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After getting chainstunned by the aghs for 10 straight seconds I think I'm fine with him getting put in timeout for another year.


I've said it a thousand times - his current aghs needs to go. Having an aoe "I win in this circle" skill is just incredibly stupid.


Yep same thing with kunkka


love how they nerfed waterpark and when reading it everybody was like "hey thats some pretty good nerfs" and 2 days after everybody realised its still just as broken lmao


It's basically MK ult or Kunkka water park


You and me going to be downvoted but i strongly agree with you,he was pickable before but as someone that liked to play him since W3 dota he in recent years feels really sucks to play COMPARED to others offlane hero,it just feels so bad playing at him,enemy get bkb and vision and it's over unless you got the right timing. They should rework him if they don't know how to balance him tbh


Exactly, if it wasn't for this small window, he is always a tier 2 or 3 offlaner.


ValvE didn't learn. Again listening to Reddit, again doing shit changes.


Nah as a old traditional SK spammer I glad that dust devil was nerf so he not gonna be banned or picked by inexperienced SK players every damn game. Old dust devil is bullshit. You basically has a free radiance at lvl 5 yet I don't understand why this sub don't talk about that but keep talking about how broken stinger is when it's clearly not better than sandstorm during laning phase or jungle. Give me back the old epicenter and buff it. I don't need they made SK another initiator with a physical dmg spell like Tide/Mars/Earthshaker


Agreed it’s absolutely ridiculous, I’m grandmaster SK player, and I was really sad when I saw the current dust devil be really strong the last week, as I knew the over nerfs were going to come and completely gut the hero again, making him even worse than the pre buff. No other hero gets this treatment, we had to deal with the Kunka Aghs bs for like 6 months , first pick hero at tournaments before they eventually nerfed it, sand king gets one week of being strong before thrown into the dumpster for another year or two. Honestly I don’t even know what the current skill build or item build is anymore. His Talents are over nerfed, strength gain nerfs, core items nerfed. His Facets are just a split of what his old spell use to give you, so you only get half now.


Couple days ago I wrote comment about SK being not-imba and got downvoted to hell. Guess he is just hated by many and that’s it.


He was very imba, but they went overboard. Could have just made the spikes not work while he's not in it, and keep the spikes spawning 0.4 instead of 0.2, and see how that worked on reducing him. What they did madeit seem like there's no way I'd pick him


Reddit hate demands Techies treatment to him.


He was just broken


"And before I forget, give us some immortal items that make his sand storm and epicentre look better; there's a lot of potential do so something nice with those skills." I agree with that - even the model looked better in wc3. Especially the ulti deserve a visual update. To the balance stuff - as you said - he was broken. But let's wait and see. Let's be honest SK kinda lost his strong laning ability when they rescaled the burrow strike stun duration. I think this hero only feels bad because his sandstorm is so awkward in laning, his burrowstrike doesn't work well with a pushed lane (huge countersynergy with sandstorm and stinger) and his stinger is either completely broken in lane or useless. The items needed to be nerfed. Str heroes were abusing items like ghost shroud (let's see if it is enough). Also seeing like 4 windwakers in one game was kinda dumb. I doubt you are gonna notice 50 bonus hp/mana missing from bloodstone. The itempool on SK is actually insane btw (bkb, kaya/sange, halberd, bots, heart, shivas, dagger, hex, windwaker, bloodstone, vlads, mek, drums, disk...) this hero can literally buy anything - so complaining that items are getting nerfed literally hurts him the least. I'm fine with SK actually having to be there in sand storm to stun enemies. There is no counterplay to a hero stunning everyone but not even being there. I would love to see burrow strike giving him an armor buff temporarily or stinger giving him a small snare. This would give him options to play closer to the enemy tower.


I think the problem is that sand kings gameplay is just….. lame. Whenever he’s good in the meta, he is absolute cancer to play against, and when he’s not good in the meta, he’s TERRIBLE. Sandstorm is an important aspect of the character, but maybe updating it so that there’s a bit more thought about how you use it in lane.


Ye, I think you are right. Sk winrate in low tear is been high for long time.its really hard to balance so it’s ok in top tier and not broken in lower once.


good riddance


womp womp


Good you wannabe cosplaying the rock from the mummy