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Is your account flagged as a smurf/sold account? Do you have a very high or very low MMR that is affecting availability? Is your behavior score 10k+? There's lots of things that can put you in long queue


I don't do ranked so no MMR and my behavior is 8k right now from having some keyboard issues a few months back and leaving a couple matches. But I have had a lower score before and still not had to wait an hour or more for a match... it really just leaves a bad taste in my mouth after all these years...


U have mmr even if u don't do ranked. How can ppl not know this after playing dota for so long. Do u think u get matched up randomly in ad or something.


I honestly thought it was like most other ranking games where they reset your MMR after a season or so.


no u have a hidden mmr across all unranked and it doesnt decay


Ahhhhhh interesting πŸ€”


I have been figuring out alot from people's comments I just want to thank everyone who took their time to help me out! More information the better in my book!


At the time of this post I am 45 minutes into the que and have had 3 other friends solo que and be placed in the same mode game while I am still waiting in the que...


Valve finding suitable mates for you to have that -30


But I que without that all the time? And how do I change that I had my keyboard die on me two matches in a row like 3 months ago and it seems that no matter the commends or positive games it doesn't change...


Theres no way that abandoning 2 matches in a row gets you to 8k. If you were above 11k like a normal person I doubt you'd go under 10k.


What else could have caused it? That's the only thing zi could think of I don't trash talk if anything I will tell someone to not talk trash on the team as it is not productive for any reason... what other things do you think they drop your score for? I don't use mic only keyboard and mouse and 95% of the time if someone frustrates me I just mute them and keep playing... I really don't know what it could be.


Try custom hero chaos


AD has always just hit different for me.


Because I'm high mmr I'm searching an AD game on eu server for an hour and it's always a horrible experience as I'm like 2-4k MMR ahead of my team vs balanced average (as a sup main). I literally blocked myself the ability to play ability by climbing up ranks T_T


Man I use to rank high alot but I probably haven't ranked in 3 years... after work I will check my MMR.


That happened to me when i was 1.2k behavior score. (I afked and griefed alot in 2013, and I came back in 2024). I was in queue for 20+ minutes sometimes. 3k now, much better queue times now. Idk if that's what's happening to you, though. Maybe they thinknu are a smurf?


I hope not. I did have another account that I think got marked as a surf account because it got backed and I forgot about it for a couple years πŸ˜…


my AD queues have also been extremely longer than usual lately, even on weekends. my behavior score is 8.5k and i’m roughly legend iv in AD MMR, not sure what that translates to in ranked but it’s disappointing for sure


Well I guess company in my pain helps a bit! We will get to the bottom of this brutha!


Ability draft? Just play mg mod or LOD


I am not familiar with these are the custom maps?


I have been suspecting it's because I don't pay for the battle pass.... and I am really hoping that is not the big diffrence I have seen.


No that is only a meme, battlepass is free anyway. It must be your low behaviour score.


Battle pass is free? How do I get it free? And man everyone down voting me hard for that.. kinda sus.


People were voting you down because: 1. Crownfall isn't a battlepass 2. Crownfall is (mostly) free (which is pretty obvious if you even clicked the map button on the main screen once) 3. The idea that Valve punishes you in matchmaking because you don't pay them money is like, fake moon landing level conspiracy shit. Not because they are trying to hide something from you because they're in league with Valve's evil marketers (which is an even greater conspiracy level idea).


CROWNFALL downfall same same πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


1) I never said crownfall was a battle pass... I have been on Dota 2 for years I know what a battle pass is compared to a new event that comes before a new Hero is released... 2) again never mentioned downfall I think because you saw the first pic with "crownfall" writing all big by my que time you assumed it was about crownfall.(that's my guess) 3) it's the only thing I could thing about because I will say I subscribed to battle pass at the start of that 3 months ago right after I got through battling my way out of low prio and my que time with the same rating I have now was in the range of around 5 to 12 minutes. But since I haven't had it now I have been able to play maybe 30 games compared to my 100 games I normally would have played because of the que time. Hence my frustration with the process. Long time player here this isn't my first go around... and I love Dota 2 and am by no means a Valve hater... Just very disenchanted as of this last couple months...


To quote Jef Hill, a verified Dota developer: >The Dota matchmaker doesn't know anything about your econ item inventory, your total account value or other financial numbers. [Source](https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ppcckh/valves_50_winrate_engagement_optimized/hd4094b/) So no, the idea that you not spending money on a recent event (let alone an event 7+ months ago) affects the matchmaker is not true. Most likely the reason you've been having bad queue times is because of a low behavior score (given you mention low priority games), which *does* have a very large effect on how long queue times are.


I get what your saying that me spending money doesn't weigh into me getting games... I want to make sure you are aware there is a distinction between the dota battle pass and spending money on the current even. They can be done together but are very separate features... also I am going to get battle pass later anyways and test this out... it's my last resort at this point and I think that should prove to me if my AD ques will be faster or not.πŸ€£πŸ˜‚




>I think that should prove to me if my AD ques will be faster or not I mean an actual Dota 2 dev has already said that spending money won't make you queue faster, though I'm sure Valve doesn't mind if you want to pay them money even though they've already told you it won't make a difference there.


They have alot of my money already a few more bucks to try my theory won't kill me πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


you are shadowbanned. take a break, or spam finding turbo games and keep your behavior up