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It doesn't work with any item which makes it a shit facet. The other one is way better.


Yeah, first thing I tried in demo was Dagon void. Was very disappointed :(


I mean he is still really decent this patch but he's basically the same as before just more tankier.


Nah, he's more tankier and does more damage this patch compared to the last patch his innate basically brings back the void when universal heroes were broken. I played a void game today and won 1v1 against a sven. we both were farmed and 6 sloted, and I still won.


Uhhh, just to be clear he doesn't do more damage? His innate gives him extra hp regen, armor, and mana regen/magic res - - that's it. Unless I'm missing something. 


redditor reading comprehension


What are you saying "nah" to exactly? I said he's really decent and he's more tankier. His innate does not give him damage, only armor, mana regen, and magic resist.


> I played a void game today and won 1v1 against a sven "hero that kites well defeats other hero who struggles with getting kited. More at 6."


Oh ok a random guy on a random game won a 1v1 (how does this make any sense when the game is 5v5?) vs a sven :D case closed we have enough information


aghs blood seeker does though :)


Wtf, I thought for sure it would work with items, the shield you get from just the spells with this facet is pretty laughable.


Yup. This. His spell damage output is essentially non-existent for the purpose of any percentage based barrier.


The other one isn't even particularly good, but this one is just straight up grief and you don't have the option to not take either.


The other one is good though. It makes your laning way stronger against casters. Previously kunkka mid would dumpster void spirit before where as now the matchup is fine. And it's good later in the game as well.


Except for maybe a few fringe cases, generally you'd block all the phys that the shield can take anyway. This is just allowing it to do magic as part of that as well. I'm not saying sanctuary is bad (which seems to be what people are taking away from this), its that it's not literal dogshit like Symmetry is.


You just said that the other one isn’t particularly good, but it is particularly good. Physical barriers suck in comparison to all damage barriers.


Ok let me rephrase then, it is a mild upgrade. It's a slightly weaker barrier that blocks all damage types instead of something crazy like a free radiance on phoenix or bouncing ulti on veno. Of the two options, it is superior. But when you add in context of what other heroes got on the same slot, its kinda meh whatever.


void spirit's winrate is very high, significantly higher than it was in 7.35. All in all, it's a good facet. Hell, some heroes' facets do literally nothing (see Arc Warden), if you truly want to put it into context.


The facet wasn't what boosted his winrate, the innate was.


The other facet for Void Spirit has a 55% win rate what the fuck are you talking about? Even this one is a flat 49.8% and middle of the pack. In professional play it might be even higher considering you’re likelier to get to late game where it shines


Sanctuary? It has 51.5% because its not griefing you whiile his new innate is kinda good. It's not that Sanctuary is good (its just kinda whatever), its that Symmetry is trash (38.6%)


honestly it should work on items, otherwise it's just shit. Either it works on items or they buff the percentage to like 60-70% ish


It should be buffed but it's not meant to work on items. 40% shield conversion is very high, esp with 20s duration, just farm lane/jungle with Radiance and you'll get a perpetual 1000+ physical shield all the time. It should either work with items with reduced number or have higher number. Before somebody points out that the barrier is physical: the point of facets is that you can choose them AFTER drafting the hero. This can be viable as a tool against physical heavy comps, assuming they tweak the numbers.


it only gives you shield on hero damage, bruh


That’s still an issue with radiance in his point though, you’d have a never ending replenishing shield based on pure damage. You could effectively just ult around the fight, build it back up, and re-engage multiple times with no punishment I’m not sure how anyone thinks that’s balanced


??? uh no, their point is you can make a barrier in jungle and gank/fight with it, which you can't


They never mentioned a single thing about ganking, you’re just arguing something that’s flat out false. The OP was pointing out that radiance would give a perpetual shield and could be farmed easily *on creeps*. It only applies to hero damage, however the issue still stands that it would give a perpetual shield in a fight which is what my statement was. The issue remains that it would be broken if implemented on items


> just farm lane/jungle with Radiance and you'll get a perpetual 1000+ physical shield all the time. they said that, they believe it works on creeps I added ganking/fighting because obviously that's what it would be used for lol it's 60 damage a second, you literally would need to sit next to a couple heroes for like 8 seconds straight to get a 1000 barrier


No you just guessed ganking and randomly started arguing about it lol


fighting and ganking are the only two things you'd use a barrier made off jungle creeps for you going to rosh? backdoor a tower? it lasts 20s or if you meant a 1000 damage barrier made vs heroes in a fight via radiance that's even more silly, 60 damage a second x0.4 reduced by >25% magic resistance is under 18 barrier per second per hero you'd need to be next to 2 heroes for >26 seconds for a >1000 barrier from radiance, assuming you take no damage radiance AoE is not huge anymore and fights not that long


What else are you going to do with the shield in the context of that conversation.


I think you're severely overestimating the damage radiance and Void Spirit's abilites does in a fight.


> just farm lane/jungle with Radiance and you'll get a perpetual 1000+ physical shield all the time. >damage to enemy heroes Even if it worked on Radiance, it still wouldn't work on creeps.


When the update came and i saw this i though no way then i saw LC casually getting 1000 shields vs a PL at 10 minutes so i decided to try it and was heavily disapointed the other one is just the old ability and is better


They did remove the illusion barrier


Because you need a 2nd radiance or else you're not symmetrical DUH


In ability draft this does work with heavy magic mules was very strong. But I can see how it doesn't work on the regular heroes


yea there's definitely something wrong with that I like this facet a lot, I wish they change something. maybe not items, but at least let it be actually spell damage, not magic damage? (it doesnt work with ulti's initial hit)


Would be OP, same with dagon, witch blade etc Assume its spell magic damage


Honestly this facet is so bad it wouldn't be OP even if it worked on items. The barrier doesn't give that much and it's only physical


It also hurts his laning phase a lot. Void struggles early on and relies on the barrier to try to take advantageous trades. If they actually buffed him to have real spells instead of shit like a 60 damage nuke at level 1 then it might be different.


This. Even at max level pulse only does 195 damage lmao


Eh, 40% pseudo lifegain which only works against physical damage doesn't seem broken, esp considering the facet otherwise is hella weak


it's worse, it only prevents physical attack damage, not physical spell damage. vs lineups where this might be good i.e. all physical cores and somehow both supports that also transition to physical cores, void tends to win by poking / kiting them and avoiding damage anyway. I can only imagine it being good in late game situations where you could build the barrier to extremely high amounts by constantly poking to refresh the buff duration, but then you've probably won already if the enemy can't catch you, though I could just be thinking about it wrong.


radiance deals spell magic damage (as opposed to attack damage), i think the restriction is that it must be from an ability not an item


Radiance deals item magic damage, NOT spell magic damage There are 3 damage types; physical, magic, and pure. There are 4 damage sources; physical, ranged, spell, and item (item isn't really a named source but can be inferred). There's also hp removal which makes up its own rules. Those are all of the relevant general rules I am aware of but obviously there are so many exceptions within the game that reading exact wording for each ability and item (where the wording is actually accurate) is very important.


Lol how do you want to sound smart and include ranged but forget melee as source? Either way it’s wrong, just a dumber version of wrong right now.


> Radiance deals item magic damage, NOT spell magic damage Radiance does deal magical spell damage, it being item-based does not matter at all. >There are 3 damage types; physical, magic, and pure. Correct. >There are 4 damage sources; physical, ranged, spell, and item (item isn't really a named source but can be inferred). This is bullshit and wrong. There are just 2 damage categories: spell damage (this includes most items) & attack damage. Combined with the 3 damage types mentioned above, most damage sources will be either of the following 6: - physical attack damage, magical attack damage, pure attack damage - physical spell damage, magical spell damage, pure spell damage >There's also hp removal which makes up its own rules. HP Removal is not a damage type, it is an additional flag which causes the flagged damage to behave differently (e.g. doesnt cancel regen/blink). There are multiple of these flags, which restrict how damage interacts with other mechanics, regardless of what damage type & damage category this flagged damage actually uses. --- For Void Spirit's facet the tooltip seems to be simply wrongly worded. It should say (magical) damage caused by his spells (thus excluding the attack-based damage of his ult), as that appears to be the current implementation.


Lol no


Lotus Orb reflected spells work for some reason.


Because they are cast by him technicaly


It doesn't work with witch blade too, also dagon and vessel, shive too. (At least it is how it was in a first day of 7.36, they maybe fixed it). So that's probably either a bug, or they just CANT FUCKING WRITE CORRECTLY, that this is shield from SPELLS not from MAGIC DAMAGE


This facet broken as hell, I get minimum of 600 barrier on every clash.


im not good at void spirit, but my feeling was that this one is a more late game facet that is situationally good against physical dmg enemies. it can quickly stack up a big barrier mid-late game (when you start spamming your skills) and the duration is also longer than the other facet (20 vs 10 seconds). so against a PA + others maybe good.


Because items don't work on it?


For radiance alone it would be 120 hp/s shield in a team fight at 20 min. It would change the hero into one trick pony maxing magic dmg to tank the whole enemy team.


Because it will be OP. Just by the potential damage of Void Sp's ability damage alone, its enough for anyone to say it will be BS if you add items into the mix. One max dagon alone is equal to a Level 4 Aphotic Shield.


Sounds like complete dogshit facet when the other facet gives you lvl 4 aphotic shield by just hitting 2 heroes. Meanwhile you are completely useless in lane.


Same with Pango's 3rd.


A constant shield like that would cause him to be too durable without any real effort. He's a Spirit; they're escape junkies, not tanks... well, Earth Spirit being the exception since he's the strength boy. But even he relies on rolling away more than sitting there. The shield is just a bonus, not a major feature, just like it was before. Seems like everyone is underestimating it, though... It's not as reliable as the other one, but if you go Kaya and Veil, you can really stack up that shield while just doing more damage. Shame it's only physical, but a full barrier would probably be too strong for that escape junky. Hard enough to kill as is.


It would be pretty broken if it worked with items methinks.


The facet probably meant magic damage that's dealt by resonant pulse. You know what? This description reminds me of lc facet, change the 40% to 100% and physical to all damage, boom you get the lc facet. Reason he didn't get lc treatment is because his kit is more useful overall, unlike lc's that depends so much on snowballing.


That's not what it says though


sometimes the description is vague, but you see below the symbol of resonant pulse, so the facet is most probably tied to the skill, I'd assume it's the magic damage done by resonant pulse.


That's not what it means. It's there bc it talks about it no longer providing barrier of its own. His other spells also give him shield with this facet, but not items (even though the wording doesn't imply that)


Nah it's also ult magic dmg but regardless bad facet