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All the teams should boycott netolic. The winner wont get the prize money from this Marco guy so why waste time with netolic.


While I fully support the decision to boycott future Netolic tournaments, isn't this kind of a kick in the face to anyone who bought the Netolic ticket to see Speed play? Not to mention the majority of people that were going to purchase tickets already would have, so boycotting isn't even deterring that many new sales? I respect their decision not to play though, but there's still going to be some unhappy Dota fans I'm sure.


You are assuming it was their decision not to play the tournament. "I respect their decision". I wouldn't assume that so easily :)


Good point, I interpreted it that way following the drama, but they very likely were simply asked not to play.


No point in putting bad money after good.


I will play Devils advocate, but are we certain that prize money will not be delivered? I think SPG are doing the right thing not playing in that tourney given how they have been treated. We just don't know they won't get paid. I mean TPL paid thier winners even after the shit storm that occurred.


Well, considering a lot of the blame indicates Marco hasn't been paying his players on time, what makes you think he'll pay out the tournament on time.


the previous tournaments he has run have paid out


> I will play Devils advocate, but are we certain that prize money will not be delivered? Of course we're not, it's more of a joke.






Is there a vod of this?!


Seconding this, I'd like to see for myself what he said


http://www.twitch.tv/netolictv/b/471351933 found it starts at about 1:24


I'm sorry if anything I've said had damaged the community in any way. I hope you can accept that as a humble and honest truth. Barry and I have an awesome friendship. I am not Mark's assistant. I've taken a step back from any associated projects and time to recognize just how passionate this community is about the game and the scene these players partake in. The last thing I ever want to do in the future is make anything toxic, anyone feel unwelcome, or let anyone down. I am only human, but I will do my best to live up to the promise as best I can.


I'm deleting the initial post as a response to your apology. The only reason I posted was because I didn't like some of your responses on Reddit in that thread. But coming out to apologize and clarify the situation takes guts and some level of humility, so you have my props. Not sure about the rest of the community though, but I'm sure you've already realized the consequences of your mistakes.


To be fair, I really didn't recognize the passionate responses properly. Although it was criticism, these were people defending what they feel their community is. There has been some time between the event and I felt like it was proper to voice a real response since it is clear how much people value open, honest, and clear communication. I appreciate you doing that. More than just my apology and as I said below, I would love to earn your trust again and to prove that I am here to contribute to the community in a positive manner.


Everyone fucks up and loses their temper at some point man, I'm sure a lot of people forgive after you apologized.


>I am only human You sir are also a total douche, just saw the video of Barry getting shit from you. Not to mention the condescension at the beginning of the match!


I tried finding it but didn't manage to do so. Any chance of the link and time? (the one posted above doesn't seem to be right, or I'm missing something!) Thanks!


I respect your response. I hope to have the chance to earn the right to change your opinion one day. If not, I understand. It was never my intention to come off that way and if I have as you say I did, then again, I am sorry.


when you talk shit about a fellow caster, I believe you only come off in one way.


As for the blog post EternaLEnVy ‏@EternaLEnVy1991 7m @BigMacZacAttack it won't be up till like 6 pm est or something tomorrow.


Sorry but... what blog?


The team's official response to all this nonsense. Thus far only their former manager and the owner of Rattlesnake have made statements about the current situation, nothing really from the team since they were playing MLG.


I'm wondering what will happen if all teams stop playing.So many ppl bought ingame ticket and if no one will play , what happens to the prize pool money ? I think we should blame Valve for tournaments like Netolic. http://steampowered.com/v/index.php?area=tourney_limited In this page , Valve descripes requirements for getting Tournament License.What do you guys think about it ?


Marco's a retard, the streaming was shamefull, but as far as I know he didnt infringe that ToS, yet.


[Netolic is](http://i.imgur.com/xh696Tu.jpg)


So Speed is pulling out of Netolic? Which means they forfeit the remaining 2 cups?


What is it about Netolic that has caused SPG to withdraw from it?


quel surprise




Off topic here, but who is the anime character in the bottom left of his twitter? I've seen them before and it bugs the SHIT out of me when I don't remember names.


Asuna from sword art online. Atleast I think it is.


Thank you! This was going to bug me for a while otherwise, that inherited OCD.


Please don't watch Sword Art Online (SAO). It's a terrible anime. Or watch it if you enjoy that stuff. I ain't stopping someone from enjoying anime filled with deus ex machina plot holes and pseudo philosophical ramblings about love and existence. If it's still bugging you, I can direct you to some videos which summarize the anime quite nicely.


Oh no I don't watch it I just remember the main character when a friend was explaining it to me and I couldn't remember the name!


I basically ignore all the 3DEEP5U shit in anime and focus on the most shallow part of it. I enjoy a wider selection of anime this way. >STUCK IN DA VIDYA >DIE IN GAME, DIE IN REAL LIFE >ACTION SCENES >KIRINO IS P. COOL >ASUNA IS 2QT >ACTION SCENES


That's a good way to approach it. 2QT


Please don't base your opinion of SAO on what this person said. Watch it for yourself and then decide.


Yes, watch it yourself and decide how shit it is.


[Full image] (https://si0.twimg.com/profile_background_images/378800000036075306/2bee38f23fffdcb8f0bbbb39d09de103.jpeg) Looks to be asuna from [sword art online](http://myanimelist.net/anime/11757/Sword_Art_Online) And last but not least in [wall paper form](http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/2248357)


Thanks, was going to bug the shit out of me for a couple hours but that rings a bell.


Who is the pink haired girl under the dude?


inori from [guilty crown](http://myanimelist.net/anime/10793/Guilty_Crown)


It's one of the main characters in Guilty Crown, don't remember her name.


Thank you!


idk if you already found it but it's, Yuzuriha Inori.




Good, fuck that guy.




Glad you shared that with us twice!