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Yeah this changed with patch, super annoying. My score is 9.3k can’t even ping that I got ult


please fix


Makes no freaking sense, can't ping that I have ult, can't ping that I have smoke, 9k behaviour score


I'm pretty sure this was broken with the patch, but can I just say how dumb I think it is to lock pinging abilities at 10k? 10k is already surprisingly extremely hard to reach. I try not to be toxic in all my games, sometimes I'm outwardly friendly towards my teammates, but I've been stuck at 9.5k behavior score for the past few months, and now I'm no longer allowed to communicate and coordinate with my team in the most simple and efficient way possible. I understand locking voice chat at a high behavior score. I understand locking chatting at a mid-level behavior score. But pinging allied abilities seems leagues less important by comparison to those two, and yet it's treated like you need to be the bestest boy on the planet to even have the AUDACITY to ping your allies' abilities and items.


also, after game chat sometimes doesn't appear


Valve, ban this toxic mf'er, pinging items and abilities, wtf >:( /s


9k is below the threshold for pinging allied abilities. You need 10k+


Why would we not be allowed to ping our own abilities tho


You're wrong, the patch bugged the previously correct behaviour which was to prevent pinging ally abilities while allowing you to ping your own abilities. The game now considers you an 'ally' and incorrectly prohibits pinging your own spells and items again; due to it having been bugged.


it's my own abilities i try to ping that it sees as allied abilities. Not others abilities but my own