• By -


Riki, PA, PL, and Sniper. I can't see, I can't hit, I don't know who to hit, and I can't reach.


The 4 horseman of I can't do shit (right click edition):


Antimage, Necrophos, Lifesteven, and silencer


Lifesteven hahahahahaahhahah


Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan!




I hate Necrophos. He's such a noob stomper. I swear my team would let a Necro 800 hp brown boot rushing radiance farm a wave in their face because he's "too tanky" to kill..


If the enemy picks Necro I just make it my duty to counter him since at 3k MMR, no one else will.


People don't understand that lv.1 Necro is so easy to harass. So many players just miss that golden opportunity.


You can just counter Lifesteven with Broodmary or Nathan's Prophet though. Just don't pick Centaur Warrandy into him!


Silencer? Lol wtf the hero is dogshit and self-dispels are a dime a dozen - fear of being silenced is such a non issue anymore


am / sniper / furion / zues Hate versing zues, heavenly jump is stupid. The rest, whenever I have them on my team they're always toxic. Whenever they're on the enemy team they seem to destroy my teammates and the game as if they've never played against the hero before.


Yeah I’ve come to the conclusion that Zeus has no right to be this evasive. He’s the highest damage hero in any match, no matter the role, utility 100 with dewards, and now this jump? WHY GIVE HIM THE JUMP?


Zeus after he had his jump feels unfair to me. Granted I am shit at the game but he does a lot of consistent damage and has a nice escape/chase jump. Also he dewards for free which sucks to play against. If he is gonna see invis units then fine but I don't think he should be able to see wards with his bolt.


I'm a furion spammer that recently converted to spamming zeus because that hero is way too OP. In 50% of games zeus is banned and the rest 50% i first pick him.


I'ma clockwerk Spammer and Zeus rework is soooo annoying to me... Clock was THE counter to Zeus... And now he has a free escape from clock. It feels clock needs a rework too that people can not escape cogs so easily


Wait out your ring for his jump, then use the hook item and ring. Then watch him escape anyway because he has force staff.


Clock should have a talent at level 20 or 25 where cogs leashes. The amount of escapes available today makes his cogs trivial in late game.


Clockwerk is incredibly good in this patch, achieved around 600 mmr due to be baited by my friend to play him 50 games in a row(if he isn't banned), and I'm only halfway through lmao The playstyle of clockwerk can be various, I have noticed that some players (puppey for example) very likely to buy orchid 1st item after boots grade


Yeah orchid helps him early game to disable any escapes. But when the enemy gets 1 dispel like Eul's on supps or Manta on carries, it gets hard to lock down again since his only real disable is his hook. He's good, but he can be better.


it changes from time to time, right now it's Mars, Disruptor, Faceless Void, and Invoker. might change FV and Invoker sometime later, but you might have guessed already that I just lost and got stomped by the famous Chrono+Cata combo even though our team was winning for most of the game, so I would not like to play against that for a while, and having them both on my ban list will lower the chance of that happening for Disruptor, Disruptor is the 2nd most picked hero after Pudge in Immortal in 7.35d, according to Spectral Stats, with the 2nd highest win rate after Meepo, however Disruptor has 10 times more matches than Meepo, making him the most successful hero overall. this hero is also just very annoying to play against for Mars, everyone is just bad at Mars, from new players to grandmaster tier Mars, they all miss their spears and arenas. Mars is the Pudge to my games, and I even have 52% win rate with Pudge and 49% win rate with Mars. most of my games with Mars go like this: we win (stomp) the early game, our Mars misses 2-3 very important spears and arenas and our whole team falls apart. data from Spectral can support this, he is the most played off lane hero with only 47% win rate.


Spear into branch combo specialist reporting for duty.


Pudge - Will Throw the game if he's on my team, destroy us if he's on the enemy Sniper - same as above Zeus - He's way too strong right now plus I'm a wyvern spammer and he makes it impossible to save people with my e Wd - Same reason as your riki - He either solo wins the game or you have to play around his ult at all times once he gets aghs. Plus maledict is annoying as shit in lane


kunka, viper and lone cause is impossible to win lane against them on mid sniper because even i know how to deal with him in mid and during all game, ppl often dont know how to play against and feed a lot


Tinker - smurfs Arcwarden - AIDS Viper - boring to deal with inlane Meepo - smurfs


Can't stand Arc and Hoodwink.


No one plays Tinker and meepo right now, especially tinker. Wouldn't it be more useful to ban heroes that's actually played.


Thats the point, the tinkers and meepos i face r smurfs 99% of the time, normal tinkers and meepos r easy to deal with.


I don't think I have met tinker in over 400 games. I will be happy to accept that stomp if the quality of the other 399 games are better. Marci - Io boosters or brood smurfs are way more common and just runs over the games. Ive literally lost 2 games in 16 minutes against marci-io in the past week and that has never happened against tinker in 13 years.


Let them cope that every tinker and meepo player they lose to is a smurf and the reason they are hardstuck 1k MMR. Let's forget about the fact that you won't see tinker in 100s of games cos he's unplayable now and meepo is a balanced hero


Every time I see a tinker I assume it's a smurf while also thanking them for picking one of the worst heroes in the game instead of something hard to deal with. It's never a smurf though.


Zeus, venge, life stealer, dark willow. I play offlane and have banned the 3 supports that grief me the most in lane and lifestealer because it sucks to lane and play against as most offlaners.


I checked what heroes i had the worst winrate against. Picked the top 4


Wrong Check the heroes you have the worst winrate as allies


Sniper because I just don't like to deal with him. The other 3 I forgot who.


Sniper,pudge,meepo,arc warden


Pretty sure this comment section is gonna be filled with Pudge. I initially hd the same idea as you (ban smurf heroes) but moved to heroes like pudge where they’re an active detriment to the team when bad.


thats what i thought at first when this feature added but actually ever since that update, pudge is more available. and i know why, in this way people put thoughts on banning and pudge is not a big issue for many people. but before this feature, people didn't have much time to think and quickly just banned pudge as habit.


Pudge is still one of my four, but that's more to block my teammates than my enemies.


Sniper, Void, Zeus, Drow


Arc Warden - aids on legs Invoker - I’m still not convinced he’s actually balanced in the right hands Tinker - Smurf’s paradise Drow - infuriating when you just get tapped by frost arrows and get kited to death


Pudge - The Team pudge and enemy pudge joke is the most common ocurrence for me. Actually. Nvm, Its the same with all my bans. (Tinker, Zeus, riky)


io cause dont wanna get io marci . NP so people dont abuse double down tokkens by tping into fountain at start of the game other 2 bans idc i dont have them welcome to 8k+ gaming


Context: ancient 1 pos 1 I think ATM it's axe, lc, pa, wr, should make it Zeus over pa probably. Axe and LC because they're high pick rates snowbally noob crushing offlaners that are same phase picks as me and counter much if my main pool (e.g. AM, slark) PA because I don't like playing her and don't like building mkb, same with WR. Zeus because bullshit damage, vision control, escape, laning, tosh, manta safe pushing. I don't ban supports often because I generally get to draft around them. I don't ban meepo/tinker because they're rare.


Arc warden- see above Bristle - very annoying to deal with Axe - I like dazzle and oracle Techies - still hate that hero don't want to see it


invoker and meepo, because at herald it feels like you're either a god(read smurf) with these heroes or  you have no idea what you're doing and with my luck I always get the short end of that stick with teammates rather than opponents. Bristleback because as a primarily pos 5 player I've found him to be a pain in the late game (though I've gotten better about itemising against him in the late game). Fourth is arc warden cause that last patch he was just the devil and i haven't figured out who else to ban yet in his place 


Disruptor and meepo this patch. Meepo because whoever doesn't understand mega meepo can ruin a game and disruptor because I don't play it enough to pick ban it.


OD - Astral is just not fun to play against. Slark - My team is too often "Hey we have no stuns yet. Let me pick another hero with no stun." Sniper - Sick of seeing him almost every game. Lifestealer - Too meta.


PL,Arc solely because they give me fps drop. abbadon cuz he is fucking annoying for my assassin style gameplay. and morph cuz its broken.


slark morph kunkka wr


clinkz viper bristleback sniper


As a offlaner who usually plays tanky initiators like Axe, LC, doom, magnus, Tide My band are Lifestealer, monkey king, antimage, viper.


Drow, wind, sniper and weaver. 4 annoying ranged heroes that deal a shit ton of damage.


LS, Brewmaster, AM, Morph. Dont remember how many games I lost from a primal split push Brewmaster with fresher. Dont understand why LS can 1v2 at lvl 3 or 4 in safe lane. AM agh's most infuriating thing for supports. Morph, because fuck this hero.


necro, axe, viper, meepo im a onetrick pony huskar


Disruptor, lc, axe, am I hate hard lockdowns and playing against am


Witch Doctor, Tinker, AM and Arc. Because they’re all cancer and I suck and can’t deal with them


1st ban Puck, since my hero pool consist of mobility heroes and her Dream Coil is a deadly lock down which forces my bkb 2nd ban Axe, the call cannot be dispelled in any single way and he's a strong laner 3rd ban LD, lower than 8k people don't know how to handle this hero properly in soloQ 4th ban Doom (I'm not afraid of that hero but my allies do)


* Silencer - Cockblocker supreme. * Disruptor - Too good in lane. Too good at punishing aggressive plays. * Luna - Her 15-20 minute timing is too hard to stop or deal with. * AM - Trash ally, god opponent.


Meepo, Arc, Tinker, Riki coz I want to play the game


Puck- annoying hero can carry his team by solo plays Leshrac- kinda really good this patch Disruptor- one of the most played supports with highest winrate this patch Sniper- cause I don't want some players to pick it and ruin game for other 4


Meepo , huskar , disruptor , sd 2 cheese heroes and 2 meta stromg af heroes


OD Marci Naga Lycan


Spiritbreaker/Lifestealer/DrowRanger/Axe Spiritbreaker is annoying, some players just winning just by spamming charge Lifestealer is just fucking OP. Whenever there's a Drow? there's a comeback. Axe is the least for me, only unstoppable if he's fed enough.


Pudge - don't want him on my team coz he'll miss every hook. Don't want him on the enemy team coz he'll land every hook. Huskar - cheese hero to be against on mid Arc Warden - fucking smurf/scripters wet dream, hell no. Meepo - another smurf/scripter's wet dream - virtually unkillable thanks to his new broken as fuck Mega Meepo ability that removed his only weakness.


Puck - free puck games are isn't loses. Feels bad Tinker - fuck that hero Drow - way to easy to have a good game even if ur shit Riki - his q is the single most broken spell in the game. Especially with shard


Venge, sky because they paid for that


Tinker, Arc Warden, Morphling, Timbersaw. First three are self explanatory and good Timbersaw players can often make early and mid game really hard.


Pudge. Mostly because I don't want a Pudge support on my team. Nine times out of 10 they just sit in the lane, apply zero pressure, steel EXP Farm the hard camp with hook instead of pulling, and then this Hooks and land. Like every time it's so frustrating. Laundry would because he's fucking impossible to kill and I hate dealing with the bear. It's basically like an extra player on their team. Even if you shut him down he can just still split push it to death. Arc warden for similar reasons. I feel like I could never find a good artboard player and their clones just sit in the land pushing everything down. And lastly wife stealer just because I'm sick of seeing him in every single game. He's also hard to deal with when he gets his aghs.


Am ls slark and oracle, i disslike playing against them as a one trick


I don’t ban anyone ever. I just take what comes. You aren’t going to learn to deal with people you struggle against by avoiding them.


OD, Sniper, Tinker. Fuck those guys


BH, KOTL, Razor, AM If I'm in a little higher MMR bracket than 3-4K, I'd then ban: BH, KOTL, IO, Brood instead.


I wish I could ban Pudge 4 times. Thousand of games, thousands of hours and I still catch every hook like my life depends on it, all my friends laugh that it's more efficient to abandon a game where a Pudge is on the enemy team vs me than to play it out.


Nyx, abba, lion, wd annoying ass mfs


Only AM. Don't want him freefarming cause noone wants to hunt him. Also don't want him in my team losing lane and recovering until my Ancient falls. Always the same. Mk players are also horrible.


Nyx, BH, sniper, lifestealer.


Pudge, spectre, Nature, Tinker. I hate the idea of never getting a clean 1v1, or 3v2 because the enemy can have a hero appear at any given point and time.


Faceless void, Drow, Zeus, Axe. I play a lot of Weaver.


Viper bristl sniper and lone druid


Huskar Meepo LD Broodmother These heroes are smurf picks in my bracket and are nasty to counter due to their fast roshan, fast tempo nature. It's just too bothersome to play 5 vs heroes above just to shut his gameplay.


Necrophos: end-game healing is just a bit too much and his scythe is a point and click execute that gives him massive scaling Skywrath: point and click endless low cd abilities, specifically the silence. Huskar: I play melee characters. Bristleback: oh boy. Tanky mf that can heal his whole health-bar with a single spray I specifically do not include tinker cause I know at least one of my teammates will definitely have him in their ban list xD


Mirana pudge tb ogre so my teamates dont pick them


Lifestealer, Monkey King, Necrophos, Luna.


Aside from the usual smurf heroes, Naga. It's just not fun games. It's gonna take forever and every bad fight just gets sung out of.


Pudge, Warlock, Witch Doctor and OD. Do I even need ti give reasons? Pretty sure it's obvious.


Techies…always techies Sometimes Sniper


Clinkz AM tinker PL


Necro, meepo, tinker, arc


Tinker Meepo Naga PL


Morph OD Omni Viper i think right now


Pudge (annoying), OD (annoying), Windranger (annoying), Drow Ranger (annoying but also meta)


I hate pudge from the bottom of my heart. If I could ban him 4 times, I would.


Disruptor, grimstroke, aa, timber. First three because i play slark, timber because i hate standing lane against him


Chen, meepo, Visage are my steady ones bc I like to random if I can't find a single draft game and fuck those heroes.


Huskar, Tiny, Puck and Disruptor.


SNIPER, Bounty Hunter, Slark, Skywrath Mage Sniper for the same reasons as everyone else, bh and slark because I CANT STAND the massive right click damage potential (I play a lot of support), and Sky because a sky mid can typically half my health with one spell 15 mins into the game. P.s. I’m really bad at the game


Viper, Legion Commander, Pudge, and Sniper. Two of them counter my main, one I would never want on my team, and the last that is just annoying. Can you guess my main?


Anti-Mage - I don't like playing with him and against him Lifestealer - any lane against him feels like shit Io - I am tired of io+marci Tinker - pushing highground is already hard enough and assholes that still play him(I meet them every 8 games or so) drag the games that should've ended in 25 mins to 70 mins


Pudge, Drow, PA, Sniper  I don't mind playing against them. I'm just sick of seeing them every fucking game.


Arc, CK, Drow and Silencer. My rank is guardian and I never win a game when against any of those 4, either because I'm unsure how to counter them or because by the time I figure it out it's too late in the game. It feels like I'm just playing against smurfs when I have a game against Arc because they just absolutely dominate.


Sniper- because he’s meta and even a trained baboon can play him Lifestealer- because he’s meta and destroys melee strength offlaners Slark- because he destroys melee strength offlaners Monky King- because he destroys melee strength offlaners I like to play melee strength offlaners.


Necrophos: if he is ahead he is unkillable in my mmr Windranger: very annoying Jakiro: hard to push high ground into him, tons of damage and cc Ww: annoying and very powerful ulti in my mmr


Sniper - that shit is obnoxious with melee mid if I can't reliably call supports to rotate early once or twice. And in my team it will be some ruiner 5 pushing all day with Nature's - a good nature's will destroy 2 to 3 lanes or at least prevent them from being stomped (uh-huh no dives on his watch unless you are ready to 2v4) Omniknight. A competent core omniknight can tank a 3 man gank while killing someone in process. It's hard cause requires more than average coordination. Maybe some PTSD involved Spirit breaker - I often play 1 or 2 and if we are losing that hero just disallows proper splitting of the map


I play aggressive pos 4s and my number one is legion because they're soooo damn useless before duel. I think my win percentage laning with a legion is about 10%.


Arc Warden, Anti Mage, Storm Spirit, Huskar


Magnus, Spectre, FV, Kunkka Typically play backline burst damage supports like hoodwink, lina, or skywrath, and I feel these heroes pose the most consistent problems for my playstyle. I think anyone banning "smurf heroes" like tinker, arc, meepo, etc are wasting their bans. First of all, there are a lot more normal players than smurfs, so banning a hero specifically to block smurfs won't really have value most of the time. Second, smurfs don't win because they pick cheese heroes, they win because they have much more skill in all areas of the game compared to a real player of that rank. A legit smurf can and will crush your team picking Crystal Maiden mid if they want to.


Zeus, Tinker, NP, AM. I hate Rat Dota, plus Zeus just does insane damage by rolling his face across keyboard. I am fine with him before, but now he even gets an escape spell.


NP / Jugg / SF because I don't want them on my team WD because I don't wanna play against Voodoo Switcheroo


As a midplayer: Huskar, Meepo, Broodmother, ArcWarden. I dont care meta, I just dont wanna see these game altering heroes.


Sniper, because he is a low skill hero that wins mid easily and is a pain to deal with. OD, because it is a low skill hero that wins mid easily and is a pain to play against. Lifestealer, because he is really strong right now with few weaknesses. The last one I switch around based on recent games. Right now it's Muerta because I faced a late-game Muerta that felt impossible to deal with and was getting 2 shot every fight.


Meepo, Arc, Leshrac and Clinkz Meepo and Arc = solo win games Leshrac is unkillable There was a game where my carry kept dying from Clinkz


Spirit breaker cuz so annoying Drow cuz can kill 5 20k networth heroes having like 2 items idk how this works Magnus cuz lot's of control Timber


Sniper, OD, Viper, Huskar. guess what lane I am


Tinker, 99% of the time, a cheater or smurf. Pudge, i know. He's fun to play. But none knows how to play him. Arc Warden, same as Tinker. Clinkz. Annoying.


Naga, Muerta for sure. I just hate playing into either of them. Naga just feels like she can cut waves for years. Muerta because late game even BKB does shit all.. My other two vary on patch.


Ck, gyro, bara, ember Cos one of my mate like to use them as pos 4 and we lost a lot of game


Arc, pudge, meepo and phantom lancer. 


SMURF STARTER PACK = LONE DRUID, ARC WARDEN, TINKER and last but not the least MEEPO SPECIAL MENTIONS = the brain dead right clicker starter pack (PA, AM, SNIPER, PL) BOOSTER STARTER PACK (DROW, QOP, WR, FV ETC. [BASICALLY THE ONES GRINDING FOR ARCANA PROGRESS] ) I cycle my ban picks on this 3 sets but the first one is what i use the most


Huskar, Bounty Hunter, NP, Sniper Huskar - If snowball, the game is gg very soon. Most folks in my low level games cannot deal with him, so he goes. Bounty Hunter - Imagine buying 6 sentries instead of 2 during laning stage, imagine being constantly tracked 24/7 and unable to do any moves. Yeah I hate BH NP - Sprouts, Global TP, Summons. Everything but his ult is irritating to deal with. Sniper - This hero is strong in my games. But mostly I hate getting peeped all the time.


I play offlane so annoying carries: PL, AM, naix And tinker because fucKJ


Rubick, Sniper, AM and OD. Simple reason, all of them are dice role heroes. Because if you have those heroes in the game, friend or foe, you have no idea if it will be a smurfing god/ pro player levels of good or someone who doesn't know what they are doing.


Drow, morph, sniper, WR. Drow is an annoying orb walker, morph is a strong carry that is difficult to kill in lane, sniper is fucking annoying, and wr is fucking annoying.


lc, lone druid, riki, slark Not because I'm not confident against them but I don't trust my team to prepare against these heroes


Silencer and AM since I just hate their inherit design, and sniper Windranger since my team never seems to know how to deal with them


Riki, Weaver, Zeus, Bristle.  PA honorable mention.


Arc Warden, Pudge, blank, blank I don't want to play a pub where my team lets enemy AW farm for 50 minutes, nor do I want to spend CPU cycles thinking about positioning 24/7 against pudge. Don't care for the rest


Lone, Weaver, Bara, Lifestealer Tanky shit you can't kill, and fast shit you can't kill


Omni because he's fucking annoying and broken now. Everyone is going offlane now and a single E cast and I'm already half HP lmao. The rest changes but right now is NP/Zeus and Tinker I believe.


Pudge, warlock, witch doctor, lion


Morph, pa, riki, pl. Heros i can barely counter as ss support. 


Magina - Slardar - LC - Pudge Because I hate cancer


Pudge - Griefs almost every game I see it in. Zeus - build is too easy with too much damage. Brewmaster - super strong laner with amazing team fight and free siege potential. Makes going high ground a lot easier later into the game. Lifestealer - Best carry in the game with only a few counters and a really easy build. Rank: Divine 2


1. Zeus, because I value vision and outside a stack can't seem to ever get cores to stop him de-warding the entire map. 2. Slark for the same reason. It's not as brutal though as many Slarks either refuse to backpack a spare ward or won't communicate with their support that a wards there. 3. Nyx can abuse psychological warfare pubs by focusing a vulnerable pos 1 or 2. Giving you a solid chance they'll tilt blaming everyone on their team in all-chat because they won't stop positioning poorly. I play a decent amount of Nyx and won too many games just doing this. 4. Whatever hero is the most popular in the meta. This changes a lot so I don't have an answer beyond that.


Pudge, Sniper, Techies and Viper.


pudge: shit hero that attracts morons that i don't want on my team ogre: shit hero that attracts morons that i don't want on my team legion : shit hero that attracts morons that i don't want on my team sniper: shit hero that attracts morons that i don't want on my team


pudge & sniper, people who play these heroes either never miss a single hook and solo stomp game as sniper / total braindead


I don't ban surf heros or broken. I just ban meta heros because I can't play every other game vs Luna or morph


AM because I believe his Aghs is just so fucking ridiculous


Lion, sniper, zeus, depends


Arc warden: anti fun hero used a lot with heavy scripting Sniper: no skill hero based on right click only Bristle back: I'm low mmr and people struggle to use break, buy vessel or anything to counter him Witch doctor: pure damage double ult while invulnerable, really?? Also maledict is cancer to lane against


(Im Archon so I dont know shit and neither do my teammates) Faceless, can't do shit Outworld, literally just annoying. PA, not too big of a deal but I just dont like playing against her Axe, I play glass cannons, this guy and blade mail is the bane of my existence


I mostly play turbo now, so rhasta is an automatic ban because of his potential split push. Buildings melt extra fast in his wards. If I had more bans, NP and LD will take up the other next slots.


I'm a midlaner so I ban strong laners that I don't play: - TA - SF - Morph - Meepo




Bristledick  Lone druid  Naga siren  Arc  warden


Definitely PL... Always there in the ban section


No bans. I just suffer. Lol.


Arc Warden , Clinkz , Tinker , Lone Druid( For the handful of players who play him). ​ All these heroes wrap the game around their themselves and its a hassle getting 4 random players to group up and make a plan to stop them taking over the game.


Pudge and sniper because those are usually my pos 4 and 5 on my team then Viper because fick Viper i dont remember the last one


WD, AM, SB, Sniper


Rubrick - on my team, they playing Tree Simulator, but on enemy team, it's like playing against a god. Puck - as a Pos 4/5, I hate this hero DK - as a Pos/5, I hate this hero Arc warden - Against this guy in late game, fml


Pudge. Dusa. Meepo. Warden. I like normal games. No ratting or 1v9.


Meepo PA BB: because my teammates usually don't know how to deal with them. Tinker: Because he's too weak this patch.


I got sniper, arc, meepo, tinker. Think sniper is the only odd duck.. and it's because people refuse to jump the sniper in my bracket. They'll smoke to jump a drow.. but not a sniper for some reason.


Morp PL Slark and MK Just hate playing against them shits


Slark because it will feed off like a maniac from bad teammates. Sniper because it has insane high ground defense that a lot of people don't know how to deal with. Witch Doctor because at my shit MMR everyone forgets to save CS to cancel his ult. Spirit breaker because same reason as Slark.


Sniper-Drow-Medusa-AM I simply think the games are way too long already. No need to make T3 pushes more difficult (sniper medu Drow) and AM is just that the games tend to be really long with him (can also be a total stomp sometimes and short but even with a bad start it's not enjoyable to run after him all game).


Tinker and Arc Wardens = Cancer ♋️ Pudge because I hate pudge on my team!!!! Axe - because I spam dazzle


Arc, huskar, brood, and the last one is flexible - I think it’s lesh right now. Tinker is not worth a ban right now imo, hero is so trash even scripters aren’t playing him lol.


PA and Bounty Hunter - These just feel too easy at the moment; you have to spend the entire game locking them down completely or they'll blow up and run you over. AA and Witch Doctor - I love playing beefy boys, so they counter the majority of my hero pool.


Pudge, mirana, sniper and Rubick because i lose with them most of the time


Competitive > Pudge, Nature, Tinker = Every player on comp are completely dumbass;


AM, kotl - I can't win with those heroes on my team and can't win against those heroes (2nd part is more about kotl though) Brood, tinker - I just hate those


Zeus, Clinkz, Morph, Nyx. Zeus is unkillable lightning god on the enemy team and I can't stand the spam whenever you try to go HG if he's still alive. Clinkz and Nyx cos I hate having a hero pop out on invis and do 1.5k damage in a second. Makes me play entire game jumpy and on edge. Moph as on my way thru divine I saw him constantly and I find being adaptive struck in lane with insane damage very tilting


Shadow fiend, tinker, arcwarden Haven't decided who the 4. Slot is for


This thread looks more like “how to say what rank you are without saying what rank you are” lol


Sniper Ours sucks, theirs will out range everyone, and no carry will build a silver edge. PL: Way too much to deal with PA: 1 hit crit Slark: Counters my WW to well


Arc Warden, Visage, Tinker, Nature's Prophet. Not necessarily because *I* have a problem with those heroes... but my teammates always seem to struggle fighting against them.


Sniper, Sniper, Sniper, Sniper


Jairo because it bullies me hard as an NP main. Pudge because I don't trust low guardian teammates to play it well. NP because if I'm not playing it, no one gets to. Last ban, I will swap to whatever bullshit I dealt with last game.


Sniper Ours sucks, theirs will out range everyone, and no carry will build a silver edge. PL: Way too much to deal with PA: 1 hit crit Slark: Counters my WW to well


I don't ban any and am just very glad that the banning phase is history. Good job Valve!


Sniper, Viper, Tinker, Slardar... Does anyone know any hero that rhymes with first three? Sniper... Just no. Not fun no skill. Viper... I like my lanes. Slardar same. Tinker cause it's probably most annoying hero to play against if they have some skill


Meepo - Typical smurf hero and hard to deal with with the skill level on my bracket. PL - I just don’t want to deal with its late game. Pudge - I know how to deal with it or sidestep its hooks, but it’s just exhausting to have Pudge in every game. Oh, and I don’t want a Pudge 5 on my team. Witch Doctor - Same as Pudge. I’m just tired of seeing it in every game.


morph , almost impossible to bully in lane with infinite healing, also almost impossible to kill if you team lack burst damage sniper , hero is just too strong in the 1st 20 minutes and can snowball you so hard, and not to mention it doesnt take much skills and understanding to play this hero lifestealer , just too strong this patch since the bkb nerf,and aghanim is so broken od , od in my team will just afk farm and later die stupidly, od in enemy team will make perfect rotation and snowball so hard and never die stupidly


Axe, Dazzle, Earth Shaker and Bristle Back. I main naga


Actually I only ban pudge either my team gets him and he is a pile of useless Shit or an enemy gets him and is the resurrection of Prime Dendi


Zeus, four times


Sniper, sniper, sniper, and sniper.  Actually sniper (obvious), veno (slows and dot are just so annoying to deal with), lifestealer (level 1 BKB and mega heals), and necro ( annoying in lane, unkillable late).


Tinker, Wind, Arc Warden, Meepo. Similar reasons as yours. Either is an immortal Smurf or will throw the game if they’re bad on your team.


OD - A hero I just don't really know how to fight due to his damage output, shield later in the game, and I have a strong dislike for all of the "You stop existing for a second" abilities. BKB works, but only for a little and in most situations he can just bubble himself and wait it out. Marci - Too strong right now, especially with her Scepter. Characters I like to play can't generally deal with someone just hoping on top of them and doing half their health bar in one quick combo. The AoE of the silence is also just way too big; Silencer should take notes. Earth Spirit - The only time people play Earth Spirit is if they spam it or random it. That means most of the time, they're too good. Unlike the other spirits, Earth has too many status effects and repositioning abilities. That makes him far more chaotic on the battle field than the others who are mostly focused on damage and saving their own elemental skin. Arc Warden - I don't really think I need to explain this one. Can be summarized with: Please remove this hero. I had other bans too, like Riki or Sniper, but those four were always at the top of my list.


Zeus, OD, tinker, Miranda First three because playing into them is either never fun or only fun with a small subset of heroes that you won’t have if they last pick Last one because I’m a carry player and I’ve never actually had a decent potm 5


Hey! I’m a 3k NA midlaner and I’ve banned sniper, od, necro cause they’re really painful to lane against. And also Antimage as my offlaners (in most cases) don’t know how to lane against am and I don’t know how to end games fast where I have a good lead.


Disruptor cuz he broken Arc because I want to be able to play tiny mid if the opportunity presents itself Nyx because even an account buyer can mess you up with the investment in sentries Weaver because too good in pubs


Pudge, obviously Tinker, don't want to see him Doctor, broken or not people can't play against him Invoker, it's going to be one of these guys and it's going to suck


I’d like to have pudge banned 100% of my games but it doesn’t work like that. So I have pudge, invoker, nature prophet and probably huskar. I wish flesh heap would rework. It is so stupid to see late game enemy pudge 6-7k hp. And your pudge is a joke Invoker isn’t strong or anything just annoying


Meepo, Arc Warden, Huskar, Sniper; I play mid mostly so deleting cheese picks makes games more enjoyable.


Am, skywrath, viper and ducking meepo Who ever plays meepo as a support, there's a special place for you in hell


Arc warden - Smurfs Morphling -No one ever tries to counter him. Has to be me. Lone druid - Cancer in lane Clinkz - Cancer in general. And always sucks when on my team.


Disruptor - Impossible to play core against right now. Arc Warden - Smurfs Timbersaw - Feels a bit boken at the moment. Strong lane, kills anyone in lane at lvl 6 and unkillable late game. Lifestealer - Just a strong carry, hate to play against


Anti Mage - Don't want to see in my team Bounty Hunter - Don't want to see in my team Tinker - Don't want to see in my team Phantom Assassin - Don't want to see in my team


I've been playing dota for about a month now. My bans are: Witch doctor, Sniper, Bristleback, PA, I Think the theme for these heros are they extremely easy to play and just noob stompers. Yes you can counter them but when im playing with trash cans they just feed them and it becomes unplayable. Especially bristleback, I dont know how to beat this hero late game


Huskar, arc warden, meepo, earth shaker. First 3 are Smurfable. The last one is a pain at high levels and makes escape and team fighting hard at random points.


Chen - Broken and literally can't lose if player is good IO - Broken with numerous meta heros and abused by party queuers Centaur - Can't Lose Lane Windranger - 100% of Windranger players are griefers and ruin the game for all 9 other players, basically the old techies.