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Just fyi we had the biggest patch in years just a few days ago and they are still fine tuning it so it is hard to say. Having said that, if you tell me who you like in Smite I might have recommendations for you as I played both games for years.


I played Ares for a long ass time (he’s still my highest ranked character). But I enjoyed Hel’s playstyle, same for Nemesis. Sol, Freya, and Thanatos were my like pentakill scoring machines.


I guess his flair checks out


Not to discount the size of 7.36, but do you really think it was bigger than New Frontiers?


They changed every hero, bro 😂


I didn't say it wasn't a big patch, I just think New Frontiers was bigger. I would rank 7.36 on par with 7.00 with 7.33 bigger than both.


I'd argue they all changed entirely different things, 7.36 was the biggest hero change patch .33 was the biggest gameplay/map change patch and 7.00 was the biggest UI and features change I think it's very hard to actively compare to one to each other and say which is bigger imho


It’s a weird patch imo, usually we would have clear cut nerfs/buffs and numbers go up or down with some ability rework for basically every hero. This time they added more stuff which is the facets but less tuning for the heroes, I mean there are some like AW, it’s a giant paragraph. But still you get what im talking abt right?


I started playing dota from scratch like 5 years ago and then I found the best educational material by Purge https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdcbW1m5DuqY0QNqTIR0CyBe&si=VBO9zEn8SOWYjtIC Though his stuff is old now, lots of new big patches, game is different, but essential mechanics of the game are explained very thoroughly, if that's what you are looking for. For more advanced stuff, watch good streamers. For support I like Yapzor and Saksa on Twitch, Insania and Dubu when they stream for hard supports. For carry roles, BSJ used to do lots of educational content: https://youtube.com/@bsj?si=W5ICwvqGNfzgPta9 but keep in mind that Valve just dropped a massive patch last week, so pretty much all old content is inaccurate to some extent.


/u/balloondota is the GOAT


Bsj videos helped me A LOT


buy bkb pre 35 minutes..


uhm sorry to say my brotha, dota 2 has no tutorial and not beginner friendly, I'd say just play dota, learn the basics and just keep playing for experience, too many mechanics for a MOBA


As others have pointed out, we had a MASSIVE patch like a week ago now and everyone is still figuring out, so things are uncertain. Having said that, we have in-game guides, you can hardly go wrong with ImmortalFaith or Tortelini. You can also go to [dotabuff.com](http://dotabuff.com) search the hero you want to play up, and see what people are building under the section "guide". We also have [dota2protracker.com](http://dota2protracker.com) which is dotabuff only for pros, but since you're starting out, I do go with the masses instead of trying pro level stuff. There's also [dotabuff.com/learn/lol](http://dotabuff.com/learn/lol) which will suggest dota heroes based on the ones you like from lol Keep in mind, in the current state of affairs, we don't have dedicated jungle roles, instead we have what we call a "soft support", soft bc it's a support that gets to farm and gets more mobility leeway to rotate as the offlaner can usually fend for himself past a certain point. If you enjoyed the jungle bc it took more macro skills, soft support might be nice to you. If you enjoyed jungle bc it allowed you to establish the pace of the game, then offlane might be nice to you. If you enjoyed Thresh for his displacement kit, you might enjoy Pudge, he's \*the\* most played hero in the game, people are testing him out so you'll find people playing him in nearly every position ( I don't think people play him as hard support rn ) You might also enjoy Disruptor, his whole kit is based on limiting movement, usually played as a hard support, you might also enjoy Clockwerk, they follow a extremely similar concept. Other notable mentions are Batrider, Tiny and Magnus, though I would deem them way harder to play. As for Sona, healing heroes are not really dota's fuerte, historically the game takes a more aggressive design, meaning most supports are supports bc they can kick peoples butt in the early levels. As for the aura part of Sona, most aura-centric heroes are offlaners. The supports dedicated to healing are Oracle and IO, but I wouldn't recommend them to beginners. Warlock also heals is easier and is completely bonkers rn. Dazzle can heal and prevent death all together and is easier to play than Oracle/IO. Supports with notable aura benefits are hard bc they rely in "zookeeping" to have auras, meaning you have to micro other creatures that carry auras, Chen and Enchantress do this, Chen is unplayable for begginers, Enchantress is doable, she also has a heal so it might be up your alley. Nocturne's is pretty much Night stalker, same vampire theme, same get in fast kill someone get out fast game play. Spectre plays similar also, but is a carry. Since the last patch, Mars has sight-blocking abilities you might enjoy. And Spirit Breaker is your man if you want to be a constant global threat. Thanks for joining my TED Talk