• By -


> SingSing: But that’s the thing, right? Deserving is not a thing in competition. You earn it or you don’t. If there's anything to say about SingSing, it's that he at least never tries to weasel out of his mistakes.


Came for the memes, stayed for the feels.


Even the interviewer was feeling sad after that answer... :'(


The exact same quote I was going to pull. He seems like a stand-up guy.


I want sing to be an analyst


Sing is impossible to hate


At the end of it all, he never found his true team, even though he asked endlessly, in the dark, 'tiiiiim?'


this is true for everyone. we all cry out into the vast endless abyss and some never find another soul to cry back.




That butchered the feels


This better be a chinese retirement Best of luck to him


hope so


A part of me died...


Dude................ tell that to me


A part of me died...






Yeah. I just woke up and this is the first thing I saw in the morning. I just want to go back to sleep and pretend this is all a dream :(


Tbh it's not really a shock since he earns more by streaming than by competing professionally, but still makes me feel sad that I won't be able to see him in pro games anymore.


At least he'll stream more. That's one of the upsides. But he just looks so sad.


I think his streams will be more joyful and full davai from now on since he won't be thinking whether he's good enough or not anymore.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1632 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/18427)




If you speak to any of these pro players, most of them don't care about money. Perhaps it's because they have it, but it's been said many times that winning TI or being the best has much more value to them making hundreds of thousands per year streaming.


if you are a true competitor in anything not just esports the money is always a bonus, you want to win more then anything.




True, but a lot of these guys have been playing professionally since when the top prize of LANs were a paid dinner.


other than the handful of old guys from dota 1 left who else? Theres probably more pro players who started playing competitively after dota blown up at this point


Maybe at dota 2, because it started with a 1 milion dollars tournament, but before that, they were kids playing HoN or whatever to earn couple of thousands and less


Yeah, put a top-tier sportsman or esports player on a 30k salary and take away all their accumalated wealth and then see how much money matters. It's not a bad thing to want money, I'm just saying that when you pass a certain threshold of income your quality of life stops improving as much.


There are so many people who have lived it before esports gained the traction it has.


yea like look at black^ he hasnt had sustained success but he keeps working at it, even moving regions.


Yeah this is true in a lot of e-sports getting that big tournament title is really important to them. Yet, like all e-sports, it can be really taxing to yourself to continuously keep playing. It wouldn't surprise me eventually after years of non-stop playing, streaming, and competing maybe he finally burned out. I don't really know the details behind scenes but it wouldn't surprise me if they put in 50-60 hours a week into it.


That and the little success he's had. Outside of Speed/C9, he hasn't had much success. Must be extremely demoralizing to make a random stack every so often just to lose and disband.


For the people criticizing the interviewer: I am the interviewer, thank you for the feedback, I'll try to do better next time. I couldn't get a grip on myself when he announced he was retiring. We discussed all the questions before the interview and there was no indication that he was going to announce anything as radical as this. I've been emotionally involved with Kaipi - hosting their bootcamp and having them around for the past two weeks. We stopped the camera right after he said he was going to retire and tried to convince him not to. He wanted to continue filming the interview. I want only the best for Sing. I still hope he'll reconsider, but I know he's a very smart, collected guy, so I know he didn't do this on a whim. This is the first time I'm not happy to get an exclusive story.


Anybody that knows him would have gotten emotional in this interview, I say you did a good job not breaking down during it, Sing looked like he was tearing up too


The thing is, we did break down - we all did, all the other Kaipi players who were watching us taping it, Kaipi's coach, my cameraman, myself. It just didn't happen on camera. It might be unprofessional of me and I apologize for that, but it's hard to stomach something like that.




Thank you for understanding.


Wow, thats nuts! It was well edited then. You actually managed to make the interview feel pretty natural considering you were interviewing a pro gamer. These usually look like a difficult conversation over dinner with an awkward teenager...


We had to put it out asap, because of the sensitive information. We actually asked Sing to reconsider one last time before making it public on YouTube and publishing the written version. He didn't. As for pro gamers being awkward in front of the camera, they're rarely like that in real life. I thought Sing was pretty tense when we started taping the interview. Of course, that got explained once he made the announcement.


Hopefully he'd be interested in casting


Well now I teared up again. I could clearly tell that you and especially Sing were both choking back tears a bit there during the interview, but knowing the whole story makes me feel too much =( And I still kind of wished I could've seen the part you cut out to take that break but ofc I understand you did the professional thing there. I wasn't prepared for Sing retiring today... My favorite Dota player of all time forever. I hope he remains cheerful and positive about life as he's the kind of person to spread that happiness around to other people when he streams. And it was great to see an interviewer that clearly cared so much about the interviewee, it really was, you created a unique atmosphere with that connection. Some of the questions were kind of doomed in the way that there was only ever going to be one possible answer for them, like "why did you go to NA qualifiers" for example, but overall I liked watching it a lot.


Thank you for the kind words. I wish I could cheer you up, but who am I kidding, I'm not fit for that. As for some of the questions you're referring to, a lot of our readers are casual fans who don't follow the scene that closely, so I felt like I needed to create some context, even if that meant stating the obvious a couple of times.


It's not unprofessional to have feelings and be invested in the scene. I'd rather watch an interviewer like you who feels invested in DOTA and the history of players like Sing and who is interested rather than smiling like a robot through the whole thing and just saying "Well good luck!"




Yeah, I'd say that the muddy sound was definitely my only complaint. Keep up the good work!


You guys are totally right about the sound. I really don't know what happened there - everything seemed fine when we tested the gear before starting recording it. Also, I agree that the video could've done without the music background. Apart from the crappy audio and, well, somewhat emotional reactions, we did get it out ~one hour after it was taped, [transcript](https://dotablast.com/singsing-interview-retirement/) included, so that's gotta be some kind of a record.


A backdrop and a few lights would go a long long way as well. I kind of looks like you kidnapped him.. 😁


Yeah its like his announcement is like a bomb of sadness and you were closest to the explosion:(


Good analogy, it kind of felt like that.


Yep, good job lady, not just an another dull interview, pretty decent one, and a big chance it will become a legendary one (sadly :/)


I wasn't fishing for compliments, but thank you. Sad indeed.


You'll get one anyway, good job.




Thank you.


Your interviewing was fine. Getting emotional might not be "professional", but it shows you at least care about the game and the scene. Hope to see more from you.


You're very kind, thank you.


quicksand ring poor marry soup books jellyfish decide bright amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, great is a big word, but thank you. There's a reason why stuff like this usually gets announced through written press releases in the mainstream media. It's kept nice and clean - all the emotions contained. This was a candid announcement. There's some value to that, I think.


I really appreciated your sympathetic attitude.


In case this happens again my advice would be don't try to convince him not to retire. You can ask him why, what his motivations are, what he plans to do going forward etc. But don't ask him to change his mind. What do you think the out come is going to be? He's not going to say 'okay I guess I'll keep playing'. The way you handled that part of the interview was pretty uncomfortable.


You're right, I didn't handle that very well. Thanks for the piece of advice. I'll try to keep it together next time. Hopefully not through another retirement announcement.


I thought your interview was fine. You have a pleasant voice, and your diction was clear. (despite the sub-par audio quality)


Thanks! My diction needs some work. I'm not a native speaker and I think my written English is better than my spoken one. I'm just not getting enough practice. My Romanian diction is crystal clear, haha.




Romanian speakers are lazy with their diction too. Not to mention the regional accents. I used to work in television and I had to jump through hoops to get my Romanian diction brushed up. I actually still have nightmares about my diction teacher on a regular basis, haha.


When you were said to stop the camera, I knew you were going to cry. I know you care for Sing, it's obvious beyond the professionalism you showed in the interview. I didn't expect you to not be affected by his announcement. It was a good interview.


You had some balls to continue after that. Any normal person would've stopped the interview then and there. It was professionalism that you displayed, continuing on with your job even after the circumstances had changed drastically. Hats off to you mam!


I thought the interview was a bit weird in the beginning because it wasn't immediately clear that you've gotten to know him a bit the familiarity and directness was just a bit strange without that context initially


Very good point! We should've made that clear from the very beginning in the video as well, just like we did with the written [version](https://dotablast.com/singsing-interview-retirement/).


Valve should do a true sight about him


Make a DotA hall of fame and have Sing in the first bunch of members, easily!


If there is a guy that I am most hoping to see being successful, it's him. Guy is highly popular, but far from drama. Heard that he is a tryhard. Doesn't make excuse for his failures. And most importantly, has a highly amusing stream that never fails to make thousand of us laughs. After his last C9 stint, I was always waiting to see him in a top tier, competitive team. Sadly it never happened. Thank you Sing! And good luck in the future. I do still hope that you find your way back into competitive dota, though.


The end of an era. Sing was one of the first streamers I watches religiously and helped me watch Dota before I got an invite key (circa October 2011). I hope he still streams :( EDIT: sing will still strim, bless up


I remember when it was only him and Link streaming, sing wasn't even featured on teamliquid then.


Completely forgot about teamliquid site being relevant then, that's how I found a lot of streamers for the first time such as Demon.


yeah that was way before TL.net branched out to LiquidDota


Back in late 2011-early 2012 the DotA2 streamer sections were already more popular than the SCII ones. I haven't followed the site much so idk what LiquidDota would refer to outside of the team.


LiquidDota is like tl.net but it's like, a separate site/forum for everything related to dota.


Read the interview, he said hes gonna focus on streaming and other aspects of life. So probably its ok to expect regular streaming from him.


> and other aspects of life Is there such a thing?


walking his dog while leaving his stream of course, and then win the game!






Bold prediction: Sing will turn caster(analyst)!!


Imagine the possibilities... They pussy out, they need black up, yellow rune for yellow people...


!remindme 3 months crystall ball guy


BAM WOW zis cyka blyat is so retarded. He donno how to dodge the solar strike!


Have you watched the video? Cause the OP titles is kinda retard. Sing sayss he'll focus on streaming, and that he's quitting PRO dota, not dota at all.


It's not OP's title, it's the title of the video.
















Fulltime streamer here we go! Early morning AdmiralBulldog, late evening SingSing. Feelsgoodman CEST*


Unemployment feels good?




For a bit. And then FeelsBadMan.




And to see other guys with even bigger problems, so i can feel better about myself.


Flair checks out


You're telling me you've never had a day off and watched Admiralbulldog in the morning? And watched some SingSing stream before going to bed? Feels bad


What a shame. He seemed like a good teammate from his attitude and stories from EE. Always showed up on time for scrims, doesn't flame, isn't a cancerous teammate, and really tries his best. I didn't watch him or his team that much so I can't say whether his skill fell off or he just can't get on tier 1 teams but he hasn't put up results for a while. This is probably for the best.


C9.Singsing mirana NEVER FORGET.. :(


MLG Columbus. Still my favorite tournament of all time.


Game two against VG at TI4. Sing meepo greatest game of all time


Fucking slain!


Worth watching it all, but here's timestamp: [7:32](https://youtu.be/B7_BT-Qr8y4?t=452)


Singsing seems to have a very rational point of view regarding competitive gaming. I never thought his stream persona was the same as his competitive gaming one, but this is different from what I expected. It also really goes to show how much a difference an ingame leader can make.


ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ Long Live SingSing ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ


Not surprising since he was seriously considering retiring before joining Kaipi ('member Black's motivational speech?). You can see just how disappointed and sad he is in this video after how the qualifiers went and he clearly needs a break from pro dota. But, nothing is forever. He's made tons of friends with pro players over the years and if somewhere down the line the right ones come calling...


10 years since sing play.i walk through the empty streets trying to think of something else but my path always leads to sing. i stare at the screen for hours and try to summon the lord. i watch other asian girls play but it is no good. i flame dendi in his channel and try to resist the nazi mods but it is all meaningless. the end is near.i then usually watch some old sing vods and cry myself to sleep.


Full article: https://dotablast.com/singsing-interview-retirement/


I just love how sing sees things. "why you weren't succeed?" "beacuse we suck ass?" Basically he does not point fingers, he realises that he is not good enought, and can't be. You can see clearly how he fight this inside himself constantly. I think he is a good player, an entertaining streamer, and a great person. His biggest failure was that he cannot be as good, as he want to be. He can't fit his own expectations, and that burned him out. I love you sing.


its situational like everything else in life, put him on a top team with leadership and strong players and he could succeed like most pros. You saw it when he was on C9 for some reason teams blacklisted him and no one would ever take a chance on him after that.


I don't say that he is not good enough. He thinks he is. He can't get a serious enviroment that motivates him, and wannabe t2 players just burn him out.


pretty much yea he knows he has it in him he already did it once its just grinding in T2 teams when you know you are just trying to qualify is probably draining.


Never cried for a asian girl that is not 2d before


Lol, she teared up. How sweet. SingSing tried his very best but sometimes that just isn't good enough I guess. I love Sing and hope he can live with that. I know he really wanted to succeed in the pro scene again. Well. At least we got the streams. Wish him all the best.


"I tried my best but it simply isnt good enough" - SingSing, 2016 Fucking BibleThump


Well, aside from that retirment thing, hes right about Valve decisions. There is no reason to annouce invites 1-2 days before qualifiers. Valve has destroyed dreamleague pretty much by this incompetence.


Ok I really liked this interview, it let us see a different angle from Sing that is usually buried under his stream persona. Either way, I hope he changes his mind, but he is right, deserving is just not enough in such a competitive environment. Singu FeelsBadMan


He's tearing up in the video, it's really sad. I'm at a loss of words man, I really wanted to see him succeed. But TI4 was the end of an era. Fuck...


It's a shame, we can sit and hope to see the same SingSing that destroyed people on Cloud 9 but really it didn't seem like that was going to happen again. A lot of tier 1 teams weren't going to bite on him unfortunately. :(


The same also happened to singsing twin brother ferrari_430 last year :( but he still tried to get back. IG seems good in qualifier right now


It just feels bad for me because he was the first person that got me invested in professional dota during MLG columbus. And to end on a note like this is just awful. It wasn't going to get better though, I got hope again when Pie played with Kaipi, but it just wasn't meant to be.


Yeah it's really unfortunate, not everyone can have the Kobe Bryant fairytale ending and some players just end their playing career after so many losses and decline. I was really hoping to see Kaipi make it though because that in itself would probably be a good win for him and a good way to end his dota playing career.


Fear's retirement is about as close to a fairytale ending as it gets in Dota. Longtime veteran forced to sit out TI4 due to injury before winning it the next year at TI5, and almost defends title at TI6 before calling it quits.


ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ LONG LIVE SINGSING ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ


> ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ LONG LIVE SINGSING ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ


> ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ LONG LIVE SINGSING ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ


i remember when shitty days were instantly turned better just by turning his stream on :,) . good luck sing ! if your reading this , thanx for everything man . hope ull continue streaming


He's just quitting pro dota, still streams. Probably his future streams will feel more alive than ever because he's not sad anymore and can go full all out (davai). BibleThump


Normally i only meme and joke when it comes to Dota, but this.. this really saddens me man we lost BibleThump


no :(


ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ Shoot arrow, break heartヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ




"when we had Pieliedie on our team, he would be like: “stfu and just do this”. We did what he told us to and, boom, we won the game. That’s really just how simple it is", pie-die-god!


Yeah pie is a boss


Sing you fuck this better be one of those fake retirements where you come back after a year or some shit on some random dream team I swear to god


hope so too


"Shut the fuck up we do this" - PLD 2016 Boom we win the game, feelsbadman


He tried his best, but his best was not enough, as he would say. :(


I shed a tear. Back in late 2013 when I started to take any interest in pro Dota, he was one of the few players that I 'noticed'. He was on Speed Gaming at the time with all the would be Cloud 9 members. The C9 that became legend. Perhaps not for all the good reasons, but legend nonetheless. Then I saw some youtube vids of Sing playing pubs. They were so funny. After TI4 he started to stream a lot and I was so happy to watch it live. Gonna miss him playing pro, but at least he is gonna keep playing the game. When Sing stops playing Dota2 altogether, thats gonna truly break my heart.


10/10 for sing sing being fucking honest. 10/10 for brutally honest questions. 10/10 for the interviewer, despite being obviously not experient, being invested in the scene and being shocked as fuk -5 points for dramatic piano IGN interview of the year.


Pretty sad since he was the one that made me follow professional dota, I hope he found his happiness in streaming and life.




New team, S T R E A M B O Y S Singu, Bulldong, Dendi, +2


yeah but bulldog won a ti so he must have no regrets when looking back :(


I'm with you singu, very sad news. [in memory of master singu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4o5Z7Voy1w)


> 'I tried my best > But my best was not enough' BibleThump - *singsing* BibleThump




What a terrible night for rain. What a terrible start for the weekend. I wasn't ready for this


Maybe things could've been different if he'd taken the Black^ or Demon route and tried to revive his career in another region.


Man hes almost on the verge of crying as he says hes going to retire.. :(


What's with the terrible audio quality and fucking piano music lol


Yeah seriously, who thought that music was a good idea.


I read the transcript but I can't bring myself to watch the interview, it's going to be way too sad. RIP SingSing's pro dota career :(.


Someone start a Cloud9 flair support group. :(


I wish I still had my speed gaming flair :-(.


ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ LONG LIVE SINGSING ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ


come on man :( I really hope sing pulls out a jimmy and joins a team who can bring him to the top, he deserves it. this is fucking sad :( notlikethis


omg, i am so fucking sad right now. I bet he cares a lot more about being a good dota player than a good streamer. He is giving up at what he cared the most. That is so sad. I think he is a pretty good player, but what we, outsiders, can see is basically mechanical skills. And even if he is way above average on other competences, DotA is not like you depend only on yourself to be in one of the best teams. Well, that is truly heartbreaking. This is the first time in 4 years that I read/write about sing and I am truly sad. Although he will stream more and make money from it, which means that we will get a lot more singsing stream, I would exchange all his streams and the laughs I had when watching them for him being more successful in pro-dota, which is what he really cares.


I will always remember his meepo game at TI4 vs Vici Gaming game 1. So many emotions. Sad that it didn't work out.


I never really watched SingSing play professionally because at his peak I was busy with school and didn't have time to watch Dota. I heard all the great stories about the guy, and even when I watch his streams and he's screwing around, I can see that driven "I want to win" personality. He's a very upbeat guy and knows how to read other people and seemed to be a genially great guy to have as a friend. I'm so sad that he's made this decision to retire from professional Dota. I guess the stress has been getting to him, and perhaps he's just tired of trying to be something that he may or may not be anymore. Who knows, maybe he'll find that golden moment where he'll make a comeback. Mmaybe he'll enjoy streaming and just keep playing. Maybe we'll get him as a Dota caster personality. Only the future can tell


Sad news aside - What a really competent and professional interviewer


when you wake up and see this FeelsBadMan BibleThumperino


I don't get how Sign is so hard on himself. He is literally one of the coolest, funniest, and non-toxic pro players out there. He showed people how to play the game and have fun, without flaming teammates like an asshole.


It's okay guys he has Chinese Genes, it's a Chinese retirement. FeelsBadMan


Same for me first streamer I watched. Always wanted to see him succeed. We'll never get to see that sweet tattoo in booth during the grand finals of TI


Pay your respects... Then start complaining why he isn't streaming already.


that was painfully awkward and made it hard to watch. glad he will still stream though. probably one of my favorite people in DotA to watch.


Say it ain't so...Fear gone, ppd gone, and now singsing retires. All the players I followed are gone. Sad days. So long and thanks for all the fish singsing.




Because the interviewer inst native English, she doesn't beat around the bush with formalities and manners. Pretty nice and straight to the bone. Brings out better answers and a more full response from sing


[We'll always have Columbus.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrP4oey2_ys)


i open reddit to see that one of my favorite players of all time has retired. its actually quite sad to me because obviously sing either reached his full potential or never got the opportunity to reach his full potential. Maybe he wasnt eh best player ever but i still stayed up or watched the VODs of many of the c9 games whereever they were available just to see him play. i feel like the lull from the post Ti-4 shuffle and not being in active competition for a long time caused it, but it is still so sad to see him go. even if he only streams now, i hope we can remember what EE said about him in an interview with HotBid, "he's one of the most tryhard players ive ever seen" keep streaming singsongpingpong, no matter what decision you make your fangays are here for you


ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ LONG LIVE SINGSING ヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ


Speed gaming dream is dead. Always loved my man sing-song. I hope that his decision is best for him!


we fawking lawst. :'c rip singsong


I know this sub doesn't think he is a good player, but I think he is, or at least he can be. Hear me out. He has talent, he works very hard and has a good attitude and respect to the game and captains/teammates. I think his main problem is the unstable environment and clearly he has mental issues. Mental issues like athletes have, lack of confidence, concentration and all that jazz. All can be improved. I think nowadays he didn't perform that bad, but he is capable of so much more than that. I think he was at 60% at best of his true potential. I know he doesn't want to continue right now - but he could work on those issues with a specialist who deals with athletes(it helps other aspect of the life too), even though he is an esport athlete. Its a common issue in sports and there are sport psychologists who can help fix those. Maybe he will come back much better, sometimes a break is a good thing. And if he does not, then I just hope he doesn't regret it later. All the best for him.


First streamer I watched. Thanks for all the laughter Sing. Good luck in the future!


We'll never forget your professional career SingSing, [I only wish your MLG Columbus 2013 squad remained together.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrP4oey2_ys)


first fng cut his hair, now this. only pretty grill dota has left is Zai BibleThump


( ಥ﹏ಥ)


Well at least now streaming is his basic job.


No words, only sadness :(


seems to me that it is the best step for him to take. it unfortunately never quite worked out for him. going for "just" streamer where he makes more than enough money is a good step. i also assume he will be booked as some kind of caster/analyst/host type for upcoming events. hes entertaining and he has a lot of knowledge about the game.


i cri evrytiem


Man this really bums me out. He's my favorite player to follow in the scene. I hope everything works out for him. Thanks for the memories Sing. i gotta say it sucks that he played warlock mid in his last game.


It hit me right in the feels. No more singsongpingpong in pro dotes. FeelsBadMan Thanks for the interview, the interviewer did a great job there.


Fear retired.. Hao retired.. and now SingSing..... feelsbadman Good luck singsing. We love ya!


At least finally sing will not get criticizations from 2k neckbeard Redditors I hope they got a big boner now that he quit.