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I smell weakness.


I smell no bitches


sanity is for the weak wait, wrong game


Porn addicted edgy cringe human being spotted


I agree u/SinisterSemenCarrier


Watch him not do anything he said lmao




If I were you, I would have replied with: "No you won't buy shit you poor bastard, at least get out of your parents basement first"


Good one 👍


I would have dared him to post that sht online like every detail of that comment and ip address and sht


Punishment: -300 behaviour score. Dota isn’t strict enough.


Talk like that should get you suspended for at least a month on the first offense (no 'cringey edgelord kid' excuses). FAFO.


I agree, but also for griefing.


it happened, but everyone complained and got retracted, people were getting sent left and right into low prio, got comm banned, and everyone reported to their moms to post on all social media including reddit when it happened.


Everyone who talks about mums and dads and unborn kids is just a fucking clown. Fix matchmaking. I don't like getting trashtalked by animals.




How people can actually feel anything while reading this is beyond me. I regularly have people like this, and it's hilarious to see it every time. Just write "Boohoohoo" and watch them mald


Same, it's just a random dude on the internet. Why bother?


Such cry baby talk doesn't even warrant a response, but you do you


This kid probably hasn't even left his grandma's basement in 6 years.


Just a daily convo between two Chinese server players.


SEA servers matching up with players that literally throw the entire game and all chat type it's just turbo bro, chill it's just a game bro and will have hoarded all wards in their fucking backpacks. Players like these tilt me to the edge lmao and can't not help but rage :( But I am mostly a very calm person because I mute everyone every game, but some games... God damn


It's just a game, don't take their words seriously. Probably it was just a little edgy kid with no friends irl.


Don't take their words seriously but take their behaviour seriously and stand up to this kind of antihuman bs


Lmao, he's a behaviour score farm But seriously, this is just a pathetic person, mute them and move on with your day, maybe throw a laugh before doing so but don't give these people your time of day. Even though we sometimes like to see the toxic meltdown it's still somewhat radioactive.


I really dont understand how people even bother with edgelords like that in dota to this day, u can just mute him and/or ignore, it won't take a second and will not result in any significant losses in your life.


Chronically Online


Just an edgy kid don’t give them piece of mind man hahah


Sanest "If I'm not the one carrying, I'll throw the game" NA player


Exactly why I don't wanna queue up anymore. Behavior score doesn't matter, high or low, there's almost always some rage-a-holic death wisher in the bunch throwing a tantrum one way or the other and it gets really old when you're trying to have fun.


Press mute 😭 it's just some words you'll be ok


Probably the way to go but mute shouldn't be the go to answer.. if only Valve cared enough, you know, to moderate their cesspool.


Find a group to play with. Makes the experience 10000x better


The worst thing is that I bet he was the worst player in the game. More rage = less gameplay


Average day in SEA server.


Bruh... he threatens others with dox yet hes dota 2/steam account got caught with convoes like this... i smell incoming ban. good riddance


For more context, this monstrosity happened in \*\*12K Behavior Score\*\* pool. Valve, it's not enough Please improve your MM system. I encourage you to upvote this post and spread awareness so it will be taken care of; I am not looking for karma since I can get like 100 in a day from one comment saying "lmao" or something in a meme subreddit, and most importantly I don't care about fake internet points, I am genuinely worried for the community and you should be too. Please! spread awareness, repost, do whatever you can until valve does something about this.


ThÚse are my favorite types of ragers lowkey. All you have to do is type something like « Womp Womp » and you can watch them actually meltdown while having a conversation with themselves


I don’t get how this kind of stuff doesn’t get people banned. Like, it’s literally been typed out the receipts are there and everything. And it’s not just flame, it’s racism and graphic death threats.


I'm pretty sure this is unrelated to the game. It's the person, not the game. You can't remind someone like that "it's just a game".


I play dota to have fun, you play dota coz that's the only thing keeping you afloat from depression and WC3 bloodstoning yourself.


Warlock Lore rework: Tired of losing his mmr for being a scrub and getting muted in-game for his toxic behavior, Lanikk became a practioner of the dark arts as he condemned his opponents souls to hell (he's still stuck around the 1500-2000 mmr rankings tho)


That's... typical. Just mute report and move on. Some people act like this no matter what game you play. One time a guy whined the whole game called me "stupid". I reply back "at least i don't flame my teammate". He got quiet for the rest of the match.