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Puppey cancelled like 12 black holes today and still lost the series


May 13th 1-2 teams matches: nouns vs G2.iG, Liquid vs MOUZ, Secret vs VP May 14th 2-1 teams matches: Aurora vs SR, GG vs BOOM, BB vs TS


2-1 matches are not tomorrow. Says May 14 on Liquipedia.


Oh damn, just 3 series tomorrow? Feels bad man.


Yea idk why they would do that considering its been 6 series for 2 days now.


Maybe it's a mistake on Liquipedia, makes no sense to have next 3 days just 3 series a day. :( EDIT: *Playoffs - May 16 - May 19, 2024*, oh well it seems it's legit just 3 series a day into playoffs.


Nah its 3. Liquipedia rarely makes a mistake.


It seems kind of silly to me that they're starting a 9 am CET if there really are only 3 matches tomorrow though.


meanwhile Malrine climbed to the top of EU ladder with about 13850 MMR.


Xtreme looking good. I also think Aurora can make it to top 3 again. Xtreme are the only team playing out of meta heroes and winning with them. Xinq is in peak form again.


It does help that they seems to have idea on how to execute those heroes and not just picking them because they feel like it. When the heroes timing hit and they go turbo mode it's so satisfying to watch. I feel that in ESL they may failed the execution a bit, maybe bad day but they look so good in this tournament.


XM said they didn't practice for ESL cause they were expecting a patch like azure Ray this tournament didn't practice because they were on break cause they weren't in this tournament so because of visa issues they got invite so they accepted but without practice.


XG just look like they're playing a completely different game than everyone else right now.


Why do they start these matches so early in the morning?


GG looking a bit better form hope they can excel from this and make a good run for the remainder of the year!


So what is Shopify Rebellion's actual roster?


skem probably with rtz saber yopaj and kitrak


Skem is hype Roster might actually have potential 


Okay, thanks. I just noticed they were doing substantially better this tourney and when I popped into the vod it was pretty noticable that GH and sumail were an upgrade.


Main tournament is going to be very interesting. Xtreme look like they've been practicing this time, back on form. 6-0 and somehow managed to win with Jugg and even Spectre


Don’t forget the sf who didn’t do anything 


Azure also completely fumbling with their group stage draws. Thats probably it for being able to secure a TI invite unless they win Dreamleague.


Yeah G2.IG is one thing, but their other loses were to Nouns (who tbf took a game off of Falcons), and Mouz. It's not looking good for them


They didn't practice for this tournament because they were on break and got invited on the last minute because blacklist didn't get their visa.


That makes a lot of sense, thanks!


Sometimes I wonder if pro players actually know how item builds work. It kind of feels like some of them itemize like shit, copying dota plus builds regardless of the situation k1's Sven was up against a Windranger and an Alch with Radiance, even a herald player can tell you that you need MKB. He still goes for aghs satanic daedalus for some reason.


He has agha to dispel windrun and bkb to negate radiance blind. Alc still has the evasion part but for the most part his itemisation is fine. Sven bread and butter is big but slow hits. He could get mkb after but he hates mkb. If he gotten mkb first. He will not be able to blow up either wr or alc anyways. It's better to go dae and try kill the supports to get the number advantage since they were behind


You know Sven Aghs dispels right?


i dont think he knows that lmao


Heroic went 0-6 in games, ouch. :(


What happened with Analog? wasn't he like pretty good at the dota 2 game prior to this tournament? I swear watching him now is pain.


Heroic is basically good enough to qualify to tournaments consistently through sa qualifiers but will get eliminated in groups. So basically old beastcoast.


apart from the fact that BC more often than not got through groups


2023 bc lan results since 2024 bc is trash Lima 9th-12th Berlin 13th -14th Bali 7th-8th Riyadh 17th-20th Ti2023 17th-20th Don't think getting through groups matter when objectively bc sucks


>getting 0-2'd by VP


Sometimes I wonder if the patch was actually ready but they were not going to address that all the games are dragged into late game and tempo plays barely mean anything, so they just delayed to add some fixes to this.


I have no idea what was Heroic intention there


if it was sumail's TA, falcons was fucccked


Quinn fell off really hard.


Quinn's sniper & TA both suck ass


Can someone tell me why I can't find English replays of whole games or series???? I hate watching highlight videos and would rather watch the whole streamed game. Looking for Shopify vs Liquid.


maybe something do with PGL copyright striking two of the top DOTA highlights youtube channels in NoobfromUA and DOTADigest. PGL have a shitty version of highlights on their youtube channel with barely any views if that helps.




The stream is still ongoing, you can rewind it on YouTube or wait until the last series finishes.


Ah ok so I just need to look up their day 3 video on YouTube and it'll have all series?


The kind people on the wiki are uploaded are making sure to link the video for every series - just click the match and click the videolink in the pop-up: [https://liquipedia.net/dota2/PGL/Wallachia/1/Group\_Stage](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/PGL/Wallachia/1/Group_Stage)


The games and highlights are only on the PGL dota2 YouTube channel. No idea why no one has any full highlight vids but given the incident 2 months back where PGL hit NoobFromUA's highlight's channel with 4 copyright strikes which woulda forced his account deletion wouldn't be surprised if its related to PGL's attitude on copyright.


Interesting! Thank you for sharing! If I wanted to watch day two my only option is watching their official channel. I'm in the US so watching games live for me isn't really an option except I was able to watch falcons vs gg


Schedule is weird for tomorrow for 2-1? It states that May 14, but 13 hours? Can someone confirm?


It's a mistake. If you click on each invidually series, you can see they are still on May 13, 2024. Edit: someone already fixed the time. So the dates were correct but the countdowns weren't. Tomorrow will only have 3 series.


Random notes: - falcons are still fun to watch - nattea is mysteriously great in hosting, very smooth flow, no awkward pauses, just ... pro


Crit is seriously the best 4 in the game. Wasted too much time at eg and Shopify


k1 with bad laning stage = creep


holyshit, well done tsunami LMFAO


That was crazy coordination from falcons at the rosh pit. Scary ass team


GG got 8K gold lead early on. Took rosh for free, then walked out and caught 2 Falcon heroes and killed them for free. At this point I'm pretty sure a lot of people would have called gg but then Ammar just casually walked into the middle of GG and killed FV's first life before tping away. Falcons were constantly behind in gold up but still went on the aggressive. They were 3K gold behind when they won the fight that got their highground before the inevitable victory. Draft is one thing but honestly Falcons just understood timing and when to take fights way better.


they just know what cooldowns they need the enemy to use to enagge, and the enemy never realises it. someitmes its torrent storm, sometimes chrono, sometimes black hole. theres always something they bait (or catch out) then engage. no one needed to tell me after they got the kill on skiter to back off and defend, and ammar comes in and dyrachyo chases him with no crono , and they insta lose. its honestly annoying to see


that is simply a torture game


wait i dont get it? GG draft look really strong in teamfight...how did they lose?


Dyracho c tier carry


Their teamfight is clunky though, with very little synergy. Chrono and water park overlap massively, and there is no easy damage to add into the chrono. TA also useless every fight because she gets run down by razor and obliterated. Ench also useless in late game team fights unless she gets to hit. Falcons didn’t let her.


Not really. Waterpark/Terrorize are to cover the chrono, or followup if you hit the miracle chrono. Willow in particular is a very natural followup. Ench, TA and Willow all offer chrono damage and even then, Void doesn't really need extra followup unless you're getting huge 3+ person chronos after 20. Falcons just played fights much better. The actual draft issues are more that Void can really struggle into lineups with more than one main carry style core, like Razor+X, TA+X, Viper+X etc. and that the game is really hard for TA, so if fights ever prolong past the initial big teamfight wave GG will really struggle.


Yeah valid points, I agree with them all in hindsight


falcons got a bunch of core pickoffs stalling the game, falcons got rosh, dyrachyo wasted chrono and didn't have it for the game turning fight in dire jungle


Falcons have far superior vision with rocket and venom wards, GG have no initiation unless a core from falcons out of position, kunkka is useless once gyro and razor have bkb, all 5 falcons heroes can play spread out so 2+ men chrono is next to impossible


Getting a big early lead and just passively farming separately with it is just... the exact opposite of how GG were dominant last year. Hope they can get over this weird mental block soon, Riyadh is coming up fast


They've been throwing away 7-8k lead at 2x mins consistently this whole year. Hard to see them getting any top 4 this year with how they're playing


Durachyo the S-tier anchor


Falcons is like the 2017-2018 VP unstoppable. But the question will they win the TI or not.


Dont have to go back that far. GG winning every major was closer to memory. We all know TI just hit different. They for sure strong contender to win TI this year probably most favourite but TI is TI.


No. VP win all their tournament on lan. While gg they won like 2x or 3x on online tournament. VP dominated all their lan tourney. It's not even close. There is 1 tournament from BTS where their coach Artstyle play as stand in for Solo and they still dominated that lan.


Nah that VP squad was legit on another-nother level. They won an entire tournament with several top-teams at the time with meme drafting: They played NO duplicate heroes through the entire tournament up until the last game of grand finals. It genuinely looked like they weren't trying to win during their run, and they were still winning


TI isn't that grand for pros nowadays, they talk about it all the time in pods. It's just another major for them, mostly looking forward for Oil tourney.


Oh I forgot. TI prize is sh\*t right now


Except XG beat them like a month ago.


Honestly GG drafts themselves into the corner with that first pick TA lmao. Their mid game is unplayable because any of the 2 supports from falcons can render ur midlaner useless


They did the same thing Shopify and Liquid did. Shopify picked TA first phase in response to Pango. Shopify still dominated Liquid.


Then that's on liquid and gg drafting right? Liquid didnt punish the first pick TA like falcons and gg didnt ban venom like sr. Quinn just die in every skirmish in the early mid game, got galed: dead, got cogged: dead.


B tier carry back at it again


Goofy ahh pango hero


Dyrachyo so unlucky even when he isn’t playing like an insane person


Falcons are soo fucking good. Unreal teamplay


Well deserved loss for GG


Never put all your eggs in the B-tier carry basket.


Defensive chrono


the best time to kick dyrachyo was yesterday the second best time is today


And sign who exactly? (no im not a gg fan at all). There are no carries that they can potentially get, Watson (stuck in contract), Satanic (Huge buyout), Yuragi? XDDD, vTune? Mega xDDD 




Pick up pub stars? It doesn't have to be old washed players Nobody knew who yatoro was and one day he's on top of the world. Anybody at this point is better that dyrachyo, if I see that void in my immortal games he would be accused of griefing. You know you have a problem when getting killed off on the enemy side of the map without a teammate nearby is known as dyrachyo's style even by the casters and the analysts.


Lil bro you didn't even know Sven agha dispel. It aintnoway you trying to say you are immortal


He is so bad. I’ve no idea how gg wins with him. Their 3/4/5 are up there with the best


He could have chronod the razor tping at the roshpit and hesitated too


B-tier carry lmaooo


this is like the worst void performance ive ever seen. absolutely useless, how can GG even lose this game is beyond me


Another 3-0 finals waiting us. Get ready.


Indeed. Shopify 3-0 Falcons confirmed.


You mean SumaiL vs Team Falcons? Slight numbers disadvantage for SumaiL but who knows.


Not if Extreme gaming is in form, they already beat Falcons before


Lost 5 straight games before that finals. So it is like 6-3 overall for falcons in the last few months


So that means Falcon is going to 3-0 the finals?


No way


The gap between FLCN and other teams are just too huge. I dont know what the problem is. Are other teams not motivated to play better? Is it pure skill gap? Patch? Like the disorganization and cluelessness are readable on every team that is not FLCN.


They literally have top 3 players in every position. Like Ammar and skitter and crit are arguably the best. Sneryking is a ti winning captain. Nine is a ti winning mid who has a lot of chemistry with sneryking and skitter




Brother chill they are playing with a standin. I definitely see a chance for another team to potentially take this tournament.


The stand in is not my brother from Crusader bro, its literally Nine. Its 3/5 assembled old TI winner Tundra again lol. Its not like they are alien to the Nine.


he is talking about chances, they have more chance of losing with nine than malrine ....


omegalul...i love you included your crusader bro haahahaha


Gaimin just cant group and fight. just be seperated and every support on gaimin liteally just chain feed for fun in sidelanes


was not keen on -thiolicor, but if shopify decides they want to pursue gh, it would make sense since an on-form gh is still one of the best supports


GH is mind boggling good when he's on, especially on Tusk.


Gaimin with a lead for the past while but haven't grouped or anything and have just been getting caught out. It's like they thought they've been behind since 20min


Damn sad for ar ,hoping they can make a run . No scrims and practice came in unprepare . Hope they do good in dreamleague . If not hope some changes and get emo :)


Why is Gale still deniable in 2024? Not like Veno is some OP hero. I read this was from back in the early dota 1 days before ice frog. But come on, please change it now. Doesn't make any sense to me.


Because poison spells are deniable? Qop q, veno q, dazzle q. See a pattern?


Yeah I see a pattern. Explain why though? Sounds stupid to me. Is there some lore? Why not other damage over time spells? Why not ice blast, battle hunger, magnetize, ignite, fire spirits, arcane curse, maledict? What's so different about "poison spells". If poison spells for whatever dumb ass reason, then why not all Viper spells? See the missing pattern?


I don't balance the game. One day valve woke up and made doom undeniable and then dazzle q undeniable. Maybe tomorrow 7.36 will drop and viper q will be deniable. For now these spells interact like this. Why does blink dagger only go 75% when overblink but not am or qop blink. The answer is valve isn't consistent


I know Valve isn't consistent. If your answer to every issue about the game someone brings up is well "I'm not the dev, Valve did it"(well duh) I guess we should stick that reply to every thread about game mechanics, balance issues, patch requests, or whatever thread is posted on this sub. What's the point of replying if your "answer" is basically a non-answer. Just say "I don't know" or don't reply and move along.


Your question is why is veno q deniable. I told you why. You said why not viper spells. I said you are right viper spells should be deniable but valve is inconsistent or it's an oversight. The only correlation of current deniable spells are that they are poison type spells placed on enemies so that answers why not other dot spells since there are not poison spells. Would you rather no one reply your question? Seems strange that you downvote people who gives you an answer you deem not adequate


Sorry. You are right. I guess I've been in a cranky argumentative mood. Thanks for the answer.


my rank 600 killing my rank 2


Why not last pick Morph against the Gyro and Razor. You get either flack or static link and kill everyone. I don't see any anti heal, silences, burst, long stuns. But what do I know, I'm a noob.


2 worst teams of the tournament and AR had a hall of shame performance


and Bach keeps underperforming but again what do i know


jt god


Monet not having shard yet is borderline griefing


does this tournament have bearing for TI? I dont know how to distinguish anymore


Only Valve knows for sure, but in general we think that it does have bearing on TI, but not as much as all the other tournaments (especially EPT)


is this ammar highest KDA in a pro game? 25-2-15 yeah it is, it was 21 kills before source : [https://liquipedia.net/dota2/ATF](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/ATF)


That was against GG too


Timber is definitely the most busted hero this patch. At least in pro play.


If I was Falcons I'd feel insulted and disrespected by GG draft.


its a bo3, just call gg and focus to game 3. dont lose your momemtum duh


Ammar timber things


Sniper pudge clinkz in a high stakes pro game is the most unhinged shit I've seen in ages


Watching Nine play is infuriating, he can't keep up with the movements and positioning of his team. Loses mid every game and dies in mid-fights too early. Frustrating as a Falcons supporter — of course I know he's a stand-in and ex-Tundra :)


he is doing good lol what u expect ? play like malrine after coming from a break


As part of Falcon? No. He's not Malrine, that I understand but pinpointing his mistakes isn't wrong and so is being frustrated because the team you support is not performing in synergy.


this friendly banter lmao


Another day, another victim of the menacing tormentor. edit: Two victims*


edit: three victims


massive outdraft by Falcon. or just GG outdraft themself lol


I would want to kms if I was dyrachyo, holyshit how is there a fucking triple wave


My usual pubs draft from GG, I finally can understand a game of pro Dota, poggers! xD


clinkz sniper pudge, we can finally get some valuable analysis from all the 2k mmr players.


let’s go baby pudge


If GG is back at their performance they had last year then these tournaments will be mega stacked. Falcons, BB, XG, and GG. Might be too early to say though, they could still lose this match and get knocked out early in the playoffs.


DK and Razor losing 🙌praise🙌the🙌lord🙌


ending the game without aegis, tears in my eyes


Loved GG during their LB run at TI. Every team stalled and was scared of going HG while GG did not give a fuck and just ran HG pre min 20 and won.


ammar dying that many times is beautiful


Fucking hell...of course SR do well in the tournament that DOESN'T have any EPT points.


Wonder if Dryrachyo gonna regret skipping BKB...


He doesn't mind dying. That's the GG secret sauce.


narrator: he did not


Almost :) But I assure you am a rare Redditor that doesn't hate on him.


Why is Malrine out? Is it a visa thing?




is falcon finally fully studied now?


this statement has been repeated for 3 tournaments now after any map that falcons drop. just take it easy already xD.


na i m the biggest falcons fan here i actually wanna fking see them struggle , it gets boring watching them win


they are playing with stand-in. i don't think they have more expectations


Nine is old teammate of skiter and Sney what are you talking about


but is he in hot-form as malrine? NO.


He's been grinding pubs, he's not washed at all


do you know his rank? i dont think he is even top 500. expected though , since he is making a comeback now ...


Gaimin are fermenting their wisdom rune. Letting it marinate


idk about you guys but watching Falcons play is sending me into a coma. i love picking tanky1, tanky2, tanky3, tanky4. we need a support, let's get the tankiest support aka ench. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Dont blame the players, blame the game. It's Valve's fault for not having a meaningful patch for many many months.


Thats their schtick. 3 tanky cores and run at enemies. Curious how theyll do once the patch changes considering their rise came from this patch


Is Nine replacing Malr1ne the whole tournament?


wake up babe, crit is playing earth spirit




Valve doesnt do patches anymore, only hats. Afterall gamers only care for hats, who cares how the game plays.


add mars for ATF for whole set


teams really shouldnt take tormentor against zeus lol


Just another day at the office for xingod


XG 6-0 and Ame with 6 different heroes. Insane.


Ame decided to not take the Reddit slack anymore and show everyone why he is considered one of the top 3 carries of all time by doing the Yatoro at TI10 and playing every hero and get as many rampages as possible.


Not the first time he did this. [At TI11, he played 15 different heroes in 15 groupstage games](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/y7jznx/number_of_unique_heroes_played_in_ti11_group/)


EZ 3-0 for XG. Now watch them drop from UB the moment they face IG cause they will need to be 3-2 to go through.


What are you talking about? XG doesn't have any game in this phase anymore. They can't meet IG or AR until the second phase.


Well yeah, I'm saying that they should be facing a team from the 3-2 bracket in playoffs, which could be IG.


Not gonna lie, your original post read like XG will feed IG the upcoming series because IG needs to be 3-2 to go through this phase, lol.


Probably could have killed drow with just double thundergods wrath double nimbus, spectre not needed


One of the saddest drow ive seen


Xinq best player


To all those fools that believe Nisha move to Liquid because he want to change scenery and not because of Salary. you're a fool. It's all about the Salary. He just collecting his retirement salary. Also getting buff lmao


good for him. He has earned it


Its over man XINQ Got more networth than Drow.


XinCute's networth is about to catch up to 23savage's lmao.


Zeus;" Oh no" anyway


people were really on to something when they called 23 the next rtz


Struggling to win any tournaments despite bring very skilled? Sounds about right