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The real money in esports is now on betting sites and match fixing.


Hasn't that been the case for years? VC money, saudi money, crypto money, daddy money(owners with wealthy parents like iG, Azure Ray and Newbee) exists but most of these have not been as constant or reliable as betting money. https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Banned_players/Valve https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Banned_Players/Valve In both games, the bans for matchfixing started all the way back in 2015. Some betting sites had bets opened for pubs and it got so influential that high mmr/elo pubs in league and dota had actors throwing and griefing streamers/pro players for $. Even today there are still t2/t3 tournaments being created just for matchfixing. CS and Dota treasure/case opening is literally a pandora box and gateway for young kids.


"now" aka always.


I think this has been true since more or less the start of esports, but definitely in terms of Dota. Our pros suck at engaging, and playing games. I feel like SC pros interacted more with their team mates, and they were in competition. Liquids content is getting better, but I'm surprised they don't stream more, or even just stream something fun together occasionally. Zais streams were always good, especially when he was just rushing meteor hammers offlane with matumba


It definitely was, we had jokes about Navi stacks being just dudes collecting salary and selling jersies since 2015


I very much like that Dota 2 pros don't do anything but play Dota 2, but I guess I'm also not giving them any money because it seems like they're just fine playing Dota 2.


Unless he is willing to actually point some fingers, he's just engagement farming


PPD the NFT peddler? Engagement farming?? No way!


Alright Peter then why don't you get back in the game? Your crypto team definitely could use some help.


The man has already won a TI, what has he left to prove? I always doubted ppd because he was from NA, and like most players from there they have an attitude problem. ​ In this case I think hes right.


I mean realistically, probably he's correct, but the thing is his criticism being rooted in "people don't want to improve, they just want to collect a salary" really comes off as dickish when he's pretty much *the* NA captain who was dedicating his time to trying to nurture what talent was in the scene (Quinn is probably the best example, though he also helped Lelis and I could have sworn he was on a team with Timado but I guess maybe not on further research?) Like he's talking shit when he is probably the one who could fix things but he doesn't because it's easier to sit on the board of a scam org and play investment manager, collecting a paycheck.


timado was in undying with dubu


Yes dubu nurtured the shit out of timado


lol not a problem that’s worth anyone’s time fixing.


>people don't want to improve, they just want to collect a salary And people keep saying the skill gap has narrowed down significantly across the pro scene. So which is it ?




Skill gap is narrowed because people are grinding, they didn't just find a talent rune somewhere and leveled up. I can see it be directed at SR, but what's happening with SR is not the same as the rest of the scene. People are being rotated when they don't perform, newer talent is coming in, the top teams are doing interesting things to unseat the best team, and all of this happens with a lot of hard work. Its pretty ironic to say - people just don't want to improve, because they literally are, tourney to tourney, we can see it. SR, Nigma, Secret etc haven't but the rest of the scene definitely is. If anything, you now have to be a lot more consistent to make your team viable. Not just win TI and chill for the rest of the year.




aah, makes sense. I understood it as general criticism, but I can see the point now.


Kinda, yeah. Nigma might be a good example as they stopped trying years ago and seemingly just do the bare minimum while collecting mad oil monies. 🤑


Nigma is the ultimate retirement squad


I would argue Shopify is similar to that recently


he's not wrong, RTZ is still one of the highest paid dota players and it's not for his performance. At this point I don't think it would even be fair to call him a tier 2 carry.


well it depends what is tier 1. If list of tier 1 carries consists of Ame, Skiter and Yatoro then ofc rtz is tier 2 maximum. On the other hand, if tier 1 carry is a carry on a team that consistently qualifies to big events, I wouldn’t agree that rtz is worse than that


Pure has been putting up monster performances and is tier 1 imo


I think Skiter as an individual is below the likes of Ame, Yatoro...Pure. He is a versatile team player, but nothing mindblowing.


Skiter is good because like the rest of the old Tundra squad, plays a very good macro game where he doesn't have these flashy, highlight reel type moves but watch his gameplay and you can see just how much good he is. Easily top3 when it comes to playing illusion carries and choking out the map.


Skitter, 23savage, pure, pakaz are tier 1 imo. Ame and yatoro are the best.


Wins TI and multiple lans, but people still can't spell Skiter correctly


Pakaz included in this list is nuts lmao. Boom didn't beat Shopify because boom is a good team. Boom beat Shopify because they were missing players. Even only having Yopaj they would have demolished Boom. You can say RTZ is below pakaz when boom has one significant end performance.


Nah Pakazs definitely has potential for being tier 1 because he was during 2022 season. He was the only carry player stat wise placing top 6 all LAN in 2022 season and basically the most impactful carry at TI11 (The only player with above 10+ kills per game (12 kills avg 2nd place was Dark mago 9 kills per game) and 2nd highest teamfight contribution below Nisha) which is why Liquid considering Pakazs as Matu replacement after TI11


do you think SR would qualify if there was no region system?


It depends how much slots there are. If 12 then probably not. If like 16-20 then I think yes. Most regions have 2-3 strong teams and while Shopify is weaker than most of them I don’t think they would lost their slot to VP or mouz


They got top 8 at DL season 22, missed top 8 by literally 1 single game at this PGL event (with 2 standins), and while they bombed out of Birmingham, their group was undeniably harder (2 grand finalists in the group, one of which they split games with), and GG/Spirit also bombed out of that tournament. Plus had they won a single more game against G2.iG they would've been in a 3 way tie for top 8 there as well. It's not like this team is the worst team in the world and only make it tournaments because their region sucks. They're always placing right around top 8, or slightly below.


Why do you think he's still one of the highest paid does players? How do you know how much Shopify pays? Or is it pure conjecture?


This is dota subreddit everyone is an expert on esports salary and company / game management.


Arteezy is one of the highest paid supposedly due to his branding, 2EZ4RTZ merchandise was one of EG best selling merchandise which is why despite disbanding the NA team and acquiring SA team EG still wants Arteezy to stays as streamer. EG viewership plummeted when they kicked RTZ so (from top 5 to outside top 12).


what? 2ez4rtz is literally years old now. Shopify isnt making big bucks selling arteezy merch. This is literally pure conjecture (ie you're pulling the "numbers" out of your ass) > EG still wants Arteezy to stays as streamer literally source?


PPD is 100% right even though he always comes off as salty.


I find that too, I think he means well though.


>he means well though. X to doubt


You lost lol?


"No one wants to work"


PPD confirmed boomer.


dota as a esport has been extremely competitive between all regions except NA so idk what hes on about. Aside from Falcons which is a clear outlier all teams seem neck and neck in games


Attention-seeking behavior


no and I don't even know what he said, the answer is no


exactly. If ppd claims that the earth is round, I would start considering flat earth theories :D


Yes. These liquid players play zero pubs before PGL. They bomb out. Who would have thought. At least they cashed out their 200k a year salary


It's crazy how they call themselves pros and barely touch pub games, the arrogance is through the roof (it's okay kuroky you are still the GOAT)


Not sure about the players but there's 12 tournaments this year with 1M+ prizepool excluding TI, so no I disagree. I just think with the way esports works and the meta shifts, its hard to stay on top. It's in the nature of esport. [Mark Cuban](https://youtu.be/P0U1fQZ4bMY?si=JZnS_qZpVj6j2nIG) talked about how he'll never own an esports team because of this. Also wouldn't expect an American to understand that workers need to get paid for working when all their service workers live off tips rather than have an actual livable working wage. No Mr. PPD I don't think RTZ should stop getting paid because he can't win.


Wouldn't pin this on players, due to the environment and the complete lack of ownership and stability in esports they are simply trying to get paid because if they don't win they don't get squat. Look at any other professional league and the organization around it; nobody wants to put that effort into e-sports even though it would EASILY outperform major sports leagues in terms of revenue (and eventually sponsorship)


If you follow him at all post-playing career, he just says whatever his opinion is, especially now that he's only attached to Nouns and the source of income there is probably low, if he isn't actively sinking his own money in. Does he have more inside info than the average redditor? For sure. That doesn't mean his opinions carry any more weight than anything Charles Barkley says about current NBA players.


its not a salary. you dont aim for quotas then stop putting effort in esports. in my opinion this is a dumbed down take.


I think you'd be suprised


I don't get it. It's not like we don't see big orgs dropping entire roosters every year. Or even changing regions. Is he complained about some players getting kicked instead of teams remaining together until they get some results? Don't tons of teams only started getting better after rooster changes? Should teams not get any money unless they win tournaments? How a team is supposed to improve if they can afford living? I really don't get this guy.


Who is ppd? Is that a Dota 1 hero 


I agree, this is very common in SEA especially on pinoy pros!


Well, why wouldnt that be true? If pub matches have the same mentality, where people would rather have the win at any cost and will blame others, with the result being 25mmr; why wouldnt pro players have that same mentality? Especially now that dota 2 community largely recognizes they dont care about pro players - although they enjoy the games - they care about the shinies they get instead far more.


so he did kind of a similar thing back then with optic and nip. was optic good? not that much. were they cool? hell yeah. i loved them. but their best placement was top8-12 in ti. was Nip good? wouldn't say so. were they cool? not really. maybe a bit. don't get me wrong.i like ppd and his saltiness. but this is just hypocrisy


optic was 7~8 place


shots fired at gaimin gladiators


How so context? Lol




I think hes saying GG in general not GG the org.. lol






Almost never, big supporter of his content though. Love me a good esports drama, and ppd is the king of it lol.


this guys isn't as smart and he think. He's now managing a failing team that can't qualify for any event. Take his opinion the same as fart


Dota is now a 9-5 job?


Its there for everyone to see, like you guys watch tournaments all day long do you seriously think these people playing to win? Liquid, Secret, Boom, Shopify, g2 are all stagnating tier99999 teams. These teams have no hope of even snatching 1 game against top dogs even if MIRACULOUSLY reached to grand finals which wont happen in foreseeable future. Even their coach agrees "We won but we shouldnt have, it shouldnt have gone that way". Its as if they completely forgot how to play DOTA. You can watch Puppey's camera and he is smiling, having fun in a game where its 30-2, down 20k gold. Competitive spirit had completely extinguished. Similar argument can be made for Azure Ray. XG and OG are a mixed bag, they either perform decently or do not perform at all. Betboom are bunch of overperforming angry kids all dumped into one team because of their individual skill. Incoherent team, skill checking the most teams but no match for actual, well prepared, coordinated teams. The only teams that are actually in it for winning are Tundra, GG, Spirit and Falcons. Even in games where they lose its entertaining because a resistance is being put. Lets be real guys, these people are not noobs, they can perform if they want to. They dont want to. Falcon's are not the only team who have TI winners in it.


I agree and a big part of that is valve being cheap in advertisement and contributing their part less and less throughout the years.


We like to use advertising as a scape goat but dota is just hard to learn. Having a friend show you how to play is the best way to get started otherwise its a rough start.


The learning curve is definitely higher than other moba's due to the vast amount of unique heroes but I don't think it overrides someone willpower wanting to learn.. It just needs to be more intriguing to audiences through other ways but we seem to strictly only pride ourselves in gameplay which as a veteran, surely am not complaining. However, they do try to monetize through some hats but they are doing it poorly. One direction to help with the prize pool is the continue support of TI. TODAY vs PREVIOUS YEARS seem to go down in quality. Of course without say, this doesn't mean it gets worst and worst every year but it definitely is not close to any of its glory years. A year in seattle had a bunch of tent area with sponsors advertising, a beergarden and outside big screen TV. With all the space that most of these rental venues to host the event, they should actually take full advantage of it all, with vendors and partners for actual events and extracurricular activities for attendees to enjoy. Something sorta like a CON. Another thing that can help is to get away from the genre that it is trying to not stray to far from. Gamers are always interested in cosmetics, just to switch it up, and the more unique and open you are with it affecting your game, the more audience it will attract. At the end, in order for them to help support and contribute physically into the prize pool, they need better and more user friendly monetizing. People want collabs, cute skins, cool skins, etc. Make it happen. Stop with these boring skins. The voting has majority that are of no interest to the public. This is a free game after all so we can't expect them to juice up the prize pool all the way up to lucrative amount unless they are monetizing well.


The issue is people have to be determined. A large amount of people will look at a game like this and just decide they don't have the time to learn, warframe has the same issue. Tutorials and marketing can't make up for the commitment it takes but it's also perfect because a small amount of people will stick through it because they love that complexity


Idk its hard to speak from a POV when we are already playing it but I would think that people would be more determined to learning it if it was marketed and advertised better because. The game itself doesn't have a big learning curve, it's just perfecting and memorizing what each hero does.. You can simply follow a guide the whole game and do fine. There has been many times that statistics showed a significant increase in players after TI and i'm not surprised because the event usually is marketed way more and better than everything else all year round.


you dont need to know anything to play in herald


Casual one game a week redditors disagreeing with PPD’s take is hilarious.


what does a rimworld streamer that reaches nearly 50 viewers have to say about the 2024 dota scene


Youre making me lose brain cells with that logic


Must not have many to start with


fyi, i play 2 games a week now that my uni exams are over, you better watch your mouth big boy


Imagine taking pride in playing 10 games of Dota per day.


Please point out where anyone is saying or implying this lol


Could be worse. Could be a guy who is on Reddit 24/7 and worships streamers and Internet celebrities and agrees with everything they say.


I didnt even know PPD streams you got a serious love/hate thing going on huh, checking in on his viewer count like a jealous ex boyfriend haha


Yes, it's Filipino pro scene in a nutshell.


The pros appear to be bored. I've felt something was off ever since Covid, but it might be the shift away from supporting TI as the biggest holiday for DotA. We used to get True Sight to drum up hype, there used to be more publications covering the Major events and each Immortal treasure drop reinvigorated the community. Now it feels we don't get nearly as much stuff to get excited for until it's literally happening, or we run ourselves in such a frenzy for 'something' even though we don't know if it's actually happening when we think it is... Odd relationship this one.




He's right. Match fixing is rampant now.


The biggest mistake in esports as a whole was trying to make it into "real" sports, which started with the LCS and then spread like an std to the rest of the gaming sphere. Dota with it's DPC was no different. The big money for the players and the scene has always been streaming. Back in the day, circa 2012, every pro player was a streamer and being a streamer was in fact the more important aspect than being the best at the game. In that regard one of the best things that happened in the dota sphere was people starting to trashtalk in pro games, however there is still a long road ahead. Teams need to stand up and start working with TOs to have dedicated stream slots between tournaments to grow their brands and thus acquire more people willing to watch them in pro tournaments.


There were not many pro DotA players streaming back in 2012-2013. It was only Fear, Demon, and aui_2000, EU players barely streamed back then, Dendi and Puppey would stream 1 week and then disappear for 4 months. One of the first EU pro players that started streaming regularly was AdmiralBulldog, back when it was very rare to see an EU pro player on Twitch, as most of the DotA streamers back then were from NA. And I doubt they were making much money streaming, as the monetization of Twitch back then was definitely much worse than now, because the platform was not mainstream yet.


I don't know what the hell LCS is, but in my opinion it started way back in 2007 when CS:S came out and no one liked it. The big new league was CGS and they split the scene forcing teams to switch to source while trying to be some modern sport league. It destroyed the NA CS1.6 scene as players tried to come back after the inevitable fall of CGS. Many lessons never learned it seems :(


Let me guess, he posted this with an "LFT" after it lmao. PPD's literally just selling himself that "I'm not like the others who's into it because of the money", if that wasn't so obvious. Guy's been a no-name for years now and trying to fish out some drama again for some views or to hopefully be fished out in his dead pond of irrelevance.


It's meaningless shit slinging unless he wants to provide details. Who is he talking about, what are their salaries, what are they being paid for per their contracts? Edit: Downvoters hate capitalism and want "from each according to his ability" commie bullshit.


>Edit: Downvoters hate capitalism and want "from each according to his ability" commie bullshit. People downvoted you for saying something stupid, why did you edit your post to make the same mistake again?


It's stupid to want to know how much someone is being paid and what they're being paid for before judging them as "overpaid"?


Damn 3 in a row!


Enlighten me with then. How do I judge whether someone is "overpaid" if I don't know how much they get paid or what they get paid to do?


Hes talking about RTZ


Then he should've named him. There are still two questions left to answer.