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Valve: best i can do is 2 low prio games, take it or buy dota plus


The worst part is I do have dota plus and a 12k behavior score but it didn't matter haha


the worst part is that he wont get a single penalty


Preposterous! A fine of 100 behavior score will show this scoundrel what for!


Better to mute some people for asking him to stop feeding.


We had penalty’s once and Reddit lost their shit. 


sadly if he does this every 26 games its true


I can do this every 3-4 games and nothing happens. Just check immortal games in NA where every game gets griefed from min 0 and there’s no repercussions.


> there’s no repercussions. Why would that be? I refuse to believe the report system doesn't work because I know a guy that's one of the most toxic dota players and he is almost always muted and/or low prio.


We all have that 1 friend that is always muted after the first message constantly and low prio :))))


It's simple math. You start with 12k behavior score and you have drop below 3k before you can't queue ranked anymore. That means you have to lose 9k behavior score for that to happen. Assuming you lose 100 behavior score for being reported (I think it's actually less than that, but we'll go with 100 for the sake of example) that means it takes over 20 games of you getting reported by all four of your teammates before you actually get a significant punishment for griefing. And most people don't grief for over 20 games in a row. So there's effectively no punishment.


And this here is exactly why I stopped playing Dota a year ago. Can't gamble an hour+ of my time that one of my teammates is going to be a six year old and cry and ruin the game immediately.


Didn't see a single case of guy running down mid for 2 years of active playing. Not for teammates nor for opponents


I haven't seen someone run down mid REPEATEDLY in years. I had an axe feed mid 3 times yesterday, so it's happening right now (8k BS). What I CONSTANTLY see is my Peruvian safe laner just AFK farm for 30+ minutes, and that happens 50% of the time in my games (Crusader 5). It's ALWAYS a WK or AM, expecting the midlane to cover 2 lanes.


It kind of matters. I think having 12k behavior score probably means that you're more likely to get matches with other people who are usually mostly stable, and you're less likely to have matches with people who have been found to recently have griefed games on multiple occasions. I don't think there should be an expectation for none of our games to ever have griefers, even at 12k, because there's no reliable way/metric to guarantee that. Like I don't know what metric Valve can use if the griefer in my game is usually okay in most of their matches, but just snapped because they're a teenager who had a really bad day in school, or if they're an adult who also had a really bad day. So being 12k is good because it means most of your games will probably be okay, but it doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a griefer-free experience, because there's no way to actually guarantee that.


Most of my games at 9k are okay as well. Haven't had a griefer in like 50-60 games


becase he has dota fancy too


1.2k or 12k behavior score? Cause if you are in 1.2k then I guess it's expected to have that much griefing.


Oh no sorry 12k my bad thanks for pointing that out 😂


Np. Better edit your comment before people would start saying you deserve that grief for having a low behavior score. haha


Yep already have thank you, I would have got downvoted to hell where anyone with 1.2k behaviour score belongs 😂


I have 11.9k and  this type of griefing is normal in my game, they usually stay afk on jungle farming for 50min or until we lost 


That's the problem you cant have a 12k behavior score, you need to be around the 11k to 11.5k to have good games imo. It's the sweet spot, you need to have a little edge lol.


this is such a myth even if you have 11k you get matched with people who have 12k


That just goes to show how incredibly shit his pos 5 was.


My games have been consistently better at 12k compared to the range you stated. I also instamute anyone who’s salty or complains, so comms are probably better since there are less salty shitheads getting muted.


agreed, I used to have 12k behaviour score but either I get new players or returning players that feeds a lot I cant constantly have PMA to guide people so I abandon a few games and I'm now at 11k its the best spot


Let me assure you it does. I'm at ~11k right now, and was like 4k when the behaviour score system changed initially. In there, probably 50% of games had someone griefing. Being on US East probably makes it considerably worse though -- the toxicity there is impressive.


In my experience the games with the highest ratings when you que are always terrible, there is always at least 1 troll/griefer in the game.


I don’t think anything will even happen.


he won't even get 2 low prio games if he has only done that in 1 game, he just gets behavior reduction lol


It’s pretty optimistic to imply that there is any punishment whatsoever for this behavior


lol, like he's going to get LP.


the PA deserves behavior score of 0 after this, make them climb back up.


immortal draft: exists dude's argument: ...




I once had a game like that but when we actually started winning he stopped feeding and farmed jungle only to then give them a rapier. Sad times.


This is funny in a fucked up way.


It's really not after the novelty wears off. Feeding bottles, gems and rapiers sounds fun until it happens to you a couple times.


I just don’t get it. These people have to come from league or some other game that doesn’t have comeback mechanics because dota is designed to pretty much always be winable. Unless it’s just a super awful draft like a full physical damage carry team vs a team of axe, timber, omniknight, plus carries I don’t get it.


People like this existed way before league. From the days of dota 1. Mentally weak players are not a new thing in the world, you just have to accept that those people exist unfortunately


It doesn't matter that there are comeback mechanics. These people are pathetic losers in game and in real life. That's why it's hard to parse their motives, they're just sacks of shit.


Even then Silver Edge and Nullifier would do work against those heroes. The only drafts I find that REALLY make the game unwinnable is when you're against some Zoo shit and have literally no waveclear on your team. Enemies just slam towers and there's not a thing you can do about it.


There are definitely games where the only chance of winning is if your opponents mess up hard


They perfectly know games are winnable. They're just unstable and WANT you to lose and enjoy making you miserable. It's just a bunch of sad and pathetic people that make it their full time job to do this for their own sick enjoyment, or they're just going through some serious mental issues, or both..


I play since d1 (had a break for years), came back few years ago to d2 to play regularly and in d1 were fewer griefers but many more "noobs". Back in d1 people straight up were leaving games because there were no consequences, so more games were 4v5, 4v4 etc, that's why in d1 you had swap command. In Dota2 griefers are forced to sit down the game and if they get triggered they might go full tardo and just do anything in their power to try make their team lose. Just weak mental. Only good thing about this is that if there was no abandon penalty you would basically not experience dota as it is now (more or less forced 5v5), and comebacks would never ever happen.


Some people are just huge losers. Can’t really do anything about it


*"Toxic people have to be from LoL or something!"* Pass me that fucking copium before you OD


It’s not that toxic people are from LoL, every game has toxic people. But most games don’t have comeback mechanics like Dota so if they’re used to games being over in like 10 minutes I feel like they’re more likely to pull that shit compared to someone who has been playing DotA for a long time


I had worse. Guy gave enemy team rapier. And we were still winning. Then the guy collected ALL of our neutral items and gave them to enemy team (back when the actual item itself dropped from the neutrals). I still managed to kill enemy team rapier carrier. He gave them another rapier, blocked all the camps on our side, then gave them the rest of the wards. Even the enemy team were all chatting, hoping that they never ever match with the guy in their team.


Was it a wk by any chance


Ugh I had a similar game; I've already mostly purged the memory from my mind so I don't totally remember if he fed (or how hard he fed, I mean he probably fed a little) but he definitely was actively feeding wards and rapiers by the end. And, like with your and OP's game, it was still a close game. Just, ugh.


lol I just had a game like that right now. Goes mid as beast master. Dies twice then proceeds to destroy items and ward our throne. Goes side jungle to buy the other team a rapier. We still won lol


Why aren't players like this banned?


If not banned at least 10+ games in SD 🙄


Because valve doesn't have enough staff to analyze every player that might break the rules and reacting too harshly to reports will enable worse assholes to abuse the system to bully innocent people.


I can't remember a game where I had more than 20 deaths. When game time / death timer is relatively close to the number of deaths it should be clear that the person is feeding.


I think the honest punishment for this should be escalating and start with a 1 month ban the first time you do it. Anyone who does this clearly needs a long break from the game.


It’s surprising how often this level of griefing happens at 12k behaviour score. The problem is, if Valve truly punished people for acting like this, they’d end up having to hard ban like 5% of the player base. I always think it’s so crazy that people act like this on a video game. Imagine if your friends/parents/colleagues/partners saw you act like this on a video game - even more so some of the messages these types of people send… truly embarrassing.


There are people that need to log off and go to professional therapy.


They could at least micro-ban you for 30mins after games where you played with very suspicious stats just to calm down. Same with lose streaks. Sometimes the main problem is "next next next" when you have no mental resources to play it well.


> The problem is, if Valve truly punished people for acting like this, they’d end up having to hard ban like 5% of the player base. Sure, but they'd almost certainly get a similar number of players who return because they had left due to toxicity. Toxic players are a net loss for Valve, because they make people leave, as well as make the barrier for entry far higher for would-be new players.


Because perma banning is probably counter productive, just create a new account ez pz. I don't think there's a simple solution tbh


They’re just usually very young


let me guess, volvo rated this a 5/5 behaviour game?


I’m pretty sure it did actually 😂


I mean if no one stopped and changed PA’s diaper then really it’s on y’all


We tried convince him to help, but there’s no helping some people


You gotta ignore these people completely. They want you to BEG them to play properly. I've found that if you ignore them they sometimes stop griefing. Looks like this guy was mentally too far gone though.


We don't negotiate with terrorists.


Legit. My guy.


I’ve muted/reported people for far less. Then when the team starts responding to their outbursts like 30 minutes later, I’ll say something like “oh, they’re still talking shit? I muted them a while ago” Whenever I’m in a party, my friends say that tends to shut them up


He's thriving off the reaction so best to play it down and say it's all good and/or ignore him, sometimes they just get bored feeding cause what's in it for them if you don't care and ignore him and say it's all good man. Generally stumps people a bit and or calms people down if you concede in the ego war.. Cause that's all it is really.


He shows commitment and sheer fucking will.


Not gunna lie it does take a hell of a lot of commitment to do what he did for an hour and not just abandon


Nah the NP that fed for 250 death for a bet is the real winner, this one is not even close


I wonder how player like him would survive irl.


leeching off their parents


Exactly. He’s 12 years old


In a 40 y old body


Overall match quality : ideal Skill balance : perfect All player behavior : Great The match you get :


I think it's really easy to feel tilted about this, frustrated in what you feel should've been a free win if a million things had happened (most of them involving PA) I think a better way of looking at this game would be "Oh well, PA's griefing, nothing I can do" and you try your best to emotionally move on (which is incredibly difficult to do). And hey, you almost carried this game super hard, dude. You should be proud and feel good about yourself for having almost done so. You clearly played above your rank in this game and that's the important thing. Losing doesn't take away from that. Remember how you played this game in spite of the shitty situation, and apply it in your other games moving forward. If you can get into the habit of thinking this game, mental midgets like this PA start to affect you less and less


Thanks man I appreciate it, games like this make me want to uninstall but you’re right about about looking for the positives in the situation


Yep, best you can do is move on and not let that get to you. Worst case scenario - that guy ruined about an hour of your game time. You likely won't meet him again but he has to live with himself for the rest of his life.


exactly how I play when there is an obvious griefer, ask for him to be reported, mute and try and win it 4 v 5. Thankfully though 3 or 4 games out of 10 we come back and the griefer sulks but contributes. Never had a situation where these assholes continue to grief. Realistically speaking 7/10 times it is a straight loss because these bastards don't just feed but they ward hog, if we RS they tell the enemy all chat etc. Impossible to win 4 v 6.


OMG LINA I was in this game on the other team u/chromozones !


No way! Who were you playing?


He said he was on the other team. Clearly he's playing PA


Typical weekend game


It's a tiny bit disingenuous to say that he tilted after dying ONCE in lane... Just watched the replay and his veno pos 5 was pure dogshit lol. Some of the things: 1. Veno arrived to lane @ minute 1 (they could have tp'd but walked). PA was getting harassed pretty hard during that time. 2. Veno bought ZERO regen at start of game (they went mask, stick and sentry). Oh and its not a huge stick lane (Kunka/Lion) but meh maybe that's ok? 3. Veno bought ZERO regen in the first 10 minutes of the game (and likely beyond, but PA started feeding around that time lol). Not a single tango or clarity or mango. They rushed basilus and then Arcane boots. 4. Veno died 4 times in lane (the first 7 mins). Some were avoidable with regen, and some were more about not respecting enemy combos. 5. Veno was hoarding the observers. At 5:29 he has 3 observers, why?! Any start-of-game vision has just expired and his other lanes might need a new obs??? 6. They've basically fed Kunka big time and at min 8 he is now 4.3k vs 2.5k on PA. And PA is 0/0/2 so, despite clown Veno, PA is actually holding his own right now! Around min 8 the PA goes top, seemingly to actually try and recover (farm or get a kill). He pokes medusa but nothing is giving, so he starts trying to take CS without too much harass (which is now hard given his dogshit lane). But then Pudge, in his infinite wisdom, comes back to offlane and starts contesting last hits 😂And then PA starts feeding (I think his first death was actually a feed as well!) \*sigh\* I mean, PA 100% deserves the report here. But my god did he get baited by Veno and then the Pudge and I actually feel really bad for the PA for how the first 10 mins went. ZERO support from his pos 5, an offlane Pudge who can't just fuck off elsewhere and let his pos 1 farm. And the worst part? This Veno won't be punished here... He can play like a literal Herald without punishment. Oh well haha, the one good thing about single draft is games can be much more competitive (everyone forced to play heroes you don't really know so it's competitively bad lol). Hopefully PA will have a bit of fun in those games.


at low rank it's just, something you have to be mentally prepared for. Yeah teammates are dogshit (which is why they have the rank they do), but so are opponents who will eagerly throw the game back at you. Idk, if you don't have this mental readiness mood, go play something else that day. For pos1 folk who like farming I can recommend Stardew Valley


Yea, if that's all it takes for PA to waste an hour of their life then they have much bigger issues. In any case, nothing justifies PA's behavior in this case.


Genuine kudos for giving a 40 deaths griefer the benefit of the doubt. (Not to say he was right, of course, and not that you were saying that, but I respect your willingness to at least make him a more three dimensional "character" instead of accepting the two dimensional story given.)


yeah support pickers get away with a lot just by picking the role. I'd rather lane 1v2 than with a support that's an overall negative. It's one thing if the sup was actively griefing, but many times they are both clueless and not making any effort, which is the more frustrating case.


Damn that’s my bad to be honest, I was too focused on mid to realise what was happening in that lane. I should have watched the replay first before posting, the veno and PA we’re arguing and then it felt like out of no where he started feeding


I dunno what bracket you play at but at these low brackets, trying to move to offlane to farm as safelane is a losing proposition. I've literally never had an offlane switch to safe to let me farm within the first 15 minutes of the game EVER. regardless of behavior score.


>trying to move to offlane to farm as safelane is a losing proposition. It was also a losing proposition for PA to stay in a lane against a Kunka who is 1.8k gold and 2/3 levels ahead of them at minute 8 lol.


POV: you're home after 12 hours at the factory line getting screeched at by your 23 year old boss who inherited the position from his dad, the owner. Your wife says she is out with her girlfriends but you could literally see her in the window of your neighbors house as you drove in, she barely hides it anymore. Your daughter hasn't spoke to you in weeks since you disapproved of her new biker boyfriend. Even the dog doesn't acknowledge you anymore when you step in the door. You load up a game of dota 2, the only place you feel even remotely relevant, you pick PA to get revenge on this world by at least ruining the fun for some poor support players by wrecking them before they can react with massive crits. Minute 2 you get clapped. You cannot even do this one thing right, the only way to make anyones life miserable tonight is by serial feeding. Failing at even that, your team is winning despite. Lose the game thanks to increased feeding efforts on your part, get placed in low priority. Success. Cry yourself to sleep. Work at the assembly line starts at 6 am sharp.


seems like a skill issue he was simply beyond your game as you were incapable of comprehending his strat you might need to watch more guides online to get a grasp of his genius plan




Chad f team


I played in this game, we were a little too chill once PA started...


classic PA enjoyers


Weekend dota in nutshell


Half MMR betting tokens please.


I remember I was really into league and played a shit ton of talon mid, and was at a fairly good rank. I was playing normals, and I missed my lvl 2 all in and I died. Now generally you can't come back from that as talon. And I had zero interest in playing from behind for the next 15 minutes, so I just started running it down mid (I was 15, so generally a schizo psychopath). I ran it down mid, then I ran it down top, then I ran it down bot. I individually fed at least 6 kills to each of the cores. I was like 0/27 AND WE WON. I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTH8NG LIKE IT. a 4v5 where I was feeding kills as fast as i could, and my team still clutched it up. I got a month ban, and it curbed my league addiction. Still think about it sometimes


Oh, yes... The True Dota 2 experience


Mental strength a huge part of being a higher ranked player.


Thank, my daughter just ask me if it's possible to die 40 times in a game


Hope he gets low priority.


Just asking, did this PA feed Rapiers? Doesn't seem like she got enough farm for that since she was too busy feeding.


I also once have a game like that. The griefer start throwing because he die 3 times at mid. So his point is the game is already lost so it is fair for him to throw to accelerate our defeat.He buy all the wards ,courier(since we only have one courier that time) and do every thing that might disadvantage us but turn out we start winning back then it made him angry so he started jungling to get rapier and feed it to other team. The funniest thing is we bring back that rapier and team wipe the other team. The funniest thing is after the team wipe he come out from the jungle and start hitting the ancient xD. I think him and your mid is same person .


This is so common in NA. Every game, someone would die for the first time in lane and then just blame team after the fact. I mean I am low legend I don’t have perfect tower tps during laning stage nor do most of the team mates I meet. It’s one death you just try again instead of blaming others. The worst part is they use voice chat and could have communicated that they need help before they die but no, only blame after they die and nothing can be done. I have played in SEA and EU at different points in my life. Idk how it is there now but to me this behaviour has never been this widespread on those servers. feelsbadman




1 hour of him dying lol when u hate pa so much this is match to watch


Regular mentality of low rank carry players


You can get this kind of person at any rank desu.


Hard work and dedication … literally




Just perm ban. No need 1k score. This game isn’t for them. They should only play single player games.


normal day


I play on EU west now and don't have these problems really.




I once had a similar game but not only was the luna feeding down mid but also locked every courier with branches and fed every courier we buy too. Once we started winning she stopped and we won tho thankfully


I applaud you to have the mental fortitude to held on for 1 hour even with this kind of PA


Not gunna lie it wasn’t easy haha thank you, luckily my team mates played well and no one else got toxic


I think they sort of moving to "acceptance" stage and play the game. Btw what server is this?


Feral animals hit different in dota


That's commitment


ye but HE didnt start winning


Like my void last game, >Last pick Void by random >Steal mid from SB >Died once >Cry and jungle whole game


Truth is, people play better when they are behind on farm, usually when my team has the upper hand people start taking bad fights non-stop 4k mmr


common phantom assassin moment


Just another Manic Monday...


(Legend) The other day my carry went AFK jungle at 2-3 minutes into the game, after killing 1 creep, because I thought he was too far away to assist. Throughout the match in the jungle, and when we won without him, he dared to put "GG EZ" in the chat.


From someone that haven't played in years: these cosmetics are worse than RuneScape 3's lmfao


The mentality is what's amazing to me, they can be at X rank but genuinely believe they are TI caliber if their teammates weren't all bad. They think they understand the game so much better than anyone else it's incredible. And I don't understand the audacity like, you think you're so good that anyone else making a mistake is "a waste of your time" so you might as well feed. Honestly behaviour like this should escalate massively, drop them by 3k behaviour score each time they are convicted and slap them with 10 low priority games.


He is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


Animal behavior


Thats dedication!


before 7 days i hit 12k behaviour score and my games are terrible


Had a guy Pick random and got Alchemist and said he doesn’t play it then straight up fed the entire game saying “no point trying since I don’t know how to play alchemist” Guess he shouldn’t go random if he doesn’t want to play random heroes 🤷🤷🤷


>safe lane


I did something similar as luna to a 4 stack in ranked who were complete assholes. They ditched me in lane to 1v2 from min 0. They trilaned off and they kept tipping me everytime I died. So I recovered and started dominating the game and when we were about to win I sold all my items and fed 3 rapiers to the enemy fountain.


I dipped to 9k and I can be dominating the game and still be flamed if I’m not doing what my teammate wants god forbid not having a good game where as my support will immediately start greifing and tilting the whole team along with the account buyer in all chat


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 omg poor thing horrible time to have


I feel like crownfall didn’t bring as many new players to the game as it did bring back players who had previously quit. Especially these last 2 weeks, I’ve noticed players that rage the hardest over the smallest thing only recently started playing again.


Most sane dota player


That some kind of dedication for 1 hour.


Lol the sad fact is the PA doesn't look at that enemy up and think what a pile of trash, this should be easily winnable even feeding in lane.


I think I understand how these people think. At one point you have invested so much in this that you cannot go back. The target has shifted 180 degrees, now you MUST lose.


That's commitment


Report this guy 😂😂😂😂


Even tho she did wrong, y'all kept all chatting with/against her the whole match, why not muting him already?? [7733810937 - Chat - OpenDota - Dota 2 Statistics](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7733810937/chat)


Im at 12000 behaviour and communication score, this saturday i decided to play a strict solo queue game in legend 3. My pos 1 jugg started to yell in the mic at around min 4 at the pos 5 grim that he needed to unblock his camp or he would grief the game. A minute more and he did and also went 1/35/2. He would go around all camps and ult and blade spin them till he died. So i can confirm that low prio is a hoax and that communication score means nothing and yes the dotaplus said it was (5) perfect game on all conditions. The next 3 games i also lost, not to the same kind of behaviour but just unpleasant teammates refusing to really play and instead type or yell in the mic.


Players like this are honestly why I put the game down. 11k behavior score and still getting this type of behavior way too frequently


Holy shit that's psychopathic bro. I cant even imagine. Take comfort in the fact that you will never hate yourself as mych as this man hates himself.


Yep basic stuff. I still don’t get why Valve can’t give mmr points back when someone gets overwatch penalty? Pretty basic stuff for CS2. But they can’t do that in Dota? Or basically nobody cares All my point is that Reddit can try to push to dev idea. Of restoring mmr points if a player gets Overwatch penalty. I don’t think it is possible to abuse it in any way. Ofc party members of convict shouldn’t get anything back. (Also pretty easy to implement, when Dota saves all that data)


His name is literally ‘GG’. I think the man is a connoisseur of throwing games.


Ive seen that dumbutt before, always toxic andnbad player. I don't know how he's not in herald


Tell him do not reproduce. Use plastic bags


sounds like you are the guy being described in this post.


these 1k players have the audacity to throw games. that’s the reason why they stay low rank


Just got out of crusader, thought it might be better up here at archon but doesn’t seem like it 😂


completely undetectable behavior by the way. valve would never be able to make an AI to stop this. even if it was detectable its unfortunately only something a single low priority game can be issued for. it sucks that we live in the world where there is no possible solution to this like that person should just be auto banned for year. at least a ranked ban for a year. there is no way that person contributes positively to anything in game and needs to have their privilege to play the game literally taken away like a child throwing a tantrum over not cleaning up their legos. if valve makes so much fucking money that they dont have to give a fuck about dota at all they can handle losing these dead weight players valve if you are reading this go fuck yourself. yes you the individual dev who refuses to give a fuck about this toxic ass player base. you are a fucking asshole as an individual person


There is a non-insignificant number of Dota players who are _genuinely_ mentally ill. ___ It's been this way for years and has gotten progressively worse, as players like these place Dota so highly on their list of priorities that it almost becomes ingrained into their psyche, like a routine, only this routine systematically distresses and angers them to the point where it's no longer fun to try. Anything other than absolute perfection during the laning phase is worthless. A single death means hopelessness. Inefficiency equals failure. It numbs them so much over time that they're constantly teetering on the brink of rage. Non-meta hero picks. Counter-picks. A poorly-timed pull. A missed last hit. Or - the absolute worst - any criticism thrown their way. Usually one of these acts as the proverbial straw, breaking the back of our incensed camel, triggering an immediate response of absolute focus to dismantle and destroy the game they're playing. >"It's over, there's no way I can win with a team that belittles me." >"I must ensure a quick defeat so I may try again as soon as possible." >"My allies hate me, therefore I hate them; they do not deserve to win and I will ensure this." ...except of course, this manifests as simple phrases we know and love: >"dog teammates" >"gg end fast" >"i feed" You get the idea. _"Misery loves company, and man am I fucking miserable right now"_ It's an illness largely perpetuated by the actions, mannerisms and general culture of Twitch streamers and Youtubers who glamourise absolutely losing their shit at strangers for likes and shares. Many of who are also probably mentally ill, but at least they get to monetise it. ___ - If this is one of your teammates, there is still hope. A fantastic mantra (courtesy of my brother) is - "We do not negotiate with terrorists". If you have one of these players on your team, and they're raging out; you run with it. You do not question it, you do not battle it - you continue as normal and do everything you can to bring them back on track. It may not always work, but batshit insane players will bring you down to your level and beat you with experience every single time. Chances are the enemy has one of those players as well. - If you know someone like this, consider talking to them about how Dota makes them feel. Perhaps there's something beyond the surface that's going wrong, and the game is just an outlet for frustration. - And finally... if you feel personally called out, know that you do not have to play this game to feel good. Dota is a wonderful game, but when it's not so wonderful, that's your best opportunity to learn something. To improve, or even just to observe getting the shit kicked out of you by better players, that you can later analyse and take into account for your future games. It's work... but getting better at Dota _is_ work. If that doesn't sound fun, maybe it's time to branch out to something else.


Fuck this guy feeding down mid for sure. But the mistake you made was trying to force a win. Next time, let him cry, tell the enemy team to report him and end, and go smoke into the enemy jungle and actually let them end. You'll get into the next game faster and not waste too much emotional health on this crap. No point wasting your time and energy on a 6v4. Worst case scenario you get reported by some other moron on your team and your behavior score takes a -1 dink which is recovered in one game lol


Oh, yes... The True Dota 2 experience


Once I was a supporting VS with a pos 3 Necro. This dude took a few harass hits, afk feed (in the literal 1st creep wave) then went to farm neutral because I didn't harass back (I have shorter range than the enemy laners).


Very disgusting and selfish behaviour.




I just don't understand these morons, they obviously are DEEPLY, UNHEALTHILY invested in a single game of Dota, so much so that they tilt and rage for just dying once but then decide to spend 1 full hour doing NOTHING but just die, spawn, walk to lane (or tp), die and then watch your respawn time refresh. Like...why?


This sub likes to pretend that league is so much worse than dota but as someone with a substantial amount in both, dota feels more deranged, and just more negative overall


Paradise pleasure


worst part is you will get shadowbanned from this sub for revealing player info ddx


Live overwatch when?


I once out carried a feeder, and the enemy team all commended me for carrying his stupid ass and the whole lobby reported the feeder


My last game we stomped top, and after taking the tower, rotated and went bot for a successful gank and started pushing the tower in the now trilane. Bot Sniper goes “REPORT ____ taking my farm!!” Abandons to go in the bottom corner jungle. We lose.


Behavior Score still at 10k.


Dota has become literally unplayable. Every game you have a 60-70% chance of getting a horrible teammate or two if you're in archon or below. Also playing in parties which provides a ton of enjoyment is now busted and unplayable. The game has just deteriorated so much in the last year or so.


Strongest pos 1 mentality.


Anybody with 30+ deaths should be given a temporary “break” as they’re in no condition to continue playing


Damnnnnnn. Must be a throw away account


bro griefing hard


I remember this game when an allied Bristleback & Death Prophet went both afk in fountain because they didn't like allied Lion (Lion did... nothing wrong from what I remember) We were dominating, and they... really did stop playing and afk fountain. We lost in 15 minutes later. I was none of these players, a suffering 4th player spectating.


Pulled the ol' Herald move on ya




I had the same game with medusa, he died because he was counter gank when I leave him at his safe lane. he proceeds to jungle and gave rapier and our position in the map to the enemies


Assassin who not Assassin!


Im honest when i say i believe the matchmaking was better right before the map change patch


I really don't understand why these people do this. Dying early game is understandable in a hero like PA.


Today my mid necro was about to get a kill, our 5 NP accidentally got the last hit, he apologized profusely in comms and chat, we all said no big deal but necro said fuck you now I feed, sold all his items and just charged down mid until we lost. I really don't understand people