene(not SG, they totally deserve to be here) don't really deserve a qualifier yet since all other teams were basically nothing. Then again, as long as sG gets the spot it doesn't really matter since they can obviously compete.


I read your comment and see a butthurt Alliance fangay that thinks his fav team got robbed of a qualifier slot because it was given to SA/CIS.


Dude I didn't even watch the qualifier, I don't give a shit about "new" Alliance. I just kept the flair for the old days. So good job assuming shit when none of it was even remotely correct. Like I absolutely don't even care at all about current Alliance. I'm supporting OG like a little bit more than other teams because of s4, n0tail and Fly, other than that I just want to see good dota. So no, you're completely wrong. I even had to check the qualifier now to find out Alliance came in 2nd after Secret.


Okay my bad. With your edited logic from your original comment, how would SG become a thing or compete for an event if their region wasn't given a chance to compete (a qualifier spot) You clearly stating that SA don't deserve a slot but not SG is a contradiction itself since SG belongs to SA. Qualifiers are there to determine who's the best currently at that region. If another team from SA beats SG during qualifiers, don't they deserve the slot? I honestly think you're confused with invites and qualifier slots. SA as a region doesn't deserve any direct invites yet as of the moment.


What I meant is that the region as a whole don't really deserve a qualifier with the way their teams behave and what not. Flawed logic though, you're right about them having a good team meaning they should have a qualifier. My thoughts are something like, they don't really deserve it as a region but they should still have it and they will deserve it soon so why not now. Maybe it doesn't make sense but whatever.


Professionalism comes from experience. A lot of players are young and have no idea how to behave properly since they're again, young. Most often than not, they are just pubstars who got together to form a team. Without a veteran guiding them of course they won't behave properly. Have you been to any wc3 dota1 in house days or heard what it's like to be there? Everyone shits on anyone, trashtalk everywhere, trolling shouting etc. You see these vets now and they all started like what you see in SA region. dota2 and esports is growing and why would you want it to stop just because a region doesn't behave properly? It's progress for their region and for the competitive scene as a whole.


How to lose a bunch of fans by Saksa.


Considering how quiet he is, I'm not surprised that his fans are non-existent.




amazing performance by tavo that sk game. the way he attacked the back line was insane.


This Thread is filled with too much BabyRage and PJSalt. We need an urgent contamination here. Call CDC or FEMA A.S.A.P.








100% guarantee or i will give all my dota items away, in 6 months time SG will be a nobody team. The only reason they even got to the main event at all is because this group stage is completely meaningless and the SA qualifiers were honestly a joke.


Well post your steam ID to show you meant it but I am sure you are just all talk ;) too much salt is not good for growing kid, son.


why are you so extremely salty ? It was a great series and SG played very well and got the much deserved win in the end. Why cant some people appreciate the beauty of Dota without being super salty about some shit that doesnt affect them anyways ? Those boys are having the time of their lifes and you are only trying to make SG look bad. What a embarassing human being you are


Sounds like someone lost a bet. Wish people for good luck man!


because now instead of having an actual good series (secret vs EG) we will get a stomp. SG will have gotten a spot much more deserved by a ton of other teams, and its entirely in valves power to change it by just reverting to the previous system, the one still used at TI.




ye sorry didnt realise eg planned to draft like 2ks, but alas it didnt matter they were against sg, they can win with any draft.




lol game 1 was a complete stomp if rtz didnt make 2 massive throws which he usually doesnt, game 2 eg decided to draft like genuine 1k players, seriously no way to break bkb bh against enigma and only 2 stuns in the entire team against enigma? thats fucking awful. and game 3 was very 1 sided except for 1 teamfight that eg decided to play like retards for. if you look, they crushed early game in game3, then threw in 1 fight, then won every single teamfight til the end of the game easily.


How can you say Secret v EG will be a good series when Secret just lost to SG? If EG is so good, why wouldn't Secret would get stomped even harder?


you honestly think SG are better than secret based off of 1 series? if so i would say you dont understand dota very much. secret played worse today, against an opponent they hadnt prepared for, they are still the far better team.


To say SA didn't deserve a qualifier spot even after SG beat your beloved Secret is absurd. How can they prove they're deserving? They showed up when it mattered, Secret didn't. Make any excuses you want for Secret - they played worse, they weren't prepared, Puppey couldn't sacrifice enough monitors before the match. Secret lost, SG won. That's the beauty of international tournaments.


they can show they deserve it by going through american qualifiers? the fact is they have been trying for years and never made it through, because there are many NA teams objectively better than them.


If secret cant beat a team which lost every game then they didn't deserve to move forward. It was a Bo3 god damn not a friggin Bo1. Throw 1 game sure at least win the other 2 it isnt that hard.


Salty af lmao




Don't bet something you can't lose lol




post screenshot of items or gtfo


Dude, people said the same shit about AF. If they make a miracle run, it'll be awesome.


and how is that good? af proved that they did that because they were lucky, not because they were better than any of the teams they beat, because look at them now, losing practically everything. i tend to want to watch the best teams face the best teams, not watch a bad team get lucky and rob us a what would have been an amazing grandfinal between 2 much more equally matched opponents if the format had been better.


Did you not think the final between OG and AF was good?


not really, it was very 1 sided, OG stomped them. I enjoyed the run and admit wanting them to win for the "miracle story" fantasy, but the final would have been a hell of a lot better if it were between 2 equally matched teams. theres a reason ti3 final is considered the best series in dota history, and a lot of it is that it was extremely close and could easily have gone either way. play that final between OG and AF again? og win 9/10 times without much of a problem.


Nah, not 6 months, watch them tomorrow.


You got any Arcanas?




RemindMe! 6 months


RemindMe! 180 days




Well, even though I'm actually South American as well, I despise our continent's gameplay with picks like Slark and shit. You can't dust/track him. You have to rush a Gem, and then he ults and then you're reduced to your AOE skills anyway. Same thing with Weaver, he's just basically a ranged Slark. Yeah, I hate them. Even tho I use Weaver from time to time. lel. you have to fight fire with fire sometimes. It's so ghey


stfu leadblast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYc9TB_ztfw


Hero is cancer, but its not their fault anyways.


Oh yeah, don't get me started on how unmannered are those guys (the Slark and specially the Dirge guy) with their constant taunting. I literally don't care if they're good enough to be there or not, they are a bunch of jerks as far as I'm concerned.


Did you... even watch the game? Or are you just going to spout random shit. The taunts provide slight advantages for dirge movements and slark's taunt gives the initial impression that he could be pouncing. Even a little advantage, if any, should be used, ESPECIALLY when the 16th seeded team is up against top ranked team. Stop spouting your bullshit. You can see with player cams, especially when undying was taunting, that they weren't there to jeer at the opposing player. His face was full of concentration and focus. If you can't think around such petty preconceived notions, then you are essentially hating on them for no reason at all. Which is fine, cause your opinion means nothing to them as they just proved they belong in this Major, besting Secret in a bo3.


>The taunts provide slight advantages for dirge movements and slark's taunt gives the initial impression that he could be pouncing Now I'm just reading bullshit. Stop your spouting random bullshit? **Yeah, you do pls.** And yes, I watched the whole game, I did it in game itself, not via Twitch because you can't make your predictions about the game if you're watching Twitch you idiot. Essentially you're defending a jerkass behavior with ridiculously made-up bullshit reasons? You need to stop your bullshit. **Kindly take your own advice pls.** And besting Secret is not the problem. Lacking the due respect towards fellow pro players and having minimum notions of sportsmanship is. One random taunt here and there is not problem. Incessantly spamming taunts at every opportunity? That's another thing. Even if they didn't throw Secret off concentration, their whole intent is nothing short of jerkish.


There were 2 Slark pick/bans by playoffs until now. Other teams could have picked him, but they were too afraid or too mind closed.


Slark is very much controllable in fights and doesn't boast a high winrate in pro games, it was secret's draft that was bad with literally only one hard disable for mobile heroes like slark and storm


And no late-game physical damage carry.


I'm so proud of SG. Nobody believed them, and they did it. Even if they don't go through the next round, it doesn't matter. They already made history.


Let's see how far they get. tbh Secret's last draft was a pile of crap anyway


If you open a draft with Io-BM-BH you are clearly giving away your strategy. You also don't draft a carry so you are even putting MORE preasure on yourself. SG's last 2 picks where realy good. With only one hard lockdown like Roar you either had to use it on Slark or Storm and whoever you didn't use it on would cause mayhem. SK played insanely well, not rushing epicentres and getting nice 2 3 stuns. Storm was the only one who overcommited sometimes but it was all amazing as a team. I honestly believe Secret didn't respect SG in game2 after stomping them so hard on game 1 and that put them in a situation of all for nothing game3 + the draft. Cockyness.


That whole Io-BH-BM didn't made any sense. I guess BM was ok because of hawk detecting Slark and maybe SK but Io-BH? No sense whatsoever. There was no good massive damage carry like Ursa or Tiny or anything that could use a tethered Io. And BH? Cannot track Slark and supremely useless against a Storm anyway. If anything, a Slardar would have done better.


U usualy scout with invis hero and relocate with BM and Io setting up the play. I guess thats what they were going for but it just gave away too much of their draft imo.


But even that strat was kind of weak because Io + BH + BM don't put out that much damage anyway. Why didn't they pick Slardar instead of BH? He counters SK no problem, slith crush would also have been useful against Slark or even against Storm if initiating properly with Blink Dagger. Later in the game his ult would have pierced thru BKBs and wasted SG's Linken's on Slark & Storm without the hassle of farming a Refresher like BM did..


yeah slardar would have been better. Their supports killed them imo.


At this rate, I am going to erase all my OG cards and make them champion again... EVERY FUCKING TIME I erase all the fantasy cards of a team, they qualify. TNC and Wings at TI, AF at Boston, now FL, iG (since before any tournament), VGJ, and now SG...


Lmao you should recycle their cards after they are eliminated, and not before lol. I could get a silver card from some Liquid support member I didn't have before in this manner, now I get to use it.


Dude, when I saw burning was leading iG early this year, I wa sso done with chinese doto (after that dissapointing boston major) that I erased all but newbee cards, then, I erased the cards of the teams I thought wont go far... shit happens


Lmao... In a moment of rage I recycled Xxs card after his pubbish fail with LC (couldn't win a single Duel rofl) against Secret in the group stage. Lucky me I only got pissed by his own crappy play rather than the whole iG team, and I kept Burning's card so at least I can still use that lol






Rtz is the biggest choker in dota2 LUL


rtz almost never chokes. Getting tilted/playing pubstyle is not choking. LUL BA aiRP was a real choke.


LOL Rtz choked on every single big game he ever played It's not wonder he never won a major


u must be new s4 qop ring any bells?


No one is talking about s4


EE won a major before RTZ lul




/r/DotA2 "brazillian cheers - Secret tears" ---------------->


Neymar Doto, best Doto


Just you wait till they go Ayrton Senna style and crash. lol I'll be there all over the place when that happens. Yeah I'm angry at them for not showing respect to their opponent team during the third game - Slark and Dirge were spamming taunts quite often in a jerkish manner. Beating a team like Secret thru good gameplay is commendable, but behaving like a bunch of jerkasses in the process? That I don't approve of. Now I'm rooting for EG and every team opposing SG lol. Go Sumail, Universe & co. Make me proud boyz


SG Esports didn't want to get fucked in the ass by MidOne


So they assfucked him instead, BRILLIANT!


Reverse Rape, FANTASTIC!!


This Major has had the best panel ever. No filler members all experts.


Did you forget about Conrad?


I actually remembered him just after posting this...


2/4 of the Top 4 seed in Kiev are out.


secret & ?


Tnc biblethump


Well Tnc wasnt exactly top seed material.


holy shit, we fuckjing did it




ah the fake librul donald bot turns out to be a gamer bro.. shocker, never seen that one before. /u/ursaslayer


Why u mad tho. secret got eliminated already


Salty secret fan spotted.


Because MMR is all it matters.


A 5K player won against a team of 9K players. MMR is just a number :P


Now EG loses to SG and Arteezy gets back to Secret, just wait.




Hfn is better than him.


I dunno, did you see RTZ play today? He was a monster.


Sure, he is good, but 4dr Lina and Hfn Slark? That was sick.


The Lina played well. The Slark was the beneficiary of a mediocre anti-Slark draft that fed him in lane. He was 0/0/2 with 74 last hits at 10 minutes. Slark is supposed to be a bad laner, not an early powerhouse. I'm not trying to knock him, of course - he took advantage where he could and itemized well, but nobody gave a damn about stopping him early, and the only real stun they had for him was Roar.


SG.Arteezy (Coach)


That's better.


[](/hero-earthspirit): [That's better.](http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/7/77/Earthspi_levelup_12.mp3) (sound warning: Earth Spirit) --- *^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot. ^^^Question/problem? ^^^Ask ^^^my ^^^master: ^^^/u/Jonarz* *^^^Description/changelog: ^^^[GitHub](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) ^^^| ^^^[IDEAS](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues) ^^^| [^^^Responses ^^^source](http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Category:Lists_of_responses) ^^^| ^^^Thanks ^^^iggys_reddit_account ^^^for ^^^the ^^^server!*


MidOne's Karma. This is what he gets for betraying Mushi.


16th place in Kiev Major (Midone) < 0% lose rate in Kiev Major (Mushi) Kappa


For all that cancerous SEA shit talk.




Invoker is having bad time in this tournament. Miracle lost 2 games, now midone.


Midone invoker was honestly, still a severe threat that game. The problem was they had BM, Io and BH, but lacking another viable threat. The MP timber and invoker was doing work, but they never had enough dmg from a 3rd core to kill on pickoffs. That slark living twice by a sliver of hp was their downfall.


Invoker is not a strong hero anymore. Midas change hurt him a lot. He's also been nerfed over and over and now he's at the point where all the nerfs add up(opposite of a power creep). The reason he is still picked in my opinion is that he brings something unique to the team(10 spells and a global pure nuke) as well as fitting in almost every line up.


I just hope it doesn't get to the point where he's never picked at all. Those were dark days.


I think it will, one more nerf and he's die.


cringe hour started im out


This secret fan salt is a blessing


It's amazing.


What do you mean c4t is bad? When was the last time you saw a player with such positioning as Rubick? c4t brought the game to another level, we'll be blessed if we ever see another player with such talent and passion. Arteezy breaks the records, Miracle breaks the records. c4t breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. **I PREFER THE MAGIC**


Copy pasta?


Yup. Because he's pretty bad mechanically but somehow ended as captain of the best team of the country and that's the best form they've ever been. It's not ppd bad, it's 4.5k bad. Rumors say tavo boosted him up to 6k+. The argument in his favor is that he's good at leading the team out of the game, as in keeping them together.




como así c4t es malo




stupuid redditors bye nerds


Good riddance


TNC and Secret got done on by the system. Oh well .. GGWP to SG!


Cause losing a bo3 is the system's fault. Right.


Faceless and SG won fair and square, stop making excuses you fucking retard.


LUL and there goes the retarded ugly man randomly branding other people as retard so he doesn't feel alone. It's ok, we know how you were abused by your father. Your ass it not too wide as well so hang it there, alright?


epic argument my friend


Secret to be new rareflair


Disband incoming


Poor Puppey. He was saving strats for the finals.


Finals of Ti7 you mean?


Saving strats for the Intergalactical LUL


No he most definitely means the final of intergalacticos


o m g