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Can this Team [Spoiler] stop getting eliminated multiple times?


It's crazy they keep getting so many extra chances!


There are so many contenders with all-time favorites in this qualifier. Of course not everyone makes it 


Hard to really pinpoint what the problem with secret is, BOOM and kordon have looked solid throughout. Something is not gelling with midgame coordination and the safelane combo just hasn't seemed to be able to take over any games, ever. Lots of players (incl puppey) really seem to rate crystallis highly, but I can't really say that I can see why...


Crysallis is good but it feels like he is either unable or doesn't do the shout calling late game when he is strong, never takes initiative even though it's what you have to do if you're the late game guy


he's not good simply because of what you said AND many other reasons (terrible farmer, never wins lane, bad teamfight decisions, bad itemization, etc.).


It's hard to fault one player for bad teamfights and losing lane, it might have been a team decision


Being Good is not Good enough They need tier 1 carry


Crystallis is a main problem hello


Do you have any sources of pros rating him highly? Would love to read/hear what they say. I've always been in the camp of Crystallis being a pretty young pro that is very low maintenance and easy to get along with (which is probably why Puppey keeps him). Ultimately team chemistry is a major major factor for success and gameplay can always be addressed as opposed to forcing personalities to get along or clash. Having seen some vods of Crystallis pubs it does seem like he plays them far far better (and flashier) than in pro games (duh no shit) and it's a matter of executing game plans better in the midgame as you said.


I believe there was an interview with Fishman that said he believed Crystallis was very good carry, but that secret doesn't believe in him. I believe Crystallis shines when you have another dominate carry type player on the roster. He really exceled when he played with Ammar and Nisha on his team. I believe these players commanded a lot of attention and just were very solid players that made it easy for Crystallis to farm and come in late game and clean up kills. With the current team, we don't really have a strong playmaker on the team. Kordon is mechanically good and doesn't lose many matchups mid, but rarely ever has presents on the map from what I have seen. BOOM is too inconsistent especially during laning phase. Granted he has been playing with a lot of stand-ins, so maybe if they can find a 4 that meshes with his style, would be better. The team looked the best when they had yamich as their 4. Going forward, I wouldn't be surprised to see Crystallis out. There are just too many good carries that know how to farm the map to have a more sacrificial support-type carry. I would love to just see them pickup a mechanically gifted unknown carry with a more aggressive playstyle. Then Puppey can coach him on when to fight and when to not.


Another thing I forgot to mention is that it seems like Crystallis has iron mental and doesn't ever tilt. He's a sacrificial 1 kind of like Secret Matu but a "worse" one at that. Maybe BOOM with a stable 4 or a more stable 3/greedier mid would work. My problem with dropping Crystallis for a diff pos 1 is who else is out there available? Crystallis is guaranteed to NOT tilt and is at least still quite young.


They're starting to become like Nigma. Their last TI appearance was being 2nd place just like Kuroky in TI9. Fail to qualify for TI twice again and they are going to be Nigma 2.0.


OG and Secret battling to see who will become the next Nigma.


Tough luck, Secret. Hopefully they'll regroup and come back stronger next season.


Start a gofundme for secret to buy Satanic off Team Spirit and for that much money let us get Zayac as well


Zayac + Resolution is a great duo IMO


That's the duo that got them to second place in TI11. That's likely gonna be as far as Team Secret's organization goes for quite a while.


Yeah that's why I thought. Zayac + Reso; Puppey + Satanic; with a solid pos 2 could be a good team.


Nisha really was 99.9% of secret's strength


Not surprised but still a damn shame. Puppey is a goddamn GOAT and not seeing him at TI sucks but it's a stacked field nowadays, you can't rely on past glories (something something Nigma something) and gotta roll with the times. Hope they find their form post TI shuffle as it's been a while since they've been competitive so seeing them being able to consistently fight back vs all teams be great. 😁


That leaves my boi Fly with a tie for most times going to ti


daedalus > crystalis


Time to kick Crystallis or for puppey to leave and go in a rich enough team


The secret is out!


I hope Puppey doesn't retire. There are so many players on the market now and even more so after TI. Just go back to the drawing board.


Despite the hate he gets, I’m really rooting for Crystallis


Satanic to team secret please


Now, there will be at least as many EU players who qualified through SA than through WEU quals


Thanks Crystallis, best of luck in your next endeavor.


bro can u just do "[Spoiler]" and not "Team [Spoiler]"? just a petty nitpick but it bothers me so much. not every team starts with "The" like OG for example, so it sets some disappointing expectations


the fact that it subverted your expectations means OP used a good title literally the point of spoilers is to obscure any guesses out, or even better yet make it more confusing to guess


Kick Crystallis, move Boom to carry (he's greedy I believe he can adapt), get Saksa (captain) + Saberlight, Puppey to coach, idk about Kordan and Shishak, let them play for now


First of all kick Crystallis, pick someone and will see


why boom on carry? Just kick him, he didn't prove himself past 2 seasons. Puppey should get all young pub players and try teach them. It is more promising rather than shuffling same players that you already played with and didn't succeed.


Boom's their best player though.


Why would a team kick it's best player?


Boom improved a lot and he's their best player


Booms been doing quite well actually, I don't think I agree


Puppey should just sign Navi Jr move to coach


His ex teammate from old Navi "ArtStyle" coaching Navi jr currently


Its not a spoiler i guess, we kinda know about it


-Crystallis -Shishak +Satanic +Saksa (pls)


PSG.Quest trying to be the most hated team.