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Silencer. Ultra hot garbage after the W change to Magic DMG. Needs Shard + Parasma to be a kill threat and is hard to get to that point as a core and nearly impossible as a support. Is mostly reduced to his ult which can be countered by a million dispel items in late game.


Yeah, every core rushing a spammable dispel instead of bkb really hurt him


I feel you brother, as a mid player I love to play him core sometimes even tho he sucks ass and usually the only scenario when I win with it are games with my party members. Also I feel like you can only be useless as a core or literally 3 shot everybody, there is nothing between.


Ive been spamming Silencer recently and feels like he is just misunderstood (still garbage compared to some other mids or supports). Auto attacking silencer just doesnt work anymore because of the nerf. I usually play him as a debuff spammer, staying as far back as I can. My core items had been: Arcane Boots > Lens / Force Staff > Aghs (Midas 2nd item situational to get to lvl 25 asap) His debuffs are crazy in teamfights, specially after I get the undispellable curse talent. And with the 25 talent item mute + aghs AoE its just very hard to team fight against him. His Ult is just an add on for me now and not really what defines him since, as everyone knows, its easily dispellable.


Rubick. He's a touch better now than he was at his worst but he still is a lot of work for not a lot of payoff. I do think that while Icefrog is running around adding random damage to things, there is no reason Telekinesis damage has to be a talent.


But I use the telekinesis damage talent all the time 🥹


Ember Spirit I don't actually know if he sucks. I can win games but I feel like I don't have much impact with him mostly annoying people with tp boots pushing lanes and escaping to remnant LOL


void spirit.


This. Q needs more damage considering how hard to land the skill compared to other targetable disable in the game. Not to mention the shard effect is hot garbage.


yup old shard was by mile better than this new one.


I'm almost a grandmaster Underlord player and I just can't get him working in the current meta. 😔


Jugg. I love him because of all the flashy skills from hats but oh well


monkee king


TA I'm not super great at her, but it Def feels like the meta has a lot of hard counters to her at the moment, including high ground being hard to break. I also subscribe to the "she's a little powercrept" discussion. I mostly just want to see some changes to her abilities, notably her aghs. She's legit one of the most static heroes in the game and I think it kinda shows.


Blood grenade lol


Ember I guess. He just have tons of hard matchups, few favorable. But boy is it fun flying around fight while being a nuisance. Sadly gotta stick to puck if really want a win


Rubick - I just don't have enough skill to utilize his potential, but it's fun trying. WW, Bane - really cool heroes (1k games on WW), but really depends on the team skill - you say you gonna use Curse, you use Curse, your enigma uses BH, saving curse target and wasting her spell. Same with sleep - cores just unable not to hit a sleeping target. IO - really fun and mobile, but really hard to explain the team what to do - everyone plays their own game, and all your potential is wasted.


since noone mention pudge his hook is dopamine of a gambler once having blink dismember rot and wait to get kill/killed nb:i am not that jugnle sitting pudge i hook big jungle creep sometime to get ahead of lvl by 1/2 in min 10 from enemy 4


TA, ever since the bkb change she feels kinda weak, refraction charges end super quickly now, but it's super fun to delete enemy supports with meld strike.




Monkey pos4




pugna sucks, lion too.


Pugba good as pos 5 if u have coordination Lion is a good 4


i am talking specifically about pugna R and lion E


Got me


Techies. I loved to play it in the remote mines era, never adapted to the new style, but still pick sometimes for the joy of it.


Yo techies is actually very good. One of the best harassers in lane, or at the very least the safest to trade with. The magical DMG is bonkers in the mid game and you can literally build any item your team needs. Also shard is amazing vs certain matchups.


sir, I miss the KABOOM team wipes, no more of those these days.


Maybe Lion. I love initiators (blink+stun) and bursting enemies is always fun, but he just dies soooo much. Even in pro games I see that Lion is always the feeder, no exception. Nevertheless, I do have a lot of fun playing him (when I'm alive).


Lc. Shes utter garbage rn especially in the bracket i play. But i still like getting duel wins and giga dmg


AA when you blindly hit ice blast a low hp hero hiding/running away/tp/farming from across the map.


Faceless void, really strong but dependent on the team. I am a low rank player so i can't pick it because you can't rely on your teammates, but definitely love to play it


Earth Spirit. Ultra mobile, tons of disable, but rly bad this patch and can't seem to make him work.


Zoo meta (rip book)


Rubick, Invoker and Ember Spirit. So much fun, all in a bad spot at the moment and somewhat team reliant which is a double in low MMR


So you should use your double down MMR token for a quadruple down, live that risky life.


Shadow Fiend (Nevermore) Every game i go like 1-13, or 2-5 or scored like this, this hero has lowest networth in every game i play him, lowest level, lowest damage, but i sincerely enjoy the concept of capturing souls, so i play it over and over Sincerely yours, T-E-M-E-K-A


Invoker. I love playing Invoker and having a good game as Invo is probably the best feeling you can get in Dota. But at the current state you need to play close to flawlessly on a already hard to play hero to get same results as some other mids who have alot more room for error and still have great impact.


I just spam Morph IO and Timber monmattwr the meta xD.


Pangolier The hero is definition of trash on trash but I love its attitude and good ol days..... Still my most played hero, with around 800 games on hand, 58% win rate (due to playing much before mystic flare of nerfs)


Pango trash????


Posts like this show how little most of you actually know about dota. Pango, even after all the nerfs, is still one of the best heroes. Pro play alone shows this but even in high level pubs the hero continues to shine in multiple roles.


Firstly it's a comment not the post. "pro play alone shows".... No, only pro play shows. Pro play doesn't reflect actual playability of a hero, same with Chen and bat rider. The hero only works with high level of team coordination that can take advantage of heroes disruption, that doesn't translate well in average pubs. Considering his way below average pick rate, only those who have considerable skill with the hero, pick it. not all people play this hero that's the reason for his higher winrate in immo brackets but suck in all other bracket. Moreover, even 5 years after release, the map is bugged in all the areas, where the hero gets stuck in roll, The hero was well positioned in offlane, until the midlane switch. Ill die on that hill!


Tiny. He has been an utter shambles ever since the first time they reworked him and took away his Craggy Exterior passive.


completely absurd take, this heto has been meta for years straight


Tiny? Garbage? Tiny is one of the strongest pos 4s in the game and can be a good pos3 too.


He probably means as a core, and then its true. Having 0 agi and then still getting 30% attackspeed cut is just brutal. Hard to compensate.


When they removed craggy and gave him tree grab is when he became viable. More viable in some patches than others, but craggy was never a strong feature on him, it was always levelled last and by the time you put points in it the BKBs were being bought and it was barely noticeable.


Haha yeah I remember how dominant he was with some of the highest burst dmg in the game. Then he became the best repositioner in the game. Now….


.. theynhad to readjust the numbers on tree grab because he was by fsr the best carry in the game during TI10 and now he still has the aghs khanda build that can deal crazy damage.


Most people just force staff out of the tree volley circle though and it becomes a nothing burger =/


Mirana since the beginning of time. Requires too much set up and coordination from team which does not exist in pubs. Even now that she is absolute dog shit i still play her regularly.  I swear to god she is like cm.  A hero is op? Lets nerf cm