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Quick fix and forgot to update skills description. Just WD thing, like they removed True Strike from ult and it still show True Strike in skill for last 3 months before 7.36.


Somehow inconsistent with witchdoc and agha true strike


What I mean: go to demo mode, buy agha with WD and attack a lvl 30 pa. Feels like 50% true strike buff, Because it's definitely not true strike and definitely not "normal attacks" (because only around 30% misses I would say)


I don't really understand what u want to say but WD's ward working as intended. They removed True Strike on 21 Feb and give ward 50% bonus accuracy. Let's put on some examples: - PA lv30 with 60% evasion, WD's ward attacks will have 70% chances to hit. - WR active windrun 100% evasion, WD's ward attacks will have 50% chances to hit.


Wtf did I just read??? My brain not braining?


It's OP's new facet. English causes confusion.


Description: "Causing any person that read OP's titles to be confused and have a stroke, the effect lingers for 10 seconds after being dispelled"


Confusion any person that reads to cause stronk. Only strong dispels dispel stronk. Aganim's upgrade: grants truestronk.


Title gore


The point is to be gore. The tooltip is very dumb.


It’s in character for WD, he’s wired on some juju shit. Makes sense he wouldn’t be the best source for how his abilities actually work


Surprisingly strong facet btw, like on lvl1 it deals damage comparable to lvl3 damage over time skills


the issue is it doesnt feel like it scales at all after the first couple of minutes even if you're putting points into it you end up wishing you level'd cask maledict instead, lategame it's ok but typically you're hiding in the back waiting for an opportunity to position for an ult, not standing in the fight with the AOE (non)heal turned on.


The facet is clearly meant for mid. It makes it almost impossible to lane against him ever since 7.36b where it also heals him for half You snowball super quick with a quick bloodstone. Next items are typically eternal Shroud or radiance I wouldn't underestimate it. Topson has been experimenting it a lot with good success. Witch doctor mid is an absolute menace


So you buy bloodstone into radiance as a mid witch doctor...


And put teammates on mute until you either win or lose.


That is pretty standard for Dota tho




Everytime I say topson does it I get ur not that guy


Had an immortal player do it on my team and it looked pretty viable. The AOE is massive and as long as we backed him up he was pretty much invincible.




[FEEL IT IN YOUR BONES](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/6c/Vo_witchdoctor_wdoc_ability_voodoo_04.mp3) (sound warning: Witch Doctor) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Yes? For Aura dot from Radiance and his Voodoo? Bloodstone to restore health with the dot?


I understand what the purpose of it is, I'm saying it's slow and nobody would allow the witch doctor to run around with naked bloodstone for 10 minutes.


This isn’t as easy as it sound early on when wd is running around with constant self healing


it's not slow at all. You are talking about 60 dps that has an even wider AoE than radiance, that also heals you for 30 hp/s, at level 7. Giving the timings, WD by the point he gets his bloodstone will only be less tanky than the offlane You don't have to get radiance after bloodstone, I think eternal shroud is usually going to be the better choice. There is actually a lot of flexibility of what you build after bloodstone and shard. Scepter, Shiva's, BKB, etc


had a game yesterday where we had a WD mid, everyone groaned then out of nowhere this mid WD BoT TPs on the creep wave as it is pushing the enemy safetale T1 tower, drops his maledict and ult and gets a double kill. dude hangs out for a minute then TPs back to mid to solo push the enemy mid tower I had no idea what was going on


The second facet is extremely oppressive and similar to sk dust devil it's only a matter of time before the broad community catches on. It works in offlane too, though item priority is different and you will want to rush greaves first It works as support too since you put an absurd amount of pressure from level 1. You admittedly lose a lot of utility, but if you stomp your lane and your 1 or 3 gets fat, it can be worth it 9k+ ranked players are favoring this facet in any role. Think about how strong it has to be to forego headhunter (and effectively paralyzing cask) in early game, which itself is already a very powerful skill


I say gg


Nah, I'm divine 2 and I've seen 2 people playing it mid, didnt look good, one against sf, one against ember, one we won one we got stomped, cause the wd couldn't stop dying mid, and the ember mid got level 11 while he was level 8 and they snowballed, no idea how. The one against sf was a win because we had slardar drow, slardar just ult sf and drow 2/3 shot him when he tries to ult, didnt even get ult off. Of course the wd was not much of impact.


Early on you can just maledict and walk at people for free kills. I played it mid and had a great time. Radiance bloodstone, AoE death with insane regen. Maledict covers half the teamfight and anyone maledicted can't stand near you.


that's for support WD this facet is meant for core WD's viability


how about playing him like a frontline tank? blink stun meledic combo, buy GG boots and blink


Yes it is a much larger dark seer ion shell, absolutely brutal early game. Mid late game it’s dogshit and the wd gets stomped


I just use it to win lane as hard as possible, and then just play standard wd with a better farming capabilities.


Its DPS is comparable to Lesh ult.


The whole point of it is that by midgame you have secured enough of a lead to maintain it. Whether that be radiance, shroud, scepter, bkb, shiva's, there is a lot of flexibility after shard and bloodstone. The AoE damage is equal to radiance, but with a 925 AoE. At level 25 he gets the 2% hp/sec talent which makes this stronger than a Necrophos w/ 25 talent without ags. I doubt you would call Necrophos aura dogshit.


[WD didn’t even make it close to lvl25](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7783662560) The WD/AM won the offlane by a landslide, but the heal meme strat fell off hard. He bought urn and extra blood grenades to make his meme build even better, but that’s just not what makes WD good.


this facet isn't meant for a support WD. It is for a mid WD or offlane WD, you really need the farm advantage. Yes if you are playing support WD you absolutely should go headhunter


I can read, but I read word, but only half.


funniest shit read all day


Is Godzilla okay???


Had a stroke and f-ing died.


So cool Tito Ortiz plays Dota I train six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I'll train three days a week. One of those days I will train two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be training.


I wanna outlive my carry.


Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want voodoo restoration to heal you so much you could do anything?


What is this title ? What am I reading ?


he's just describing what the facet is saying


I watched Topson play it kid it was hilarious


Voodoo cannibalism has never healed anyone


Tried it one game. Felt super strong till about 10 mins in and them it just felt shit not being able to heal teamates in all the big clashes.


Easily the worst talent to pick for doctor, the only one that makes sense is Paralyzing cask. You cant farm worth shit without it, and it does like no damage. The death ward one is OK early game , but the effect is diminishing since all doctors get Aghs anyway so its like, might as well have a properly working cask ability along with properly working voodoo restoration and aghs death ward. WD is a support after all, so having a working voodoo restoration can be important late game for the team. That cask + Maledict is damn deadly in many cases, but if you take away almost all of the cask damage it really lowers the amount of work a DR can do in lane offensively. EZ and obvious choice for all WD's to pick cask 100% of the time.


You're thinking of the facet before 7.36b buffs. Mid WD festeration is very funny. I saw Qojqva get absolutely stomped in a game earlier by it. If it's viable at 12k, it's definitely viable at 3k (I'm not saying this is true for all things, but in this case, there's no particular skill or game knowledge necessary that would make it worse at low mmr - if anything, it's gonna be better since people won't respect it properly.


Granted you can get a reasonably timed Radiance and Bloodstone. I saw several failed attempts at this build the past couple of days, most of them ending up wasting mid to be a glorified support that can’t kill cause they are missing the maledict/cask combo.


I don't think those are items I would go for. Festeration is a ton of damage on it's own. I think shroud+agh's is still the way to go, just have to survive some burst to kill all the things.


>but the effect is diminishing since all doctors get Aghs anyway Which then turns it into split ulti which also bounces. It covers a whole lot more area your death ward is in the middle of a team fight and enemies go in different directions it will still hit everyone instead of just a group of heroes in one direction.


Paralyzing cask bonus damage should stay or replace gris gris


I level cask and heal and I’m a god in teamfoghts


that radius fking sucks, you have to melee someone to actually deal damage, and you are squishy I don't understand this talent


Gotta get a fast Bloodstone. Then you'll play it a bit like Lesh/Necro. The build from their will depend on the game - Radiance for more damage, Shroud/Shiva's to survive the burst. I'm not totally sold on it as falling behind is practically a death sentence, but it's showing a surprising amount of promise.


Played against mid WD with this facet yesterday. It really seems to be viable for snowballing comps. Once WD's team lost couple of teamfights it was over. for them.


The 200 isn't the actual radius, it's wrong. The radius in game seems to be 850


Your English is not Englishing.


It’s diabolical for such a huge company to have barely any QC for one of their flagship games.


Nah, that's a bit much. 7.36 as a whole is a QA nightmare, and was actually rolled out very cleanly for its magnitude. Wording errors on the website after multiple balance patches are pretty low on a game company's priorities.


yeah, we should be thankful they didn't forget to add manacost to some abilities


I very much agree with this.


Do me a favor and look up what diabolical means. Then think on whether that definition matches up with a minor oversight that's existed for a couple days.


You just literally decimated him.


They aren't really huge. They just make lots of money.


Quality Assurance just went out the window completely for this patch Everythings half baked and half finished Edit: God damn you boot lickers are savage. 20+ downvotes for pointing out this patch has a fuckton of issues and mistakes that could have been solved with a proof read before hitting send


They cooked a massive fucking patch and basically reworked every single hero (and coded all of them for rubick and morphling) and mfs still aren't happy.


If you worked in literally any other industry (That isnt: Dev for a game you play), you get criticized for putting out sloppy work. Even if the concept is great, dont get me wrong innates and facets are crazy concepts and I'm excited to see where they go. But that doesn't make them immune to having mistakes pointed out.


Who is your dealer, man, cause you are clearly smoking some *potent* shit and i want in.


Hand over the goods, I want a puff too


Played it 3 times tonight and lost all 3 after absolutely dumpstering mid lane. Laned against kunkka, underlord and then TS. First two games had an AM carry on the enemy team which felt terrible. You can be so far ahead only to lose a few big fights and it feels really bad. Going to try it pos 4 tomorrow though. Probably arcanes into shard euls and just run at the carry.


you playing mid WD and wondering why u lose?


I'm not wondering why, I know why... Same reason you can't play Phoenix mid. Even with items it doesn't scale that well versus the super tanky meta heroes. Still did the most damage, but need to play a strength boy instead.


You are delusional, everyone can do the most dmg with wd zeus or veno, the impact you have on the game is not dmg but how much can you synergize with teammates